RGIS Inventory Basics -training.com

2009 RGIS/WIS TAMS II Inventory Instructions for Stores

To Be Performed Prior to Inventory Day:

• Make sure to order additional paper and one additional toner for your laser printer in your Store, running out during the inventory would not be good.

• Make sure items behind a part on the shelf and pegboard hooks are same part numbers as the one in front.

• Clean out and restock merchandise under front counter.

• Pre-count all multiple quantity items (i.e. – BK Wheel Nuts & Studs, BEL Terminals, etc.)

• RGIS/WIS will not count (CC / GAT / RFD / WH) / these lines will be up to the Store to count prior to October 31st. All of these lines are now automatically excluded from the inventory session. You should double check this when creating the RGIS/WIS session.

• Pre-count all assortments on a piece of paper and tape to the outside of the assortment.

• Mark all empty boxes / pre-sold items awaiting customer pick-up as (DNI) so that RGIS/WIS will not count.

• Thoroughly check lines that have been re-labeled (i.e. TS – Rotors to NB, NGA – Gaskets to FPG, DPW – W/Pumps to TFW, TS Hydraulics to UP). These lines have new line codes and part numbers and if these are not properly labeled and still show old barcodes and part numbers, it will result in additional time spent chasing bad part numbers at the end of the inventory session. Please take the time to have these lines properly re-labeled and put in order on the shelf by the new line code / part number prior to your RGIS/WIS session.

• RGIS/WIS will be by your Store approximately 2-weeks prior to your scheduled inventory to inspect your Store, please give them your attention and be prepared to act on the items they identify as issues. At this time the file needs to be run and uploaded to the RGIS/WIS system so that we can be sure of communications between TAMS and RGIS/WIS prior to inventory day. To complete the check of communications you must do the following:

o Connect the RGIS/WIS computer into an open spot that one of the graphical stations or laser printers plugs into; your Store should have one of the devices shown on the following page; RGIS/WIS should have a CAT5 cable:

Dell Power-Connect

Linksys Switch SMC Switch

o Select the “Inventory” drop-down menu from the top tool bar.

o Highlight “Physical Inventory” / another drop-down box will open.

o Highlight and select “Selection Criteria” from the drop-down.

o Once the screen opens; click on the “Select (1)” button and enter a single, small SKU count line, such as “BAT” (NAPA Batteries) for the test.

o Put a check mark in the “Send to RGIS” field and then click “Yes” on the pop-up asking you to verify sending the file to RGIS/WIS.

o Click on the “Submit” button on the lower right-hand corner of the screen.

o Once the file shows to be successfully completed, have RGIS/WIS download it.

o RGIS ONLY: Once RGIS has verified that all systems are working; have the RGIS Supervisor delete the file on their computer system.

• Do not place a stock order with the D.C. two days prior to inventory. If you are a SCORE Store, please make sure your buyer is aware of your inventory at least one week prior to the actual inventory date. You do not want to be stocking parts the morning of the count, before the count starts.

• The night before your scheduled inventory, change your back-up time to 5:00am this will allow your back-up to finish prior to the inventory session.

• Remember the more your Store has been prepared for the inventory session, the quicker and more accurate it will be…..

Inventory Day:

• The morning of the inventory hold a short meeting with the RGIS/WIS Manager performing your inventory and explain to him/her any issues you feel his/her folks might run into. Ask him/her to give you a few minutes to address his/her folks prior to the inventory commencing. Walk through the Store and point out any problem areas; these would be possible standard pack issues, items that go all the way through a shelf (i.e. – Rack & Pinions, CV Axles, etc.), changeover lines (TS => NB, BEL => NW, etc.). Make sure that you both decide on a game plan for counting the Store and that you have an understanding of the system used to label the areas, as this information will be crucial once RGIS/WIS leaves and we are doing the TAMS Variance Reports. If the Store is in a high retail traffic area, you may want to make sure the Sales Area is among the first items counted before we get too busy. If the Stock Room has no A/C it should be counted first, as it will be cooler in the morning than in the afternoon. If the Stock Room has an upstairs, the upstairs should be counted before the downstairs, as heat rises, and it will be hotter upstairs than downstairs.

• Be at your Store at least 1-hour before your scheduled time to give RGIS/WIS a chance to run the file and download it to all of their scanners. You must be absolutely certain that you run a new TAMS / RGIS/WIS Inventory file the morning of inventory, so that we have fresh on-hand quantities. Do not use the file that was created for the PIV test.

