The Methodist Church in Britain

50. Ministers from other Churches


The names of persons to be recognised and regarded as Ministers in Full Connexion are printed below and may be amended in the Order Paper at the Conference in order to incorporate any changes consequent upon the decisions of the Stationing Committee.

(1) Ministers of the Irish Conference

Under Clause 43 of the Deed of Union all Ministers admitted into Full Connexion with the Conference of the Methodist Church in Ireland are automatically recognised and regarded as Ministers in Full Connexion with the Conference of the Methodist Church in Britain, irrespective of whether they are stationed by the latter Conference (although they only come under the rules and discipline of the Conference when stationed by it) . Their names are printed in the Minutes of the Conference.

(2) Ministers of other autonomous Methodist Conferences

Philip Buckland 2/9 Methodist Church of Southern Africa

Luiz Fernando Cardoso 10/1 Methodist Church, Brazil

Michael Crockett 5/1 Methodist Church of Southern Africa

William Davis 35/22 Methodist Church Ghana

Daniel K French 6/5 Methodist Church Ghana

Joseph F Gomez 28/13 Methodist Church The Gambia

Kong Ching Hii 35/2 Methodist Church, Malaysia

Susan D M Howe 24/22 United Methodist Church

Duncan B Ibuuri 11/4 Methodist Church, Kenya

Oluyesimi Jaiyesimi 7/2 Methodist Church in Nigeria

Solomon Joseph 35/28 Church of South India

Jimione Kaci 22/19 Methodist Church in Fiji

R Blair Kirkby 18/9 United Church of Canada

Jong Sin Lee 7/13 Korean Methodist Church

N Keith Lowder 36/2 United Methodist Church

Josefa R Mairara 26/FC Methodist Church in Fiji

Charles F Makonde 21/16 Methodist Church of Southern Africa

Bernardino M Mandlate 35/31 Methodist Church of Southern Africa

David A Markay 25/3 United Methodist Church

Kristin C Markay 25/15 United Methodist Church

Moon-Chan (Michael) Moon 35/33 Uniting Church of Australia

Francis S Nabieu 29/33 Methodist Church of Sierra Leone

Adam Nyawo 35/12 Methodist Church of Zimbabwe

Marcus Torchon 18/9 MCCA

Christoffel van Staden 31/2 Methodist Church of Southern Africa

Ernest B Stafford 35/3 Methodist Church The Gambia

Monwabisi R Vithi 15/1 Methodist Church of Southern Africa

T J Wesley 34/4 United Methodist Church

John K C Yap 36/21 Methodist Church, Malaysia

Jongikaya Zihle 35/33 Methodist Church of Southern Africa


50/1. By a Standing Vote, the Conference welcomed those Ministers to be appointed to the stations, whose names are listed in the Agenda as amended by the Order Paper circulated to the Conference, as Ministers of other autonomous Methodist Conferences who, by virtue of clause 44 of the Deed of Union, will thereby be recognised and regarded as Ministers of the Methodist Church admitted into Full Connexion.

(3) Ministers of other communions applying to be recognised and regarded

Geoffrey S Clarke 19/15

John S Currie 36/21

Thomas Goodwin 26/FC

M Angharad Griffith 1/1

Dee Dee Haines 15/1

N Cyril Haire 7/2

Albert Jackson 26/23

R Glyn Jones 1/1

R Ifor Jones 1/1

David Kent 27/35

Chellaian Lawrence 35/16

Debora Marschner 25/9

Heegon Moon 20/6

T Evan Morgan 1/1

Douglas Morris 14/20

John C Peet 27/31

David I Rankin 23/2

Gwyndaf Richards 1/1

Douglas S Rix 24/1

Edward Sakwe 23/8

Arlington W Trotman 35/17

Roderick Whateley 36/25

Peter W Williams 1/1

Seung-Wook Jung 14/13


50/2. By a Standing Vote the Conference, by virtue of clause 45 of the Deed of Union, declared that the persons whose names are printed for this purpose in the Agenda as amended by the Order Paper circulated to the Conference, shall be recognised and regarded during the period of their appointment to the stations for the next ensuing year as Ministers of the Methodist Church admitted into Full Connexion.


No case


50/3. The Conference gave permission for Resolution 50/3 to be withdrawn


The names of Ministers to be authorised to serve are printed below and may be amended in the Order Paper at the Conference in order to incorporate any changes consequent upon the decisions of the Stationing Committee.

