
Names:_________________________________ Period: ____

Date: _______________________________


Worth 15 points, ½ point per clue

*First person or group from each class to hand it in first gets 5 bonus points! (

Directions: On this sheet of paper, you will find a list of clues. With a partner, you must find the following clues in the art books left in the classroom. When you have found a clue, write down the TITLE OF THE ART WORK, ARTIST, DATE CREATED, TITLE OF BOOK YOU FOUND IT IN AND PAGE #.


If a book has a yellow dot that means that those are books that I bought from home. Please be careful and respectful when handling (even though you should do that to all of the books). You can use the Internet to find work. One group at a time can use computer in the classroom. Instead of putting down the book title, write down the website name and URL.

|Picasso Painting |An example of collage |

|An artwork that expresses “loneliness” |A portrait |

|An artwork that has repetition |Any work of art by Henri Matisse |

|An art work that is “monochromatic” (one color mixed with black |An artwork that is a still-life (a picture of normal, everyday |

|and white) |objects) |

|An artwork that expresses “romance” |A landscape |

|A religious painting |A work of art that has a lot of texture |

|An artwork that has food in any part of it |A cityscape |

|A large scale sculpture in a public space (not shown in a museum |A work of art (2D or 3D) made after 1990 |

|or gallery) |An example of street art or graffiti |

|A tessellation |A painting or drawing of people doing normal, everyday things |

|An example of Pop Art (i.e. Lichtenstein, Warhol, Max) |An example of Egyptian art |

|An abstract (non-representational) artwork. |A work of art by a Hispanic artist |

|An example of Japanese print |An example of African art (Not African-American) |

|An artwork that has text in it |An example of art by an African-American artist |

|A work of art that has an animal in it |An example of art by a female artist |

|A work of art that has a child in it | |


Clue 1: Picasso Painting

Title of Art Work:_________________________


Date Created:_____________________________

Title of book you found clue in: _____________________________

Page #:_____________________________________

Clue 2: An artwork that expresses “loneliness”

Title of Art Work:_________________________


Date Created:_____________________________

Title of book you found clue in: _____________________________

Page #:_____________________________________

Clue 3: An artwork that has repetition

Title of Art Work:_________________________


Date Created:_____________________________

Title of book you found clue in: _____________________________

Page #:_____________________________________

Clue 4: An art work that is “monochromatic” (one color mixed with black and white)

Title of Art Work:_________________________


Date Created:_____________________________

Title of book you found clue in: _____________________________

Page #:_____________________________________

Clue 5: An artwork that expresses “romance”

Title of Art Work:_________________________


Date Created:_____________________________

Title of book you found clue in: _____________________________

Page #:_____________________________________

Clue 6: A religious painting

Title of Art Work:_________________________


Date Created:_____________________________

Title of book you found clue in: _____________________________

Page #:_____________________________________

Clue 7: An artwork that has food in any part of it

Title of Art Work:_________________________


Date Created:_____________________________

Title of book you found clue in: _____________________________

Page #:_____________________________________

Clue 8: A large scale sculpture in a public space (not shown in a museum or gallery)

Title of Art Work:_________________________


Date Created:_____________________________

Title of book you found clue in: _____________________________

Page #:_____________________________________

Clue 9: A tessellation

Title of Art Work:_________________________


Date Created:_____________________________

Title of book you found clue in: _____________________________

Page #:_____________________________________

Clue 10: An example of Pop Art (i.e. Lichtenstein, Warhol, Max)

Title of Art Work:_________________________


Date Created:_____________________________

Title of book you found clue in: _____________________________

Page #:_____________________________________

Clue 11: An abstract (non-representational) artwork

Title of Art Work:_________________________


Date Created:_____________________________

Title of book you found clue in: _____________________________

Page #:_____________________________________

Clue 12: An example of Japanese print

Title of Art Work:_________________________


Date Created:_____________________________

Title of book you found clue in: _____________________________

Page #:_____________________________________

Clue 13: An artwork that has text in it

Title of Art Work:_________________________


Date Created:_____________________________

Title of book you found clue in: _____________________________

Page #:_____________________________________

Clue 14: A work of art that has an animal in it

Title of Art Work:_________________________


Date Created:_____________________________

Title of book you found clue in: _____________________________

Page #:_____________________________________

Clue 15: A work of art that has a child in it

Title of Art Work:_________________________


Date Created:_____________________________

Title of book you found clue in: _____________________________

Page #:_____________________________________

Clue 16: An example of collage

Title of Art Work:_________________________


Date Created:_____________________________

Title of book you found clue in: _____________________________

Page #:_____________________________________

Clue 17: A portrait

Title of Art Work:_________________________


Date Created:_____________________________

Title of book you found clue in: _____________________________

Page #:_____________________________________

Clue 18: Any work of art by Henri Matisse

Title of Art Work:_________________________


Date Created:_____________________________

Title of book you found clue in: _____________________________

Page #:_____________________________________

Clue 19:

An example of a still-life (a picture of normal, everyday objects)

Title of Art Work:_________________________


Date Created:_____________________________

Title of book you found clue in: _____________________________

Page #:_____________________________________

Clue 20: A landscape

Title of Art Work:_________________________


Date Created:_____________________________

Title of book you found clue in: _____________________________

Page #:_____________________________________

Clue 21: A work of art that has a lot of texture

Title of Art Work:_________________________


Date Created:_____________________________

Title of book you found clue in: _____________________________

Page #:_____________________________________

Clue 22: A cityscape

Title of Art Work:_________________________


Date Created:_____________________________

Title of book you found clue in: _____________________________

Page #:_____________________________________

Clue 23: A work of art (2D or 3D) made after 1990

Title of Art Work:_________________________


Date Created:_____________________________

Title of book you found clue in: _____________________________

Page #:_____________________________________

Clue 24: An example of street art or graffiti

Title of Art Work:_________________________


Date Created:_____________________________

Title of book you found clue in: _____________________________

Page #:_____________________________________

Clue 25: A painting or drawing of people doing normal, everyday things

Title of Art Work:_________________________


Date Created:_____________________________

Title of book you found clue in: _____________________________

Page #:_____________________________________

Clue 26: An example of Egyptian art

Title of Art Work:_________________________


Date Created:_____________________________

Title of book you found clue in: _____________________________

Page #:_____________________________________

Clue 27: A work of art by a Hispanic artist

Title of Art Work:_________________________


Date Created:_____________________________

Title of book you found clue in: _____________________________

Page #:_____________________________________

Clue 28: An example of African art (Not African-American)

Title of Art Work:_________________________


Date Created:_____________________________

Title of book you found clue in: _____________________________

Page #:_____________________________________

Clue 29: An example of art by an African-American artist

Title of Art Work:_________________________


Date Created:_____________________________

Title of book you found clue in: _____________________________

Page #:_____________________________________

Clue 30: An example of art by a female artist

Title of Art Work:_________________________


Date Created:_____________________________

Title of book you found clue in: _____________________________

Page #:_____________________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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