Full List of Scientists Who Discovered Elements

Full List of Scientists Who Discovered Elements

Check the PDF list of elements arranged in increasing order of their atomic number and the scientist who discovered the element and the laboratory of discovery.

Elements from Atomic Number 1 to 50

SI. Chemical Element NO and Symbol 1 Hydrogen H

2 Helium He

Year of Discovery/ Synthesis 1766

1868 & 1895

3 Lithium Li


4 Beryllium Be

5 Boron B

6 Carbon C 7 Nitrogen N 8 Oxygen O 9 Fluorine F 10 Neon Ne 11 Sodium Na 12 Magnesium Mg 13 Aluminium Al 14 Silicon Si 15 Phosphorus P 16 Sulphur S 17 Chlorine Cl 18 Argon Ar



18th century 1772 1774 1886 1898 1807 1775 1825 1824 1669 Before 2000BCE 1774 1894

19 Potassium K 20 Calcium Ca 21 Scandium Sc

1807 1808 1879

Name of Scientists

Henry & Cavendish

Janssen, Pierre Jules Cesar Ramsay, Sir William Johann August, Arfvedson

Louis Nicolas Vauquelin Gay-Lussac, Joseph Louis Antoine Lavoisier Daniel Rutherford Joseph Priestley Moissan, Henri Ramsay, Sir William Sir Humphry Davy Joseph Black Hans Christian Jons Jacob Berzelius Hennig Brand Antoine Lavoisier Carl Wilhelm Scheele Lord John William Rayleigh Sir William Ramsay Sir Humphry Davy Sir Humphry Davy Lars Frederick

Place of Discovery





Paris, France, London, England France Scotland England France London, England London, England Scotland Denmark Sweden Germany France Sweden England

London, England London, England Sweden

22 Titanium Ti

23 Vanadium V 24 Chromium Cr

25 Manganese Mn 26 Iron Fe 27 Cobalt Co 28 Nickel Ni 29 Copper Cu 30 Zinc Zn 31 Gallium Ga 32 Germanium Ge 33 Arsenic As 34 Selenium Se 35 Bromine Br 36 Krypton Kr

37 Rubidium Ru 38 Strontium Sr 39 Yttrium Y 40 Zirconium Zr 41 Niobium Nb 42 Molybdenum Mo 43 Technetium Tc 44 Ruthenium Ru 45 Rhodium Rh 46 Palladium Pd 47 Silver Ag 48 Cadmium Cd 49 Indium Id 50 Tin Sn

1791, 1795

1801 1797

1774 1735 1751 9000BC 1746 1875 1886 1250 BC 1817 1826 1898

1861 1808 1794 1789 1801 1781 1937 1844 1803 1803 1817 1863 -

William Gregor Martin Heinrich Andr?s Manuel Louis-Nicholas Vauquelin Johan Gottlieb Georg Brandt Axel Frederik Cronstedt Andreas Marggraf Paul ?mile Lecoq Clemens Alexander Albert Magnus Jons Jacob Berzelius Antoine J?r?me Sir William Ramsay, Morris William Robert Wilhelm Adair Crawford Johann Gadolin Martin Heinrich Charles Hatchett Peter Jacob Emilio Gino Carl Ernst Claus William Hyde William Hyde Sir Humphry Davy Ferdinand Reich -

England, Germany

Mexico France

Sweden Sweden Sweden Germany France Germany Germany Sweden France England

Germany Scotland Finland Germany England Sweden Italy Russia England England London, England Germany -

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Elements from Atomic Number 51- 118

SI. Chemical Element and NO Symbol

51 Antimony Sb 52 Tellurium Te 53 Iodine I 54 Xenon Xe

55 Cesium Cs

56 Barium Ba 57 Lanthanum La 58 Cerium Ce

59 Praseodymium Pr 60 Neodymium Nd

61 Promethium Pm

Year of Discovery/ Synthesis 1783 1811 1898


1808 1839 1803

1885 1885 1841 1945

62 Samarium Sm 63 Europium Eu 64 Gadolinium Gd 65 Terbium Tb 66 Dysprosium Dy 67 Holmium Ho

68 Erbium Er 69 Thulium Tm 70 Ytterbium Yb 71 Lutetium Lu

72 Hafnium Hf

1878-79 1896, 1901 1886 1843 1878 1878

1842-43 1879 1878 1907


Name of Scientists

Place of Discovery

Baron von Reichstein Bernard Courtois Sir William Ramsay, Morris William Robert Wilhelm Bunsen Gustav Robert Kirchhoff Sir Humphry Davy Carl Gustav Jons Jakob Berzelius Wilhelm Hisinger Carl Auer von Welsbach Carl Auer von Welsbach Mosander Jacob A. Marinsky Lawrence Elgin Glendenin Charles D. Coryell Marc Paul Emile Lecoq Eugene Anatole Jean Charles Galissard de Marignac Carl Gustav Mosander Marc Paul Emile Lecoq Per Teodor Marc Paul Emile Lecoq Carl Gustav Mosander Per Teodor Jean Charles Galissard de Marignac Carl Auer von Welsbach Charles James Georges Urbain Dirk Coster

