ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Teacher Resource

School Coding


1. What are the kids in the BTN story learning?

2. Explain one of the apps the kids designed in the BTN story.

3. What is code? Describe using one sentence.

4. What coding language do the kids use to design their apps?

5. How many games does the school have registered on the app store?

6. How do the kids feel the coding skills they learn will help them in the future?

7. What apps do you use? Discuss as a class.

8. If you could design your own app, what would it do?

9. What questions do you have about coding? Go to the BTN Coding School story to leave your comment and start a discussion.

10. What did you like about this story?


Discuss the BTN School Coding story as a class. What questions were raised in the discussion (what are the gaps in their knowledge)? The KWLH organiser provides students with a framework to explore their knowledge on this topic and consider what they would like to know and learn.

|What do I know? |What do I want to know? |What have I learnt? |How will I find out?|

| | | | |


As a class, brainstorm what code is and what you can do with code. Write a definition on the class whiteboard. For example, coding is coming up with a set of computer instructions to tell computers what to do.

Animate using Scratch

Make your name come to life! Animate the letters by coding in Scratch. Make the letters spin, grow, jump or interact however you like. Add sound and music too. This scratch tutorial give students step-by-step instructions on how to animate their name by snapping together blocks in Scratch.

Try the Animate a Name tutorial. Scratch offers teachers guides and resources for using Scratch in the classroom.


Website design using Thimble

Thimble is an online code editor that makes it easy to create and publish your own web pages while learning HTML. To get started students will Remix a project. Students will:

• distinguish between original content and a remix.

• remix HTML to change the words and image on a webpage.

Get started by remixing this project My six-word summer

Use this Teaching Kit to guide students through this project.


Design your own emoji

Get emojified using Made With Code! Design a one-of-a-kind emoji with a unique look and custom lifestyle. Learn how to change the position of an object on a work space by changing its x and y values. Design your own emoji


Design an app


Hold a class discussion about apps. Students will then:

• Brainstorm a list of apps they use at home and at school.

• Use headings to sort the different types of apps they use, for example games, education, social networking, news, weather or health.

• Which apps do you use the most? Which apps are the most popular in your class?


Students will write a short description of their idea for an app and draw a sketch of the different elements of the app. Students will support their app idea by answering the following questions:

• What does your app have to offer that the others don’t?

• What is your apps purpose?

• What problem does your app solve?

• Who is the target audience?


Students will present their app ideas to the class or a small group of students and ask them to give feedback.


Students will reflect on the activity, by responding to the following questions:

• What did you find interesting?

• What was challenging?

• What did you enjoy about this activity?

• What would you do differently next time?


BTN – Coding

BTN – Computer Code

BTN – App Creator

BTN – App Kid

Good Game Spawn Point – Coding Corner

Google – Made with Code


Episode 14

30th May 2017


Students will experiment with coding using simple online coding programs. Students will learn how to change the position of an object on a work space by changing its x and y values.


Digital Technologies – Years 5 & 6

Examine how whole numbers are used to represent all data in digital systems (ACTDIK015)

Implement digital solutions as simple visual programs involving branching, iteration (repetition), and user input (ACTDIP020)

Digital Technologies – Years 7 & 8

Implement and modify programs with user interfaces involving branching, iteration and functions in a general-purpose programming language (ACTDIP030)

Design and Technologies – Years 5 & 6

Generate, develop and communicate design ideas and processes for audiences using appropriate technical terms and graphical representation techniques (ACTDEP025)

What can you do with code?

What is code?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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