High School Quizbowl Packet Archive

Round 6Buzzer Question: “If you could travel anywhere in the world right now where would it be?”Tossups: In a poem from this collection, the narrator speaks of his emergence “Out of the mocking-bird’s throat, the musical shuttle” and of “Two feather’d guests from Alabama.” This collection includes a work that begins “flood tide below me! I meet you face to face.” In another poem in this collection the narrator describes the titular figure as having “fallen cold and dead.” Other poems in this collection include “Where Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom’d” and “I Sing the Body Electric.” For ten points name this collection of poems by Walt Whitman which was partly dedicated to Abraham Lincoln. Answer: Leaves of GrassThe Enuma Elish depicts this action being performed with the blood of Quingu. In Egyptian mythology, this action was caused by the tears of Atum over the disappearance of his children Shu and Tefnut. Kukulkan and Tepeu performed this action with fresh corn, while brother gods Odin, Vili, and Ve performed this action with two tree trunks. After a battle between the Titans and the gods, Prometheus—like several deities in other religions—performed this action by using clay. For ten points, the biblical characters Adam and Eve are the result what action? Answer: creating humans [accept reasonable variants]Kashubian is recognized as a minority language in this country. This country is the northernmost member of the Visegrad Group and its western border is the Oder-Neisse Line. The Bug river forms part of its borders with Eastern neighbors; that river flows into the Narew and ultimately the Vistula. This country’s most populous metropolitan area is centered around Katowice [KAH-TO-VEE-TSE], the capital of its Silesian voivodeship. Jagiellonian University is in this country’s second most populous city of Krakow, which is near Auschwitz Concentration Camp. For ten points, name this Slavic country governed from Warsaw.Answer: Republic of Poland or Rzeczpospolita PolskaRaphael Lemkin coined a certain term after learning of this event, and a city in Colombia was renamed after a certain country in commemoration of this event. The “I apologize” campaign aims for a certain country to recognize this event. Henry Morgenthau heard of this event after the Siege of Van, and Jesse B. Jackson witnessed it in Aleppo. The Tehcir Act enabled “special measures” against a certain group of people, beginning this event. During this event, a certain group was deported to camps near Deir ez-Zor in modern day Syria. For ten points, name this event during World War I in which the Ottoman Empire conducted a systematic extermination of a certain ethnic group. Answer: Armenian Genocide or Armenian Holocaust or Hayots tseghaspanutyunThis work of art is set in Cushing, Maine, instead of the artists’ hometown of Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania. The creator of this work used his wife as a model for the head and torso of the main figure of this painting, instead of using his usual model, a German neighbor named Helga Testorf. This painting features a barn and farmhouse that belonged to the Olson family. The only person in this painting takes up the bottom left of the panel, and has her back to the viewer as she reaches toward the top right corner of the canvas. For ten points, name this 1948 painting by Andrew Wyeth that features a CMT-stricken woman crawling through the fields.Answer: Christina’s WorldBecause heavier isotopes result in reduced vibration frequencies this quantity must be higher according to the kinetic isotope effect. This quantity can be calculated using the Eyring-Polanyi equation and it also appears as the numerator of the exponent in Black’s equation. This quantity can be found by calculating the slope of a line that plots the log of the rate constant against the inverse of temperature. Often characterized as the “potential barrier,” its negative is divided by the product of absolute temperature and the gas constant in the exponent of the Arrhenius equation. For ten points, name this quantity, the point of energy that must be attained in order to reach a transition state.Answer: activation energy or EAIn this play, two characters mention how Mary Farquhar likes to flirt with her husband across the dinner table. One character makes cucumber sandwiches for a guest, but there are none left by the time the guest comes. That character calls another character a Bunburyist and he likewise argues with another character about the proper way to eat a muffin. One woman accidentally leaves an infant stranded at a train station and Dr. Chasuble is asked by Jack Worthing to christen him using a fake dead brother’s name. For ten points, name this