Contact TracingStandard Operating Procedure

-285115-108921500Contact TracingStandard Operating ProcedureCOVID-19 ResponseDocument Version: 2.0Document ControlVersionDetailCreated ByDate1.0First draft producedANU 29/03/20202.0Content updated; wording revised for consistency; this SOP and another procedure document combined into one document.01/04/20202.1Content Updated; Mental Health and Interpreter services added 02/04/20202.2Content Updated; Clarification of processes; Included Interstate contact details and process03/04/20202.3Reviewed and edited13/04/2020Document ApprovalVersionNamePositionDate1.0Health Protection Service29/03/20202.0Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Contact Tracing Standard Operating Procedure PAGEREF _Toc36734648 \h 1COVID-19 Response PAGEREF _Toc36734649 \h 1Table of Contents PAGEREF _Toc36734650 \h 2Important Disclosure PAGEREF _Toc36734651 \h 3Contact Tracing summary PAGEREF _Toc36734652 \h 3Contact Tracing interview summary PAGEREF _Toc36734653 \h 6How to calculate the 14-day quarantine period PAGEREF _Toc36734654 \h 7Appendix 1: Pre/Post Interview Checklist PAGEREF _Toc36734655 \h 8Appendix 2: Interview Script PAGEREF _Toc36734656 \h 10Appendix 3: Email Templates PAGEREF _Toc36734657 \h 15Appendix4 Contacts PAGEREF _Toc36734658 \h 17Appendix 5: Sample Question and Answers PAGEREF _Toc36734659 \h 17Important DisclosurePrior to commencing work as a contact tracer Read through this document thoroughly and clarify anything that is not clear.Read the information on the official ACT Government COVID-19 website (here).Specific information on quarantine and isolation is found here.Additional official information on COVID-19 can be found on the Australian Government Department of Health website (here).Read the definitions and information provided in the most recent version of the Communicable Disease Network of Australia Series of National Guidelines for COVID19 (available here: CDNA COVID-19 SoNG).Prior to each shiftIt is your responsibility to:Ensure you are up to date with the information above, as it changes regularly.Check in with the Contact Tracing team leader to confirm today’s information and any changes that may have occurred since you last worked a shift.Sign inContact Tracing summaryWhy do we do contact tracing?In order to control the spread of COVID-19 in the Australian population, it is vital that we rapidly identify each case and mitigate their ability to spread the infection to others. We understand that cases have been able to transmit the infection to others up to 24 hours prior to them developing symptoms (i.e. the pre-symptomatic period). It is therefore very important we identify all individuals who have been in close contact with the positive index case with during the pre-symptomatic period and in the period since the index case developed symptoms. Once identified, we will require the close contacts to self-quarantine in their home to minimise contact with others and reduce the risk of further transmission in the ACT population.A close contact is defined as someone who was in contact with a person who has tested positive to COVID-19 in the following circumstances:15 minutes or more of face-to-face contact; or2 hours or more in a shared enclosed space.Your roleAt the beginning of each shift, the Contact Tracing team leader will be given a list of contacts provided by the case investigation team. Your role will be to call the contacts you are allocated following the script provided in this Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). You will be recording responses directly into the REDCap form you went through during your training.It is important people are provided with accurate information. Ensure you do not make up answers. Information can be found:ACT Government’s COVID-19 website hereAustralian Government Department of Health website hereIf the person you are interviewing asks a question you do not feel comfortable answering, please ask them to HOLD and seek advice and instruction from the team leader. Your work stationEnsure that you are sitting 1.5 metres away from others in your team. Please use the hand sanitiser provided regularly and ensure you wipe down the telephone, keyboard, mouse and desk with a sanitising wipe prior to commencing your shift and at the end of each shift. Your responsibilityPlease do not come to work if you are feeling ill. It is important that you take care of yourself and protect other members of the team. If you become unwell during the shift please immediately inform the team pletion of your shiftEnsure you have wiped down the telephone, keyboard, mouse and desk. Tidy the workspace. Collate the list of contacts you were unable to contact including their name, contact number, associated case number, time they were called and whether a message was left to call back. This list needs to be handed to the team leader prior to you leaving so the next shift can follow-up.Sign out and fill out your timesheet.right4572000 Image Source: Tracing interview summaryThe phone interviewPrior to commencing your first interview, ensure you have practiced the interview with family/friends using the script provided. This will ensure you sound confident and feel comfortable with the questions you will be asking. It also provides an opportunity for you to clarify any questions you are not sure of.In addition, always remain calm and empathetic during the call. This is a very stressful time for people and the requirement to self-quarantine may mean that people’s livelihoods are impacted.Useful tips during an interviewBe non-judgmentalAvoid leading the interviewee (Use open ended questions)Accurately record responses – if you are unsure then ask againGently re-direct