One door inside this area contains the Power Generator ...

When encountered as an enemy, this character will drop a Trader Card, which increases the chance of rare drops, but only if you beat him before he self-destructs. Upon death, he declares "For a bit player like me...this is probably...the end...I deserve" and sinks into a chasm in the Anima Dungeon. Earlier, he declares "I just might be a genius!" and asks "did you just see my MAD SKILLZ?," after firing the cannon on the Goliath. Later, he turns on the party by pulling a gun and shooting Medena, who is protecting her daughter. You first encounter this guy in Nortune where he's said to command an "information network," and he serves as your mechanic in the Battling Competition in D-Block. FTP, name this demi-human known as "the Supplier" who looks like a rat with glasses in Xenogears. ANSWER: Hammer

One door inside this place contains the Power Generator which teaches the magic spell Ray-Bomb. You can obtain an item here with the charming name "LuvLuv G," but only if you found and then lost the "Old Key" when you were here earlier. A boss called Mobile Type 8 guards one area of this place, but the first time you encounter him, he lifts up your party and tosses you out. It was designed by Doctor Odine and its exterior features the symbol of Esthar, since it was unearthed on orders of Sorceress Adel, though it later gets plunged into the ocean by Laguna. When it hovers over Tears Point, it causes the moon to cry, releasing a deluge of monsters. FTP, name this laboratory inspired by a certain a mythological box.

ANSWER: Lunatic Pandora

The player is told that this item was previously possessed by a guy named Wynn, who buried it at the "foot of a tree behind his shop. That is related by some NPCs in the castle town of Cantlin, who infer that this item is in Hauskness. It only provides a modest increase in defense, but it allows the user to regain HP with each step. You actually obtain this equipment by defeating an Axe Knight and then searching the ground on a tree square in Hauskness. FTP, name this armor used by the hero in the original Dragon Warrior.

ANSWER: Erdrick's armor (or Loto's armor, or Roto's armor - "armor" not necessary after it's mentioned)

Once you reach the highest level in this game, you begin running into enemies called Extra-Large Tombs. Other high-level enemies in this game include Bicocette and Hrimthurs. At level six, you begin to obtain "upgrades." The ultimate reward from this game is the Adamantite accessory which doubles HP and causes constant protect and shell status. To get it, you need to obtain 2800 points or more and then talk to Beclem before the timer runs out. A second version of this game uses first-person view and takes place in the Cloister of Trials in Besaid. Featuring techniques like volley shot and dual shot, FTP, name this minigame in which Yuna shoots the crap out of enemies while running toward the beach in Besaid.

ANSWER: Gunner's Gauntlet

Some enemies you fight in this place include the Carnage Beast and the Giant Lord, a rare encounter disguised as a floating Disaster Eye, as well as the ridiculously powerful Hamsters who use the special attack Furry One. In order to enter this place in another game, you must defeat Dirna Hamilton, who was also the announcer for the battle arena in Star Ocean 3. The final boss here can be defeated ten times to gain the Angel Slayer. That boss is encountered after Gabriel Celeste, and is the Iseria Queen. This area is only accessible after having saved at Asgard Hill or Jotunheim Palace. FTP, name this bonus dungeon at the end of the Valkyrie Profile games.

ANSWER: Seraphic Gate

This town is home to a man known as Corillo in one version and Professor Kory in another version - he's said to be "so absorbed in his work that he doesn't even eat or sleep!" This town is the namesake of a certain turtle fought as a boss - that turtle charges up fire magic, which must be countered with an ice spell, and resides in the cave where you fight the Quarto Puppets that drop nuts, bolts, and springs. More critically, this town is where you use the Key of Magma, which is given to you by Kain after the fight with Valvalis. That key is dropped down the bottomless well in this town, which opens the way to the underworld, since this town is populated by human descendants of dwarves. FTP, name this island town which contains the only telescope in the world of Final Fantasy IV.

ANSWER: Agart (or Agalt)

During his death scene, this character implores "Darkness rushes forth, unleash your power and save this desperate land!" He can use magic spells like Rock n'Roll and Anesthesia, which causes all enemies to fly off the screen. Voiced in English by John Truitt, he has an assistant Glumm who sends you to the fishing village of Lann to test your power. He harvests ore by slave labor at the Talon Mine to build his floating fortress, the Grindery, which is fueled by capturing Quark, the elderly White Dragon whom he kills in one version out of hate for the goddess Althena, since he blames Althena for killing his one-time friend Dyne. FTP, name this Magic Emperor who is the antagonist of Lunar: Silver Star.