play about Jack using the titular name to woo Gwendolen, a work by Oscar Wilde.Answer: The Importance of Being EarnestMuch of his earliest studies were performed under Jean-Martin Charcot and he also worked extensively with otolaryngologist Wilhelm Fliess. This thinker discussed religion in one work that describes Moses as the “pater familias” of the Jewish people. He developed an alternative theory regarding the origin of hysteria in his “seduction theory” and he likewise developed the concepts of the “Thanatos” and “Eros.” Another of his works claims that the titular entities act as a form of “wish fulfillment,” while another discusses the concept of the “pleasure principle.” For ten points, name this Austrian psychologist who authored such books as Civilization and its Discontents and The Interpretation of Dreams. Answer: Sigmund FreudThe Treaty of Shimonoseki guaranteed the independence of this country. The Righteous Armies resisted invaders of this country during the Imjin War, during which its army used Seongja artillery. This country saw victory at the Battle of Myeongnyang and its eventual liberation was assured at the Battle of Noryang Point. When this country was invaded, its forces deployed turtle ships under the command of Admiral Yi and Hwacha rocket launchers. A dynasty established by Manchus was recognized as the rulers of this country by its Joseon dynasty. For ten points, name this peninsular country in Asia now divided between North and South.Answer: KoreaTkInter (T-K-enter) is the most common GUI for this language and is included with the installation of the language. This language is community developed and iteration can be performed using its “xrange” type. This language delimits blocks using whitespace indentation and this language uses duck typing. This language manages memory by using reference counting and it also lacks backwards compatibility. Commonly used for web server scripts this is, for ten points, what programing language invented by Guido van Rossum which shares its name with a reptile?Answer: PythonThis opera features an aria in which one character sings that the “house must be full of flowers. Everywhere. As the night is full of stars.” Goro asks the protagonist of this opera to marry Yamadori and its second act ends with the “Humming Chorus.” One character in this opera is paired with variations on “The Star Spangled Banner,” and in another scene the name of the protagonist’s son is revealed to be “Sorrow.” Sharpless cannot bear to tell the titular character of this opera that her husband has married another woman named Kate. For ten points, name this opera by Giacomo Puccini about the titular woman Cio-Cio San and her faithless American husband Pinkerton. Answer: Madame ButterflyMoss engages in this activity with several visiting businessmen on The IT Crowd. In Community, the study group performs this activity to reunite Professor Hickey with his estranged son, and they had earlier performed this activity to help Fat Neil. Vin Diesel once wrote that he was “attracted to the artistic outlet” as it provided an “opportunity to explore” his identity. In the Weird Al Yankovic song, “White and Nerdy,” Al claims that “Drop skills, I’m a champion” at this activity. For ten points, the TV show Stranger Things starts with a group of boys playing what popular fantasy tabletop RPG?Answer: Dungeons & Dragons Recently, a copy of this philosopher’s lost book Rules for the Direction of the Mind was discovered in a Cambridge University Library. This philosopher’s last published work synthesized his correspondence with Queen Elisabeth of Bohemia and is dedicated to Queen Cristina of Sweden. This author of the Passions of the Soul believed that the seat of the soul rested in the brain’s pineal gland. In his most famous work, the philosopher employs the skeptical method to guard against deception from an evil demon. For 10 points, name this author of Meditations on First Philosophy who wrote that “I think, therefore I am.”ANSWER: Rene DescartesThis author wrote a poem recommending that women focus on manners first, before recommending compounds for makeup in “Women’s Facial Cosmetics”. In another work, Atticus is told that “every lover serves as a soldier” when describing the narrator’s affair with Corinna. He wrote one collection of poems from the perspective of famous female characters such as Dido and Briseis. Aside from the Heroides, this man also wrote a work in which Philemon and Baucis are turned into trees upon their deaths, and another poem which includes the story of Daphne being turned into a laurel tree to avoid Apollo. For ten points, name this Roman poet of Amores and Metamorphoses.Answer: Publius Ovidius NasoThe Stribeck curve shows difference in this force between surfaces