Rishi Devra AKA Con Artist and Suspected Serial Killer ...

[Pages:28]Subject: Rishi Devra AKA Con Artist and Suspected Serial Killer Devra Patton West looking for more Wealthy Victims in Sedona & Scottsdale AZ.

Dear FBI, IRS and Sedona & Scottsdale police departments,

If Devra West carries out `extra judicial' killings, are these deaths still considered murders even though the weapon she uses is not regarded as a weapon under legal statute? Clearly Geoffrey Reynolds, who announced the whistleblower's impending murder to the press days before she attempted his murder, believes that she cannot be prosecuted, however much of motive she had for his `extra judicial' killing.

If Devra West uses her occult `weapon' that is not regarded as a weapon under legal statute to commit scores of acts of theft, fraud and extortion are these crimes, or does she get a free pass in spite of the mountain of evidence to show what she is doing? If Devra West uses the same weapon to terrorize victim's witnesses into remaining silent and not going to the police, are these crimes or does she get a free pass?

Finally, with senior cult member Dr. Julio Williams providing a venue, paying for the venue and being present to testify to her ability to deliver `divine grace healings' is this a crime? Is it a crime when in reality, having identified the wealthy, Devra West uses her weapon (that is not regarded as a weapon under legal statute) to make victims ill; after which she offers to `cure' them for six figure sums?

As long as the answer is no, or the authorities choose not to investigate, there will be more victims of theft, fraud, extortion and more extra judicial killings. Maybe it is time to take a close look at the `Regent for the Spiritual Hierarchy of the Western Hemisphere' AKA con artist Devra Patton West.

Richard S

Rishi Devra AKA Con Artist and Suspected Serial Killer Devra Patton West looking for more Wealthy Victims in Sedona & Scottsdale AZ.

In Montana, where she was calling herself the Ascended Master Devra Ji (1995 to 2004) and then after her charity was struck off for fraud in 2004 the Ascended Master Surya Ma (2004 to 2010), Devra West was the leader of a cult / criminal racketeering gang. Prior to 1991 Devra West and her husband Jack West were pot growers, drug dealers and small time crooks defrauding thousands of dollars a time from individual victims. Victims like Jeremy Samuelson and Satya. The latter victim Satya attended the `Robert Jaffe School for Energy Mastery' with Devra West between 1990 & 1991. After acquiring occult (hidden) knowledge Devra West and Jack West used that knowledge to leverage their criminal tendencies thus starting a career of organized crime that endures until this day.

The occult hidden knowledge I am talking about is Shamanism; it is used by tribal elders for the benefit of their people. It is used by lunatics like Devra West to line their own pockets and to facilitate theft, fraud, extortion, murder and when necessary to intimidate victims and witnesses into not going to the police and to the law courts for restitution. The same threat of violence and murder is used by Devra West to enforce a strict code of silence within the cult which for most of the time is quite effective. However occasionally victims refuse to remain silent and refuse to be intimidated and, like the whistleblower, are difficult to murder.

After the whistleblower was recruited by West as a business consultant in January 2002 and, after being defrauded by her in August 2002 after completing all the tasks he had been set, the whistleblower decided to sue Devra West for fraud a lawsuit he won in 2008. In 2003 after announcing his decision to sue Devra West for fraud they had a meeting at which she threatened to get so down and f**king dirty huge expenses coming out of his pocket and not hers as the senior members of her cult, willing accomplices in organized crime, would fund her legal fees. You can listen to Devra West say this to the whistleblower as he recorded the entire meeting on a digital tape recorder. Here is a link to two of the statements she made during their meeting:-

1. You are f**king over a Spiritual Teacher for Christ's sake. 2. If you sue me I'll get so f**king down and dirty huge expenses coming out of your pocket not mine.

Devra West was true to her word, as during the lawsuit she got down and f**king dirty in the following ways:-

1. Told her employees to manufacture false statements about the whistleblower on pain of being fired. She intended to use these statements in court to malign the whistleblower. One such statement by employee Anandra George was later retracted.

2. She got three cult members to write a defamatory statement and publish it on her website in 2005. One of the authors was Dr. Julio Williams MD. In 2007 Dr. Julio Williams MD was persuaded to write a threatening expletive laden email to the whistleblower wherein Williams announced that he was putting up $2,000,000 for Devra West's defense fund.

3. In early 2007, when it looked like the whistleblower's lawsuit was going to be successful, Devra West started to use her `secret weapon' and launched a campaign of occult `under the radar' violent attacks at the whistleblower and his family. These attacks included severe headaches, partial paralysis, attacks to the digestive system, sleep deprivation etc. Devra West, being a card carrying Satanist, works with demonic entities who she uses to terrorize victims at night with banshee type screams and violent nightmares. There are no redeeming qualities with Devra Patton West her occult weapon, not recognized by the authorities as a weapon, allows her to target adversaries and wealthy victims safe in the knowledge that no one will believe the victim's stories and if they did there is little the authorities could do unless a group of victim's brought a lawsuit against Devra West based on her obvious intent to cause harm. Trying to get victims' to act together in a common cause is like trying to herd cats. A much better route is to use the obvious pattern of organized crime / racketeering over 27 years to mount a criminal investigation with the object of prosecuting Devra West and her accomplices under racketeering (RICO) statutes. Either way Devra Patton West is a `berder.'