• This year the inventory service will utilize the NAPA master file as well as the TAMS store specific file. Using both will insure that a more complete file is available. The supervisor will arrive with the master file loaded and connect with TAMS to pull the store file. Note – The crew CAN count with only the master file. If the connection with TAMS is delayed counting can begin as usual. As soon as the TAMS file can be pulled the crew will update with the newest file.

Instructions for running TAMS II / RGIS/WIS inventory file:

#1 – Select the “Inventory” drop-down menu from the top menu bar, then select “Physical Inventory” and finally “Selection Criteria”.


#2 – Once the screen opens, verify that the appropriate product lines are listed in the ‘Exclude Product Line’ list box. If not, click on “Select (2)” button to enter your excluded lines.

#3 – Click and select the Product Lines that you wish to exclude from your RGIS/WIS inventory session, if you have Gates (GAT) in your Store; this is where you would enter it. This would also be the place you would enter any lines you have opted to count yourself or lines that have been recommended to exclude (i.e. – FPG / NGA Gaskets, since the interchange may not be complete in your Store). Hit “Enter” once you have keyed all of the Product Lines you wish to exclude.


#4 – Click the “Submit” button in the lower right-hand corner of the screen. DO NOT CHECK THE ‘Send to RGIS’ BOX AT THIS TIME. THE RGIS/WIS FILE WILL BE CREATED FROM ANOTHER SCREEN.


#5 – The system will display a modal indicating how many records are being added to the session. See the modal below.


#6 - When the session is complete, the system will display the record count at the bottom of the screen.


#7 – Now it is time to create the RGIS/WIS file. Select the “Inventory” drop-down menu from the top menu bar, and then select “Physical Inventory” and finally “Review Physical Inventory”.


#8 – System displays the Review Physical Inventory Session screen. Highlight the session you just created and click the ‘Create RGIS File’ button.


#9 – System displays a modal prompting you to confirm your selection. Click Yes.


#10 –If you created a test session prior to the actual inventory, you will see the modal below. Click OK. (If you did not create a test session, go to step #11.)


#11 - You will see the modal below while the RGIS file is being created. This process will mark the selected session as a RGIS session, create the RGIS file and, if applicable, remove the RGIS indicator on the previously created test session


#12 – When complete, the system displays the modal below. Click OK. System returns to the Review Physical Inventory Session screen.


You are now ready for RGIS/WIS to pick up the file. Have RGIS/WIS pull the file regardless of whether they are using the master file from HQ, as this file will be used along with the physical counts to generate the variances once the RGIS/WIS session has been completed and their file has uploaded to TAMS.

• When the RGIS/WIS Manager is preparing the Store layout, explain that you want the Area Tickets to “snake” through the Store in numerical sequence; this will help your folks tremendously when it comes to finding the “Areas” during the variance reports.

• Inventory staffing will be based on the estimated inventory level (in units) and the efficiency of the crew. The inventory supervisor will review staffing and the method of calculating staffing during the pre-inventory visit.

• Once the RGIS/WIS personnel arrive on site, the RGIS/WIS Manager should be holding a 10-15 minute meeting with the RGIS/WIS personnel to explain to them the project at hand. Once the RGIS/WIS Manager has addressed his folks, you need to address them as well. Make sure that you cover the following, from our point of the view (the customer):

(Suggested Agenda)

o First and foremost, introduce yourself; make sure that they know who to call upon if they have questions.

o Make sure that all RGIS/WIS personnel understand that we want accuracy over speed; although we want them to finish in a timely manner, if we have to sacrifice accuracy to get it, then we would be better off not counting the Store at all.

o Make sure to walk them down any problem aisles for Standard Packs (i.e. – Balkamp, NAPA Chassis Parts, Spark Plugs, etc.).

o Make sure to walk them through the Sales Area, to ensure they understand the necessity of scanning each and every part as opposed to scanning the front item and counting everything behind it.

o Make sure they understand the importance of marking each 4-foot section of shelving (on each shelf) with their marker tags once they have completed the count for that shelf so as to help ensure we do not have duplicate counting. Having these markers in place will also help you when you walk the Store after they finish counting to ensure that every shelf was physically counted.


**Typical RGIS Shelf Markers / Different Colors**

• Note: We have several lines that have boxes going through the entire shelf (i.e. – NPS (Power Steering Hoses), NRP (Rack & Pinions) , NCV (NAPA CV Axles), etc.) to help ensure that we don’t have duplicate counts; take masking tape and a DNI sign and tape off one side of the shelves where these items reside.