people if they begin to get off trackBe reassuring and demonstrate empathyProbe if people are not providing enough informationConsider language issues and use an interpreter if required – this may be a family member who is present. If a family member is not present, try and confirm with the individual the language they speak and refer to your team leader for follow-up.Always ask if they have any questionsAlways thank the interviewee for their time and their contribution to assisting with containing the COVID-19 outbreak in the ACT.As mentioned above, it is important people are provided with accurate information. Ensure you do not make up answers. Information can be found:ACT Government’s COVID-19 website hereAustralian Government Department of Health website hereIf the person you are interviewing asks a question you do not feel comfortable answering, please ask them to HOLD and seek advice and instruction from the team leader.How to calculate the 14-day quarantine periodThe person is required to quarantine themselves for 14 days from the date of their last exposure (assuming they remain feeling well during this entire period and have not tested positive if they are tested for any reason).The date of their last exposure is counted as Day 0.Quarantine ends at 11:59pm on Day 14.The first day the person is allowed out of quarantine is Day 15.Useful tip: Use your computer calendar to calculate day 14. It is two weeks down from the date of last exposure. Two rows down and one date across to the right is the first date they can leave.Tip: The last date of quarantine should be documented on the ‘Master” list for each case to ensure consistent and correct information.918210795655003347085251460Date of last exposure020000Date of last exposure33661351207135First day allowed outside020000First day allowed outside7858134159260013849351288415334708519685Last day of quarantine & monitoring020000Last day of quarantine & monitoringAppendix 1: Pre/Post Interview ChecklistPre-InterviewPrepare your workstation with paper and pen for notetaking.Check with your team leader about the following:The latest case definitions and for any updates with respect to contact tracing.Any updates to the Interview Script (Appendix 2) that may not have been added to this SOP yet.Any updates to the standard email template ‘Information about quarantine’ (Appendix 3) that may not have been added to this SOP yet.Any updates to the Questions and Answers (Appendix 4) that may not have been added to this SOP yet.Login to the ACT Government network using your own log-in. Login to REDCap using your own log-in. Your team leader will assign to you the people to contact. This is to ensure there are not multiple contact tracers attempting to call the same person.Search for the person in REDCap to check they have not already had their details entered and/or they have already been contacted. If you find their name in REDCap and they have a REDCap form already filled in contact the Contact Tracing Team Leader.Prior to calling the person, record as much identifying information as you have been given in the REDCap form – you will need to confirm this when you are on the phone to the contact.Confirm the index case the person is linked to – find this in the dropdown list on REDCap. Your team leader will advise you the index case number and document it on the ‘Master’ sheet.If any contact or personal details have been provided to you, record this in the REDCap form.Select today’s date in the ‘Date of Call’ field.Enter your first and last names in the ‘Caller Name’ field.Ensure you have clearly written down details on how the close contact was defined – including place, date and time - meeting name if they were in a meeting, flight number and seat number if they were on a flight, bus company and trip details if exposure occurred on a bus, etc. You will need to have these details on hand for the interview.The Interview script is in Appendix 2; email templates are in Appendix 3; sample questions and answers are in Appendix 5.Post-InterviewOnce you have finished speaking with the personOnce interview is completed, ensure you have correctly entered all information that you have gathered.In the ‘Caller Notes’ field, note:the date and time you calledyour namea brief summary of the phone call (e.g. “_____ stated they felt well. Sent standard quarantine email.”) Press the ‘Save & Exit Form’ button.Review the pop-up box listing empty fields. If these fields should be empty (e.g. future monitoring dates, etc.), press the ‘Ignore and leave record’ button. If you need to correct anything, press the ‘Okay’ button to re-enter the form.Immediately email the person using the standard email ‘Information about quarantine’ (see Appendix 3 for text). If necessary, include any additional information pertinent to the person’s circumstances.Mark the person’s name off the contact tracing team’s master list so that everyone knows this person has been contacted, a REDCap form has been completed, and the person has received an email.If you are unable to contact the personIn the ‘Caller Notes’ field, note:the date and time you calledyour namewhat action you took (e.g. left a voicemail message, sent an email, etc.)Ensure you have correctly entered all information you have available. Press the ‘Save & Exit Form’ button and review the pop-up box listing empty fields.You will need to follow-up with the person later in the day or pass this information on to your team leader so the next shift can follow-up.Appendix 2: Interview ScriptPlease follow the script below during the contact tracing callIf there is no answerIf you are able to, leave the following voicemail message:“This is ________ from Communicable Disease Control at ACT Health. I am