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center987425SUPER DANCERS00SUPER DANCERS42011601779905001568451786255Things You Need:1 spot marker per student1 juggling scarf per studentSuper Dancer ChartMusic playerHHPH Song File: U R What U EatSet-Up:Use spots to create a large circle, with enough space for students to move safely on top of the spots.Place a scarf on top of each spot.Send each student to a spot, sitting in Circle Formation (crisscross legs, on spots, scarves in their laps).Teacher is on a spot in the circle with the students.00Things You Need:1 spot marker per student1 juggling scarf per studentSuper Dancer ChartMusic playerHHPH Song File: U R What U EatSet-Up:Use spots to create a large circle, with enough space for students to move safely on top of the spots.Place a scarf on top of each spot.Send each student to a spot, sitting in Circle Formation (crisscross legs, on spots, scarves in their laps).Teacher is on a spot in the circle with the students.1389534287780Activity Procedures:Today’s activity is called Super Dancers. Our bodies need to move, and dancing is a really fun way to move! We have a fun song to listen to while we dance safely on our spots, called “U R What U Eat.”You are a Super Dancer! When the music starts, everyone will stay on their spots and dance with the scarf. Listen for me to call out dance challenges while you’re moving. (See Super Dancer Chart)When the music stops, freeze your body on top of your spot. Listen for me to call out freeze challenges while the music is off. (See Super Dancer Chart)We’re going to keep dancing, listening for starts and stops, and safely completing challenges.Why is it important to start and stop on the music on/off signal? What other signals help us start and stop?Can we name 10 healthy foods that our bodies need to stay healthy and active? Let’s count them on our fingers.Universal Design Modifications:Allow students to choose safe equipment that can help them express themselves through movement and dance.00Activity Procedures:Today’s activity is called Super Dancers. Our bodies need to move, and dancing is a really fun way to move! We have a fun song to listen to while we dance safely on our spots, called “U R What U Eat.”You are a Super Dancer! When the music starts, everyone will stay on their spots and dance with the scarf. Listen for me to call out dance challenges while you’re moving. (See Super Dancer Chart)When the music stops, freeze your body on top of your spot. Listen for me to call out freeze challenges while the music is off. (See Super Dancer Chart)We’re going to keep dancing, listening for starts and stops, and safely completing challenges.Why is it important to start and stop on the music on/off signal? What other signals help us start and stop?Can we name 10 healthy foods that our bodies need to stay healthy and active? Let’s count them on our fingers.Universal Design Modifications:Allow students to choose safe equipment that can help them express themselves through movement and dance.3962407136765Emotional & Behavioral Self-Regulation: Demonstrates personal safety practices and routines.Gross Motor Development: Moves in relation to objects/other children.Relationships With Other Children: Shows enjoyment of play with others.Nutrition Education: Names a variety of healthy foods.00Emotional & Behavioral Self-Regulation: Demonstrates personal safety practices and routines.Gross Motor Development: Moves in relation to objects/other children.Relationships With Other Children: Shows enjoyment of play with others.Nutrition Education: Names a variety of healthy foods.1974857092950088900682879000274320179006527432015057473154143702050206375675005I will follow all physical activity rules and signals.I will control my body and actions by dancing safely with the equipment.I will talk about all of the different healthy foods my body needs.00I will follow all physical activity rules and signals.I will control my body and actions by dancing safely with the equipment.I will talk about all of the different healthy foods my body needs.2743206330950 ................

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