ANSWER: Ghaleon

This type of oil is reportedly "one of the most popular medicines in the market," and a female red mage considers buying it as a souvenir at Milla's Oil Shop. If you give some of these to Bryan Rootrunner by finding them on the Mountain Path outside Conde Petie, he'll reward you with a card named after these. After Lady Hildagarde Fabool learns that her husband is sleeping with a waitress, she transforms him into one of these, but he continues to serve as Regent of Lindblum. Earlier, Princess Garnet pretends to be scared of these, since all girls hate them. FTP, name these insect-like pests represented by Cid in Final Fantasy IX.

ANSWER: oglops (accept "mountain oglops", of course)

At one point, this entity declares "I love you so much...That is why I sometimes desire to smash you to bits!" Before you fight it, it asks "teach me what it means to be alive!" This entity integrated the Ashtear model of the Mother Brain system and came bugged with the Prometheus Circuit, which stopped it from accessing the Frozen Flame that it had once used to seal the Dragon Gods. This entity creates green boxes known as its namesake "Records," which function as save points during the game, controlling the thoughts of all citizens in El Nido. FTP, name this supercomputer created by Belthasar in Chrono Cross. ANSWER: FATE

In one battle, he begins by casting "Condemn" on your party and then resorts to spells such as Vacuum Wave, Gravity 100, Hurricane, and Dynamo. He uses a device called the Great Mirror to project an image of three characters into the sky, which repels on assault after his minion Abductor captures those characters and throws them in his basement. In Dissidia, he has a weapon called Ghido's Whisker, which makes sense since he caused the earthquake that sunk the island of Ghido, an elderly turtle sage who opposes him. He disguises himself as a splinter in Cara's hand, and then reveals that he intends to obtain the power of Void sealed in the Cleft of Dimension. Originally a tree in the Great Forest of Mua, FTP, name this wizard who kills Galuf, and is the antagonist of Final Fantasy V.

ANSWER: Exdeath

One NPC in this area looks like an Asian woman and stands near a chest containing a Handbag strap - she declares "I spy with my little eye...Allakazam! I see a country in summer and a big silver ball." Another NPC here remarks "I'll tell you what I hate in this world. That's cake. The color, the smell, the taste, the texture" before he notes that you're drooling. This place is entered by searching the wall in Jackie's Cafe, and enemies here include Dali's Clock and Abstract Art as well as the Enraged Fire Plug and Robo Pumps. The final boss here is the Evil Mani Mani statue, who created this place where "yes means no and no means yes." FTP, name this trippy twin city to Fourside in Earthbound.

ANSWER: Moonside

After making a kill, this character will often say "No one's getting hurt this time!" Late in the game, this character declares "wishes can come true. But not if you just wait for miracles. Miracles are things we make for ourselves." Weapons equipped by this character include the Heavenly Axis and the Belladonna Wand. By employing this character's "death trick," the Adamantoise enemy can be quickly knocked off its feet, allowing for great CP farming. During an early meeting, she declares "Let's run away! Ciao!," and she comes to use the eidolon Hecatoncheir. FTP, name this eternally upbeat girl from Gran Pulse.

ANSWER: Oerba dia Vanille (prompt Oerba, of course)

At one point in this game, the player hears that there may be a dinosaur in Lake Fles and is given the item Remote Control which opens a rock panel in a cave near the town of Bone - the "dinosaur" turns out to be a submarine which can access the northern continent. The Crystal of Peace can be found on the ground in the town of Luze and used to stop the war between Belaine and Telaine. The opening sequence to this game features the line "Someday people will forget these legends, leaving only scars upon the planet's surface." The story concerns King Lemele of Ticondera, whose divine father Saro defeated the demon Gorsia 5000 years ago, only to see him return from the future. FTP, name this insanely hard SNES game that centers around a title number of runes.

ANSWER: The 7th Saga (or Elnard)

You can steal a rare Mythril Claw from this character, who HCBailly calls the first black character in Final Fantasy. He initiates battle by declaring "how unlucky it is that you have run into me!, and threatens "fate will send you to your doom!," then attacks with Doom Fist. He fights alongside enemies called Ipooh, two bears that you have to kill before targeting him. He asks you to have a taste of his superior technique and hits you with "Blizzard Fist" which knocks all characters off the screen except one. You encounter him on Mt. Kolts after he shadows you for awhile. His desire to be Dojo Master seems to have caused him to kill his father, Master Duncan. FTP, name this martial artist who is jealous of Sabin, and gets defeated by his blitz technique.