• Be prepared to answer SKU checks as the RGIS/WIS folks call for them, you will need to find them a valid Line Code and Part # for the item they are inquiring about. When telling them to manually enter items with a two character Line Code (i.e. – BK (Balkamp) or DC (Duplicolor)); make sure that you tell the RGIS/WIS person to key the Line Code followed by “space” (which is the “0” key) then the part number; for normal three character Line Codes (i.e. – RAY (Rayloc), etc.) they only need to key the Line Code followed immediately by the part number.

• As RGIS/WIS asks for SKU checks; if the item can’t be identified or if their machine still registers an error when they try to manually enter it; these parts need to be pulled from the shelf and put in one central location in the Store for further research after the inventory is complete. These instances should be greatly reduced this year with the use of the master parts file. Remember RGIS/WIS has strict rules not to override the NAPA system so if it errors out in their machine we need to pull it off the shelf.

o When the inventory session is nearing completion, make sure that we take the time to work with the RGIS/WIS supervisor to go through all of the “rejected / junk” parts one more time. It has been found that when the time is taken to go through the parts a second time, several of the items will in-fact show as good parts in the RGIS/WIS scanners.

• Make sure that NAPA personnel are constantly walking up and down the aisles observing the RGIS/WIS personnel to ensure accurate counts and to identify problems as they occur (i.e. – Spark Plugs being counted as (1) box versus piece count, double counting of sections, not looking behind boxes, etc.). Make sure that you bring any issues to the attention of the RGIS/WIS supervisor at the time they occur.

• Remember, we are the customer and if we see an issue with a RGIS/WIS employee, we should notify the RGIS/WIS supervisor and let them address their employee. If errors continue to occur with this same employee, as the customer, we have a right to have that employee removed from the inventory session.

RGIS equipment: WIS Handheld Unit:


• RGIS and WIS use slightly different technologies, but the concept is very similar – they scan the parts, but can manually input part numbers / line abbreviations when necessary. RGIS’s unit transmits the count data via WiFi connection to their laptops; WIS puts the info on memory sticks and manually upload it from those, but the effect is the same.

• During the inventory session, you will be asked to take part in auditing the counts of individual RGIS/WIS employees, this is not optional and when asked by the RGIS/WIS supervisor to take part in this process, we must comply. As part of RGIS/WIS policies and procedures, the RGIS/WIS supervisor or an appointed senior RGIS/WIS employee performs two count audits on each RGIS/WIS employee at the inventory session. We have asked that we now be included in this process, so that we can identify problems prior to the inventory session concluding. In the event you are not asked to take part in this process, ask the RGIS/WIS supervisor about it. This is a positive change to the program that I believe will help us correct counting issues before the variance report runs.

• Once the inventory session has been completed, make sure that RGIS/WIS leaves the area tickets (samples below) and area count sheets taped up as you will need these to do the TAMS variance report.


• Note that RGIS/WIS will no longer need to run the following three (3) reports:

o Area Variance Report

o Zero Counted Report

o RGIS/WIS Final Variance Report

• Please make sure that RGIS/WIS also continues to print the “Area Detail” Reports and that they hang them in each Area as the RM-1 handhelds down-load areas, these reports show where they counted each item and will be of great assistance when you do your variances. The common uses for these Area Detail Reports are as follows:

o Audit RGIS/WIS scan results prior to conclusion of inventory session. This process can be completed by NAPA personnel while RGIS/WIS is still counting. We should focus on product lines that have traditionally been problematic (i.e. – ECH, BEL, products that go all the way through shelves, etc.). You have a good feel for which areas could be potential problems and performing spot checks while RGIS/WIS is still counting can greatly improve the end results and reduce the time spent checking variance reports.

o Reference report to use while working variances. As you are working the TAMS variance report, using the Area Detail Report once in an Area can help you find where the item was counted in that area, it may be out of order, and this report will show you the exact place on the shelf it was counted. This will also help you identify bad bar codes; sometimes a bar code scans as a different part number than the actual part is, looking to see where the item was scanned in an area can help you locate the actual part and identify the issue.

o Verifying that RGIS/WIS has counted the inventory correctly. The policy for RGIS/WIS counting the back stockroom is that they use the auto-quantity feature on the RM-1 device; this means that the machine will only accept the quantity of one (1) and forces the RGIS/WIS employee to scan each individual item (only exceptions are items like spark plugs, Balkamp, NAPA Wiring, etc.). If you look at an Area Detail Report for Brake Pads and you see quantities greater than one (1) next to the part number, notify the RGIS/WIS supervisor at once.

o Find shelves that were skipped. Does the Area Detail Report look small for the area scanned? Using this report to do a simple spot check can help you verify that all shelves were scanned for that particular area.

