

Please echo read after me.


My name is Alex,

My best friend’s name is Angie,

We live in Alabama,

And we sell alligators.

Bb My name is Becca,

My best friend’s name is Billy,

Cc We live in California,

And we sell coconuts.

D My name is David,

My best friend’s name is Daniel,

d We live in Damascus,

And we sell diamonds.


My name is Ethel,

My best friend’s name is Emma,

We live in Ethiopia,

And we sell elephants.

Here are some letter verses like the ones we just read. Underline the words that start with the key letter, and circle the letters that should be capitalized in each. Be ready to tell me why you need to capitalize those letters.


my name is zelma,

my best friend’s name is zoe,

we live in zambia,

and we sell zippers


my name is violet,

my best friend’s name is vinny,

we live in virginia,

and we sell vests.


my name is wendy

my best friend’s name is wally

we live in wyoming,

and we sell waffles.

Now it’s your turn to try it. Pick two letters of the alphabet and write a verse about them. You can use the repeated words used in the earlier examples. (my name is …, my best friend’s name is …, etc,) Be sure to use words that start with your letter, and capitalize the correct words in each verse.






Share your verses with a partner. Have them put a check under words you have capitalized correctly and circle ones that you haven’t.

If your partner does not check any words or circle any of your letters, you need to go back and fix your verse for them.


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