Native Americans of Oregon - Be GLAD

Project GLAD

Guided Language Acquisition Design


Oregon Native Americans

Rosemary Buczkowski, M.A.T.

Cynthia Khawaja, M.A.T.

Centennial School District

18135 SE Brooklyn

Portland, OR 97236

503 762-3207

Project G.L.A.D

Centennial School District

Native Americans of Oregon

Prepared by Rosemary Buczkowski and Cynthia Khawaja

Level 4

IDEA Pages

I. Unit Theme:

Students will understand the life of the first Americans of the state of Oregon and how living in a geographical region within the United States and Oregon affects how people live.

• Tribes

• Food

• Clothing

• Shelter

• Customs/traditions

• Language

The customs, beliefs and activities of the Native Americans of the region were influenced by the plants, animals, and landforms of the geographic regions.

II. Focus/Motivation:

• Big Book: The Important Book: Native American Tribes of Oregon

• Video

• Inquiry charts

• Observation charts

• Guest speaker

• Field trip

III. Closure:

• Fold up book

• Analyze own environment and culture

• Diorama

IV. Concepts- Grade 4 Social Studies ( see attached state standards):

• Early Migration

Student will understand how early people from Asia reached our continent.

Ice Age

Beringia (Bering land bridge)

• Geographic regions of Oregon

A region is a large area with common features that set it apart from other areas.

continents coastal plateau

valley high desert compass rose

mountains ranges: Cascade, Coastal, Blue

rivers: Columbia, Willamette, Clackamas, Snake

Falls: Celio, Willamette Columbia Gorge

• Environment and natural resources

Things found in nature that are useful to people.

forests lakes oceans high deserts

rivers cedar lodge pole pine

clams salmon whales deer

elk small game berries nuts

roots bulbs tule

• Culture;

The way of life of a group of people, including their beliefs, customs, and activities

Clothing: cedar bark, grass, deer skin, beads, dye, parfleche, mud as protection, rabbit fur robes, yucca fiber sandals, moccasins

Shelter: grass mats, blankets, cedar plank long houses, plank houses with earth piled around the bottom, long houses with frames of poles covered with mats, tipis, semi-subterranean , willow frame and reed mat

Customs and ceremonies: potlatch, totem poles, masks, costumes, stories, dances, shaman, cradle boards, sweat lodge, drumming

• Tribal organization

People with common belief system and goals banding together to find solutions to challenges.

Coastal: Tillamook, Nehalem, Siltez, Alsea, Tlingit, Umpqua, Haida

Valley: Kalpuyan, Molallan, Chinook, Clackamas

Plateau: Nez Perce, Cayuse, Umatilla, Tenino, Tygh

High Desert: Northern Paiute

V. Language Arts standards- Grade 4 (see attached)

• Reading:

- Literal comprehension

- Inferential

- Evaluative

- Use non-fiction resources

- Determine author’s purpose

- Elements of literature

- Extend understanding and make connections

- Use a variety of fiction and non-fiction

• Writing

- modes: narrative, expository, poetry

- traits: conventions, voice, organization, sentence fluency, word choice

VI. Vocabulary:

migrate Bering Strait mask raven

artifacts Beringia shaman papoose

anthropologist environment culture

tipi Fort Rock Celio Falls sweat lodge

plateau coast totem pole moccasins

feathers parfleche travois reservation

thunderbird canoe legend buffalo

salmon whale potlatch weaving

tule camas root

VII. Science/Social Studies skills /understandings

• Map skills

• Questioning/answering comprehension

• Problem solving

• Inferring

• Predicting

• Study skills: highlighting, note taking, using graphic organizers

VII. Resources and Materials

Grade 4 Social Studies texts

Oregon: Adventures in Time and Place, Dorothy Morrison and Eric Kimmel., MacMillan McGraw Hill, 1998.

Regions: adventures in Time and Place, James Brooks,MacMillan McGraw-Hill, 2000.

Fiction: Raven, Gerald McDermott, Scholastic, Inc., 1993.