ANSWER: Vargas

At one point, this figure threatens "Anyone who tries to steal my treasure is looking for a VERY cruel death!" The party chases him across Zenan Bridge, and he throws various monsters at you, until he calls Zombor and runs away. On other occasions, he says that he's "in a pickle" and "in a jam" and resorts to encasing himself in an ice barrier that makes him invulnerable, until a small cat enters the room and presses a lever to drop him through a trap door to his death. He has two generals, the swordsman Slash and the magician Flea, and he says that he is a general of Magus, who betrays him. FTP, name this fat green dude who rules over the imps in the Middle Ages, and has a descendant known as the "Eighth" in Crono's present time.

ANSWER: Ozzie (or Vinnegar)

If you talk to the well in the middle of this town, it will say "See your face upon the clean water. How dirty! Come! Wash your face!" One NPC in this town says "400 years have caused our memories to fade" while another asks if the robots made by their ancestors are still moving. This town sells the Nuke spell at its secret magic shop and it's where you get the Chime, which allows you to enter the Mirage Tower. Everyone here will say "Lupa? Lupa?" until you give the Slab to Dr. Unne. FTP, name this town of the Sky Warriors.

ANSWER: Lefein (accept Lufenia, but with disgust)

This hunt is located in an area called "The Rustling Chapel", and your reward for killing it is 2000 gil, Gillie Boots, and Lightning Arrows. According to legend, this enemy only shows itself once every seven years, and its large white tail contains "a unique Oil" that can be turned into Vision Dust. This hunt is posted by Nera, who's trying to help her friend Alja fulfill her rite of passage and become a salve-maker. By far, the best way to kill this hunt is to berserk it - unless you like constantly running past Hellhounds in the Golmore Jungle. FTP, name this "Dreamhare," a certain bunny which shares its name with a sword that you can get in the Mirage Tower, which in turn takes its name from a sword mentioned in the poem "Jabberwocky."

ANSWER: Vorpal Bunny (accept just "Vorpal" after bunny)

In one game, you discover the location of this item by entering the Shrine Jail and talking to a cat who will ask you "Meow?" and, after you respond yes, he'll tell you to head south. In another game, you obtain this item in the center of Elfville, where you meet an injured Zenithian girl named Lucia also collecting this item. In another game, you find this item on the island east of Wellgarth - in that game's remake, this item is necessary to cure the Prince of Cannock, who falls ill staying at the inn in Beran. Its distinguishing feature is that you can only have one in your inventory at a time, and it respawns after you use it. Often found by searching forest tiles, FTP, name this recurring item in Dragon Quest games, which allows the user to revive one party member.

ANSWER: Leaf of the World Tree (accept Yggdrasil Leaf)

This character initiates battle with your party by saying "let me be your liberator!" after saying "It is better for you to die in hope than to live in despair." This boss uses the Hellbiter attack to turn everyone into a zombie, which is actually useful because it prevents this boss's Mega Death spell from killing your party. After battle, it's explained that this character caused the death of a certain party member who crawled down Mt. Gagazet with the last of his strength. This woman's husband Lord Zaon is sacrificed for her to call the Final Aeon, fulfilling the wishes of her father Yu Yevon. FTP, name this revered summoner of Spira whose name lives on through Lord Braska's daughter.

ANSWER: Lady Yunalesca

This town contains a shop with a purple and green floor where two women named Anna and Lillian will force you to buy something. You can walk around the outskirts of this town to find a secret staircase leading to the "House of Magic" where a man will make you a "Gloom Voice" if you give him a long nail and a straw doll. In another game, you can buy the jewel Sonar for 200,000 gold pieces here, and it tells you how many chests you've missed in a dungeon. A few NPCs here mention that the Prince of Auralio is in Dankirk and talk about the Ruby Icon. More famously, this town is where you can play Action Bingo or the Flower Slots at the Markao Casino. FTP, name this island in the Lufia games, which takes its name from the fact that anything you sell during the game winds up here.

ANSWER: Forfeit Island/Isle

You can obtain one of these by searching behind the third bed of the house in the City of Ancients where the game asks you if you would like to rest. Another of these can be obtained by talking to the green mountain chocobo in the house of the Chocobo Sage surrounded by mountains on the northern continent. Another of these can be found by searching near the table in the Beginners Hall in Junon, which is filled with ghosts of Sector Seven victims. The first available one of these is found in the blue tank marked "sample" on the 67th Floor of Shinra Headquarters where Red XIII is kept by Hojo. This item allows you to learn Beta, Trine, and Magic Breath, among other spells. FTP, name this type of materia which allows use of blue magic.

