Come, Enter the Mikvah – Set-Apart unto Yahuwah

NARCISSISM PART II: The Globalist Elite, Nazism, the Fourth Reich, and the Bestial Anti-Messiah ***Be sure to read Narcissism - Part I: The Universal Plague – “The Great Falling Away”/Mikvah of Present Reality #99.2, as your foundation for this article. This article builds on the foundation of the nature, ways, and thinking of Narcissists explained in Part I. “Global Elitists Are Not Human” - May 16, 2018 by Brandon Smith, Alt-Market “It is often said that “other-izing” people overall can be dangerous and other-izing your enemies specifically can be tactically detrimental… It can also lead to dangerous generalizations of vast groups as you categorize and pigeonhole millions as being exactly the same when this is rationally impossible. However, other-izing is perhaps the only option when faced with a very particular type of person embracing a very particular brand of ideology; other-izing can become a matter of survival. I am of course talking about globalists. I’m talking about the people behind the curtain; self proclaimed “globalists” or internationalists that have positioned themselves into strategic power centers. I am talking about the people that influence or outright control government policy as they stand over the shoulders of supposedly freely elected officials. I am talking about the people that influence economic security or insecurity through unaccountable central banking conglomerates. I am talking about the men and women that desire to dictate the fate of billions. These people are not easily identified by anything other than their rhetoric and actions. They are made up of multiple ethnic groups. They herald from all corners of the planet. They do not subscribe to any one spiritual doctrine, but they do publicly devote themselves to many different religions as a means to “fit in” with the common citizen. Globalism IS their religion, and their god! Well, they see themselves as gods...More accurately, globalists behave like high-functioning narcissistic sociopaths and psychopaths. False Sense of Superiority – Self-Aggrandizement Every person wants to be seen as important or unique. But, narcissistic sociopaths believe themselves to be entitled to special treatment and see themselves as above the laws and niceties of normal society. They sometimes seek to prop up this attitude through “accomplishment;” scratching for positions of power and influence in order to reinforce the notion that they are special compared to others. Of course, power is usually an artificial construct because the only power we have over others is the power they give us, knowingly or unknowingly. Power does not make one special. The narcissistic sociopath does not make such distinctions, however. He/she only distinguishes between the people who strive for dominance and everyone else. In their minds, people that covet power are a superior subspecies, while people who do not covet power are considered bugs…Narcissistic sociopaths and psychopaths are stricken with visions of assumed greatness…They don’t care about proving their greatness through legitimate achievement, they only care that people BELIEVE they are special, that they are `anointed.’Manipulation and Coercion A narcissistic sociopath usually prefers to get what they want easily. They expect people to hand them adoration and control automatically. But if they don’t get what they want as a matter of course, they will use any means at their disposal. This usually includes the threat of force or the use of force, the use of torture, the use of elaborate lies and schemes to push their target into a corner (to make them behave in a specific manner), the use of psychological conditioning (molding behavior, usually through fear responses) and also the use of “gaslighting” (accusing the target of being “crazy” if they do not subscribe to the narcissist’s twisted view of the world). Of course, this kind of disturbed person is never actually satisfied, even when they do get what they want. They always want more, there is always something else they need to fill the endless void within.Lack of Empathy for Others Not all narcissists are sociopaths, but most sociopaths are narcissists. When we speak of narcissists, it is important to remember that there are varying degrees of this psychological cancer. When I mention globalists in particular as being “narcissistic,” I am referring to their propensity to be high functioning narcissists with sociopathic tendencies. In other words, they are narcissists that not only have an inflated sense of self worth, but they are also devoid of empathy and conscience. They are willing to harm others to any degree to get what they want …as long as they think can avoid the consequences for doing so. There is also the matter of distinction between sociopaths and psychopaths. This is a little hard to describe being that they are so similar in many respects. I would put it this way — while sociopaths chase a goal and are willing to step on people to get to it, psychopaths step on people even when they don’t have a goal in mind. That is to say, the psychopath enjoys the act of destruction; what they want most of all is other people's pain. [My note: The psychopath’s nature relates to the sadomasochistic nature] Sociopaths and psychopaths both appear to permeate the ranks of globalist institutions. Some of them want to build an idol to themselves and don’t care who they harm in the process. Some of them derive great enjoyment from simply hurting as many people as possible.Desperate Need for adoration It is not enough for the narcissistic sociopath to attain a level of respect through coercion. Ultimately, what they want is for the lowly masses to voluntarily ACCEPT their greatness as absolute, as an obvious and undeniable fact of life. What they want is reverence and devotion. As mentioned earlier, they want to be treated as gods by the people around them, and if they are particularly ambitious, by everyone in the world. This is a strange dynamic indeed, for it requires a highly elaborate set of schemes and manipulations. If one is not a great person, let alone god-like, the amount of psychological conditioning needed to convince people otherwise is substantial. This makes the narcissistic sociopath a potential slave to his/her own incessantly engineered conspiracies; lies pile upon lies and schemes upon schemes in the search for something they will never truly achieve.Globalists Are Psychologically Broken Non-Humans In the world of alternative analysis and investigative journalism it is not uncommon to run into people who attribute an otherworldly status to globalists. Some people see them as a representation of biblical Apocalypse — minions from the depths of hell. Others see them as literally