Los Angeles Mission College


Parthenia Grant, Ph.D.

aka Ruthie O. Grant, Ph.D.

How To Stop Sabotaging

Your Health and Relationships

Email: doctorparthenia@

Phone: 323-218-5344

© 2006-2011

All Rights Reserved

First Edition

This book is written for educational purposes only. The information contained herein should by no means be considered a substitute for the advice of a qualified medical professional, who should always be consulted for any health problem or before embarking upon any health program. The author and publisher disclaim all liability for any adverse effect arising from the use or misuse or application of information contained in this book.

Cover Photo: Adrian Gonzalez



The Ego relies on the five physical senses; the soul relies on its graces and spiritual senses. The Ego wants to control the external world; the soul wants to transform your world … The battle for integrity is fought somewhere between the Ego and the soul … Battling deceit or greed, envy or lust is not something the mind can do by itself. The decision to battle those inner forces requires something far more than willpower: it requires grace … Grace enhances your strengths, heightens your inner senses and sometimes gives you a craving for silence so that you can listen deeply. – Caroline Myss, PhD, author of Defy Gravity

“There is no way to live harmoniously except by grace, and grace is not a word; grace is an experience. Just as God is an actual experience, so grace is an actual experience.” The only prayer one needs is “thy Grace is my sufficiency in all things” (Goldsmith 37, 33).

Dr. Caroline Myss’ book Defy Gravity brings much needed awareness into why most traditional forms of therapy (cognitive therapy excluded) rarely work: they tend to take individuals on “expeditions to discover where, when, how, and by whom [they] were wounded.” The problem is that this process is “not really about self-empowerment. These expeditions are about discovering why you feel disempowered.” Dr. Myss stresses that healing does not come from “what has been taken from you, but what you have yet to give and who you have yet to become.” The profound value in Dr. Myss’ amazing body of work on healing lies in the depth of her insight and courage to point out that any therapy whose “end point of healing is to be left in darkness, without any sense of new life growing” within does not heal because “the substance of new life is built on seven graces of reverence, piety, understanding, fortitude, counsel, knowledge, and wisdom” (Myss 110-111).

All 12 step programs start with acknowledging that one is powerless over the force of addictions. Such an admission entails surrendering the ego over to the higher power/higher self, which is where the prayer for Divine Grace being sufficient in all things comes in. For instance, during any detox, a healing crisis occurs wherein individuals are likely to give up without learning to lean on Divine Grace for support during this Dark Night filled with trepidation and fear of death. In reality, the only thing that is going to die is the Ego’s minion of parasites who must die that individuals might know life as a free person.

Most of humanity tend to settle for the illusion of freedom since real freedom comes with a high price: practice, hard work, self reliance, responsibility, discipline and vigilance. Today, society does not stress the importance of apprenticeships, which historically were seven years long to ensure that the apprentice had sufficient time and practical experience to master all aspects of the trade, craft, or career. Currently, there is want of practical application of knowledge based on a narcissistic premise that practice and discipline are optional. Superficial dabblers avoid delving into the deeper aspects of practice, fail to achieve mastery and end up becoming a “jack of all trades and master of none.”

Instead of praying for “Divine Grace” and discovering a treasure chest of unlimited potential, power and abundance available to all, the average individual will engage in selfish prayers or will stoop to praying for triflings. Moreover, the tendency to commiserate with those looking for sympathy or validation of their role as victims keeps both individuals mired in mutual misery. Emerson points out the folly of such action:

Prayer that craves a particular commodity – anything less than all good – is vicious … prayer as a means to effect a private end is meanness and theft. It supposes dualism and not unity in nature and consciousness. As soon as the man is at one with God, he will not beg. He will then see prayer in all action.

Another sort of false prayers are our regrets. Discontent is the want of self reliance: it is infirmity of will … attend [to] your own work, and already the evil begins to be repaired. Our sympathy is just as base. We come to them who weep foolishly, and sit down and cry for company, instead of imparting to them truth and health in rough electric shocks, putting them once more in communication with their own reason.


Grace is defined by Merriam Webster as “divine, unmerited, assistance given humans for their regeneration or sanctification.” As we prepare ourselves for entry into the new eon of Aquarius, the current cusp period is one of preparation as we move completely out of the 2000 year eon of Pisces, with its testosterone induced wars, persecution, intolerance, ignorance, darkness, duality, dogma, and limitation. This new eon of Aquarius heralds a return of the Goddess energies ushering in what many belief systems term a “Golden Age” filled with love, harmony, peace, understanding, sympathy, respect and equality.