David J A Adams 7/2

Hazel A Allen 7/20

Paul R Allen 16/3

Bruce Allinson 36/8

M John Allison 27/32

Robert J M Amess 12/11

P Kofi Amissah 35/10

Jane Anderson 34/9

Raymond Anglesea 13/12

Denis Applebee 24/2

Janet E Appleby 20/1

Jennie Appleby 23/7

Clive M Artley 13/7

Margaret Ashby 36/9

Jason M E Askew 34/12

Janice E Audibert 26/19

Terence J Baillie 7/15

Simon C Battersby 14/3

Mark A Batty 17/11

Elizabeth M Baxter 29/23

Stanley R Baxter 29/23

Elizabeth J Bendrey 34/9

Barbara E Bennett 24/20

Ian R Bentley 26/27

Peter M Bestley 36/2

Alan C Bird 23/26

Richard A Bittleston 23/2

Robin G Blount 36/25

Gita D Bond 14/25

Michael P M Booker 14/26

David H Bowler 23/10

Simon Boxall 35/30

Mair Bradley 22/6 and 22/11

Paul J Breeze 16/15

Helen M Brett-Young 9/9

Lynne Britten 27/32

Philip A Brooks 6/3

Andrew Brown 11/4

Elaine K Brown 20/15

Jenny Brown 11/4

Ruth Browning 14/9

Kathrine S Bruce 13/11

Denise Burgess 5/9

Diane J Bussey 23/14

Jane Campbell 22/15

J Duncan Campbell 34/15

Martin F Camroux 35/39

Mark J Cantrill 25/19

Sam Cappleman 34/1

Kenneth Clapham 21/16

Michael J Claridge 5/8

John K Clark 31/2

Neil M Clarke 23/19

Christine H Clements 35/30

Christopher I Coates 29/33

Martyn J Coe 35/30

John G Cole 17/11

Sian E Collins 7/7

Katherine E Colwell 17/11

Malcolm J Cook 23/4

Peter A Cornish 36/27

Alan Crump 18/5

Samuel Cyuma 34/11

Philip S Daniel 28/9

Bryony E Davis 36/6

Andrew C De Smet 29/34

Paul B Dean 36/25

Richard H Dengate 36/17

Caroline A Dick 13/11

Jane E Dicker 34/12

A Sheila Dickson 26/3

Myra D Dillistone 24/3

Ian K Duffield 25/6

Terence N Dyer 21/2

Alison R Evans 7/7

Felicity E M Ferriter 25/19

Paul R Floe 2/6

Patricia L M Fogden 36/25

Ron Forster 20/6

Roy J Fowler 7/20

Alexander P J Galbraith 18/17

Raymond G Gaston 5/7

John C Girtchen 17/11

Thomas E Glover 13/11

George C Goalby 17/3

John B Gordon 36/13

I Charles J Gorton 19/3

Susan L Graham 7/2

Roger C Green 21/1

Ronald G Greig 31/1

Stephen R Griffiths 9/4

Michael Haighton 23/11

David S Hamblin 36/2

Paul Han 35/38

Sungil Han 24/3

R Stephen Hannam 24/34

John A Hardaker 34/15

Janet Hardy 25/17

Martin A Hardy 11/1

Amanda J Harper 35/7

Linda M Harris 26/27

Mark N Hawarth 19/3

Kenneth M Hawkings 5/1

Michael J Hazelton 13/7

Peter Heckels 20/1

David Henson 17/9

David J P Hewlett 5/7

Helen Higgin-Botham 21/11

Timothy J Hillier 36/6

Robin R Hine 31/1

Elaine M Hodge 2/7

Robert Hollings 22/28

Robert J Horrocks 6/3

Jeff S Hopewell 23/12

Naison Hove 35/4

Brian A Howden 23/26

Andrew J Howell 6/4

Anthony W Howells 23/29

Ann Hufton 9/16

E Ann Jack 35/35

David Jackson 23/5

Timothy R Jackson 34/1

Irfon James 2/27

David A L Jenkins 35/24

Clive J Jennings 7/15

Timothy E Jessiman 26/4

Alan J Jewell 18/5

Margaret Johnson 20/1

Margaret A Johnson 24/10

Margaret A H Johnson 23/13

Brenda Jones 13/15

Thea Jones 23/5

David V Keeble 34/18

Stephen P Kelly 27/9

Elizabeth M Kemp 26/24

Peter Kerton-Johnson 24/18

Richard L Kidd 19/17

Rosemary J M Kidd 19/17

Jennifer M King 35/35

Elizabeth Kitching 29/31

Neil J Lambert 36/1

David K Langford 26/10

Emma L Langley 7/2

Robert W Lawrance 13/11

Trefor Lewis 1/1

George Liddle 13/4

Richard J Lockwood 5/9

Daryl L Logan 35/2

Mark W J Loney 34/13

Kathleen La Camera Loughlin 19/15

Deon Louw 7/24

Andrew J Mann-Ray 28/5

James H Marshall 9/4

David R D Martineau 17/11

Margaret A Mascall 36/21

William E J Mash 28/1

C Leslie Mather 7/7

David M C Matthews 12/8

Murray McBride 28/3

Gary S McGowan 18/13

Betty McNiven 2/24

T Douglas McRoberts 36/16

