I John 2 Sermon Outline

I John 2 Sermon Outline

Bryan Shelley Tuesday May 3, 2005


Jesus or Johnny?


Text: I John 2:1-6




Who remembers the original courtroom television show Perry Mason?

o This dates me a bit, back to black and white TV days

o Legendary lawyer of TV fame who never lost a case

o The reason he never lost is simple, he only defended innocent clients


Do you know there is a real lawyer who has never lost a case?

o Oddly enough He only defends the guilty

o The Judge is His Father

o The accused is His brother

o Jesus is the Christian's advocate in the heavenly court


I. I John Chapter 1 affirms that the blood of Jesus keeps Christian's sins out of God's Record Book

a. Because Jesus died for all of our sins I John 1:7

b. If we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive I John 1:9a

God as Judge dismisses our guilt just as a debt paid fully

a. He removes the stain of our sin I John 1:9b

I. A License to sin?

a. "May it never be!" NAS or "God forbid!" ASV Rom 6:2

a. "so that you may not sin" 1 John 2:1

i. Promote holy living

i. Die to sins, live to righteousness 1 Peter 2:24

a. "if anyone sins"

i. Assumes the fact they will sin

i. Practice the evil I do not want Rom 7:18-21

I. We have an Advocate

a. Sin is a legal matter- a violation of the law 1 John 3:4

a. Jesus-Advocate

i. Parakleton- para= along side, kaleo= call

i. Greek term for counsel for defense

a. With the Father

i. At the bar of Divine justice

i. Place where we will stand accused

a. Jesus lives ready to intercede

i. Vital part of His role for believers, Heb 7:25

i. His intervention keeps sins out of God's record book

a. Jesus Christ "the righteous" is our lawyer

i. He is the Son of the Judge (in whom well pleased), Matt 3:17

i. He is sympathetic brother to accused, Heb 4:15

i. AND unlike Perry Mason, He defends only the guilty

I. What should be our plea?

a. Unusual court

i. The Judge and the Advocate were also witnesses

a. Gnostics plead innocent, 1 John 1:8

i. They lie

a. For the believer a guilty plea gets a verdict of acquittal, Rom 8:33 God justifies.

i. Good news!

I. He is the propitiation for our sin, 1 John 2:2

a. God's righteous nature requires consequences/punishment for sin

i. All who sin will be judged, Rom 2:11-12

i. Somebody must pay- law violated

a. He is the propitiation

i. The atoning sacrifice for our sins, 1 Peter 2:24

i. "is", estin

1. Present indicative verb of being

1. Defines Jesus' standing role- already paid our sin- debt

i. Propitiation, hilasmos

1. Redemptive term used in OT and NT

1. Divine appeasement/satisfaction for offended justice and violated law

1. God's wrath placated by the cross, Rom 3:24-26

1. Justice is served

I. Our sense of justice is offended

a. When an unscrupulous lawyer abuses legal system to get guilty off

a. Johnny Cochran- prime example

i. Made his fortune off such work

i. Most famous was OJ Simpson case

i. Depended on legal wrangling skills to confuse issues and squeeze through loop-holes

a. Justice is frustrated

i. Makes a sham of the law

i. Why? Because the crime goes unpunished

a. May work here…, but will it work with God?

I. Sin has been tried, judged and sentenced

a. Penalty paid vicariously by Jesus on cross

a. God “made Him that knew no sin be sin on our behalf”, 2 Cor 5:21

I. For the whole world

a. Gnostics claimed sacrifice was only for elite few

i. Pnumatikoi- spirit people

a. John tells us otherwise, 1 John 2:2b

a. Dismantles Calvinistic view of limited atonement for the "predestined", 1 John 4:14

a. The offer is open to all who know Him

I. We know that we have come to know Him, v.2:3

a. Two “knows”

i. 1st Know- present indicative

1. Defines present perception and grasp of knowledge about God

i. 2nd Know, Him present perfect verb

1. Insists that they have come to know God and that knowledge still stands

a. "By this" or "Hereby" we know

i. First of nine times John names criterion by which "true knowledge of God" can be tested

i. Believer has knowledge of God's moral nature and hostility towards sin

1. Gnostics denied or ignored these

I. First test- commandment keeping, v.3

a. "if we keep"

i. Present subjunctive

i. Makes keeping commands an on-going obligation

a. "keep His commandments"

i. "walking in the light", "walk as Jesus did", 1 John 2:6

a. To know God is to keep His commandments

i. "Knowing" God is theoretical

i. Keeping His commandments is functional, practical and fellowship assuring

XI. "The one who says I know Him", 1 John 2:4

a. Exposes an empty antinomian claim same as in 1 John 1:6

Antinomian- One of a sect who maintain, that, under the gospel dispensation, the law is of no use or obligation; or who hold doctrines which supersede the necessity of good works and a virtuous life.

a. The god Gnostics claim to "know" is not concerned with sin and law

i. John implies that this god is a man-made idol, 1 John 5:21

i. Certainly no the God John knows

a. "Truth is not in him"

i. Does not have a real god or moral guidelines

I. "Whoever keeps His word", 1 John 2:5

a. "keeps"- present subjunctive verb

i. Defines a settled obedience to God's commandments

i. Christians keep on keeping God's word

a. "truly"- alethos

i. In contrast with the "lie" pseustes of the pseudo-intellectual

i. Turn away from false knowledge, 1 Timothy 6:20

i. Vain to call Lord, Lord and not do what He says, Luke 6:46

a. "the love of God"

i. Objective genitive- God is the object, love for Him

i. Perfected in obedience to Him

i. Obedience is the spring-board of fellowship with God, John 14:23

a. "perfected"

i. Implies obedience achieves the end that love for God demands

i. "By this we know we are in Him"

I. Even as He walked, 1 John 2:6

a. "the one who says"

i. Believer's claim to union with God needs be confirmed by practical and demonstrated obedience

a. "abide" (menein) in Him

i. To reside with Him- intimate fellowship

a. "ought" - opheilei

i. Implies a more sober commitment than we would typically mean with the word ought

i. Imposes a sense of moral indebtedness- must be paid

a. "walk in the same manner as He walked"

i. Jesus is the model of abiding in love for and obedience to God, John 15:10

i. "as He walked"

1. Summary for Jesus' life isn’t it?

1. We are to “walk in love”, Eph 5:2

I. Jesus or Johnny Cochran?

a. 1 John 2:1-3, Fellowship with God is by the Advocacy of Jesus, not trickery

a. 1 John 2:4-6, Fellowship with God is rooted in Obedience, not fancy words

b. Is it possible to say we know Jesus, but Jesus will not know us? Jesus’ words- Matt 7:21-23

i. Outward profession of religion, however remarkable, will not bring us to heaven

c. Have you ever asked “What should I do?”, Acts2:37

d. Peter clearly explains what we are to do to obey the gospel and know Jesus, Acts2:38

i. They had heard the gospel and were pierced to the heart

ii. Repent- agree with God you have sinned and need His forgiveness

iii. Be baptized

1. baptizo- to make whelmed, cover wholly with a fluid, to immerse

2. In the same manner Jesus was baptized

iv. In the name of Jesus Christ

v. For the forgiveness of your sins

1. Not for christening a baby

2. not for church membership

3. Not just a public profession of faith

vi. And receive the gift of the Holy Spirit

e. You are not in Christ Jesus until you have obeyed Him

g. So will you trust and obey Jesus or hope Johnny can get you off?


























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