• Once RGIS/WIS has finalized their counts and their system shows the inventory to be 100% counted, they will need to hook back up to the TAMS system and upload the file to TAMS (use the same port as used in the test session for the download). For WIS this happens in one step. In the case of RGIS/WIS, make sure the supervisor uploads both option #4 and option #5 out of their close-out menu, they will probably have to restart their computer in-between the uploading of the two options; if this doesn’t happen, the TAMS Variance Report will be of no use!!! Once they tell you that their system shows to have successfully uploaded both of the files, you will need to go into the “Review Physical Inventory” menu and select the RGIS/WIS session and then click the “Import RGIS File” button on the lower right-hand corner of the screen.


• Once the TAMS system has completed the import process it will display a message indicating the RGIS file has been successfully imported. Click OK to acknowledge this message.

• At this point in time, you will be asked to take a quick survey on the RGIS/WIS computer to grade the inventory session that has just been completed. Once these surveys are completed, you may release the remaining RGIS/WIS personnel, with the exception of the supervisor and prepare the NAPA personnel for the TAMS Variance Report. The RGIS/WIS supervisor has now been instructed to stay at the Store until the TAMS Variance Report has completed running. If this report is excessive (i.e. 300+ pages) we probably have some counting issues.

• Prior to running the TAMS Variance Report, you should first update all parts that match. The instructions to update matching parts and then run the TAMS Variance Report (average 150-200 pages / make sure you have plenty of paper in the Lexmark) are located on the pages to follow, please make sure you follow these instructions exactly, or you will have problems:

#1 – Select “Review Physical Inventory” from the Inventory Menu


#2 – Highlight the desired session, then click “Select”


#3 – Once the session opens; click on the “Update Inventory” button


#4 – Put a “Check Mark” on All Product Lines, leave everything else alone. Then click the “Update” button.


A variance report is created and archived each time you do the update. The system will generate this report, and then display a message indicating that the report has been created and allowing you to print the report. Click No. This is very important, because this first report will include EVERY part number in the physical inventory session. You do not want to print this report. Pay special attention reading forward as to when the proper time comes for printing variance reports.

#5 – Next, a pop-up box will appear confirming the “Update”, click on “Yes”.


By having updated all of the matching parts you will reduce the number of parts that need to be double-checked because of sales made during the physical inventory process.

Now it is time to print the TAMS Variance Report, do so by following the steps outlined on the next page:

#1 – Select “Review Physical Inventory” from the Inventory menu


#2 – Highlight the desired session, then click “Select”


#3 – Click on the circle marked “Variances Only” on the top of the screen


#4 – Click on the printer icon on the top of the screen. Notice the “Sort by” is set to ‘RGIS Location/Product Line/Part Number’. Click on the dropdown and select either Product Line/Sort Number/Part Number or Product Line/Part Number. Select all product lines from the Available list on the left. All product lines will redisplay in the “Selected” list on the right. Click OK. Note: The system will not accept the click on OK until you have selected the product lines. The OK button is disabled until product line selections are made.


#5– The TAMS system will create the variance report, then display it in the Print Preview screen. Click ‘Print’. The system will display the Select Printer screen. Select your laser printer, then click OK. Note: Notice the ‘Print on both sides (Duplex)’ option. If you don’t want this report printed on both sides of the paper, make sure this box is empty. (Click the box to remove the check mark.)


Special Note: RGIS/WIS Area Ticket #’s and Counts are NOW available in TAMS II for the 2009 RGIS/WIS Inventory Season.