Being one of the 40 individuals from around the world invited by Toltec Master Don Miguel Ruiz and his sons to become founding members of The Academy of Awareness during Blue Moon 2009, in Teotihuacán, Mexico, afforded me rare insight into the peace that is possible in a community populated with people practicing integrity. Bhagavan, founder of Oneness University in India, where I received a fellowship and initiation into the Oneness Blessing, says that integrity is humanity’s direct link with Divine Grace, which grants access to the realm of the miraculous. It takes courage, however, to be in integrity because it resides in the land of authenticity, honesty and truth where the Ego cannot abide. Truth is akin to death for those operating from their egos in that all egos are out of integrity.

At the Dreaming House, where Academy members stayed and attended classes in Teo, Mexico, I witnessed members effortlessly practicing Don Miguel Ruiz’ Four Agreements by actually: being impeccable with their word; not taking anything personally; not making assumptions, and always doing their best.

For practical purposes, I have students work on mastering their addictions first because almost everyone is addicted to something: a relationship, parents, junk food, alcohol, drugs, meat, cigarettes, carbohydrates, sex, work, over achieving, thrill seeking, approval, you name it; addictions are endless. I jokingly yet lovingly point out that most people are “crack heads” of one type or another. It is pointless to try and prove that one addiction is worse than or better than another. An addiction is an addiction; anything that one cannot help is an addiction. I refer students to a line from the film the Peaceful Warrior where Nick Nolte’s character is teaching through example to Dan Millman that “the habit is the problem.” He is showing Dan that because he is not an addict, he can choose to take a drink and smoke a cigar to make a point. On the other hand, an addict makes unconscious choices because he is a slave to the addiction. Nick Nolte points out that: “You have to become conscious of your choices and responsible for your actions.”

I also share with students my realizations about integrity that were shown to me as an adolescent. At the age of twelve, I realized that it was lack of integrity that destroyed relationships and lives. Being young and naïve, when I married, I mistakenly believed that my dedication to integrity would be sufficient to pull my husband into integrity. I learned, however, that both parties have to already be in integrity (or in the very least be committed to getting there), otherwise the relationship is destined for disappointment, heartbreak, or betrayal … guaranteed. As soon as students figure out that they are below the level of integrity, the next question they ask is “How can I move into integrity?”

I share what integrity looks like by explaining that, as a child, I could not be coaxed or coerced into betraying myself or anyone else. As an adult, I had the word “Priceless” tattooed in a small arc above my belly button as a testimonial that I cannot be bought. Moreover, I have never “sold out” for comfort, ease or money. The fact that most people do not understand the significance of integrity is revealed by how many people stare at my belly button and see the word “Princess” instead of “Priceless.” The truth is, indeed, I have been offered luxuries and a life of ease by some of the richest, most powerful men in the world and have turned them down because they were too superficial, uncomfortable with spirituality, or out of integrity (by being married or playboys). I am sure many female readers are thinking: “Isn’t that the case with most men?” The answer is “Yes, four out of five of them are out of integrity,” but that one in five represents a significant number who are worth focusing on. On the other hand, it would be wise to pass on the other 80% unless you’re addicted to drama, disappointment and stress or believe those are necessary components of a relationship.

I refused to remain married to my two ex husbands who pretended to be in integrity, but were not. It’s impossible to maintain a façade for too long; it is such a tremendous strain on the psyche. Eventually, the individual cracks and the Ego emerges in all of its ugliness. I recommend assiduously avoiding intimate relationships with those who are out of integrity with life and with themselves as reflected by bad behavior and/or poor physical appearance. Those who neglect their health and physical appearance have little to offer in terms of a relationship that will bring both of you to new levels of awareness or to ascended heights of happiness.


In spite of the fact that I have been using the Four Agreements in my work for a decade, it did not dawn on me that they offered a viable path to integrity until I actually witnessed the group at the Academy of Awareness consistently applying the Four Agreements in word, deed, and action every day. For me, it was the act of seeing integrity in operation that led me to the epiphany that practicing the Four Agreements daily is a direct path to moving to the level of integrity which is a pivotal point for the masses because that is where one gains self-mastery. The catch is, after setting the intention to become honorable, all it takes is commitment and practice, every day; no magic is required.

I felt fortunate to observe the potentiality that awaits a world peopled by individuals holding fast to truth above all else. The experience not only reaffirmed my faith in humanity, but profoundly transformed my consciousness by affording me the very thing my college students are desperately seeking: hope for the future of humanity. It was a beauty to behold and truly marvelous being swept up in the majesty, ineffable grace and wonder of integrity and unconditional love modeled so effortlessly by Don Miguel himself, whose ability to continually emanate love was downright enchanting. He gently reminded us to:

• listen openly yet skeptically to others, while remaining respectful

• never raise our voice to others

• not to use our word against ourselves or against others

• not to compete with others.

