Name_______________________________ Period____________

Name__________________ Earth Science Period________

List of Constellations &Stars on the Sky Lights Star Wheel

(Revised 8/27/08)

We will be studying the constellations according to the seasons.

You will be responsible for knowing in which season each constellation is visible.

Here’s what you will be expected to know…

1. You will be tested on your knowledge of the constellation star chart. This is the star map that amateur and professional astronomers use to find their way around the night sky. It will be important for you to be able to recognize the "shapes" of the constellations and know in which direction to find the constellation (N,S,E,W).

2. You will be tested on your knowledge of the history of the constellations. You have been provided with the "traditional" stories, those from Greek origin, on the bottom and back of this paper. During class activities and lessons will be discussing other cultures' constellation stories. You will be expected to add those stories to your study materials.

3. You will be tested on your knowledge of which constellations are visible for each season. That is, what constellations can we see in summer vs fall vs winter vs spring at 10 pm.

If you are absent from class during the testing time, you will need to make arrangements to take an alternate test.

Test will be ______________________________________


Andromeda an-DROM-eh-da princess, daughter of Cassiopeia

Aquarius a-QUAR-ee-us water carrier or water bearer

Aquila AK-will-ah eagle

Aries AIR-eez ram

Auriga awe-REE-ga charioteer

Bootes boh-OH-teez herdsman

Cancer CAN-sir crab

Canis Major CANE-is MAY-jer big dog

Canis Minor CANE-is MINE-er little dog

Capricornus cap-rih-CORN-us horned goat or sea goat

Cassiopeia CASS-ee-o-PEE-ya Queen

Cepheus SEE-fee-us or SEE-fews King

Cetus SEE-tus whale or sea monster

Corona Borealis core-O-nah BOR-ee-al-is northern crown

Corvus CORE-vus crow

Crater CRAY-ter cup

Cygnus SIG-nus swan or northern cross

Delphinus dell-FINE-us dolphin

Draco DRAY-co dragon or serpent

Eridanus e-RID-an-us river

Gemini GEM-in-eye twins

Hercules HER-que-leez kneeler or Son of Zeus

Hydra HIGH-dra water snake

Leo LEE-oh lion

Lepus LEE-pus rabbit

Libra LEE-bra scales of justice

Lyra LIE-rah lyre or small harp

Ophiuchus off-ee-YOU-cuss serpent carrier or serpent bearer

Orion o-RYE-on hunter

Pegasus PEG-ah-sus winged horse

Perseus PER-soos or PER-see-us hero, Andromeda's rescuer

Pisces PIE-seez fish

Sagitta sa-JEE-ta arrow

Sagittarius saj-ih-TAIR-ee-us archer

Scorpius SCOR-pee-us scorpion

Taurus TAR-us bull (or the Ford?) just kidding!

Triangulum try-ANG-you-lum triangle

Ursa Major ER-sa MAY-jer big dipper (big bear)

Ursa Minor ER-sa MINE-er little dipper (little bear)

Virgo VER-go virgin

Remember…when we do our observations, you can use telescopes, binoculars or just your eyes!



You will be responsible only for the ones we highlight in class today. I’ve given you all the bright stars from the constellations we’ll study! (


Aldebaran al-DEB-a-ran brightest star in Taurus (the eye of the bull)

Algol* AL-gol a variable star in Perseus, the "demon" star

Altair AL-tair brightest star in Aquila, the eye of the eagle

Antares an-TAIR-eez brightest star in Scorpius, the scorpion's heart

Arcturus ark-TOUR-us brightest star in Bootes

Betelgeuse BEETLE-juice brightest star in Orion, marking his right shoulder

Capella ka-PEL-ah brightest star in Auriga

Castor KASS-ter one of the twins in Gemini the twins

Delta Cephei* DEL-ta SEE-fee-eye a cepheid variable star in Cepheus the King

Deneb DEN-eb brightest star in Cygnus, marking the tail of swan

Fomalhaut FOAM-a-lot brightest star south of Aquarius

Mira* MY-rah variable star in Cetus the whale

Polaris pole-AIR-us brightest star in little dipper; the north (pole) star

Pollux POL-ux one of the twins in Gemini the twins

Procyon PRO-see-on brightest star in Canis Minor, the little dog

Regulus REG-you-lus brightest star in Leo, the lions heart

Rigel RYE-jel bright star marking Orion's left knee

Sirius SER-ee-us brightest star in the sky, in Canis Major (big dog)

Spica SPY-ka brightest star in Virgo the virgin

Vega VEY-gah or VEE- gah brightest star in Lyra the lyre

* The variable stars are marked on your Star Wheel by little circles with a little dot in them.

Please do not memorize the constellations and stars. Make them your own by inventing ways to learn them. Also, please do not wait until the last moment to begin preparing for the test over these constellations and stars. In the past some students have ignored the pronunciations and have done poorly on the test. Also, some students have ignored the star names and concentrated only on the constellations. The essence of doing astronomy requires a knowledge of the common constellations and stars.

TEST will be ________________________________________


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