4. In July of 2007 the whistleblower shared his research with two Montana newspapers who both published stories about Devra West's criminality in the Flathead Lake area of North West Montana. The negative publicity from the stories in the Whitefish Pilot and Bigfork Eagle newspapers brought to an end Devra West's criminal racketeering business model in Montana as wealthy spiritual seekers tend not to walk into a trap if they know it is there. As a result of this public relations disaster Devra West decided to murder the whistleblower and on August 9 2007 Geoffrey Reynolds CPA, a senior member of her cult, while being interviewed by the Bigfork Eagle newspaper let the reporter known that the whistleblower would be dead within 12 months or in jail for reacting to what Devra West was going to do to him and his family.

5. The murder plot failed though Geoffrey Reynolds prediction were correct as within days of his statement to the press Devra West made a failed attempt at murdering the whistleblower. Reynolds was also correct in his prediction that Devra West would launch a campaign of occult under the radar violence against the whistleblower designed to intimidate him into bringing down his websites and or have him react in a way that ended up in him being jailed while trying to avenge the attacks against him and his family. Interestingly in 2002, when the whistleblower was building a relationship with Jack West, Jack shared a couple of interesting facts the first was that people who crossed his wife had a habit of dying suddenly and the second was that he, his wife Devra West and their young daughter Anna were chased out of New Mexico by one gun wielding victim who realized that the police could not help him with Devra West's `under the radar' violence.

Above left: Devra Ji, Surya Ma & Rishi Devra ? the same narcissist dressing up as a Greek Goddess believing that her fantasies are real. Unfortunately for anyone in her presence they are forced to play the role of serfs to her

planetary regent. Go along with her delusions or risk being the victim of a violent assault or murder.

6. As stated earlier, Devra West's criminal racketeering business model was dead in the water as long as the whistleblower's websites were up which contained thousands of documents and images about Devra West's criminal past. In 2010, while attending court to see what the court was going to award him for winning his lawsuit against Devra West both West and her stooge Reynolds served the whistleblower for defamation (for telling the truth)! While the truth is an absolute defense against defamation it only works if you can afford a lawyer and if you can afford to travel from abroad backwards and forwards to defend West's & Reynolds lies. They both gambled that after 7 years of

fighting and winning a fraud lawsuit against West that the whistleblower would not be able to defend their frivolous lawsuits against him ? and they were right. Long story short the whistleblower's websites were forced down and Devra West moved to Geoffrey Reynolds' old home town of Cave Creek AZ where she reincarnated herself as the Ascended Master `Rishi Devra' and like all serial killing narcissists who believe that no one would be stupid enough to challenge her version of reality she recently announced that eight short years after leaving Montana as a con artist and violent convicted criminal she was now:-

The Regent of the Spiritual Hierarchy for the Western Hemisphere.


While researching his lawsuit the whistleblower discovered that there were literally scores of victims of theft, fraud, extortion, one sudden mysterious death of a witness, the threatened murder of a student who was kidnapped and held captive until she agreed to make a `donation' of tens of thousands of dollars to West's lifestyle costs. The planned murder of a wealthy student, Dr. Pat Cole MD, whose death sentence was only reprieved after she made a `donation' of $1.3 million to West's lifestyle costs. Then there was the attempted murder of the whistleblower blurted out to the press by senior cult member Geoffrey Reynolds CPA who also distinguished himself by money laundering $460,000 of the cash stolen from Dr. Cole through West's business as normal business receipts.

Each of the senior cult members below were all well aware of:-

1. The two arrest warrants issued against Devra West in 2008 & 2009; one for criminal check fraud and one for felony theft. 2. Were aware that Devra West was convicted for assaulting Dr. Pat Cole MD. 3. Were aware that Devra West was the subject of a Sheriff's Sale to force her to pay her creditors $2,000,000 in court fines and interest. 4. That in 2008 she was `convicted' of defrauding the whistleblower. 5. That she was convicted of defrauding a local builder trading as Top to Bottom Construction. 6. That Devra West was a violent psychopath, who had a vicious temper that she used to viciously assault the female members of her cult. Susannah Felder and Beatrice McGuire being two further examples. 7. Senior cult members were also heavily involved in covering up West's crimes, lying and denying West's criminality, vilifying the press for publishing true stories about West's crimes and last but not least used to intimidate witness and victims.