• The TAMS Variance Report will contain several pieces of information but you should be focusing on the following columns:

o Counted Quantity (This will be the count from RGIS/WIS)

o Chg (“S” means Scanner / RGIS/WIS – “X” means Manually entered)

o On-Hand Quantity (This is your live / right now on-hand in TAMS)

o Variance (This column shows you how many you are over / short)

▪ If this column contains an asterisk (*) next to the variance it signifies that particular part had either a Sale or a Return during the business day. These items should always be double checked.

o Part Number (Our Part Number)

o Description (Part Description / i.e. – Reman Alternator)

o Unit Cost (Our Cost)

o Date Last Received (Stock Receipts)

o RGIS/WIS Location / Count

• All items on the TAMS Variance Report may not have to be recounted, for example BK (Balkamp Wheel Bolts / Studs, Fuses) or NW (Wire Connectors) (this decision is to be made by each District Manager). An experienced person and/or persons and the NAPA Store Manager should review the printout focusing on the following items to perform shelf checks:

o Items with a Unit Cost ( > $5.00 )

o Items with an unusually large variance ( +/- 5)

o Items with an asterisk (*) in the variance column (sold that day)

o Standard pack items (MS Sandpaper / MMM Sandpaper / etc.)

• By isolating the types of items we are double checking, it will help reduce the amount of time spent working this report.

• NAPA Personnel should be making corrections to this report based on the column marked “Counted Quantity” as this is the column that will have to be corrected in the TAMS system. If the count is correct, a simple “check mark” or a blank will be satisfactory, if the count is incorrect, “slash” through the counted quantity and write in the correct quantity on the space provided. (Example of new TAMS Variance Report to follow)

**Example of TAMS II Variance Report**

07/13/2008 07:07 PM P H Y S I C A L I N V E N T O R Y (SCR027-IM)

200008592 - EXCELLENCE Accounting Day - 4 Page 18

Variances Only

Session ID: 141 Emp #1 Excellence 07/12/2008 09

Counted On Hand Per Std Unit Date Last

Quantity Chg Quantity Variance Part Number Description Grp Cls Car Pkg Cost Received

--------------- --- -------- -------- -------------------------- ---------------- ------ --- ------ ------ -------------- ----------

______ 0 1 -1 9116 AIR FILTER 20 A 1 1 8.9500 08/14/2007

______ 0 1 -1 9117 AIR FILTER 20 A 1 1 8.0500 02/07/2008

______ 0 1 -1 9120 AIR FILTER 20 B 1 1 8.6700 03/04/2008

______ 0 1 -1 9136 AIR FILTER 20 D 1 1 13.6300 11/06/2007

______ 0 1 -1 9155 AIR FILTER 20 B 1 1 10.4700 11/09/2007

______ 0 1 -1 9223 AIR FILTER 20 A 1 1 8.0600 11/09/2007

______ 0 1 -1 9490 AIR FILTER 50 B 1 1 23.8600 09/15/2005

______ 0 3 -3 AC20 REPLACEMENT FILT 210 XD 1 1 17.9700 11/27/2007

RGIS/WIS Location Code - 1

______ 20 1 19 1004 OIL FIL 40 B 1 1 4.7400 05/27/2006

RGIS/WIS Location.Count: 1:10

RGIS/WIS Location.Count: 2:10

______ 10 1 9 1006 OIL FIL 40 B 1 1 7.3200 11/06/2007

RGIS/WIS Location.Count: 1:10

______ 10 1 9 1010 OIL FIL 40 C 1 1 6.1700 04/10/2008

RGIS/WIS Location.Count: 1:10

______ 10 2 8 1032 OIL FIL 40 W 1 1 6.8200 12/15/2007

RGIS/WIS Location.Count: 1:10

______ 10 1 9 1036 OIL FIL 10 D 1 1 3.6400 01/10/2008

RGIS/WIS Location.Count: 1:10

______ 10 5 5 1040 OIL FIL 10 D 1 1 3.6400 04/02/2008

RGIS/WIS Location.Count: 1:10

______ 10 1 9 1042 OIL FIL 10 D 1 1 4.1200 04/09/2008

RGIS/WIS Location.Count: 1:10

______ 10 13 7 1045 OIL FIL 10 D 1 1 3.6500 12/23/2004

RGIS/WIS Location.Count: 1:10

______ 10 1 9 1049 OIL FIL 40 C 2 1 5.8200 10/16/2007

RGIS/WIS Location.Count: 1:10

______ 10 1 9 1050 OIL FIL 40 C 1 1 4.9800 12/14/2007

RGIS/WIS Location.Count: 1:10

______ 10 2 8 1051 OIL FIL 40 TC 1 1 5.7700 02/06/2008

RGIS/WIS Location.Count: 1:10

______ 10 5 5 1056 OIL FIL 40 TD 1 1 6.5800 03/07/2008

RGIS/WIS Location.Count: 1:10

______ 10 3 7 1060 OIL FIL 10 D 1 1 3.6400 11/09/2007

RGIS/WIS Location.Count: 1:10

RGIS/WIS Location Code - 2

______ 20 1 19 1004 OIL FIL 40 B 1 1 4.7400 05/27/2006

RGIS/WIS Location.Count: 1:10

RGIS/WIS Location.Count: 2:10

Number of Parts... 886

* in the Variance Column indicates this part was sold since the beginning date for this session.

