Mental Health Disorders - Research Project

Mental Health Disorders - Research Project

Instructions :

Choose one of the following mental health topics :

1. Mood Disorders (major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, seasonal affective disorder)

2. Anxiety Disorders (generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, Post-traumatic stress disorder, phobias)

3. Personality Disorders (Dissociative identity disorder, narcissistic, antisocial)

4. Psychosis (schizophrenia)

5. Eating Disorders (Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia nervosa)


1. General Description

2. Signs/Symptoms

3. Impacts on Life

4. Factors that may contribute to the development of this mental illness

5. Include two famous figures that are/was affected by the disorder (celebrities, politicians, athletes, etc.)

Presentations must include:

1. A visual component (poster, brochure, power point)

2. An interactive activity or demonstration

3. Powerful images and music


| |Level 1 |Level 2 |Level 3 |Level 4 |

|Organization |Audience cannot understand |Audience has difficulty |Student presents information in |Student presents information in |

| |presentation because there is no|following presentation because |logical sequence which audience |logical, interesting sequence |

|Thinking/Inquiry |sequence of information |student jumps around |can follow |which audience can follow |

| | | | | |

| |Student doesn’t meet criteria |Student meets some criteria |Student meets most of criteria |Student meets all criteria |

| | |(General Description, |(General Description, |(General Description, |

| | |Signs/Symptoms, Impacts on Life,|Signs/Symptoms, Impacts on Life,|Signs/Symptoms, Impacts on Life,|

| | |Facts, Include two famous |Facts, Include two famous |Facts, Include two famous |

| | |figures that are/was affected by|figures that are/was affected by|figures that are/was affected by|

| | |the disorder) |the disorder) |the disorder) |

|Content knowledge |Student does not grasp |Student is uncomfortable with |Student is at ease with content,|Student demonstrates full |

| |information; student cannot |information and is able to |but fails to elaborate |knowledge (more than required) |

|Thinking/Inquiry |answer questions about subject |answer only rudimentary | |with explanations and |

| | |questions | |elaboration |

|Delivery |Student mumbles, incorrectly |Student incorrectly pronounces |Student’s voice is clear. |Student used a clear voice and |

| |pronounces terms, and speaks too|terms. Audience members have |Student pronounces most words |correct, precise pronunciation |

|Communication |quietly for students in the back|difficulty hearing presentation |correctly. |of terms |

| |of call to hear | | | |

| | |Student shows little |Student shows some |Student shows |

| |Student doesn’t show |interest/enthusiasm |interest/enthusiasm |interest/enthusiasm about topic |

| |interest/enthusiasm |About topic |About topic | |

| |About topic | | |Presentation was creative and |

| | | | |impactful, included attractive |

| | |Presentation had limited |Presentation was somewhat |visuals, interactive activity |

| |Presentation was not creative |creativity and impact, had |creative and somewhat impactful,|and powerful images/ music |

| |and impactful, didn’t include |limited attractive visuals, |included some attractive | |

| |any attractive visuals, an |interactive activity and few |visuals, interactive activity | |

| |activity or powerful images/ |powerful images/ music |and powerful images/ music | |

| |music | | | |

Teacher Comments: /12 (T/I)

/12 (C)


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