Romania France England


London, England Sweden Sweden

Austria Austria Sweden USA


France Switzerland

Sweden France


Sweden Sweden Switzerland

Austria USA France Denmark

73 Tantalum Ta 74 Tungsten W 75 Rhenium Re

76 Osmium Os 77 Iridium Ir 78 Platinum Pt 79 Gold Au 80 Mercury Hg 81 Thallium Tl 82 Lead Pb 83 Bismuth Bi 84 Polonium Po 85 Astatine At

86 Radon Rn 87 Francium Fr 88 Radium Ra 89 Actinium Ac 90 Thorium Th 91 Protactinium Pa 92 Uranium U 93 Neptunium Np 94 Plutonium Pu

95 Americium Am

96 Curium Cm

97 Berkelium Bk

1802 1783 1925

1803 1803 1861 1898 1940

1900 1939 1898 1899 1828 1917 1789 1940 1940




Charles de Hevesy Anders Gustaf Ekenberg Juan JosE Don Fausto Elhuyar Ida Tacke-Noddack Walter Noddack Otto Carl Berg Smithson Tennant Smithson Tennant Sir William Crookes Claude Geoffroy the Younger Marie Sklodowska Curie Dale R. Carson K.R. MacKenzie Emilio Segre Friedrich Ernst Dorn Marguerite Catherine Perey Marie Sklodowska Curie Pierre Curie Andre-Louis Debierne Jons Jacob Berzelius Kasimir Fajans O.H. Gohring Martin Heinrich Klaproth Edwin M. McMillian Philip H. Abelson Glenn T. Seaborg Joseph W. Kennedy Edward M. McMillan Arthur C. Wohl Glenn T. Seaborg Ralph A. James Leon O. Morgan Albert Ghiorso Glenn T. Seaborg Ralph A. James Albert Ghiorso Stanley G. Thompson Glenn T. Seaborg Kenneth Street, Jr.

Sweden Spain


England England England -

France USA

Germany France


France Sweden Germany





Berkeley, California, USA

Berkeley, California, USA

98 Californium Cf

99 Einsteinium Es 100 Fermium Fm 101 Mendelevium Md


1952 1952 1955

102 Nobelium No

103 Lawrencium Lr

104 Rutherfordium Rf

105 Dubnium Db 106 Seaborgium Sg 107 Bohrium Bh 108 Hassium Hs 109 Meitnerium Mt 110 Darmstadtium Ds 111 Roentgenium Rg 112 Copernicium Cn 113 Nihonium Nh




1967 1974 1981 1984 1982 1994 1994 1996 2012

Albert Ghiorso Stanley G. Thompson Glenn T. Seaborg Kenneth Street, Jr. Albert Ghiorso Albert Ghiorso et. al.

Albert Ghiorso et. al.

Stanley G. Thompson Glenn T. Seaborg Bernard G. Harvey Gregory R. Choppin Albert Ghiorso Albert Ghiorso Glenn T. Seaborg Torb?rn Sikkeland John R. Walton Albert Ghiorso Torbj?rn Sikkeland Almon E. Larsh Robert M. Latimer Scientists at Dubna, Russia - Albert Ghiorso et. al.

Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory - Scientists at Dubna, Russia Albert Ghiorso et. al.

Scientists at Dubna, Russia Peter Armbruster Gottfried M?nzenber Peter Armbruster Gottfried M?nzenber Peter Armbruster Gottfried M?nzenber Peter Armbruster Gottfried M?nzenber Peter Armbruster Gottfried M?nzenber Kosuke Morita's

Berkeley, California, USA

Berkeley, California, USA Berkeley, California, USA Berkeley, California, USA

Berkeley, California, USA

Berkeley, California, USA

Dubna, Russia Berkeley, California, USARussia - USA Dubna, Russia Berkeley, California, USA Dubna, Russia Berkeley, California, USA Darmstadt, Germany Darmstadt, Germany Darmstadt, Germany Darmstadt, Germany Darmstadt, Germany Darmstadt, Germany Japan (First in Asia)


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