trying to contact ________. Can you please call me back as soon as possible on 5124?9213 Thank you.”If you are unable to leave a voicemail message and have been provided with an email address, email the person using the standard email ‘ACT Health: Contact regarding COVID19’ (Appendix 3).If the person answers the phone“Hi, this is ________ from Communicable Disease Control at ACT Health. Can I please speak with ________?”If the phone number you call is not the correct number for the person, it may be that it is the phone number of a friend or relative.Ask the person who answered if they know the person, and if yes, if they are able to provide you with their phone number.If the friend/relative does not feel comfortable doing so, ask them to pass on a message to the person to call 5124 9213 as soon as possible.If you also have an email address for the person, email the person using the standard email ‘ACT Health: contact regarding COVID19’ (Appendix 2).“Your name has been provided to us as we understand you may have been in recent close contact with a person who has tested positive to COVID-19. Can I confirm you were on/at _______ on date/time?”Explain that being a close contact means that they are required to quarantine for 14 days after their last exposure to the person who tested positive “… until 11:59pm on _________”.Confirm if contact is currently at home or out:If at home, continue with call. Explain that you need about 10 minutes of their time. If?this isn’t a good time for the person, establish when would be a suitable time to talk (ideally as soon as possible). Call the person back at that time.If out, explain that they need to go home now to call you back. As they are now required to be in quarantine, they need to go straight home and not stop on the way for groceries or anything else they may have been out to do. Give them a direct line to call back on if possible.Collect personal and contact details as per the REDCap form. Check any details already in REDCap and update if necessary.If the person does not have a mobile number, ask if there is someone in their household who does who wouldn’t mind receiving a daily text message on their behalf. If this is not an option for them, please discuss with the Contact Tracing Team Leader.If the person does not have an email address, explain that you will need to post them some information which they may not receive for 1-3 working days. Refer to your team leader after the call for instructions on how to post the information.When asking / verifying their address details, determine whether the person is able to remain there for the length of their quarantine period. If no, gather information on their specific circumstances and let them know that you will need to seek further information before you can advise them further. Advise them that you will call them back as soon as possible once you are done with the remainder of this call. Follow up with your team leader.Ask if the person is experiencing any of the following symptoms since exposure:Fever (> 38 degrees) or chillsCoughSore throatShortness of breathAsk if experiencing any other symptoms. If symptoms are possibly Covid-19 related, note them in their file. If they are experiencing symptoms, recommend to the person that they go for testing at their nearest testing facility. They must go straight to the facility and straight home (no detours or stops). They should receive their test results in 1-2 days.COVID-19 Testing FacilityDetailsPreferred optionWeston Creek Walk-in Centre24 Parkinson Street, WestonOpen 07:00 – 22:00Preferred optionEPIC drive-throughExhibition Park in Canberra, MitchellOpen 09:30 – 18:00Alternative option (Priority is for Health Care WorkersCanberra Hospital Respiratory Assessment CentreBuilding 3 (the old walk-in centre near the emergency department)Open 08:30 – 17:00If the person has already had testing, advise them of the wait time for public facilities (up to 4 days), or to contact their GP for their results. Ask the person to contact the given number to advise ACT Health of the results. Ensure test result is marked as “pending” on RedCap. Mark file as “unverified”.Ask if there was anyone else with them when they were exposed to the person who tested positive.This is very relevant for people who have been identified as a close contact on a flight, bus trip or flight. Sometimes the health department is only given the phone number of the person making the booking. Therefore, other potential contacts could be missed.A REDCap form will need to be completed for each person who was exposed to the person who tested positive and who meets the criteria for a close contact.Ensure you advise the team leader so the additional people can be added to the master list.Ask if they have been in contact with anyone since their date of exposure. If they have recorded the details in the ‘Additional notes on exposure’ field.Explain again to the person their requirement to quarantine. Go into detail if you did not do this at the start and make sure they understand the requirement.If the person is not an ACT residentIf the person is not an ACT resident, explain that their details will be provided to the health department in their state.Their state’s health department will be in touch with them to provide further instructions, however it is a nationally-consistent requirement that they quarantine for 14 days from their last exposure.Provide the phone number for state COVID-19 contact line (see Appendix 4).Please ensure you clearly document the State/Territory in the address so that the relevant cases can be referred to the health departmentsIf the person is an ACT residentExplain that ACT Health will be in contact daily via text message from tomorrow