X in the Chg Column indicates the counted quantity was changed via edit

S in the Chg Column indicates this part was scanned

*** Selection Criteria ***


Sorted by......................RGIS/WIS Location / Product Line / Part Number

*** End of Report ***

**Explanations of RGIS/WIS Location / Count**

• On the above shown report you will see the following examples:

o FIL - #1004 – OIL FIL

▪ Shows RGIS/WIS Location.Count: 1:10

RGIS/WIS Location.Count: 2:10

▪ This means that in Area #1 – RGIS/WIS counted (10) and then in Area #2 – RGIS/WIS counted another (10); both Areas will need to be checked prior to making any corrections.

o FIL - #9116 – AIR FILTER

▪ Does not show the “RGIS/WIS Location, Count:”

▪ This means that RGIS/WIS never counted this item and if the On Hand is not 0, then this is a missing part that needs to be found.

o FIL - #1006 – OIL FIL

▪ Shows RGIS/WIS Location, Count: 1:10

▪ This means that in Area #1 – RGIS/WIS counted (10) and that this was the only place they counted this product in your Store.

• All corrections should be entered on the TAMS system in the “Review Physical Inventory” option, as corrections are keyed into the system, remember to periodically hit the green barrel on the top of the screen, as this saves your work.

• Once all corrections are complete; you will click on the “Update Inventory” button on the lower right-hand corner of the screen. Make sure to put a check mark in the following boxes prior to clicking “Update”:

o All Product Lines

o Update Variances

o Add Parts if Not on File

• Once all of the check marks have been selected; click the “Update” button, then answer “Yes’ to updating the inventory on the pop-up box. (see below)



• TAMS will create and archive the final variance report, then display the following message:


• Click No. The TAMS system will then update the inventory. When complete, the system will display a message indicating the update is complete. Click OK.

• Once it has completed processing the inventory update, you can print the “TAMS Final Variance Report” (average 100-150 pages / make sure you have paper). This report should be kept at the Store with the other inventory paperwork. To print this report, go to the Reports menu; select Reprint Reports; select the Physical Inventory Variance Report; click ‘View’; the system will display the report in the Report Viewer screen; click Print; select the laser printer and click OK.

• The TAMS Physical Inventory Recap Report must now be run, the instructions for running this report are on the pages to follow:

• Go to the “Inventory” drop-down menu, highlight “Physical Inventory” then highlight and select “Review Inventory Results”


• Select “Finalized”; then highlight the session you want and then click “Select”


• Once the session opens; click on the printer icon on the top of the screen and this will open a print-preview screen of the report.


• Once the print-preview screen opens, click on the “Print” button on the lower right-hand corner of the print-preview screen.


• Select your Laser Printer to print the report and then click “Ok”


• You will want to print this report for all Line Codes / all Group Codes and make sure that you print five (5) final copies of this report for distribution (average 20-25 pages for each copy). To print this report five (5) times, please repeat the above listed steps a total of five (5) times. Please print this report on the Laser Printer so that it can be read by all those who need to view it.

• The distribution of this report is as follows:

o One (1) Copy stays in Store with inventory file

o One (1) Copy to NAPA HQ – Attn: Jerry Biggers

o One (1) Copy to your Regional Operations Manager

o Remaining two (2) Copies to the District Office

• Once the entire inventory session has been completed in the following days it will be your responsibility to go through the pile of “Junk” parts and establish which items are truly countable and reenter them into the TAMS system. For those items that are not countable we need to establish whether these items are to be defected out or Stock Loss; contact your DM / OM for further instructions on these items. This list should be noticeably smaller than last year, as we have cleaned up our Stores since last year and also using the NAPA Master Parts file reduces the number of “good” parts that have to be keyed in manually. Items that should be junked must be thrown away.

• Once you have completed the TAMS Variance Report and have updated the system and printed the “Physical Inventory Final Recap Report”, you may perform an End-of-Day on the TAMS system, however not before.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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