I felt at home because I had learned from my 8th grade teacher, Mrs. O’Banion, not to compete with anything but my own best. She taught us that competition generates winners and losers; whereas, non-competitiveness creates a win/win for everyone with no one feeling less than nor greater than anyone else. My experiences at the Academy of Awareness reminded me of the values my 8th grade teacher instilled. We were fortunate to be shown a path to our own possibilities, which is the same offer Don Miguel and his sons extended to members of the Academy.

The first day I arrived I missed breakfast, was late to class, and found out that I had also missed the first class the night before because my flight was late. I sat off to the side of the room in the back as an observer. Everyone was seated on couches or laid out on the floor on pillows and blankets. There was a lot of hugging and snuggling with people’s heads resting against each other. Being an abused child, I was uncomfortable with the touchy, feely stuff. I grew up sleeping lightly, hiding and protecting myself from inappropriate touch. I wasn’t ready to snuggle up against strangers.

At the dinner table, during lunch, I unwittingly prompted Don Miguel to challenge my discomfort. I told him there was no absolute truth. He responded with, “Yes, there is one truth.” He then got up and promptly sat down on my lap, put his face as close as possible to mine without touching my nose, held my cheeks between the palms of both hands and instructed me to look directly into his eyes until I found the truth. It was the most uncomfortable experience of my life, sitting there with a grown man on my lap as everyone at the table stared at us. I squirmed and tried to avert my eyes, but he turned my face back to his each time and patted me on the head like a child. When I could not make myself relax, he asked me, “Why are you so uncomfortable with people staring at you? … Why do you care what they think?” I had no answer at that time and literally pulled away from him, forcing Don Miguel to get out of my lap. He laughed and said, “I was just getting comfortable.”

Later that day, I found the answer within myself. The only absolute truth is love and Don Miguel was modeling for me how to experience unconditional love, in the moment, from someone I barely knew. Love can only be fully known and appreciated in the moment. Don Miguel smiled proudly when I shared this insight with him and called his son Don Jose over for me to repeat my insight to him. I also explained to Don Miguel one of the reasons why I felt so uncomfortable earlier. Later, I remembered that I did not like being treated special because I feared the jealousy of females who, growing up, had literally ganged-up on me more than once. We moved around a lot and as the new girl on campus I took away the attention of their guys. Each time I was literally saved from death by divine intervention. As a result, overt attention by males in a new environment has always made me feel uneasy and unsafe. Growing up, I also had to deal with the resentment of siblings and classmates because my mother and teachers held me up to others as an example to emulate for being an over-achiever and for consistently scoring in the 99th percentile in America on the Iowa Basic Skills Test.

Every time Don Miguel saw me after that, he made a point to display public affection and to pay special attention to me. I figured it was to help me overcome my past conditioning, and it did. In fact, I actually got comfortable with public displays of affection to the point where I began to spontaneously hug strangers. And I mean really hug them. At the same time, I was impressed with the fact that Don Miguel honored all of the women by treating each of us like a goddess. As a result, no one felt slighted and there was no room for jealousy among the women. That was a first for me. He also modeled for the men how to treat women. It worked; they were all respectful.

It became readily evident that practicing the Four Agreements automatically eliminates any need for pettiness, arguments, or proving a point. Living the Four Agreements also reduced misunderstandings, hurt feelings and imagined slights because no one took anything personally and avoided making assumptions. Moreover, even when someone messed up, made a mistake or simply fell short in an area, no one got upset because they knew that each individual was actively practicing doing their best at the level of awareness they were at. It was truly refreshing to be part of a group who did not judge or criticize and dealt with others with an open heart and hands. For instance, if someone did not relate to what another was saying or if they disagreed, the usual remark was: “That’s an interesting story” which was in alignment with the Toltec philosophy that we are all making up the stories of our lives, dreaming our own dreams of heaven or hell, all the while tapping into the collective dream of the world. Plato’s Allegory of the Cave and the movie The Matrix espouse similar concepts.

I admired the way that everyone in the group appeared to be sufficient unto themselves, enjoying spending time alone at the pyramids and on the grounds at The Dreaming House. No one crowded anyone else’s space even though we had roommates. Moreover, everyone was respectful, considerate and helpful without imposing upon anyone else or hovering over anyone. Even when we were taken through an all night process called Mitote, where we confronted the Voice of Knowledge, which I alternately refer to as the Chatter Box in our heads, the Ego, or the false self, no one complained about the sleep depravation; having to move out of our comfort zones as soon as we got comfortable in them; or being put on the spot to tell stories to the group. Being an abused child who was constantly sleep deprived, it was a breeze for me; I was conditioned not to complain and have lived my whole life on a few hours of sleep at night.