ANSWER: enemy skill materia (prompt on just materia, don't require "materia" after it's mentioned)


In FF12, this is the airship used by Vossler to transport the party to the ship Shiva. In FF3, it's an enemy that appears in the Altar Cave, the first area of the game - that enemy has 10 HP and looks like a blue ball. In another form, this entity is said to "oversee a process of ultra-efficient hydroponic farming employing mobile paddies and careful regulation of light and water." In FF8, you draw it from the two Iguions in Deling City prior to battle with Edea, or from Krysta in Ultimecia's Castle. In its form as a fal'Cie, it is stationed in Palumpolum's subterranean complex. As an esper acquired in the Magitek Facility, it does exactly what you'd expect it to do - cast Ruby Light, which puts reflect on the party. FTP, name this recurring summon often depicted as a cute green creature.

ANSWER: Carbuncle

Iconic phrases in RPG history. FTPE:

[10] Princess Gwaelin gives you this answer if you refuse to let her travel as your companion after beating Dragon Warrior. Too bad you don't get to reconsider joining up with the Dragonlord.

ANSWER: "But Thou Must!"

[10] Speaking of princesses, noone touches my princess! At least, that's what Garland tells you when you go to rescue Sara, then he calls you "impertinent fools" and makes this awesome threat to you.

ANSWER: "I, Garland, Will Knock You All Down!" (in the spirit of generosity, accept if the answer has the underlined words together).

[10] If you head straight to the Day of Lavos from the End of Time, you'll get your ass kicked, and then watch a scale model of the world explode. After that, this phrase appears on the screen in big frightening letters.

ANSWER: "But...The Future Refused to Change"

The saddest moments in Final Fantasy...none of which involve Aeris or Zack. FTPE.

[10] Even at the age of 10, Ted Woolsey couldn't convince me that Celes was taking a "leap of faith" to "perk herself up" after Cid's death. After she gets nursed by an awfully talented seagull, we hear this song which hearkens to Locke's lost love.

ANSWER: "Forever Rachel"

[10] Faris is probably the most awesome character ever in FF, so you have to be moved when this pet dragon of hers dies after it saves the party from the sinking Walse Tower.

ANSWER: Syldra

[10] After a painfully brief reunion with Lenne, Shuyin is convinced to rest instead of blowing up all of existence with this machina.

ANSWER: Vegnagun

We tread here on a fool's errand. Answer stuff about necrohols in Ivalice, FTPE.

[10] This "Dark City" in Vagrant Story once featured the Temple of Kiltia set up by Mullenkamp. Fittingly, this city provides the name of the entites encountered in the Nabreus Deadlands in FF 12.

ANSWER: Lea Monde

[10] The Cloister of the Highborn in the Necrohol of Nabudis is home to the esper Chaos, who is known by this epithet.

ANSWER: "Walker of the Wheel"

[10] The Necrohol of Mullonde is where this character defeats Folmarv, in his form as Hashmal, at the Airship Graveyard. This character then saves his younger sister Alma from the possession of Ultima.

ANSWER: Ramza Beoulve/Lugria

Name these bands of outlaws, FTPE.

[10] This band of air pirates including Vyse and Fina launches attacks on the ships of the Valuan Armada in Skies of Arcadia.

ANSWER: Blue Rogues

[10] Zone, Watts, and Rinoa lead this resistance group seeking to gain the independence of Timber from the Galbadian Republic.

ANSWER: Forest Owls

[10] This resistance organization seeks to liberate Fynn after its capture by the empire of Palamecia. It's led by Princess Hilda and White Mage Minwu.

ANSWER: Wild Rose Rebellion

Nothing goes together like Final Fantasy and booze. FTPE:

[10] This bar run by Tifa Lockhart doubles as a headquarters for AVALANCHE. FF Wiki claims that, at one point, the bar is "left in the trusted care of Marlene Wallace, Barret's four year old adoptive daughter."

ANSWER: Seventh Heaven

[10] Sir Laguna attempted to submit an article called "Alcohol Will Change You" to the editor of this magazine, but alas, it was rejected.

ANSWER: Timber Maniacs

[10] This shady Caravan Master sells you a Bottle. A mohawked man in Onrac tells you about this guy, and a fairy will fill his Bottle with Oxyale. That'll get your drunk ass into the Sea Shrine.

