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5.04 Mobs

Part A:

• As you read "Clippings from Some of our Leading Southern Papers," answer the following questions.

1. According to the Atlanta Constitution, why was the “lynch law” enacted?      

2. The Memphis Daily Commercial stated a simile comparing the men and boys who participate in mobs to what?      

3. The Daily Times-Union in Jacksonville, FL states, “Good men are cowards while bad men are aggressive. The good submit with a protest, while the bad run rough shod all over opposition.” In your own words, explain what this means.      

• As you read an excerpt from The Blood Red Record : a review of the horrible lynchings and burning of Negroes by civilized white men in the United States, answer the questions below.

4. Look at the names and the reasons behind the lynchings that were posted in the Chicago Tribune and the Chicago Conservator. In your opinion, how many lynchings were with reason?      

5. According to this list, does Tom Robinson have a chance?      

• As you read  Eleanor Roosevelt's letter against lynchings from Words and Deeds in American History, answer the questions below.

6. What is her position on the issue of lynching?      

7. What is the tone of her letter?      

8. What words or phrases strengthen her argument?      

Part B:

Now that you have read through Chapter 15, skim back through the pages of the novel, paying close attention to Chapter 15 to find at least four ways that the mob outside of Tom Robinson’s jail cell are parallel to any of the primary documents you have read. Use evidence from the book to support your opinions.

|Mob Behavior |Tom Robinson’s experience |

|Primary Document | |

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Part C:

Imagine that you are writing a “Letter to the Editor” to the local Maycomb Times. Express your own viewpoints regarding prejudice and violence you read about in the novel and in the primary documents. You may choose to cite the documents from Part A in your letter.


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