Table 2: Detailed breakdown of all child abduction cases ...

Detailed breakdown of child abduction cases reported in Jonglei and Unity States

|No. |Age, sex and number of|Location of |Date of abduction|Suspected abductors|Circumstances of abduction(s) |Source of information |Comments |

| |children abducted |abduction | | | | | |

|2 |2 children (age & sex |Kaikuiny, Unity |14 July 07 |Murle tribe |Raid during which woman and |SPLA Commander to JMT on 18 |Reported to JMT in Akobo |

| |unknown) |State | | |child killed – not specified |July 2007 |in Aug 07 that children |

| | | | | |whether cattle were taken | |were recovered |

|3 |3 children |Padak, Baidet Payam,|6 Sept 07 |Murle tribe |Raid – no other details |Jonglei State Security | |

| |Boy (8), girl (6) & |Jonglei State | | |supplied |Officer and community | |

| |girl (7) | | | | |contacts | |

|4 |Boy (about 1) |Baidet Payam, |18 Sept 07 |Murle tribe |Raid during which one woman was|UNMIS language assistant to | |

| | |Jonglei State | | |killed & 2 women were injured. |UN Police on 20 Sept 07 | |

| | | | | |Not reported whether cattle | | |

| | | | | |were taken | | |

|5 |2 girls (1) and (3) |Liliir, Jalle Payam,|3 Oct 07 |Murle tribe |Raid during which one woman was|Reported to the UN by |Names known but not |

| | |Bor County, Jonglei | | |killed and another injured. No |relatives in the US and, |included in the table |

| | |State | | |report of attempted or actual |separately, reported to the | |

| | | | | |raiding of cattle |County Commissioner, Bor | |

| | | | | | |County | |

|No. |Age, sex and number of|Location of |Date of abduction|Suspected abductors|Circumstances of abduction(s) |Source of information |Comments |

| |children abducted |abduction | | | | | |

|7 |2 children (age & sex |Pageer, Twic East |22 Oct 07 |Not specified |Cattle raid – 2 women killed |Reported to UN Police by |Children recovered by SSPS|

| |unknown) |County, Jonglei | | | |SSPS at Bor PS on 24 Oct 07 |and civilians |

| | |State | | | |& to CPU by government | |

| | | | | | |official, Nov 07 | |

|8 |Girl (3) |Makuach Payam, |Unknown |Murle tribe |Unknown |Reported to UN Police by | |

| | |Jonglei State | | | |SSPS at Bor PS on 24 Oct 07.| |

| | | | | | |Possibly the same case as | |

| | | | | | |reported to CPU by Dept of | |

| | | | | | |Social Welfare, Bor – said | |

| | | | | | |to have occurred 18 Oct 07 | |

| | | | | | |(not separately recorded) | |

|9 |Boy (under 5) |Makuach Payam, |8 Oct 07 |Not specified |Attempted cattle raid during |Reported to JMT by local | |

| | |Jonglei State | | |which boy’s mother was killed |officials in Pibor on 24 Oct| |

| | | | | |and girl wounded |07 | |

|10 |2 boys (age unknown) |Makuach Payam, |10 Oct 07 |Murle tribe |Unspecified |Reported to CPU by | |

| | |Jonglei State | | | |government official, Nov 07 | |

| | | | | | |& Dept of Social Welfare, | |

| | | | | | |Bor, Oct 07 | |

|11 |Baby girl (age |Pagook, Baidit |8 Oct 07 |Murle tribe |Raid - no other details |Reported to CPU by | |

| |unknown) |Payam, Bor County, | | |supplied |government official, Nov 07 | |

| | |Jonglei | | | | | |

|No. |Age, sex and number of|Location of |Date of abduction|Suspected abductors|Circumstances of abduction(s) |Source of information |Comments |

| |children abducted |abduction | | | | | |

|13 |2 children (age & sex |Payan Village, |30 Oct 07 |Murle tribe |Raid - no other details |Reported to CPU by | |

| |unknown) |Pageleng Boma, Duk | | |supplied |government official, Nov 07 | |

| | |County, Jonglei | | | | | |

| | |State | | | | | |

|14 |2 boys (age unknown) |Baidet Payam, |11 Sept 07 |Not specified |Unknown |Reported to CPWG in Bor by | |

| | |Jonglei State | | | |Dept of Social Welfare, Bor,| |

| | | | | | |Oct 07 | |

|15 |3 children (sex & age |Panyok, Jonglei |4 Nov 07 |Murle tribe |Cattle raid – 10 cattle taken |Reported to JMT by local | |

| |unknown) |State | | | |officials on 8 Nov 07 | |

|16 |3 children |Panyagor, Jonglei |Unknown |Murle tribe |Cattle raid – 582 cattle |Reported to JMT by local |Alleged that a militia, |