until the last day of their quarantine period. Ensure the person understands they must reply to the text message every day, and we request they do so in a timely manner.Explain that you will also send an email to them about the requirement to quarantine, relevant contact details for ACT Health and links to other relevant information about quarantine and Covid-19 (see standard email ‘Information about quarantine’ in Appendix?2).If you have recommended that they go for testing because they have COVID-19 related symptoms, include this recommendation in the email.Update the RedCap file as “testing result”: PendingExplain what symptoms to look out for and inform the person that if they develop any of these symptoms during their quarantine period, they must call ACT Health (contact details in email and text message).Advise the contact that should they require medical attention and they need to visit their GP or another medical facility (e.g. emergency department, walk-in centre, etc.), they must phone ahead and inform the GP / medical facility that they have been identified as a close contact of a positive COVID-19 case and are currently in quarantine. This also applies if they call an ambulance for any reason.Advise the person that as long as they continue to feel well, there are no quarantine requirements on anyone in their household who is not also a close contact. Advise them that this requirement will change if they start to feel unwell, but that they can discuss this further with ACT Health should they start to feel unwell.Ask if they have enough supplies (e.g. groceries, medication, etc.) to get them through the quarantine period.If no, ask them if a friend or relative can assist, and advise that their local supermarkets and pharmacies may offer delivery. If these are not options for the person, let them know that you will need to seek further information before you can advise them further. Advise them that you will call them back as soon as possible once you are done with the remainder of this call. Speak to your team leader.Ask if they have any further questions.About the text messageThe person will receive an automated text each day, starting tomorrow and ending the day their quarantine period ends.If more than one close contact has provided the same mobile number (e.g. parents and children), the mobile number will only get one text message per day. The text message applies to all members of the household who are in quarantine and have provided the mobile number.The text message will start with the words “MESSAGE FROM ACT HEALTH” (please note, the specific wording in the message is subject to change as processes are refined).The message asks if anyone in the household in quarantine has started feeling unwell in the last 24 hours.If no, the person must reply ‘NO’ in a timely manner.If yes, the person must call ACT Health on 5124 9213.If anyone is waiting on test results, the person must reply ‘WAITING’ in a timely manner.If they do not reply to the text message by 2:30pm, they will receive a follow-up phone call.Script for specific circumstancesIf symptoms worsen“It is important that if your symptoms get worse and you become concerned for your health, you should call 000 and explain to them that you have been in close contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case, you have been contacted by the health department and have been/are being tested. If you decide to go to a walk-in clinic or GP you must call ahead prior to visiting the clinic and let them know that you have been in close contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case, you have been contacted by the health department and have been tested – they will advise you further on seeking further health care.”If the person is unwell and there are other people in your household“As you have been in close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 and are now experiencing symptoms, we ask that the people you live with also quarantine until your test result is known. This is a precautionary measure to protect the general public. If your test is negative, they will be able to resume regular activities while you complete your 14-day quarantine period. If your test is positive, they will be required to continue to quarantine and someone from our team will be in contact with them to provide further instructions.”If you have concerns for the persons Mental Health“I am worried about you and your mental health at this difficult time may I have your permission to refer you to a team to contact you?” (* See contact details in Appendix 4)The person is talking another language (Other than English)“What language” and the organise a conference call with an interpreter (see Appendix 4)Requirement to quarantine under the ACT’s Public Health Act 1997“You are required to enter quarantine in accordance with Section 121 of the ACT’s Public Health Act 1997. If you are found to have breached your quarantine period, you can be fined heavily. At the moment the fine is $8,000. We appreciate the majority of people are very responsible, but we must inform every one of their legal requirements as some individuals have not understood the importance of quarantine.”Appendix 3: Email TemplatesEmail template: Information about quarantineEmail titleInformation about quarantineEmail messageDear ********,Thank you very much for your time on the phone earlier. As discussed, please continue to quarantine yourself at home from now until 11:59pm on <date> <month> 2020. This means you must stay at home and not attend school, work or any public spaces/transport.Please find below some links to further information: ACT Government COVID19 homepage- for those who are well: Asked Questions: are no isolation requirements for any of the other people in household for as long as you remain well.From tomorrow until?