Library bibliography (see attached)

Project G.L.A.D

Centennial School District

Native Americans of Oregon

Level 4

Unit Planning Pages


• Cognitive Content Dictionary

• Inquiry charts

• Observation charts

• Big Book: The Important Book: Native American Tribes of Oregon

• Video


• Map of the world

• Migration route

• Oregon map with comparative of geographical and cultural regions

• Timeline of the seasons comparative: The Seasons and You

• Narrative: The Raven


• Poetry

• Chants

• Farmer-in-the-Dell

• T-Graph of Social Skills

• Personal interactions- Heads together

• Expert groups

• Picture file exploration reports

• Process grid


Whole Class

• Poetry/chants

• Note-taking-process grid

• Narrative

• Primary language group frame

Cooperative Group

• strip paragraph

• reading the walls

• ear to ear reading

• flip book

• team tasks

Individual Task/Writers Workshop

• poetry

• interactive journals

• learning logs

• writing journals-free choice with mini-lesson

• reading/writing choice

• expository


• classroom potlatch

• totem pole art

• relief map of Oregon

• diorama

• cloth making from bark


• fold up book

• legend writing project

• speech work sample

• make-a-game

Project GLAD

Centennial School District

Oregon Native Americans

Level 4

Sample Lesson Plan

Day 1:

Focus and Motivation

• Cognitive Content Dictionary with Signal Word

• Super scientist Awards

• Big Book: The Important Thing About the Native Americans of Oregon (read aloud)

• Observation Charts

• Inquiry Chart


• Pictorial Input Chart of the Migration

• 10/2 with primary language

• Learning log/ELD review

• Pictorial of Oregon Regions map

• Chants

Guided Oral Practice

• Personal interaction

• T-Graph of social skills: Cooperation

• Picture File Card activity: Exploration Report

• Poetry and chants

Reading and Writing

• Interactive Journal

• Poetry/Chants


• Chants

• Home/school connection

Day 2:

Focus and Motivation

• Cognitive Content Dictionary with signal word

• Process Home/School Connection

• Review input charts

• add word cards

• add pictures

• Share realia

• Chants with highlighting


• Timeline of Plateau Region

• Narrative input; The Raven

• Learning Log

Guided Oral Practice

• Farmer in the Dell/Sentence Patterning Chart

• Read

• Trade

• Flip Chant

• Chants with highlighting

Reading and Writing

• Mind Map

• Expert group: Coastal Tribes

• Team tasks


• Chants

• Home/school connection

• Review observation charts, Inquiry chart

Day 3:

Focus and Motivation

• Cognitive Content Dictionary with signal word

• Process home/school connection

• Sharing

• Chants

• Review Timeline

• Review of Narrative

• word cards/conversation bubbles

Guided Oral Practice

• Chants

• Team Goal

• Expert group: Valley tribes

• Process Grid

• Review of T-Graph of Social skills

• Story Map of Narrative

• Expert group: Valley tribes (Share out)

Reading and Writing

• Process Grid

• Co-op strip paragraph (Expository)

• read

• revise

• edit

• Learning log

Writer’s Workshop

• Mini Lesson: Where Writers get their Ideas

• Writing

• Author’s chair


• Chants

• Process charts

Day 4

Focus and Motivation

• Cognitive Content Dictionary: Personal CCD

• Chants

• Personal Interaction: How does it feel to be a newcomer?

Reading and Writing

• Flexible Group Reading

• Co-op strip paragraph (struggling readers)

• Story retell: ELLs

• Team tasks

• Clunkers /links- at grade level and above readers

• Ear-to-Ear reading with poetry booklet

• Listen and Sketch


• Chants

• Process inquiry charts

• Walk the walls

• Team Presentations

• Game: Team Feud







The important thing about the Native

Americans of Oregon was there were four major regions: Coastal, Inland Valley, Plateau, and High Desert.

Each Native American tribal region had different food, shelter, and clothing depending on the environment and natural resources available in that area.

But the important thing about the Native Americans of Oregon was there were four major regions: Coastal, Inland Valley, Plateau, and High Desert.

