APHG Toponym Activity

Name: _____________________________________ Period# _____

APHG Toponym Activity

Assignment: Go to google maps. Using the zoom slider at left and dragging the map around, find a state.

Part One:

After locating an area of choice, you will find toponyms (names of places/roads/items that appear on the map) that correspond to the following natural and cultural features.

Find 2 examples of place names for each category listed below. You may NOT use the examples given to you. If you cannot locate all toponyms in one area of your state, try harder. Some may take longer than others to find…be persistent.

1. For water features: (examples—the city of Oceanside or Taylor River Road), do not include actual bodies of water

2. For land features: (examples—Nichols Hills or Apple Valley Condominiums)

3. For wildlife: (examples—Buffalo, NY or Black Hawk Road)

4. `For occupations: (examples—Dairyland or Copper Basin)

5. For religion: (examples—San Antonio, TX or St. Paul, Minnesota)

6. For Foreign cities: (examples—New Berlin (Germany) or Val Paraiso (Chile))

7. In Native American languages: (examples—Winnapaug or Milwaukee)

8. In Foreign language: (examples—Bella Vista or New Orleans)

9. After people: (examples—Washington or Franklin)

|Category |Place Name |What is it? |Place Name |What is it? (road, lake, park,) |

| | |(road, lake, park,) | | |

|Water Feature | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Land Feature | | | | |

| | | | | |

|wildlife | | | | |

| | | | | |

|occupations | | | | |

| | | | | |

|religion | | | | |

| | | | | |

|European cities | | | | |

|Native | | | | |

|American | | | | |

|Foreign Language | | | | |

|People | | | | |

Part One: record your findings in the chart below.- (18 points)

Part Two:

What is a TOPONYM?

1. Using a map of the state of Florida, investigate and classify names of cities, towns and geographic features (see table below)

2. Look for place names which fit the following types of toponyms:

A. Descriptive _______________________________________________________

B. Incident _________________________________________________________

C. Commemorative – commemorating a person ____________________________

D. Associative ______________________________________________________

E. Possessive _______________________________________________________

F. Commendatory – praising (geographic features, etc.)______________________

G. Manufactured ____________________________________________________

H. Religious ________________________________________________________

I. Memorial Toponyms _______________________________________________


|Category |Examples |

|Descriptive toponyms |Rocky Mountains, Chicago (Stinking Onions in the language of the first inhabitants) |

|Associative Toponyms |Mill River (a mill was on the river), Springfield |

|Incident Names |Battle Creek, Bloody Ridge, Cut and Shoot |

|Possessive Names |Castro Valley, Pittsburgh |

|Commemorative (commemorating someone well-known or in honor of a |St Louis, San Jacinto, Houston, Seattle (named after Chief Seattle), Austin, Pennsylvania |

|famous person) |(Penn's Woods), Illinois (after the Illini Indians) |

|Commendatory (praising) |Pleasant Valley, Greenland |

|Manufactured (made up names) |Tesnus (Sunset spelled backwards), Reklaw (Walker spelled backwards) Iraan (Ira and Ann name |

| |the town after each other) |


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