SOL 2 and 3 QUIZ

SOL 9, 12, and 13 QUIZ Name: ______________________

30 Questions, 30 Points

1. _____ Which of the following WAS NOT a factor in shaping western Europe during the Early Middle Ages?

A. the Orthodox Church C. classical Roman heritage

B. customs of barbarian tribes D. Roman Catholic Church

2. _____ Charlemagne was known for many things including:

A. his attack on the Pope C. the importance he placed on education

B. ruling over the Frankish kingdom D. reconquering the former Roman territories

3. _____ Which of the following describes a manor?

A. a small, self-sufficient community in the feudal system C. communities where monks lived in poverty

B. land owned by serfs D. the lands around Rome controlled by the Pope

4. _____ England limited the powers of the kings and increased the power of the nobility with:

A. the Codex Justinian B. the Magna Carta C. the English Constitution D. the Civil Constitution

5. _____ Which war helped define France and England as distinct nations?

A. War of the Roses B. Peloponessian War C. the Anglo – Frankish War D. the Hundred Years’ War

6. _____ The effects of the Crusades are all of the following EXCEPT:

A. increased trade between Asia and Europe C. increased tolerance and respect among religions

B. decreased power of the nobility in many countries D. increased demand for Asian and Middle Eastern imports

7. _____ With the help of Ivan the Great, Russia was freed from the:

A. Mongols B. Huns C. French D. Turks

8. _____ From about 800 – 1000, Europe was raided by the __?__ from Hungary and the __?__ from Scandinavia.

A. Huns; Vikings B. Angles; Saxons C. Magyars; Vikings D. Magyars; Celts

9. _____ Who united most of England by defeating Harold Godwinson in the Battle of Hastings?

A. Harold Hardrada B. William the Conqueror C. Henry II D. Phillip the Conqueror

10. _____ Who established the French throne in Paris and came to control most of France?

A. Phillip II B. Ferdinand and Isabella C. Hugh Capet D. Ivan the Great

11. _____ Which group was expelled from Spain during the rule of Ferdinand and Isabella?

A. Muslim Moors B. Roman Catholics C. Mongols D. the Greek Orthodox

12. _____ What was started in England during the reign of Henry II?

A. the Magna Carta B. the Reconquista C. common law D. the Crusades

13. _____ Which nation had power centralized in the hands of the tsar and was the center of the Orthodox Church?

A. England B. Spain C. France D. Spain

14. _____ Who rallied the French to victory over the English by unifying the French after her death?

A. Isabella B. Marie Antoinette C. Joan of Arc D. Helena of Troy

15. _____ Which event started the first of the nine Crusades?

A. the victory of Saladin over Richard III C. the conquering of the feudal states

B. the sack of Constantinople by western invaders D. the speech made by Pope Urban II

16. _____ Which of the following was NOT an impact of the Black Death?

A. a decline in Europe’s population C. a scarcity of labor

B. increase in the influence of the Church D. a disruption of trade

17. _____ The structure of feudalism dictated that each lord was a __?__, or a noble who served and pledged

loyalty to a lord of the next higher rank.

A. fief B. serf C. vassal D. mayor of the palace

18. _____ Lords were given __?__, or grants of land with workers for the land, by their feudal king.

A. fiefs B. serfs C. feudal obligations D. vassals

19. _____ Those farmers who could not leave the manor without permission were called?

A. fief B. serfs C. vassals D. manors

20. _____ Feudal society was characterized by:

A. political alliances between various nobles and kings C. the rule of a strong central government

B. a decrease in warfare and invasions D. a lack of social classes

21. _____ What was the purpose of the Crusades?:

A. to reclaim Constantinople from the Ottoman Turks C. to expel the Jews from Catholic Spain

B. to restore Charlemagne to the Frankish throne D. to reclaim the Holy Land from the Muslims

22. _____ Because of the increased use of accounting, banks began to use __?__ during the Renaissance.

A. Arabic numerals B. Roman numerals C. Indian digits D. the Cyrillic alphabet

23. _____ Who was considered the “father of humanism” and was a writer of sonnets:

A. Shakespeare B. Machiavelli C. Petrarch D. Bruni

24. _____ Which of the following ideas is NOT TRUE about Machiavelli’s The Prince?

A. supported the absolute power of the ruler C. he maintains that the end justifies the means

B. it was an early modern treatise on government D. a ruler should do evil when possible and evil when necessary

25. _____ Who painted the Sistine Chapel?

A. Leonardo da Vinci B. Michelangelo C. Petrarch D. Machiavelli

26. _____ Johannes Gutenberg facilitated the spread of Renaissance ideas by:

A. developed the movable type printing press C. opening a school for artists

B. opening a school in Florence for sculptors D. paying da Vinci to paint

27. _____ Which Renaissance painter is responsible for the painting above?

A. Leonardo da Vinci B. Michelangelo C. Johannes Gutenberg D. Picasso

28. _____ Erasmus’ book __?__ was a direct attack on the wealth of the popes.

A. Utopia B. The Divine Comedy C. Canterbury Tales D. The Praise of Folly

29. _____ In Utopia, the author __?__ criticizes English society by comparing it to an ideal society.

A. Erasmus B. Shakespeare C. Sir Thomas More D. Geoffrey Chaucer

30. _____ Who sculpted the statue of David?

A. Michelangelo B. Leonardo da Vinci C. Francesco Ghiberti D. Brunelleschi

Extra Credit:

1. Lillian Asplund died Saturday. Who was she?

2. Which building had the largest unsupported dome in the world until 1958?

3. What is the only edible food found by archaeologists?

4. What was the first ship to use the SOS signal?


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