The important thing about the Northwest

Coastal Native Americans was they ate a lot of fish.

These tribes built canoes, nets, traps and spears to catch fish, like salmon, clams, and whales.

Some tribes were the Tillamook, Nehalem, Siletz, and Alsea.

But the important thing about the Coastal tribes was they ate a lot of fish.

The important thing about the Coastal tribes was the major natural resource was the cedar tree.

They lived in cedar plank houses and wore clothing made from cedar bark.

They had no pottery, but made cedar bark baskets and wooden boxes to store, carry, and cook food.

But the important thing about the Coastal tribes was that they used cedar for everything.

The important thing about the Inland Valley Native Americans was they ate fish from the rivers and wild game from the forest.

These people moved often in search of food like roots, plants, bulbs, elk, and deer.

Some of the tribes of this region were the Kalpuyans, Molallans, Chinook, and Umpqua.

But the important thing about the Inland Valley tribes was they ate fish from the rivers and wild game.

The important thing about the Inland Valley Native Americans was they wore clothes made of grass and deer skin.

These tribes built houses out of wood planks and bark with mud and dirt piled around the bottom. These houses had no windows.

But the important thing about the Inland Valley tribes was they wore clothes made of grass and deer skin.

The important thing about the Plateau Native Americans was they moved each season in search of food.

These tribes ate fish, elk, deer, nuts, roots, berries, and buffalo.

Some of the Plateau tribes were the Nez Perce, Cayuse, Umatilla, Tenino, and Tygh.

But the important thing about the Plateau tribes was they moved each season in search of food.

The important thing about the Plateau Native Americans was they wore clothes made of deerskin.

These tribes also decorated their clothes with beads and dyes they traded with the Plains Indians. They also got horses from the Plains Indians.

The Plateau tribes lived in tepees during the summer months because they could take them down and move them easily. In the winter, they lived in long houses made of wood poles with grass and animal skin mats. The foundation was dug slightly below ground level and dirt was piled on the side for extra warmth.

But the important thing about the Plateau tribes was they wore deerskin clothes.

The important thing about the High Desert Native Americans of Oregon was they ate anything they could find.

These tribes also moved a lot in search of food. They ate seeds, nuts, roots, and bulbs. They ate insects, lizards, rabbits, fish, and antelope.

The main tribe in the high desert region was the Northern Paiutes.

But the important thing about the High Desert tribes was they would eat anything they could find.

The important thing about the High Desert Native Americans was it was so hot in the summers, they wore little clothing.

To keep mosquitoes away, these tribes would rub mud on their bodies. They also wore sandals made out of a type of grass called yucca fiber. In the winter, tribes of this region wore rabbit fur robes.

The High Desert tribes had no permanent homes. The temporary homes they did have were made out of willow frames and grass mats.

But the important thing about the High Desert tribes was they wore little clothing in the summer because it was so hot.

The important thing about the Native Americans of Oregon was there were four major regions.

Each Native American tribal region had different food, shelter, and clothing depending on the environment and natural resources available in that area.

But the important thing about the Native Americans of Oregon was there were four major regions.

Input Chart


Input Chart


Input Chart


Input Chart


Narrative Input

Adapted from Raven, Gerald McDermott, Scholastic, Inc. 1993.

1. Raven came. All the world was in darkness. The sky above was in darkness. Men and women lived in the dark and the cold.

2. Raven was sad for them. He said, “I will search for light.”

3. Raven flew across valleys and across mountains. Then he flew along rivers and over lakes. There was darkness all around. Then he saw a bit of light far away. He flew and flew and came closer to the light. The light was a t the edge of the water.

4. The light came from the house of Sky Chief and it was shining. Raven perched high in a pine tree on the shore. Raven watched.

5. He saw a beautiful young girl emerge from the shining house and go to the edge of the water.

6. She was Sky Chief’s daughter. She knelt and drank some water from a woven basket.

7. Raven changed himself into a pine needle. He fell down from the tree and floated on the water.

8. When the girl drank again, she swalloed the pine needle.

9. After a time, the girl gave birth to a child. The child was small and dark with shiny black hair and tiny eyes. Who do you think the child was?

