
Name: ______________________________________________________ Date: _________________

Dating Violence Prevention Interview

Directions: Interview a person about dating violence and relationships. You will get extra credit if this person is a family member. The person can speak in Spanish, but you must translate and write your answers in English.

1. What is your name? _______________________________________________

2. How old are you? _________________________________

3. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? YES NO

4. Do you think it is OK for a boyfriend/girlfriend to check your cell phone, Facebook, Instagram, etc? YES NO

5. Do you think it is OK for a boyfriend/girlfriend to call their partner bad names sometimes (ex: stupid, idiot, feo/a)? YES NO

6. Do you think it is ok for a boyfriend/girlfriend to hit their partner sometimes? YES NO

7. Do you know someone who is in an abusive relationship? YES NO

8. Did/do you talk about dating violence at school? YES NO

9. How do you think you can help someone who is an abusive relationship?

10. How do you think schools can decrease (bajar) dating violence in the United States?

Name: _________________________________________________________________________.

Firma/Signature: _____________________________________________________________.

This person is my _____________________________________________________________. (father/sister/friend/teacher/etc.)


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