Above from left to right: Dr. Julio Williams MD, Geoffrey Reynolds CPA, the Regent of the Rishi's, the sage of Sedona and the Regent of the Spiritual Hierarchy of the Western Hemisphere. Right: Ex-husband Jack West

Currently under investigation by authorities for their parts in West's criminal racketeering gang:-

Dr. Julio Williams MD. Brainwashed and conditioned by Devra West over the past 18 years Dr. Williams is shamelessly used to promote Devra Patton West as a `divine' being who can deliver `Divine Grace Healings' if you are wealthy enough to pay the six figure sums that Devra West charges for these `healings.' Williams is also used to intimidate witnesses and victims who go public. Williams has also donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to West which may come back to haunt him when she is prosecuted for racketeering. Recently, breaking every rule in the book, Williams rented a property from which West could target wealthy spiritual seekers or those with serious illness. What better recommendation / testimonial could con artist Devra West have than to hold her extortion sessions at the home of a physician / thoracic surgeon's home? I would not be surprised if Williams is struck off the medical register.

Above left and center: Dr. Julio Williams MD for all outward appearances a respectable physician and thoracic surgeon. His other job is to use his perceived respectability to promote a psychotic con artist's claims of being able to deliver `divine grace healings at $500,000 a go. Above right: Williams being blessed by his Satanist High

Priest ? note the dazed look on the face of the woman in the foreground ? both being bound to West's will.

Follow this link to review a copy of the complaint alleging serious misconduct on the part of Dr. Julio Williams MD, which the whistleblower made to all of the medical boards that Williams is registered with.

Geoffrey Reynolds CPA. Shortly after joining Devra West's employ in September 2006 Geoffrey Reynolds was duped into loaning her $300,000 believing the rhetoric that she was out to save the world; the same rhetoric used on the whistleblower in 2002 but to less effect. After loaning his life savings Reynolds was on the hook and rather than go to the police or fight for the return of his money through the courts he decided to join her in a life of organized crime hoping to `earn' the return of his $300,000 while avoiding jail time. Not knowing the whistleblower from Adam, as their `employment' was separated by 4 years, Reynolds none the less agreed to be complicit in a murder plot to kill the whistleblower in 2007 and when that failed he took part in, and fronted, a conspiracy to bankrupt the whistleblower. The clear motive on West's part was to both avenge the two newspaper articles that forced her to leave Montana, avenge the whistleblower's win in court against her for fraud and finally to remove his websites so that she could reincarnate herself elsewhere with yet another iteration of her well-oiled guru / cult / extortion business model. A business model that brings in millions of dollars a year money which allows her to stroke her narcissistic delusions of grandeur by having servants at her feet while also allowing her to dress up as a Greek Goddess all the while declaring her divinity to all who will listen.

Reynolds' employers McSwain & Co. were made aware of Reynolds' involvement in organized crime. The evidence was so compelling that instead of firing him, they simply sanitized his resume on their firm's website by removing all dates and all mention of his time with Devra West's criminal racketeering gang between 2006 & 2014. More recently, they also removed his photograph from his resume; presumably so that the public, their existing and future clients would not be able to identify him.

Above left: What Geoffrey Reynolds' resume currently looks like on McSwain & Co.'s website. Above right: the photo we believe that should be used in connection with Geoffrey Reynolds.

Follow this link to read a copy of the complaint against Geoffrey Reynolds which clearly shows that he made false statements to a Montana court as part of a $10,000,000 extortion scam orchestrated by Devra Patton West.

Jack West, Devra West's ex-husband and senior cult member seems to have gone to ground but following this link will take you to document that sets out his role in Devra West's criminal racketeering business model. There is so much to say about Devra Patton West who is obviously a criminally insane narcissist who believes that her ability to murder people with plausible deniability makes her a God amongst men. Below here is a quote from a statement given by her personal housekeeper Tanya Hurley in 2003; you can read the entire statement by going here.

"I was single and raising 2 children, so it was not easy to walk away from that kind of financial security. I was so exhausted and stressed out from working insane hours, dealing on a daily basis with her demands and outbursts it started to SEVERELY affect me both mentally and physically. I was never physically abused by Mrs. West, but as we all know there are many forms of abuse. I was told by other employees that physical abuse was exacted on others before and after my employment. In closing, it is my opinion that Mrs. West is mentally ill and is a danger to herself and others."

The image below speaks volumes. Are we supposed to believe that a member of the public wandered by and caught this candid unscripted photo? No of course not like all of the photos on her website and her Facebook pages they are all stage managed and scripted by a suspected serial killer who thinks she is a `divine' being. Look at items 5, 6 & 7 on the list below.

Above: A study of a delusional suspected serial killer whose narcissism has her frequently dressing up as a Greek Goddess. West, as the list above states, is arrogant, lives in a fantasy world, and dreams of unlimited fame and success often referring to herself as "the light that stands behind leaders and world servers across the globe."

In a recent post, this raving lunatic (it would be funny if she was not so dangerous) announced that she was a "blessing to all souls!"


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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