Mr. Van Schenck's Webpage

Islander Social Studies

Chapter 27, Section 3 Study Guide

The Vietnam Era:

The War Ends

Pages 918-923

Why it matters~ Despite all the effort, the US and its South Korean allies had _________________ ______________________Back in the US, _____________________ had intensified and political leaders looked for ways ______________________________________

Election of 1968~ Heavily criticized by his own party and blamed for _______________________ the American public about the progress of the war, President Johnson decided _____________________________.

People were shocked.

The republican candidate for President was ____________________ who made two campaign promises…….

to restore “_____________________________” at home and

to win “________________________________” in Vietnam.

With these promises, Nixon wins the 1968 election.

Nixon Pursues a To begin scaling down the war, Nixon proposed a new policy known as

New Course~ _________________________. The Vietnamization plan was pretty simple… American troops were ________________ from Vietnam, the South Vietnamese military would become more _________________ for fighting against the communists. By July of 1969, the first American combat troops had ____________________. At the same time, Nixon attacked the _________________________ in the neighboring countries of _______________________________. Nixon hoped this would eliminate the military threat of the North Vietnamese and pressure them to negotiate for ______________________________.

New Round of The expansion of the war into Cambodia and Laos sparked anger in the US and

Protests~ a new round of ___________________ began. ____________________________________ saw clashes between protesters and National Guardsman resulting in four students shot dead.

The Quest for Peace~ While the fighting spread, the peace

talks between the two sides dragged

on for three years. The Americans

wanted all ________________ forces out of the South, the North wanted

the US out and ____________________ communist representatives included in the southern __________________. Behind the scenes, Henry __________________, the President’s national security advisor negotiated with the communist. After an increase in _______________ of the North, the ___________________________________ were signed on January of 1973.

The ____________ war in US history was finally over.

The Final Years of Once the Americans had left, the communist forces began its attacks upon the

Conflict~ South Vietnamese military. Without American help, the North was certain of

_______________ and taking control of the __________________

By April of 1975, North Vietnamese forces

were near the southern capital of

_____________ and by April 30, the South surrendered to the communist North.

Vietnam was united under a communist

_______________ and the capital of Saigon

was renamed __________________________

Effects on the United States~ The costs of the war were ____________________.

( _______________Americans lost their lives while another ________________ were wounded.

(The high cost ($________________) damaged our economy into the 1970s.

( ( (Unlike veterans of the past, the Vietnam Vets were treated were not ________________ and treated poorly by many Americans. Many Vets had a hard time _______________ to life and suffered from

(The nation’s _____________ in its government was undermined.

In 1971, newspapers published secret government documents called the ___________________

which the government misled Americans about the war.

(To prevent another “undeclared war” Congress passed the ________________________ which

limits the President’s power to use troops. Under this act, the President must _______________

within 48 hours of sending troops anywhere. Also Congress may ______________ troops after

____________ if Congress does not ____________________________________.

(In 1971, the Constitution was amended. The ______________ lowers the voting age from 21 to

_______. If you are old enough to die for your country, you’re old enough to ___________

Remembering~ In 1982, the __________________________ in Washington DC was completed. This sobering memorial consists of two, black granite slabs with the names of soldiers who died in Vietnam etched on its surface. (((

Effect on Vietnam~ Estimates of communist fighters killed range between ____________________ and millions of civilians were also killed.

Vietnam became a ________________ country.

The United States had failed to ____________ communism in South East _________


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