10. It was Raven. Raven had been reborn as a boy child.

11. The Sky Chief was delighted with his daughter’s child. He called him Grandchild. He played with the boy and carved toys for him. He invited the elders to come and see the curious, wonderful child.

12. The elders gathered in the shining house with the Sky Chief and his daughter. They watched Raven-child crawl around the floor of the lodge. He pretended to be playing. All the time, he was trying to find where the light was hidden.

13. He saw a box in the corner of the lodge.

14. The box was large. It was carved and painted with many colors. The box was bright. It glowed. Raven-Child said, “Ga! Ga!”

15. “what do you want?” asked mother. Raven-Child said, “Ga! Ga!” He cried and cried. “My grandchild wants the box,” said the Sky Chief.

16. The young woman placed the box in front of Raven-Child., but he continued to cry.

17. She took the lid off the box. Inside was a smaller box. She tool the lid off that box. Inside was a smaller box.

18. His mother took the lid off that box, and light poured out of it. Light flooded the room. Inside the box was a shining ball, blazing with light.

19. What do you think the ball was? It was the sun. “Give him the ball,” said Sky Chief.

20. His mother gave Raven-Child the ball. Raven-Child stopped crying. He began to play with it. He rolled it around the floor of the lodge. “Ga! Ga!”

21. The he changed into a bird. “Ha! Ha!” He became Raven once again. “Caw! Caw!”

22. Sky Chief, his daughter, and the elders looked on in amazement. Raven plucked up the ball of light in his beak, flew through the smoke hole of the lodge, and disappeared into the dark.

23. Raven flew over the valleys and the mountains. He flew along the rivers and across the lakes. Raven threw the sun high in the sky, and it stayed there. This is how Raven stole the sun and gave it all the people.

24. And why do the people always feed Raven? To thank him for bringing them light.


I Can Spell Migration!

I can spell hunt: h-u-n-t.

I can spell deer: d-e-e-r.

I can spell bear: b-e-a-r.

But I can’t spell migration.

I can spell bison: b-i-s-o-n.

I can spell spear: s-p-e-a-r.

I can spell mammoth: m-a-m-m-o-t-h.

But I can’t spell migration.

I can spell move: m-o-v-e.

I can spell east: e-a-s-t.

I can spell west: w-e-s-t.

But I can’t spell migration.

Yes, I can! Yes, I can!


And that spells migration.

By LK MoonWood

Coastal Tribes Everywhere!

Coastal tribes here, Coastal tribes there,

Coastal tribes, Coastal tribes everywhere!

Artistic Coastal tribes carving,

Strong Coastal tribes harpooning,

Ingenious Coastal tribes constructing,

Spiritual Coastal tribes chanting.

Coastal tribes here, Coastal tribes there,

Coastal tribes, Coastal tribes everywhere

Coastal tribes in the cedar forest,

Coastal tribes inside the long plank house,

Coastal tribes next to the ocean,

Coastal tribes in front of the totem poles.

Coastal tribes here, Coastal tribes there,

Coastal tribes, Coastal tribes everywhere

Coastal tribes! Coastal tribes! Coastal tribes!


Cynthia Khawaja 2004

The Anthropologist Bugaloo

Adapted by Cynthia Khawaja

From a version by Brooke Qunell, Laura Curry, and LK Moonwood

I’m an anthropologist and I’m here to say,

I study native cultures every day.

Sometimes I do interviews or hear an elder’s song,

Capturing history all day long.

Language, traditions, environment, too.

Doing the Anthropology Bugaloo!

The Kalpuyans lived too far away

From the ocean so they got their food another way.

Men hunted elk, small game and deer,

Women gathered plants and bulbs that were near.

Language, traditions, environment, too,

Doing the Anthropology Bugaloo!

The Nez Perce and the tribes of the plateau,

From their pole frame houses to teepees they would go.