ANSWER: Underhill

Name these robots who long to be human, FTPE.

[10] This "Special Humanoid Anti-Gnosis Annihilation Weapon" can summon weapons like F-SCYTHE. Her eyes flash red and blue, and she is the protector of Shion in the Xenosaga games.


[10] After she's freed from control of Melfice, this robot girl becomes a nurse in the kingdom of Cyrum and learns Whisper of the Stars at the end of Grandia II.


[10] Well, I don't know if Belnab longs to be human, but he certainly longs for oil, and he'll explode if you kill this doctor who created him. This doctor crony of Golbez will drop a key after you beat him in the Tower of Babil.

ANSWER: Dr. Lugae

Answer the following about floating continents, FTPE.

[10] The Floating Continent in Final Fantasy III is held together by the Tower of Owen, which is guarded by this character who throws himself into its furnace to protect it. This character's lover Sarina awaits his return in Canaan.

ANSWER: Desh (Desch)

[10] During your escape from the Floating Continent in Final Fantasy VI, this is the only enemy you encounter up until the boss. She'll cast Freezing Dust on you.

ANSWER: Naughty (Naude)

[10] "Sage Knowledge 53" informs us that "very rarely does anyone fall from" this skycity, "and curiously enough not a single death has been reported" from falling to date. This skycity of FF12 is home to the Lhusu Mines.

ANSWER: Bhujerba

Answer the following about religion in RPGs, FTPE. [10] This dawn goddess created the five races of Vana'diel by shedding tears. She opposes the twilight god Promathia in Final Fantasy XI. In case you hate FFXI, this is also the surname given to the zombie form of Evrae that you fight underwater in the Via Purifico in Bevelle. ANSWER: Altana [10] This cult set up by Mr. Carpainter is practiced in the Peaceful Rest Valley. Its adherents want everything to be blue, even the cows. ANSWER: Happy Happy-(ism) [10] This religious society is a front for Solaris in Xenogears and controls all knowledge, perpetuating the war between Aveh and Kislev by providing them with gears. ANSWER: Ethos

Airships are boring. Name these more exciting ways to get around, FTPE.

[10] This insect crawls upside down along the roots of the Iifa Tree and has a carriage hanging from its back. Zidane attempts to use it to get from Treno to Alexandria, and then back again.

ANSWER: the Gargant

[10] Jecht swears never to drink anything stronger than milk from this creature after he drunkenly attacks one of them. This elephant-like creature will transport your party across the Moonflow, if you accept a hypello's hilarious offer to ride him.

ANSWER: Shoopuf

[10] And then you have the Lunar Whale, which was brought to Earth by this Lunarian father of Cecil.


Answer stuff about vacation hotspots, FTPE.

[10] This "City of Dreams" hosts the Pompa Sancta parade and was built by the Sanctum as a giant park for residents of Cocoon. No time for playing minigames though, you have a linear path to follow.

ANSWER: Nautilus

[10] Along with Arkives, this city is one of two named towns in 4D Space and is basically a giant amusement park in Star Ocean 3. It's where to go if you love bunny racing.

ANSWER: Gemity

[10] Who cares about the Gold Saucer when you can buy a villa at Costa del Sol for this dirt cheap price.

ANSWER: 300,000 gil

Answer the following about threatening Final Fantasy quotes, FTPE.

[10] During your third encounter with this foe, he declares "It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men" - earlier, he exclaims "Starkle starkle, little it's time that you sink!"

ANSWER: Gilgamesh

[10] With the line "Sit your ass down in that chair and drink your goddamn TEA!", Cid orders Shera to make Cloud some tea. This "fat ass" head of Shinra's space program says he'd like his with plenty of lard.

ANSWER: Palmer

[10] In response to Rikku's question of whether they need a password, Paine suggests this three word phrase as a password while fighting the Guardian Beast in Zanarkand.

ANSWER: "kick...its...ass"

Name some super-enemies from Final Fantasy, FTPE.

[10] The relic Economizer can be obtained as a rare drop from this enemy that you can encounter in the forest north of the Veldt in the World of Ruin. This beast likes to start battles with Disaster and then cast Meteor and Ultima.

ANSWER: Brachiosaur

[10] This optional boss is encountered on the airship in the Calm Lands in the international version of FF 10. It is fought after the release of the Dark Aeons, and uses attacks like Obliteration and Judgment Day.

ANSWER: Penance

[10] And, of course, you have this allegedly 3-in-64 encounter on the narrow path to Tiamat in the Sky Castle.

ANSWER: Warmech


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