My time in Teo was also filled with synchronicity. For instance, I would think of a question I had been struggling with and later, in class, Don Miguel would answer it without me even asking. One day I was trying to reconcile childhood feelings of responsibility for everyone around me, which followed me into adulthood. Don Miguel emphasized later, in a lecture, the importance of not taking responsibility for others and for focusing on one’s own dream. The vision of the Academy of Awareness is to dream a new dream for the planet, a dream of heaven, a dream that will awaken the world from its collective nightmare of hell.

The first day we visited the pyramids Don Miguel allowed us to explore on our own. In spite of my fear of heights and vertigo, I went straight to the highest peak, The Pyramid of the Sun. I literally and painstakingly crawled up each step, eyes fixed on my feet and hands, not daring to look down, up or to the side. I paused every few steps to breathe deeply just to quiet my nerves and to still the vertigo and dizziness. I was fine once I reached the flat plateau on top. It was the middle of the week, so only a few people were there with me. After uttering the following prayer to the four winds, which I learned from Sharon Shalana Hillis’ book Healing Yourself and Expanding into Your Adam Kadmon Body, Volume 1: “I give the god of my being my soul and the totality of who I am out into infinity … I surrender all that I am to the god that I am,” I opened my eyes to see three white butterflies appear over the ledge. They danced around me followed by a big, beautiful monarch butterfly with a baby monarch in tow. I took it as an auspicious sign that I was undergoing a transformation.

Later, when I told the owner of The Dreaming House about my experience, he replied that the butterflies come to innocent or pure spirits. Later, Don Miguel told me that is why the Temple of the Sun is also called the Temple of Butterflies. When I returned home, Jade, who designs jewelry (without knowing about the butterflies) had made me the most beautiful stone necklace with a silver and turquoise butterfly as the focal piece. She grew teary eyed when I told her about my experience with the butterflies on top of the pyramid.

On another occasion, when I heard that the Temple of Truth, also known as the Temple of the Elders, was closed to the public, I was really disappointed and mentioned it to Don Miguel. I had read about it in his book Beyond Fear and that was what I most looked forward to on the journey. He smiled at me and said: “We’ll see.” The next day, it was announced that we would be taking a journey that had been closed to the public for years and still was, but special accommodations had been made for Don Miguel and our group to go to the Temple of the Elders and look into the eyes of the Eagle, the Toltec tribe Don Miguel is descended from. My heart was filled with joy, gratitude and grace the entire 15 minutes we were allowed to stay in the temple of Truth where lies cannot abide.

On New Year’s Eve, I literally danced from 7 pm till almost 2 am practically nonstop. Almost everyone danced, even those with no rhythm. It was the most joy-filled, totally in the “Now” New Year’s Eve I have ever celebrated, spent with people who did not have to get drunk to have a great time; and those who did were utterly happy drunks, no crazy, jealous or inappropriate behavior by anyone, just jubilance and joy. The women, young and old, danced with no inhibitions, comfortable in their bodies; many were dressed in sexy, feminine attire. The ease and abandonment of the other women on the dance floor allowed me to relax in a manner I was heretofore unable to do except where salsa lovers celebrate a coming together of the masculine and feminine. For me, salsa is a sacred dance wherein the male acts as a frame who holds up the picture of the feminine in her Divine grace, utilizing the strength of his body to embrace, twirl, and support hers with assurance, ease and finesse as he dips her body backwards, her eyes facing the stars from whence we came. My friend Chauncey, who sings as well as he salsa dances, once told me that the male has to remember that in salsa his job is to make the woman look good. She is the picture; he is the frame.

Don Miguel and his sons danced with the ladies as we formed a circle on the dance floor. A young girl from Turkey took one of the big red ribbons off of the formal white dinner chairs and tied it in a bow around my hips as I danced in white, hip hugger, Palazzo pants, with my belly button peeking out, of course. The other ladies liked the look and began tying red ribbons around their dresses. We became the red ribbon brigade on the dance floor. Don Miguel, Jr. turned out to be a fabulous salsa and swing dancer, twirling and dipping me around on the floor with effortless ease. Throughout the night, for the first time in my life I felt totally connected and at one with everyone in the room. Right before midnight, even though I tried to avoid being blindfolded and hitting the piñata, both Don Jose and Don Miguel insisted. I ended up dealing the final blow that broke the piñata: me, the girl who, growing up, couldn’t hit a baseball to save her life, even without a blindfold!