as a function of the Hersey number. The atypical decline of this force is described by the Stribeck curve. Light is produced from this force in a phenomenon known as triboluminescence. One of Amonton’s laws of this force, also known as the Coulomb’s law of this force, states that it is independent of sliding velocity. The tangent of the angle of an inclined plane is the static coefficient of this force. For ten points, name this force that is perpendicular to the normal force and resists motion.Answer: frictionOne of these was used in Vigo, Spain to apprehend its subject after he fled corruption charges in the US. One of these works shows its subjects smoking a cigar whilst waiting next to a table that reads “there is strength in counting.” The subject of these works can be seen in the stands of a coliseum watching as a gladiator is eaten by a wild animal, and another of these works shows a circle of people pointing to one another. In another, the creator of these works can be seen next to a man with a vulture’s body as they sit atop some cliffs “waiting for the storm to blow over.” They include a work showing a rotund figure with a money bag for a head. For ten points, name these drawings that criticize the leader of Tammany Hall. Answer: cartoons of Boss Tweed by Thomas Nast (accept equivalents so long as they mention William “Boss” Tweed and Thomas Nast)The primary institution tasked with administering this entity is run by Mario Draghi. The name of this entity was officially adopted in a meeting in Madrid, but the concept for the entity was proposed in the Maastricht Treaty. This entity came into use in 1999, but included a 3 year transition period in which it replaced other entities with the same purpose. In a 2003 national referendum, Sweden rejected the use of this entity. Many countries in this entity's namesake zone experienced debt crisis in 2009. For ten points, name the world’s second largest reserve currency, that is used by 19 out of 28 European Union nationsAnswer: euroThis process is regulated through the thioredoxin-ferrodoxin activation system and the enzyme aldolase is used to produce fructose-6-phosphate during one step of this process. It yields a net total of 6 NADP+ molecules as well as six net G3Ps, some of which are then used to form hexose. The other G3Ps are used to regenerate another component in this reaction which also requires the fixation of carbon from CO2. Requiring immense amounts of RuBisCO, this process occurs primarily in the stroma of chloroplasts. For ten points, name this process involved in photosynthesis, a series of steps often known as the “dark reactions.”Answer: Calvin-Benson-Bassham Cycle (prompt on “photosynthesis” until read, accept light-independent reactions or dark reactions until the end)This work inspired Marguerite de Navarre to write her own stories. Ser Ciappelletto fools a priest into believing he has led a holy life while receiving last rites in the first part of this work and Panfilo tells a story involving a sultan and Torello. Dioneo tells of how the nobleman Gualteri tests Griselda’s patience by threatening to kill their children, though later reveals that they are alive and well. Isabella puts Lorenzo’s head into a pot of basil after he is murdered by her brothers in another story from this work. A group of Florentine aristocrats are fleeing the Black Death in, for ten points, what collection of tales written by Boccaccio?Answer: The DecameronThe passage of this legislation overruled Minor v. Happersett. In Leser v. Garnett, the Supreme Court unanimously ruled this legislation was constitutional. This legislation was originally proposed by Aaron A. Sergeant. The Tennessee House of Representatives voted narrowly for this legislation, enabling its ratification. The New Departure strategy agitated for this amendment after court decisions would not enable its goal; that strategy was led by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony. For ten points, name this constitutional amendment that guaranteed American women’s right to vote. Answer: The 19th AmendmentThis man was placed into three barrels of water in an attempt to quell his anger. This man was trained by a group of warrior women at the request of his father-in-law so he could marry Emer. This man breaks two of his oaths when he is offered dog meat to eat, and later dies after tying himself to a stone to stand in battle. He accidentally killed his son Connla after using a weapon made of the bones of a sea monster. This son of Lugh is the only warrior to oppose the forces of Queen Medb [may-v] and wielded the spear Gae Bulg. The hero of the Cattle Raid of Cooley, for ten points, name this protagonist of the Ulster Cycle. Answer: Cuchulainn; Cu Chulaind; CuhullinBonuses: Some