Netting fish from the rivers and hunting for deer,

They moved to different places during seasons of the year.

Language, traditions, environment, too,

Doing the Anthropology Bugaloo!

Yes, Ma’am!

Is this the Valley tribe? Yes, ma’am

Is this the Valley tribe? Yes ma’am

How do you know? They lived between the Coast and the Cascade Range.

How do you know? They moved along the Columbia and the Willamette rivers.

Give me some examples. Chinook and, Kalpuyan

What did they eat? Salmon from the rivers and deer from the woods

What did they wear? Clothes made of grass; clothes made of deerskin

What kind of house? Houses made of planks.

Is this a desert tribe? Yes, ma’am!

Is this a desert tribe? Yes, ma’am!

How do you know? They lived in Eastern Oregon where it’s hot and dry.

How do you know? They moved around often in search of food.

Give me an example: The Northern Paiute

What did they eat? Small game: rabbits, antelope and also roots and bulbs

What did they wear? Little in the summer; rabbit skin robes in the winter

What kind of house? Temporary ones of willow frames and mats

Do you know the tribes Yes, Ma’am.

of Oregon?


Student Name____________________________________

Person you interviewed______________________________

Home/School Connection #1

Native Americans of Oregon

We are studying the Native Americans of Oregon. The tribes settled in four basic regions of Oregon. Interview someone who lives with you and find out why your family lives where they do? Have you ever moved? Why? Write and/or sketch the information you learned.


Student Name____________________________________

Person you interviewed______________________________

Home/School Connection # 2

Native Americans of Oregon

We know the Native American tribes of Oregon had different customs and traditions. Interview someone who lives with you and discuss the traditions and customs of your family. Write and/or sketch the information you learned.


Student Name____________________________________

Person you interviewed______________________________

Home/School Connection # 3

Native Americans of Oregon

We have learned that the Native American tribes of Oregon hunted and gathered food that was in their area. Interview someone who lives with you and discuss how you get the food you eat. Where do you get it? Why do you get it there? How often do you get it? Write and/or sketch the information you learned.


Student Name____________________________________

Person you interviewed______________________________

Home/School Connection # 4

Native Americans of Oregon

The name a Nez Perce baby was given at birth was just one of the names received throughout his or her life. Interview someone who lives with you and discuss why your name was chosen for you. Has your name changed during your lifetime? Write and/or sketch the information you learned.









Centennial School District

Expert Group # 1

Coastal Native Americans

The environment of the Coastal Native American region allowed these tribes to have abundant food and resources. The villages were built on riverbanks or the rocky and sandy shores of the Pacific Ocean.

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Salmon was the most important seafood, but the women also gathered mussels, crab, and oysters all year round. Many vegetables and berries were gathered from the surrounding cedar forests.

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Like their food, the clothing of the Coastal tribes came from their surroundings. Clothing was made form the long fibers of the cedar bark. The fibers were woven into capes, skirts and umbrella-like hats. In the coldest weather, the tribes wore animal skins.

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Some of the Coastal Native American tribes were the Coos, Tillamook, Nehalem, Siletz, and Alsea. Each tribe spoke a different language. Yet, most of the time the tribes lived peacefully because this region provided enough food for everyone.

Cedar trees were also used to build the sturdy winter houses. The houses could be up to 200 feet long and they were large enough for several families to live in. Near the houses often stood tall cedar logs called totem poles. Totem poles were carved with animal, plant and folktale and symbols. In the summer, they packed up their canoes and headed for their favorite fishing spot. Near the rivers and lakes were many cattails. They used these to build huts and lean-tos.

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Expert Group # 2

Plateau Native Americans

The environment of the Plateau Native American region allowed many options for food, shelter, and clothing. The Plateau region is located in Eastern Oregon where there are deep canyons cut out by the Snake, Clearwater, and Salmon rivers, the Blue mountains, and prairies. The main tribes were the Nez Perce, Cayuse, Umatilla, Tenino and Tygh.