The last day of our visit to the pyramids, as usual, on the way up to the Pyramid of the Moon, I was dizzy, lightheaded and nauseous, pausing after every step to breathe. I began to tremble uncontrollably midway. I was as afraid to go down as I was to continue up. I felt as if I was going to faint and moved especially slow. I was determined not to turn back. When I reached the last step, I rushed to the wall, sat down and began to breathe deeply, going into meditation. I could not stand up due to vertigo so I focused on my breathing, eyes closed, feeling the energy around me. In front of me, a vast chasm opened up. A gentle, feminine voice told me to fall into the void. Initially, my fear of heights made me push further back against the wall. But then I told myself, “The Great Mother is trying to heal me, go with it.” I coaxed myself to lean forward, relying on faith. As I leaned into the void, the bottom of the chasm reached up and caught me. My nausea and dizziness disappeared. Just moments before, I had sat there wondering how on earth I was going to get down the pyramid without fainting. After the meditation, I was able to actually walk down the steps instead of scooting down like a baby, the way I usually do. For the first time, there was no dizziness, faintness, fear or nausea connected to heights.


One night, during class, as I pondered Michael Byrd’s statement “at the level of the soul, humans have exactly the same essence as God. In essence, humans are like God,” I was compelled to ask the question: “If we are gods ourselves, to whom do we pray and why do we pray?” Don Jose, who was lying on the floor, jumped up quite excited, and took the microphone from his brother, don Miguel, Jr. Tapping into a stream of consciousness directly from the cosmos, he said: “Prayer wakes up the world from its nightmare of hell … Prayer is a message … Prayer is communion with the one who made us, communion with the community … Prayer is putting out good intentions … Prayer sends life force to others and to yourself … Prayer is faith and love in action … Prayer is a tool … Prayer is how you transform the force … Prayer is truth and integrity in your heart … Prayer is your impeccability with the word … Prayer is mastery of love … Making love is a prayer.” That answer from Don Jose was worth me paying three times the regular price of the airline ticket to be a part of the Academy of Awareness. Don Jose closed by reminding us that “there is only one religion; everything is the house of God; and, 2012 is the end of superstition.”

Joel Goldsmith says that “prayer cannot be fruitful when it is addressed to a thought, concept, or image of God.” The goal is to attain God’s presence through the “still small voice” which is “empty of all beliefs and concepts.” Most of us end up with a concept or a thought of God but not a direct experience of God. At such times it is wise to pray thus: “I know not how to pray or what things to pray for, but let Thy spirit bear intercession with my spirit” (Goldsmith 37). I had to go all the way to India to learn how to do that. Most people end up frustrated, mechanical in their prayers, disappointed in prayer or at a loss as to how or why to pray. At one time, I was no different.

Thanks to Don Miguel’s intervention, after returning home, the relationship with my two best friends, Eduardo and James, whom I love dearly, in a purely platonic manner, deepened. Previously, due to their admitted attraction to me, the most I could allow was the fake California hug that does not touch the heart or spirit. After my return from Teo, I no longer felt uncomfortable with genuinely warm hugs. I even began to greet them with a light kiss on the lips in honor of the love, trust and appreciation that I feel for them as they model for me what it looks and feels like to be valued, honored and cherished in a non-sexual way by the masculine. I am enriched by my newly found ability to relate spontaneously through the lens of unconditional love and genuine, authentic affection for the opposite sex without sex.

Shortly after my return, I ran into my ex-husband, Pierre, whom I had not seen since he behaved so shamelessly and disrespectfully toward himself as a male during the divorce almost six years ago. I knew when I saw him that there was nothing left to forgive. I was able to see him through the eyes of humor and compassion. A visible wave of alarm, shame and fear suddenly gripped his entire body as I approached, from a distance, him and his new female companion, whom he treated with the same disregard he holds for all women. He looked as if he was afraid I would pull out a gun and go postal at the sight of him as punishment for the money heist he pulled during the divorce with cunning, lies and deceit. I could not help but laugh as he scurried by like a rat looking for a hole to hide in, unable to look me in the eye or to even speak. I thought how distressing for him that after all of his courtroom antics and drama to take everything of mine in the divorce (which he got) Pierre was still miserable, unhappy and not at peace. My heart went out to his companion and all women who settle for men with closed hearts who are unable to love. Pierre’s psyche was still locked in a nightmare of self-imposed suffering.