<date> <month> 2020 (inclusive), we will send you a text message each morning to check in. The main symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, cough, sore throat, and shortness of breath. If you have no symptoms, please respond to this text with ‘no’.If you develop any of these symptoms or you need to get in touch, please call on (02) 5124 9213 and you will be advised further.Our sincerest thanks for your cooperation.Kind regards,********COVID-19 Response Team Communicable Disease Control, Health Protection ServiceEmail template: Information about quarantineEmail titleACT Health: Contact regarding COVID19Email messageDear ********,ACT Health’s COVID-19 Response Team is trying to contact you as we have been informed you may have been in close contact with a person who has recently tested positive to COVID-19.Can you please contact the Contact Tracing team within the COVID-19 Response Team as soon as possible on (02) 5124 9213?Kind regards,********COVID-19 Response Team Communicable Disease Control, Health Protection ServiceAppendix 4 ContactsAccess Mental Health- For immediate support and assistance, please call Access Mental Health on?1800 629 354?or?02 6205 1065.?Access Mental Health offers mental health services that are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. These services give access to assessment and treatment services and offer advice and information on a range of mental health issues.Interpreter ServicesIt’s our responsibility to ensure all staff provide effective, efficient and inclusive services through the appropriate use of professional interpreters for people who are not proficient in English. If you need an interpreter, please call the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 13 14 50 and Quote Client Code C429384 Interstate CasesNSW: 1800 022 222QLD: 1343 2524VIC: 1800 675 398TAS: 1800 671 738SA: 1800 253 787NT: 1800 008 002WA: 132 6843National number: 1800 020 080Appendix 5: Sample Question and AnswersQ: What happens if I don’t quarantine?A: The ACT Chief Health Officer has declared a state of emergency under Section 121 of the Public?Health Act 1997. If a person fails to comply to directions from the chief health officer, which includes the requirement for you to enter and remain in quarantine until the end date given to you, the maximum penalty is $8,000. ?Q: Further questions about confirmed case details/identityA: We cannot release any information about the case as it is confidential information in accordance with the Health Records (Privacy and Access) Act 1997.??Q: If I get tested and it comes back negative do I need to remain in quarantine?A: Yes, you need to complete the 14-day quarantine period. Despite getting a negative test result, there is a possibly that the infection could be incubating and you will become positive later during the 14 days.?Q: Do I need to be tested?A: You only need to get tested if you start experience symptoms such as fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or sore throat. If this does occur, contact us on 5124 9213 and we will help to arrange testing.?Q: What do I do if I start experiencing symptoms?A: If you get symptoms, contact us on 5124 9213 and we will help to arrange testing.Q: Can I get groceries on the way home?A: No you cannot. As you now under quarantine you have to stay within your house perimeters (your garden or balcony is permitted). You will need to arrange for someone else to get your groceries or to have them delivered. ?Q: Can I walk the dog; I live in a community with not many people. I will not have close contact with anyone while walking my dog in the park?A: No, you must not leave your house. This is very important. I understand it is difficult, but it is important to ensure the safety of others and to ensure we can control the spread of COVID-19 in the ACT.?Q: Does everyone else in my house have to quarantine as well?A: As you do not have symptoms, the people you live with and other people you are in close contact with do not need to be quarantined, unless they are also close contacts of a confirmed case or have travelled overseas in the past 14 days. The people you live with should also practise good hand and general hygiene. If you start to experience symptoms, your household should quarantine while you wait for your test results.?Q: I have been tested and I am positive, what do I do now? What about other people in my household?A: I will pass on this information to the case management team and they will be in contact with you and your household members to provide further information on how you can safely get through this period. For now it is best if you can self-isolate in a room of the house – preferably one with an ensuite if possible. If you can, open the windows and keep the room well ventilated. Avoid moving around the rest of the house. You must not prepare food or have close contact with your family members at this time. If the person wishes to know more at this time – refer to your team leader.Ensure you write the name, contact details and address down and provide these details to the team leader to follow up with the case management teamAccessibilityIf you have difficulty reading a standard printed document and would like an alternative format, please phone 13 22 81. If English is not your first language and you need the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS), please call 13 14 50.For further accessibility information, visit: | Phone: 132281 | Publication No XXXXX? Australian Capital Territory, Canberra Month Year ................

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