| |(age & sex unknown) |State | | |stolen; 9 people killed; 13 |officials on 6 Nov 07 |incl. 9 officers and an |

| | | | | |people injured | |unknown number of soldiers|

| | | | | | | |responsible for the |

| | | | | | | |instability in the area. |

|17 |Boy (10) |Konbeck Boma, |11 Nov 07 |Murle tribe |Unknown |Reported to UN Police, Bor | |

| | |Makuach Payam, | | | |by local official on 12 Nov | |

| | |Jonglei State | | | |07 | |

|No. |Age, sex and number of|Location of |Date of abduction|Suspected abductors|Circumstances of abduction(s) |Source of information |Comments |

| |children abducted |abduction | | | | | |

|19 |2 children (age & sex |Wello, Jonglei State|4 Dec 07 |Murle tribe |Cattle raid – 500 cattle taken |Reported to JMT by local |Children recovered by |

| |unknown) | | | | |officials on 10 Dec 07 |members of local |

| | | | | | | |community. Reported that |

| | | | | | | |cattle raids occur April -|

| | | | | | | |Dec |

|20 |2 children (age & sex |Waat, Jonglei State |Oct 07 |Murle tribe |Cattle raid – 500 cattle raided|Reported to JMT by local | |

| |unknown) | | | |– cattle later recovered by |officials on 13 Dec 07 | |

| | | | | |SPLA | | |

|21 |One girl (age unknown)|Waat, Jonglei State |4 Dec 07 |Reported that the |Cattle raid |Reported to JMT by local | |

| | | | |raiders were Murle | |officials on 13 Dec 07 | |

| | | | |and wore military | | | |

| | | | |uniforms | | | |

|22 |2 boys (10 and 11?) |Anyidi Payam, |17 Dec 07 |Murle tribe |Abductions occurred on the |Reported by UN Police and in|Children recovered by |

| | |Jonglei State | | |Bor-Anyidi road whilst family |the press on 17 & 20 Dec 07 |local youths. Reported |

| | | | | |travelling | |that children can be sold |

| | | | | | | |for 30 cows |

|No. |Age, sex and number of|Location of |Date of abduction|Suspected abductors|Circumstances of abduction(s) |Source of information |Comments |

| |children abducted |abduction | | | | | |

|24 |2 boys (5 & 9) |Between Yuai & |18 Dec 07 |A witness to the |Family (man, woman & 2 |Reported to JMT by local | |

| | |Panyok, Wuror | |incident reported |children) attacked on road |officials on 30 Dec 07 | |

| | |County, Jonglei | |to the authorities |whilst traveling (man & woman | | |

| | |State | |that the attackers |killed) | | |

| | | | |were 6 men reported| | | |

| | | | |to be Murle wearing| | | |

| | | | |SAF uniforms. | | | |

|No. |Age, sex and number of |Location of |Date of abduction|Suspected abductors|Circumstances of abduction(s) |Source of information |Comments |

| |children abducted |abduction | | | | | |

|26 |Boy (3), girl (6) |Gatwell, Wuror |17 Dec 07 |The incident was |Cattle raid |Reported to JMT by local |Cattle recovered by SSPS |

| | |County, Jonglei | |witnessed by the | |officials on 30 Dec 07 |but not the children |

| | |State | |local police who | | | |

| | | | |were said to be | | | |

| | | | |able to identify | | | |

| | | | |that the men were | | | |

| | | | |definitely Murle. | | | |

| | | | |The raiders were | | | |

| | | | |said to be 4 | | | |

| | | | |uniformed and armed| | | |

| | | | |men | | | |

|No. |Age, sex and number of |Location of |Date of abduction|Suspected abductors|Circumstances of abduction(s) |Source of information |Comments |

| |children abducted |abduction | | | | | |

|28 |8 children (age & sex |A number of raids in|Dec 07- Jan 08 |Murle tribe |Cattle raids, looting & 4 men |Reported to JMT by local | |

| |unknown) |Duk Padiat & | | |and one woman killed leading to|officials on 20 Jan 08 | |

| | |surrounding | | |parents not sending children to| | |

| | |villages, Jonglei | | |school due to fears of further | | |

| | |State | | |abductions | | |

|29 |3 boys (age unknown) |Duk Padiet |Feb .08 |Murle tribe |During cattle raids |Paramount chiefs | |

|30 | 04 children |Dut Padiet |March 08 |Murle tribe |During cattle raids |UN security | |

|31 |8 children |6 in Kier-Konygor , |Apr.08 |Murle tribe |During cattle raids and 3 other|Local authorities | |

| | |2 in Mareng , | | |adults were killed | | |

|32 |10 children |5 in Pajut |May 08 |Murle tribe |During cattle raids |POC field report | |

| | |5 in Karam | | | | | |

|33 | | | | | | | |

|34 | | | | | | | |

|35 | | | | | | | |

|36 | | | | | | | |


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