I wished Pierre an awakening and sent him goodwill. Everyone who knew me during the divorce can attest to the 360-degree turn that was for me. Pierre’s shockingly duplicitous and scandalous dark side that emerged during the divorce left me walking out of the courtroom some days thinking that Luciferian evil on the level of Pierre’s needed to be obliterated. Later, I learned that he was my Master Teacher in meeting darkness with light; developing discernment about duplicitous males; and embracing the shadow side of myself. James laughed when I told him about the encounter and shared that he, too, once had to fight the urge to wish Pierre dead. He explained that he had to remind himself that we are all one, which meant that Pierre was an aspect of himself and that wishing Pierre dead was the same as wishing himself dead. After running into Pierre, I went home and wrote the following passage in this book, which I was rewriting at the time:


At one point in my spiritual journey I could only utter either mechanical prayers, which I doubted would be answered (and of course doubt insured that they would not be answered), or my Catholic/Protestant background automatically programmed me to revert to desperate prayers in desperate situations until I eventually moved away from religious dogma into true spirituality which acknowledges that spark of the Divine that is within everyone. Yes, even those, like Pierre, who are behaving badly and choosing to experience their dark side still contain the Source of “all that is” within him; he, and those like him are simply making poor choices that cover their light under toxic beliefs and parasitic programs that they respond to like robots. They do not realize that they have within the power to choose what sustains life. Instead, they blindly seek only that which serves them destroying anything that stands in the path of that pursuit. Often, nothing less than a literal earthquake and/or the loss of something or someone of value can shake such slumbering souls awake.

It is not the Divine who has cut individuals off from Grace; it is their lack of awareness that disconnects them from their birthright of bliss and joy. The purpose of life is to experience bliss, not to extend this nightmare of separation, struggle and suffering that the ego dreamed up. The problem is the masses collectively choose to tap into the ego’s self defeating dogma, allowing that to be the dominant reality of their lives. Poor choices, lack of discipline and the need to be accepted by the status quo, keep the masses running in circles on the hamster wheel of suffering, misery and self loathing.

The metaphor of an omnipotent being literally answering seven billion prayers can only be grasped within the framework of each individual being a holographic image of the Divine, which allows them to step into that awareness, go inside and tap into their own Divinity. Prayer, surrender, and meditation are means to that end. Further, the Divine set it up so that everything one wants or needs is already in vibrational escrow waiting for individuals to endorse the check and cash it. Through free will, however, the Divine grants the freedom for humanity to figure things out for themselves and to experience opposites; the agony of darkness and separation from the source as well as the ecstasy of reunion with the light that humans might learn to appreciate both. Darkness is but the pathway to the light and is there to cultivate the courage to leave one’s fears inside Plato’s “Allegory of The Cave” as one embraces the light of truth.

The challenge is in the realization that “knowing” a concept is different from actually taking action on what one knows and applying it through direct experience. That is the difference between “hoping” the escrow will go through without a hitch and knowing that it is already done and simply showing up at the appointed time to pick up the check and cash it.

The following words from Joel Goldsmith’s can save lifetimes of unnecessary angst and worry regarding the safety of loved ones. He points out that “if you send that child out knowing that “I” in the midst of him is God and whithersoever he goes, “I” go, he will walk safely … As I recognize that “I” in the midst of you is your Christhood, it is the only prayer or treatment I can utter … I in the midst of you is God … and therefore my Oneness with God constitutes my oneness with all the spiritual treasures of heaven and earth. Only by virtue of my oneness with the Father [Mother] do I have access to the health and wealth and abundance of all spiritual good” (Goldsmith 32).

Truth is ever so simple which is why the Ego has mastered subverting and complicating it. The ego convinces its host that “it can’t be that simple,” or “that’s simply not possible,” which then makes it so. Moreover, individuals tend to put the cart before the horse, and then wonder why they cannot get where they want to go in life. Goldsmith encourages the masses to step into their divinity where everything is abundantly available. Unfortunately, those under parasitic mind control:

• operate on automatic pilot doing the same dumb things over and over;

• continue to behave like children, asking for permission, assistance or approval from others;

• search for answers everywhere but inside

Personal growth is always from the inside out. It begins with an input of accurate information, action, and due diligence, daily. In The Divine, there is no time: there is only an eternal now; thus, there is a sufficiency of the Divine’s grace NOW to meet the needs of this moment; thus, “your realization of that makes this a continuing moment of grace for the next million years … If there is a sufficiency of God’s grace for this moment, and this is a continuing moment into eternity, that is the answer … Once again, the only prayer one need ever pray is a “prayer for Divine Grace” (Goldsmith 33).


There is a true story told in David Wolfe’s book Amazing Grace that moved me to tears. It tells the astonishing circumstances under which the author of the song “Amazing Grace” was inspired to write the lyrics. Wolfe states that the story of this song “touches archetypical soul powers of inspiration based on courage, will, song, compassion, and joining together as one human family” (Wolfe 16).

John Newton, author of “Amazing Grace,” was captain of a ship on its way from the coast of Africa to England with a cargo of human slaves chained to the bottom. In a torrential storm, with hurricane conditions, he had to strap himself to the wheel to keep the ship from spinning in a circle and to keep them from sinking under gigantic waves.

