Notes: Writing Names and Formulas of Compounds

Notes: Writing Names and Formulas of Compounds

Ionic Compounds = between _____________& ________________

*Signs that show you the name is ionic = ________________

Given Ionic Compound Name ( Want to Write Ionic Compound Formula

1. Look to see if it is binary or polyatomic Sodium oxide

2. Write symbol of metal,

3. Write symbol for non-metal

4. Determine oxidation number Calcium nitride

5. Criss-cross

6. Write formula

*Signs that show you the formula is ionic = ______________________

Given Ionic Compound Formula ( Want to Write Ionic Compound Name

1. Look to see if it is binary or polyatomic Mg3P2 Na2S

2. Write name of metal

3. Write name of non-metal, drop last

Syllabal and add -ide

Practice – Binary Ionic Compounds

sodium bromide beryllium chloride calcium selenide magnesium sulfide

aluminum oxide lithium phosphide cesium arsenide gallium selenide

Write the names of the following binary ionic compounds. Do these exercises without using any outside resources.

Na2O RbI LiBr CaF2

Cs3P MgO Ga2O3 AlN

Covalent Compounds = between ____________ & ______________

Practice - Binary Compounds of the Nonmetals

Write the formulas of the following molecules.

carbon tetrachloride dihydrogen monosulfide phosphorus triiodide sulfur dibromide

boron trifluoride dioxygen difluoride tetraphosphorus decaoxide sulfur hexafluoride

Write the names of the following molecules.

N2H4 OF2 SBr2 BCl3

Special Case 1: Ionic Compounds w/ Transition Metals

Practice –Ionic Compounds w/ Transition Metals

Write the formulas of the binary ionic compounds listed below. Do these exercises without using any outside resources.

cobalt(III) chloride lithium arsenide platinum(IV) fluoride nickel(II) sulfide

chromium(III) oxide beryllium nitride titanium(II) chloride iron(III) iodide

Write the names of the following binary ionic compounds. Do these exercises without using any outside resources.

MnF2 Ni3P2 PbS2 Cs2S

ScCl3 MgI2 PbS CuSe

Special Case 2: Ionic compounds w/ Polyatomic Ions

*Signs that show you this compound name has a polyatomic ion = ________________

Given Polyatomic in Compound Name ( Want to Write Ionic Compound Formula

1. Look to see if it is a Binary compound or if it contains a Polyatomic ion.

2. Write the symbols, look on your polyatomic ion table for symbol

3. Determine Oxidation State

4. If the metal is a transition element its oxidation

number will be written as a roman numeral.

5. Criss-cross

6. Write formula with correct subscripts.


*Signs that show you the formula will need a polyatomic = ______________________

Given Ionic Compound Formula w/ Polyatomic ion ( Want to Write Ionic Compound Name

1. Identify if it is a binary compound of in it contains a polyatomic ion.

2. Look to see if metal is a transition element.

3. If it is a transition metal then spread your elements and do a backwards criss-cross. This gives you the oxidation number.

4.Write the name of the metal, include Roman numeral for transition metals.

5. Write the polyatomic ion.

Practice –Ionic Compounds w/ Polyatomic Ions

Use the rules you have determined above to write the formulas of the following ionic compounds.

iron(III) acetate aluminum hydroxide strontium sulfate Lead(II) phosphate

copper(I) sulfite ammonium nitride potassium cyanide magnesium carbonate

Use the rules you have determined to write the names of the following ionic compounds.

Cu(OH)2 Sn(C2H3O2)2 Zn3(PO4)2 Pb(NO3)2


Special Case 3 – Naming Acids and Bases

Practice –Naming Acids and Bases

Write the formulas of the following acids and bases.

hydrofluoric acid hydroselenic acid carbonic acid lithium hydroxide

nitrous acid cobalt (II) hydroxide sulfuric acid beryllium hydroxide

Write the names of the following acids and bases.

HCl Mg(OH)2 Ba(OH)2 HClO2

HClO4 Fe(OH)2 Zn(OH)2 HC2H3O2


*Signs that show you the name is covalent = ________________

Given Covalent Compound Name ( Want to Write Covalent Compound Formula

I. Writing Formulas for Binary Molecular Compounds-those containing 2 nonmetals. Prefix naming system - know theses prefixes:

|Prefix / Value |Prefix / Value |

|Mono 1 |Hexa 6 |

|Di 2 |Hepta 7 |

|Tri 3 |Octa 8 |

|Tetra 4 |Nona 9 |

|Penta 5 |Deca 10 |

Simply write what it says. Ex: phosphorus pentachloride PCl5 dihydrogen monoxide H2O

*Signs that show you the formula is covalent = ______________________

Given Covalent Compound Formula ( Want to Write Covalent Compound Name

1. The less electronegative element is given first. It is given a prefix only if it contributes more than one atom to a molecule of the compound. (All this means is that you will never start with mono-)

2. The second element is named by combining a prefix indicating the number of atoms contributed by the element to the root of the name of the second element and then adding –ide to the end.

The o or a at the end of a prefix is usually dropped when the word following the prefix begins with another vowel. (monoxide or pentoxide)

*Signs that show you this compound name requires different steps = ________________

Given Roman Numerals in Compound Name ( Want to Write Ionic Compound Formula

1. Look to see if it is binary or polyatomic 1. Iron III Chloride

2. Write symbol of transition metal,

3. Write symbol for non-metal

4. Determine oxidation number of metal

by looking at Roman Numeral

5. Criss-cross

6. Write formula

*Signs that show you the formula will require roman numerals = ______________________

Given Ionic Compound Formula w/ Transition metal ( Want to Write Ionic Compound Name

3. Identify if it is a binary compound of in it contains a polyatomic ion.

4. Look to see if metal is a transition element.

3. If it is a transition metal then spread your elements and do a backwards criss-cross. This gives you the oxidation number.

4.Write the name of the metal, include Roman numeral for transition metals.

6. Write the anion adding “ ide”


1. Iron III Chloride 2. Copper II Sulfide


1. CoCl2 2. Fe2O3


1. Magnesium sulfate 2. Iron (II) nitrate


1. CuSO4 2. Ca(C2H3O2)2

*Signs that show you this compound name is for an acid= ________________

Given Compound Name ( Want to Write Compound Formula

1. Is the acid binary or polyatomic?

2. Write the symbols

3. Determine oxidation numbers

4. Criss Cross

5. Write formula

*Signs that show you the formula contains an acid = ______________________

Given Compound Formula ( Want to Write Compound Name

Does the compound contain a polyatomic ion?

If No – always start with hydro, then the root of the second element, and end with -ic.

If Yes – polyatomic is present –

If the polyatomic ends in –ate, change it to –ic.

If the polyatomic ends in –ite, change it to –ous.

Example: HNO3 Nitric acid

HNO2 Nitrous acid


Hydrobromic Acid Sulfurous Acid



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