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The Plateau tribes moved each season in search of food because of such a diverse environment. In early Spring women traveled to the valleys to dig roots like the camas bulb, bitterroot, wild carrots and wild potatoes. The men traveled to the Snake and Columbia rivers to catch salmon. In the summer everybody moved up to the mountains to gather more roots and blackberries, huckleberries, and currents. They would also hunt for large game like elk, deer, moose, bear, mountain sheep and goats.

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The Plateau men wore long fringed shirts, leggings, belts and moccasins made from deerskin. The feather headdress was a style they acquired from the Plains culture later. The women of the Plateau tribes wore long deerskin dresses, cornhusk hats and knee length moccasins. They were decorated with elk teeth, and beads, colored with vegetable dyes.

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The Plateau tribes had different shelter depending on the season. In the winter, they lived in a more permanent home that was a long house covered with tule-mats. They could be over 100 feet long and several families could live in one house. A second type of home was the earth lodge, which were partly dug n the ground and covered with roof of grasses, sod, and stone. When they had to travel n the spring in summer, they brought along tipis made of tule mats or bison skins.

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Expert Group # 3

Valley Native Americans

The environment of the Willamette Valley Native American region provided many opportunities for food, shelter and clothing. The valley region stretched from what is now the Washington border to the California border. The major rivers were the Columbia, Willamette, and the Clackamas. Some of the tribes that lived in this region were the Kalpuyans, Molallans, Chinook, Clackamas, and Umpqua.

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There was enough salmon in these rivers to feed several tribes. They built platforms out of cedar planks over the waterfalls. Then men would stand on them to catch fish with spears and nets. The women gathered berries and mixed them with salmon to make salmon cakes. The tribes also moved around a large area during the different seasons to gather camas roots, wapato bulbs, nuts and berries. They also hunted for elk and deer and other wild game in the forests.

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The Valley Native Americans used the natural resources of their area to make their clothing. Men and women wore leather leggings and tunics. They also pounded cedar bark to make cloth for short skirts and sleeping mats. The clothes were decorated with beads, feathers and shells.

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The permanent winter homes built in the Valley region were similar to those built in the Coastal region. They built long houses from cedar planks that were sometimes as long as 300 feet long. 20-30 people could live in one house.

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Expert group #4

Native Americans of the High Desert

The Native Americans in the Central and Eastern part of Oregon lived in a desert environment. It was an environment of plants and grasses. The Northern Paiute was the name of one of the tribes of the high desert.

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The desert tribes made seasonal migrations to take advantage of the plants and animals in the area. Men hunted antelope and deer as well as ground squirrels, especially jackrabbits. Fish were netted or speared from willow platforms from the high desert lakes and streams. The women gathered a wide variety of roots, berries and over 150 different kinds of seeds especially pine nuts and camas bulbs.

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Because it was so hot during the summer months, the tribes of the high desert did not have to make or wear much clothing during that time. The fibrous plants such as the tule plant and some bark were used to make sandals, blankets and some clothing.

In the winter rabbit skins were made into robes or blankets for the winters, which could be very cold in the desert.

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The desert environment also determined the type of housing the tribe built.

Because they had to move often in search of food, they had no permanent homes. In the winter the tribes would look for sheltered valleys so they could be protected from the harsh weather. They built houses made from willow branches. They made mats from the sagebrush they gathered in the desert and from the reeds that grew near the streams and lakes. These fibers were also used to make baskets for berry gathering.

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Social Studies Curriculum Guide

Grade 04 - State History Outcomes

  Print version


mark Policy


B. Be able to use charts and maps to show land and water forms (continents, oceans) 

C. Be able to use charts and maps to show different regions of the world (deserts, plains, forests, mountains)   

D. Be able to develop charts and maps which show key information such as population, resources, climate, and vegetation   

E. Be able to use map legends effectively (key, scale, directions, symbols)   

F. Be able to picture the world and its major land masses and bodies of water   


 Students will (be able to):      