astrophysicists believe that the centers of some galaxies may contain “supermassive” forms of these bodies. For ten points each:[10] Name these astronomical bodies that emit Hawking radiation. Their gravity is so great that not even light can escape from them.Answer: black holes[10] According to this postulate, all black holes can be characterized by their mass, charge, and angular momentum, as all other information related to their formation is lost in the event horizon.Answer: No-Hair Theorem[10] This quantity is defined as the distance at which an object’s mass is compressed such that the escape velocity is equal to the speed of light. If an object’s mass is contained within this measure a black hole would result. Answer: Schwarzschild radiusThis material has been used in statuary since antiquity, but during the Renaissance, it was cast using the lost-wax method. For ten points each:[10] The ancient Greeks often used what material, an alloy of copper and tin, famously used in the Artemisium Zeus. Answer: bronze [do not accept brass][10] This artist often sculpted figures in bronze, including The Age of Bronze and a work in which a group of men, some of whom have nooses around their neck, prepare to surrender to Edward III’s army.Answer: Fran?ois Auguste René Rodin[10] Another well known bronze work is this Donatello equestrian sculpture depicting the famed mercenary Erasmo of Narni. Answer: Gattamelata Recurring characters include the law student Eugene de Rastignac and the criminal Jacques Collin. For ten points each: [10] Name this series set during the French Restoration, which includes works such as Louis Lambert and Cousin Bette.Answer: The Human Comedy; La Comédie humaine[10] This character first appears in The Human Comedy at the boarding house Maison Vauquer. The student Eugene de Rastignac falls in love with this man’s daughter, Delphine in his namesake entry in The Human Comedy. Answer: Jean-Joachim Goriot; Pére Goriot[10] This French author gave up studying law in favor of writing; he wrote Le Pere Goriot and The Human Comedy.Answer: Honore de BalzacFor Ten points each, answer some questions about some recent uprisings in the Middle East:[10] This term refers to the string of uprisings that occurred in many middle eastern states against repressive governments between 2010 and 2012. This revolutionary wave has led to ongoing conflicts in Syria and Libya. Answer: Arab Spring[10] In 2011, military backed protesters managed to remove this autocratic president of Egypt. This president, who had previously ruled for 30 years, was recently acquitted of crimes against protesters in the 2011 uprising.Answer: Hosni Mubarak[10] The revolutions in the Arab Spring mostly failed to bring positive change to the nations where they occurred. Name the only country to have gained a pluralistic, constitutional democratic government from its revolution. This country’s revolution was considered the first in the Arab Spring. Answer: Republic of TunisiaOctober 23 is named after this and Avogadro’s number gives the number of atoms found in this measurement. For ten points each:[10] Name this SI unit for the measure of the amount of a substance.Answer: mole[10] Moles and grams are units often used in this subfield of chemistry that deals with the quantitative connections between products and reactants.Answer: stoichiometry[10] This value measures compares the product one should have gotten after a reaction to how much of a product was actually obtained.Answer: percent yieldFor ten points name some notable deserts in Asia;[10] This cold desert ecosystems include the Dzungarian Basin and the Alashan Plateau semi-desert. It covers most of Northern China and Mongolia. Answer: Gobi Desert[10] This largest desert in Asia is bordered by the Syrian Desert to the North and it contains the Rub’al-Khali Desert.Answer: Arabian Desert[10] This desert forms a border between Pakistan and India, lying primarily in the Royal Rajasthan states.Answer: Thar DesertAlthough Agamemnon and Priam may be the most famous, there were many other important leaders during the Trojan War. For ten points each:[10] This wise old king of Pylos had earlier participated in the Calydonian Boar Hunt and had been a member of the Argonauts. Throughout the Iliad he is shown giving council to various Greeks, including Patroclus, who he persuades to wear Achilles’ armor in battle.Answer: Nestor[10] Though he would later become stranded in Egypt, this Spartan king initiated the Trojan war when his wife Helen left with Paris. Answer: Menelaus[10] This woman led a group of Amazons who sided with Troy. She joined the war seeking penance for accidentally killing her sister Hippolyta. Unfortunately she herself would be later impaled by Achilles.Answer: PenthesileaThis