The human cargo of Newton’s ship, chained below with ice cold water dumped on them every few minutes began to intone a song based in the ancient Aum language, with no lyrics. The song was so loud Captain Newton heard it over the roar of the storm as they toned the mantra over and over. He joined in the song and made up the lyrics right on the spot. As he sang the song, which was like a prayer to God, Newton promised God that if he survived, he would free the slaves and devote his life to God. As the story goes, they all survived the storm and Captain Newton sailed back to Africa, freed his cargo and returned to England to become a minister. Thus, Amazing Grace, is actually an ancient African prayer with English lyrics.

Wolfe points out that “when we are shackled … all options are not lost … we always have a choice … we can whine and complain and point fingers or we can turn towards grace, love, beauty and the power of our souls ... through the influence of the heart (channeled in communication through song) … direct soul power to our ship’s captain, who is totally and previously unconscious of his crimes. And through that heart-felt communication, an Amazing Grace can give him the strength to make it through the night, transform his being, turn the ship around, and save instead of destroy lives.” The slaves could have chosen “rage, despair, terror. But what they chose was a song-prayer so monumental that it saved all of them, and still touches us even today” (Wolfe 16)

My prayer for Divine Grace resulted in an unexpected fellowship to Oneness University in Southern India, near the Bay of Bengal at the V.I.P. campus, for a one-on-one initiation into the Oneness Blessing. It’s located about an hour and a half from Chennai (Madras).


When I was in India, I was amazed to witness over and over that the most important quest in the lives of indigenous East Indians is their search for grace. The sincerity and humility of their search inspired me. In all honesty, I had never seen so many people so satisfied with so little (i.e. their humble jobs; their gratitude for daily bread (rice) and a thatched roof over their heads). Watching these rural natives live their lives moment to moment fully present, and in the NOW was an act of grace in and of itself. I used to watch two lovely young girls, in their saris, sit on the lawn and pull weeds with grace and beauty. They were living lawn mowers. There was something peculiar and special about the grass; it did not grow above a few inches; thus, all the girls had to do was pull the weeds to keep the lawn perfectly manicured, and the lawn was beautiful. Watching them at peace in the performance of their humble service made me sad for Westerners who have so much more materially yet are infinitely more miserable with all they have. I mean, honestly, how many Westerners could find grace in pulling weeds every day? It seemed to me that the suffering of Westerners must, in some way or another be connected with our separation from our Earth Mother and our Divine Father as well as our dismissal or ignorance of the power and beauty of grace.


I was tremendously moved by the greeting “Namaste” (i.e. the Divine in me greets the Divine that is in you). It was humbling to witness greeters putting hands together in the prayer position and bowing their heads while uttering “Namaste.” Those who did not place their hands in prayer position, put one hand over the heart and bowed their heads as they said, “Namaste.” I noticed that they use the same greeting whether coming or going; no “hello” and “good bye;” just “Namaste.” I feel that Namaste is the most sacred greeting in the world. I was touched not only by the word “Namaste” but by the sincere pause, smile, and direct contact with the window to the soul made in such a meaningful way. Their greeting is so unlike our customary “Hi, how are you?” wherein we are quickly on our way before the other can even muster a perfunctory “Fine.” When I returned to L.A., I missed that meaningful connection with strangers who wanted nothing more than to honor the Divine in everyone.

The servants at the V.I.P. campus at Oneness University were so accustomed to many of the Westerners treating them as if they were invisible, that I saw surprise in their eyes when I began to greet them FIRST with “Namaste” and a bow. I suspect that they were taken aback because, within the Indian caste system, low caste people are accustomed to being treated as if they are invisible. Or, perhaps I was breaking a custom of high caste people being acknowledged first by the low caste. They never seemed to grow accustomed to me greeting them first; there was always that surprise in their eyes when I did.

I told Sri Bhagavan, founder of Oneness University, and an Avatar of Grace, that I had never in my life experienced such generosity of spirit, warmth and hospitality as at Oneness University, from perfect strangers, no less, and all at his behest. He replied that, in India, they have a custom of treating their guests like a God. Indeed, I was made to feel like a goddess from the gift of the fellowship, to all of the non-tangible blessings given to me during my visit. Sri Bhagavan’s revelation of how they treat guests helped me understand why the staff would not take tips for doing my laundry, for taking me into town (an hour away) and waiting a half a day for me to shop, or for getting me wonderfully fresh yogurt, fruits and vegetables (in winter) when I told them I could not eat the overcooked vegetarian meals.