A. Know how climate affects the way people live   

B. Know how regional situations affect the way people live   

C. Know how the availability of natural resources affect the way people live   

D. Know how people and the environment interact   

E. Be able to compare various regions of the United States with your home for similarities and differences   


Students will (be able to):      

A. Know where various Native American tribes lived in the state   

B. Know about the food, clothing, and shelter of various tribes in the state   

C. Know about the culture of Native Americans of Oregon   


Students will (be able to):      

A. Know about cultures throughout history in your state   

B. Know about the daily life of people throughout history in your state 


Students will (be able to):      

A. Be able to place key influences on a timeline   

B. Possess a logical sense of what life was like when key influences occurred   

C. Know causes and effects of key influences   


Students will (be able to):      

A. Be able to interpret maps and charts of your state, the country, and the world 

B. Be able to make charts/maps to show information, such as population, resources, movement, and battles   

C. Be able to develop charts and maps to depict change over time

D. Be able to relate charts and maps to your life   


Centennial School District

Writing Curriculum Guide

Grade 04 Outcomes


 Students will (be able to):      

A. Write simple and compound sentences.   

B. Identify subject and predicate.   

C. Identify and write declarative, imperative, exclamatory, interrogative sentences.    

D. Use varied sentence beginnings and lengths.   

E. Spelling, capitalization and punctuation are accurate in the writing. 

F. Begin to consistently use apostrophes correctly with singular possessives.   

G. Use sophisticated word choice to make the message clear.   

H. Writing has a sense of the writer's personality (voice).   

I. Writing matches purpose and audience.   

J. Chooses topics that are personally significant.   

K. Write a paragraph using a topic sentence and supporting details. 

L. Write a multi-paragraph piece.   

M. Identify parts of speech in the context of writing process with emphasis on proper grammar;   

1 Nouns (common and proper);   

2 Pronouns;   

3 Verbs;   

4 Adjectives;   

5 Adverbs;   

6 Prepositions;    

7 Interjections;   

8 Conjunctions.   

N. Uses same tense consistently within a piece.   

O. Uses appropriate subject/verb agreement.   


Students will (be able to):      

A. Write legibly using correct cursive letter formation.   

Centennial School District

Reading Curriculum Guide

Grade 04-05 Outcomes


Students will (be able to):      

A. Establish a purpose for reading   

B. Accept challenge to read prgressively difficult material     

C. Efficiently uses a balance of cue systems while reading (looks right, sounds, makes sense) 

D. Self-monitorings for meaning and understanding   

E. Independently generates questions before, during, and after reading   

F. Re-read to clarify meaning   

G. Will use a variety of strategies to determine meaning of unknown vocabulary in context 

mark Policy

 Students will (be able to):      

A. Develop the strategy of adjusting reading strategies and rates for different purposes  

1 Skim for general ideas, scan for specific details, read ahead, re-tell, and summarize   

B. Read and re-read for pleasure   

 Students will (be able to):      

A. Literal comprehension   

1 State main idea/supporting details   

2 Sequence events   

3 Summarize a selection   

B. Inferential comprehension   

1 Draw conclusions with evidence   

2 Make inferences (reading between the lines) with evidences   

3 Understand cause and effect   

C. Evaluative comprehension   

1 Make and modify predictions based on evidence   

2 Distinguishes between fact and opinion   

3 Makes generalizations based on evidence   

D. Uses non-fiction resources   

1 Read for the purpose of extracting information   

 4. ANLYT CCG Bench

Students will (be able to):      

A. Determine the author's purpose   

B. Recognize elements of literature (see glossary)   

1 Character   

2 Setting   

3 Plot   

4 Conflict   

5 Resolution   

6 Theme   

C. Identify stylistic decisions (see glossary)   

1 Point of view   

2 Word choice   

D. Identify literary devices (see glossary)   

1 Simile   

2 Metaphor   

3 Symbolism   

4 Personification   

 Students will (be able to):      

A. Understands connection among a variety of text   

B. Connect personal experiences and issues to text   

C. Makes text connections beyond personal perceptions and experiences   

D. Makes text connections to the real world   


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