leader executed Robert Ambrister and Alexander Arbuthnot during one military campaign. For ten points each:[10] Name this victor of the Battle of New Orleans who later served as the seventh president of the United States.Answer: Andrew Jackson[10] Jackson controversially supported this policy, which involved a certain demographic being forced to move west of the Mississippi.Answer: Indian Removal (accept obvious equivalents)[10] Jackson had earlier founded the Democratic Party after losing this election to John Quincy Adams. Supposedly, Adams gained the presidency after making a “corrupt bargain” with Henry Clay during this election. Answer: The Election of 1824“One dollar and eighty-seven cents. That was all. And sixty cents of it was in pennies”. For ten points each:[10] That was the the opening line to this famous short story about a husband and a wife who sell their own most prized possessions to buy Christmas presents for the other.Answer: “The Gift of the Magi”[10] “The Gift of the Magi” is published under the name O. Henry, the nom de plume for this American author who specialized in situational irony.Answer: William Sydney Porter[10] This other O. Henry short story, written for The Saturday Evening Post, details the kidnapping of a young boy by two crooks, who are forced to pay the boy’s father to take him back when the boy becomes too annoying. Answer: “The Ransom of Red Chief”This thinker stated that sociology should use the scientific method to look for what he called “social facts.” For ten points each:[10] Name this thinker who wrote “The Rules of the Sociological Method.”Answer: Emile Durkheim[10] Durkheim wrote about the division of this concept in society, which he said maintained social order.Answer: labor[10] Durkheim also wrote about this phenomenon in Catholic and Protestant populations, dividing it into altruistic and anomic varieties.Answer: suicideThis system contains the organ that is responsible for releasing hormones like FSH and LH. For ten points each:[10] Name this organ system that contains the pituitary gland, as well as the brain and spinal cord.Answer: central nervous system or CNS [prompt on “nervous system”][10] These cells in the central nervous system aid neurons by providing trophic support, myelination, and mediating their interactions with blood vessels. Examples of these cells include astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, and Schwann cells. Answer: glial cells[10] This part of the brain contains the visual cortex and is the most posterior lobe, lying just behind the temporal lobe. Answer: occipital lobeThe grandmasters of this sect are known as mawla and many practitioners seek to perfect their worship of Allah by achieving ihsan. For ten points each:[10] Name this mystic branch of Islam, often characterized by ascetic lifestyles and a form of meditation based on “whirling.”Answer: Sufism or Tasawwuf[10] In Sufism, many Wali are revered for their ability to perform these actions, known as karamat. David Hume notably discussed these phenomenon in a chapter of his work An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding. Answer: miracles[10] A common practice in Sufi worship is dhikr, a belief in a form of ritual that involves the recitation, singing, or chanting of what religious words?Answer: names of Allah (accept obvious equivalents) This emperor abolished the jizya tax for non-Muslims, even appointing some to higher political positions. For ten points each:[10] Name this Mughal emperor and victor at the Second Battle of Panipat.Answer: Akbar the Great or Akbar I[10] This grandson of Akbar the Great oversaw the construction of the Taj Mahal.Answer: Shah Jahan[10] This Mughal emperor and son of Shah Jahan is often blamed for the downfall of the empire. He notably imprisoned his father, reinstituted the jizya, and destroyed many Hindu temples.Answer: AurangzebFor ten points each, answer some questions about american legal institutions:[10] This concept allows individuals to have the verdict of their case decided by a group of their fellow citizens, instead of by a judge.Answer: Jury Trial (accept Jury)[10] The right to a trial by Jury in criminal cases is guaranteed in this constitutional amendment.Answer: 6th Amendment[10] While criminal cases use a beyond a reasonable doubt evidence standard to determine guilt, civil cases use this lower evidence standard to determine whether or not the defendant is liable.Answer: preponderance of the evidenceA podcast is an audio program that can be downloaded for listening or subscribed to through an application like iTunes. Name some, for ten points each:[10] The first seasons of this Peabody-winning podcast followed the story of suspected murderer Adnan Syed. It is hosted by Sarah Koenig. Answer: Serial[10] This 2017 podcast is named after a censored version of its subject’s nickname. In it, Brian Reed traces the life of horologist John B. McLemore (MACK-luh-more) who struggles with depression in a small Alabama town. Answer: S-Town[10] Serial and S-Town are both spin-offs of this radio show, hosted by Ira Glass and aired nationwide by NPR member stations. Answer: This American LifeThis work was heavily influenced by the Kalevala, but was criticized for being too serious and difficult to read. For ten points each:[10] This posthumously published work details the creation of Ea; its first section, Ainulindale, describes the rise of Melkor. Answer: The Silmarillion [10] This author of The Silmarillion also wrote The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings trilogy. Answer: J.R.R. Tolkien [10] Tolkien’s other works include the adventures of this character, who appears in The Fellowship of the Ring. This husband of Goldberry is unaffected by the Ring and can see those who wear it. Answer: Tom BombadilDon’t take it for granite that you will rock at this question. For 10 points each: [10] Name this mineral, used as an aspirant in baby powder and as a lubricant for pharmaceutical and industrial uses. It is one of the softest minerals and can be scratched with a fingernail.Answer: talcum [accept magnesium silicate, do not accept “soapstone”][10] Talc ranks as a “1” on this scale which is used to identify minerals out in the field based on their physical properties.Answer: Mohs scale of mineral hardness [accept variants][10] With a name coming from the Greek word for “to deceive” due to its ability to be mistaken for other minerals, this mineral scores a 5 on Mohs hardness sca;e. It is a major contributor to tooth enamel, bone mass, and it is an ingredient in fertilizer.Answer: apatiteA similarly named piece of incidental music for this Henrik Ibsen play begins with “Morning Mood”. For 10 points each: [10] Name this Ibsen play that follows the story of its titular roguish character and his wanderings from Norway to Africa. Answer: Peer Gynt[10] This movement of the Peer Gynt Suite opens with low strings playing pizzicato, and features double basses and bassoons.Answer: “In the Hall of the Mountain King”[10] The composer of the Peer Gynt Suite, Edvard Grieg, also composed this other Suite in celebration of its namesake playwright. This suite contains the “Sarabande” and “Air” movements.Answer: Holberg Suite. Op. 40Todd Beamer famously proclaimed “Let’s Roll” during this event. For ten points each:[10] Name this 2001 event which saw al-Qaeda hijackers ram planes into the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia. Answer: September 11th attacks or 9/11 (Nine-Eleven)[10] The September 11th attacks were during the administration of this president. This president was the first president elected without the popular vote since Benjamin Harrison.Answer: George W. Bush (Prompt on ‘Bush’ or ‘George Bush’)[10] In response to the attacks, Congress passed this sweeping security legislation which among other things allows for the indefinite detention of immigrants.Answer: Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001 or USA-PATRIOT Act20. Caderousse does not intervene as Danglars and Fernand set up this novel’s protagonist as a traitor supporting Napoleon Bonaparte. For ten points each: [10] Name this novel in which Edmund Dantes is wrongfully arrested and imprisoned. He later escapes and reenters society with a fortune and a new identity. Answer: The Count of Monte Cristo; Le Comte de Monte-Cristo[10] This author of The Count of Monte Cristo also created the characters Athos, Porthos, and Aramis in The Three Musketeers. Answer: Alexandre Dumas[10] This is the family that Edmund Dantes tries to seek revenge upon. Gerard destroyed evidence before prosecuting Dantes and Renee later kills herself and her son, Edward. Answer: Villefort family21. The most recent winners of this include Dear Evan Hansen, Hamilton, and Fun Home. For ten points each:[10] Name this award for excellence in Broadway theatre, which has been presented by the American Theatre Wing since 1947. Answer: Tony Award[10] At the 2017 Tony Awards, there were four shows nominated for Best Musical. One of them was Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812, which is adapted from a 70-page sliver of this Russian novel..Answer: War and Peace[10] The most-winning show in Tony's history is not Hamilton, but this musical, an adaptation of the Mel Brooks film in which Max Bialystock and Leo Bloom attempt to get rich quick by defrauding investors in a Broadway musical called Springtime for Hitler. It won 12 Tonys in 2001. Answer: The Producers ................

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