For Westerners to grasp the magnitude of my gratitude toward Sri Bhagavan, he is treated like Elvis in India and he doesn’t have to sing, or say a word when he appears in public. All he has to do is sit on a throne, close his eyes, and raise his hands offering the Oneness Blessing by intent and thousands are moved to tears or will swoon in his presence. It is the same with Amma, his wife. Thousands come every day to the different campuses hoping to get a glimpse of these two Avatars of Grace.

It was in Bhagavan’s presence that my heart opened up to the masculine principle, allowing me to fully receive the gift of grace; I simply felt blessed by Amma’s presence. Sri Bhagavan told me before I left that I would be able to heal my audiences by giving the Oneness Blessing through intent during my lectures and that when I gave the hands on Oneness Blessings, it would be more powerful than Ashwin’s, my teacher at Oneness, because I had suffered greatly and would be able to help heal those who were suffering.


I am continually humbled by the gratitude of individuals who attend my lectures and come up to me afterwards to tell me that I had spoken directly to their hearts and life situation. All I know is that I am able to intuitively gauge the emotional temperature of my audience then tailor it to feed the needs of those who are empty, lost or in pain. This gift surfaced early in my life when I won a statewide competition for extemporaneous speaking in high school, never having competed before. I was chosen by my teacher at the 11th hour to fill in for a student who panicked and could not go on stage. After I won, I had no idea that my newly discovered gift for talking off the top of my head would serve me later as a public speaker and professor. After India, the gift deepened and expanded in unexpected ways.

Now, I no longer live my days in search of the miraculous; I now live in the realm of the miraculous. I continue to have one serendipitous, synchronicitous, or miraculous experience after another. Upon my return to the states from India, people who saw me repeatedly remarked that I literally “glowed.” Others stared in curiosity and amazement at my transformation in that my energy field became so charged that light bulbs would repeatedly blow out when I walked under or by them; my stereo would come on when I came into the room or it would begin to behave erratically when a CD was playing. Replacing light bulbs became a regular chore at home. Psychics would stop me and tell me how beautiful my aura was; some commented on the white light while the others spoke of the purple or turquoise green colors. That lasted for almost six months. I needed a direct experience of what it was to actually receive and accept unmerited grace and what that felt like before I could model it to others. What I received at Oneness University allowed me to find peace, forgiveness and genuine compassion for myself and others. In turn, that ability now allows me to help others find the same within themselves.



• Meditation is the practice of listening to the Divine.

• Visualization paints a visual landscape of the life you want to live. Add positive emotions and you’ve got a mix that is magical.

• Keep a vision board to help hold a visual image of one’s desire.

• Know that you were created in God’s image and are therefore designed with the free will to create and design the life that you wish to live;

• Do not allow the limited beliefs others have passed down to you to prevent you from achieving the life you desire and deserve.

• Seek to grow spiritually every day and use spiritual practices like yoga, prayer and meditation to raise your consciousness.

• Remember that the first path to Grace is through prayer; the second path is through joy, so do something every day that brings you joy.



Parthenia Grant, Ph.D. aka Ruthie O. Grant, Ph.D. was born with lupus and fibrocystic disease. After detoxing her body, switching to live, plant based foods, and learning how to love and forgive everyone, all symptoms of lupus, fibrocystic disease, fibromyalgia, sinus infections, and allergies disappeared. She used the same protocol to heal her daughter of lupus when she was 10 years old. Through the protocols in this book, Dr. Grant has helped hundreds of people lose weight, heal their bodies and souls, and find peace within themselves and with others. Dr. Grant is a Wellness Expert for Go Healthy California and Network Talent. She has also served as a relationship expert for Take 5 - Broadminded SM radio 155 and as Hollywood Expert for the BBC’s Radio 1. She is certified and trained in Reike, Theta Healing, Psych-K, The Reconnection and the Yuen Method. 

Dr. Grant is listed in Who's Who Among American Teachers and Montclair's Who's Who Among Collegiate Faulty.  Dr. Grant is a tenured professor of Critical Thinking in the English Dept. at L.A. Mission College, where she has won Professor of the Year and Most Inspirational Professor numerous times. Dr. Grant earned her Ph.D. in social psychology from the International University, her Masters from California State University, Dominguez Hills and her bachelor’s from The University of Houston. She is the author of six books, including the best seller I Thought I Was The Crazy One. Her Show Biz Kids book won an Irwin Award. Dr. Grant earned a fellowship to Oneness University in India where she was initiated into The Oneness Blessing. She is also one of the 40 Founding Members of Don Miguel Ruiz’s Academy of Awareness. Ruiz is the author of The Four Agreements. Contact information: doctorparthenia@ Phone: 323-218-5344.


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