Helen M Mee 31/1

David Michaels 12/17

Martin M Miller 36/13

Roger C Mills 20/1

Tim Mitchell 22/13

Clive Morgan 2/13

D Marc Morgan 1/1

Ann V Morris 7/7

Peter Mott 27/31

Ian H Murray 5/9

David J Muskett 26/9

Joanne C Musson 5/18

James E A Mustard 35/35

Martyn P Neads 26/13

Barbara J Neill 22/1

Stephen Newell 7/2

Stuart W Nixon 24/7

Johannes Noble 29/33

Peter Nunn 31/9

John K Nyota 35/40

Modicum Okello 5/1

Oluremi Richard Omole 13/11

Steven R Palmer 23/13

S Robinson Paisley 31/2

John C Park 20/6

Angus M M Parker 26/1

Gavin Parker 22/19

Susan A Paterson 23/12

Michael J Peat 19/17

Marilyn A Peters 28/21

Colin Phipps 24/1

Catherine R Pickford 20/2

Kim Plumpton 36/10

Heather J Pollard 23/26

Matthew R Pollard 27/4

Eileen Poore 35/40

Richard Pope 11/24

David Y Poulton 5/10

Alan Priestley 5/1

Ian A Pullinger 23/21

Stuart R Radcliffe 19/13

Anugrah D Ramble 5/4

John Rammell 28/1

Peter S Rand 20/1

Paul Rathbone 29/23

Anna L Ratcliff 22/04

William D C Rees 2/3

Paul L Richards 23/7

R Neville Richardson 27/31

Jean A Robinson 36/6

Derek W Rosamond 13/3

Tudur Rowlands 1/1

Richard Rowling 29/23

Charles Royden 34/1

David P Ryan 5/16

Charmaine C M Sabey-Corkindale 34/15

Jonathan Salmon 26/13

Mark H Salmon 28/3

Robert W Sanday 26/1

Trevor J Sands 23/21

Wendy J Saunders 35/45

Michael R Sheard 17/11

Michael Shrubsole 26/10

Malcolm Smalley 29/14

Alistair G Smeaton 9/5

Andrew P L Smith 28/21

Gordon Smith 18/5

Deborah J Snowball 34/14

Lynda Spokes 23/5

Beverly A Stark 23/12

Christopher H Stebbing 25/1

John W Steele 34/15

Brenda Stephenson 26/20

Elizabeth I Strafford 13/11

Margaret E C Talbot 14/5

James A Taylor 7/7

Kathryn I Taylor 34/12

Noelle R Taylor 34/12

Patrick H Taylor 27/34

Rosemary E Taylor 17/22

Hamish G F Temple 17/3

Eileen C Thompson 31/1

Joanne Thorns 13/11

Helen M Thorp 13/11

Yvonne Tracey 20/6

Brian D Trudgian 14/18

Edwina B Turner 35/7

Peter J van de Kasteele 23/4

David Varcoe 35/36

Bruce Waldron 14/26

Graham F Warmington 24/24

Barry Welch 20/6

Cindy K Wesley 14/26

Brian W White 5/9

Carolyn White 6/4

Simon I D White 22/20

Eric K Whitley 23/10

Rosemary J Whitley 23/10

Maurice A Whittaker 22/19

Dinah A Whittall 7/20

Janet Whittingham 19/3

Nicholas Will 14/7

Ian Williams 22/15

Roger Williams 14/26

Mark R Williams 35/39

Desmond C Williamson 35/39

Ronald J Willoughby 11/18

Jeffrey Wilson 17/11

Ronald Wilson 9/16

Michael J Withey 7/7

Peter J Wood 14/26

Brian Woollaston 7/7

Alan W Wright 17/11

Michael Yates 22/28

Ernest W N Yu 35/39


50/4. The Conference resolved that the persons whose names are printed for this purpose in the Agenda as amended by the Order Paper circulated to the Conference, be authorised to serve the Methodist Church for the next ensuing year by virtue of Standing Order 733(1) and that each person so authorised shall reside for the purposes of the stations in the Circuit whose number appears against his or her name so listed.


The name of a deacon authorised to serve are printed below and may be amended in the Order Paper of the Conference in order to incorporate any changes consequent upon the decisions of the Stationing Committee.

Ellen Monk-Winstanley 21/10


50/5. The Conference resolved that the persons ordained deacon in another communion whose name is printed above, be authorised to serve the Methodist Church for the next ensuing year by virtue of Standing Order 733(1) and that the person so authorised shall reside for the purposes of the stations in the Circuit whose number appears against his or her name.


The names of Ministers of other communions to be granted the status of associate Minister are printed below and may be amended in the Order Paper of the Conference in order to incorporate any changes consequent upon the decisions of the Stationing Committee.

|Sydney W Andrew 17/13 |David W Joynes 13/19 |

|Timothy J Atkins 13/15 |Alistair Kaye 16/6 |

|Pamela D Baker 23/1 |Susan E Kent 13/12 |

|Christine Bandawe 16/4 |Graham J Kitts 12/14 |

|J E Michael Barber 26/22 |Bryan T Knapp 36/18 |

|Clive Barrett 27/- |Rosemary A Lawley 28/20 |

|Nigel D Beer 16/2 |Daphne J Lloyd 14/16 |

|D Owain Bell 28/20 |Ralph N Mann 23/4 |

|Michael P Benwell 16/4 |Jennifer S Montgomery 6/14 |

|Thomas A G Bill 21/1 |Sarah L Moore 9/- |

|Paul M Bilton 27/33 |Andrew Myers 16/5 |

|Keith J Brown 34/1 |James W S Newcome 9/- |

|Diane Brownhill 19/1 |Andy J Nicholson 16/4 |

|Anthony F Bundock 16/1 |Rodney Nicholson 21/9 |

|S Roger Burne 23/1 |Hillary Nyika 35/22 |

|Stephen I Butler 31/2 |David O’Brien 21/15 |

|Peter S Callway 36/18 |Delia M P O’Halloran 34/1 |

|Carole A Camp 5/1 |Shaun O’Rourke 19/1 |

|Heather R Carter 23/1 |David J Page 11/8 |

|Roy Catchpole 26/26 |Ann J Parker 7/2 |

|Colin Cheeseman 16/2 |Barry R Parker 16/5 |

|Paul R F Clemence 21/15 |David G Paton-Williams 16/2 |

|Fiona J M Cotton-Betteridge 17/22 |Paul J Payton 16/4 |

|Mandy R Coutts 16/7 |James Percival 21/14 |

|Simon J Cox 21/15 |Peter M L Phillips 7/2 |

|Richard Deimel 13/15 |Robert E Pickering 21/2 |

|John E Dennett 21/15 |Trevor Pitt 13/15 |

|Linda Dodds 13/15 |David E Pountain 12/14 |

|Dennis S Downing 12/9 |David W Rhymer 12/14 |

|Helen M Drummond 29/31 |Clive J Richardson 36/1 |

|Peter L Dunbar 16/14 |David M Robinson 16/2 |

|Charlotte E Elvey 35/26 |Ian T Rodley 16/7 |

|Matthew S Evans 16/14 |Peter B Rouch 19/1 |

|Robert Evens 34/1 |Carol Rowles 35/26 |

|Jeremy M Fathers 5/1 |Neil Salt 21/15 |

|David Ford 16/1 |Edward A Saville 21/1 |

|Lissa M Gibbons 13/16 |Anthony M Shepherd 16/12 |

|Michael E Goodland 12/22 |David M Shepherd 34/14 |

|David Griffiths 6/1 |Nigel C Sinclair 16/12 |

|Alan Haigh 16/2 |T Roger Smith 21/2 |

|John Hallows 21/6 |M Paul Spurgeon 16/2 |

|Kenneth Harris 13/7 |Andrew M Taylor 27/32 |

|Ruth Harris 16/17 |J Allan Taylor 36/7 |

|John Hartley 21/2 |David Teece 16/17 |

|Paul Hartley 16/17 |Stuart G Thomas 35/26 |

|John D Hawley 21/2 |Paul Q Tudge 16/7 |

|William E Henderson 16/17 |James Turner 16/5 |

|Garry A F Hinchliffe 16/12 |Susan M Wallace 16/1 |

|Michael Hopkins 36/1 |Gillian A Webb 34/1 |

|Richard L Howlett 34/1 |Philip W Webb 28/9 |

|Steven P Hughes 21/11 |Carol A Wilson-Barker 36/1 |

|Timothy J Hurren 16/12 |David P Woodhall 6/14 |

|Andrew Jacobson 35/26 |Diana Zanker 16/2 |


50/6. The Conference resolved that that the persons whose names are printed for this purpose in the Agenda as amended by the Order Paper circulated to the Conference, be granted the status of associate Minister for the next ensuing year by virtue of Standing Order 733A(1) in the Circuit whose number appears against his or her name so listed.

50/7. The Conference resolved that that the person whose name is printed below be granted the status of associate deacon for the next ensuing year by virtue of Standing Order 733A(1) in the Circuit whose number appears against her name.

Constance M Taylor 27/9


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