alien — inter-dimensional beings posing as human. And while many will laugh at such people as fringe conspiracy freaks, I think it is important to understand why they see the globalists this way. When faced with true and organized evil empty of all care or remorse, one may be tempted to apply supernatural explanations.? I'm not sure that I am against the idea. Globalists exhibit most if not all the telltale signs of narcissistic sociopaths, including being devoid of conscience and moral compass. While there are many definitions of what it is that makes us human, there is a kind of universal requirement regardless of culture; ...How about a soul? How about a basic desire to do right by others even if that means not getting what we want all the time?? This is a good starting point, but there is more to it than that. Psychologists and scientists have over many decades found a pattern of inherent character traits hardwired in the human psyche, traits present in humans from the moment of birth that stand outside of the influences of social environment...An important part of archetypal or inborn knowledge and traits is the notion of good and evil; we are born understanding that certain behaviours are constructive while others are destructive and abhorrent. This is most likely the source of what we call `conscience.’ ...high level narcissism and sociopathy are not traditional “mental illnesses,” but ingrained character traits. A narcissistic sociopath cannot be “cured” of his ailment because it is not an ailment, it is who they are. If you were to take the narcissism and sociopathy away from them, there would be nothing left to their personality. When a normal person comes in contact with someone that has no inherent conscience there is an immediate recoil; a sense that they have just stumbled across a monster. This is not an exaggeration, this is entirely accurate. High level narcissists and sociopaths are physically human of course, but if we were to peer in at a visual representation of their psyche, we would find a barren wasteland — a place where ghouls lurk. They do not dream as normal people dream. They do not feel joy in the manner normal people do. They do not feel fulfillment in the things that commonly lift up the rest of us. They are incapable of love for others. They are incapable of regret for their actions, and only ever feel regret over failing to get what they want. They do not see other people as individuals, they see them as tools to be exploited. ...sociopaths are very good at identifying the personal desires and drives of others, and mimicking people in a way that makes them seem `human.’ They are parasites by nature, and thus they have to be able to get close to their host victims if they are to survive. The globalist dynamic is interesting in that it is an example of organized narcissistic sociopathy.?Globalists have stood at the forefront of numerous wars, economic collapses and tyrannies over the years, all ending in great suffering for the masses...The globalists are not human, though. They are something opposite, and if you do not understand this core truth, they can be bewildering and terrifying. Steve Quayle commented on this article: “Yes demons and fallen angels are now ruling mankind. The Narcissistic nature IS the nature of Satan and all his followers. Many of the hidden world’s leaders are not fully human, either by demon possession or they are hybrids and fallen ones - Watchers.’ ” The author warns of generalizing characteristics that represent a people group. I lived among Arabs and Palestinians in Jordan, and with some in Israel, for the most of 16 years. I visited Egypt, too. I met Egyptians, Iraqis, Lebanese, Syrians, and Saudis while living in Jordan. I never found any of them to be unkind to me, or anything but helpful, thoughtful, respectful and kind. Once in a while, someone would display aggression, as in pushiness, but in a non-harmful way, so I’d either just let it slide, or I wisely stood up for myself. The Bedouin of Wadi Musa and Petra, Jordan, were especially gracious and even compassionate. I loved them. No, we must not judge whole groups of people! Each individual human is different. Narcissists I suffered with during those years in Jordan were all Americans. In “Narcissism Part I...” I covered the basic characteristics of a narcissist, and there are lots of them. In Part II more characteristics are given. The Narcissist personality is much like that of Queen Jezebel, and of Revelation 17’s “Mystery Babylon the Great,” but also clearly seen in the Nazis, and in dictators like the Roman Caesars, or the 20th century’s Hitler, Stalin, Mao Tse Tung, Pol Pot, Barack Obama, and others like them. Doc Marquis put out many DVDs on the Illuminati, which he belonged to before being born again. Doc exposes this same nature that is behind the Illuminati, and is in all world dictators. Knowing the nature, ways, and thinking of such demonically controlled individuals is mandatory to recognizing the personality of the anti-messiah-Beast. For whatever he’s called, he will be a “dangerous psychopathic narcissist.” Most of us will see him, and hopefully recognize him by his nature. By understanding this nature quickly, you will not be drawn into submission to the Beast or his forerunners, by their amazing supernatural abilities of mind programming and mind control – their abilities of “psy-ops.” The word “bestial” has strong meaning. From the online dictionary, “bestial” means: “of, or like, an animal or animals—savage, cruel, depraved, brutish, barbarous, barbaric, vicious, violent, inhuman, subhuman, degenerate, perverted, debauched, immoral, and warped...” The false prophet will definitely have all the same characteristics and the supernatural ability to get what he wants. He will have all killed who do not obey him, and who do not worship the Beast. This “ability,” backed by Satan himself, will manipulate the world’s people by shutting down their normal thought patterns and twisting words and ideas so the person ends up agreeing with them and has no idea why. Later they realize they’ve been manipulated by a clever psy-op (psychological operation). The decision to take the “mark of the Beast” won’t be done by rational thought- logic as if in choosing something on a restaurant menu. It will be a decision made by most people under a blanket of supernatural fog covering their programmed minds. It will be a decision made from non-rational thinking, the mind being controlled by the will of the programmers. Once the “mark” is taken, a person will become a non-human, and cannot repent. (Revelation 14:9-11) The only ones who will escape this zombie-state of mind, the “drugged” state, are those whose minds are aligned to their re-born spirit, which is aligned to the Spirit--subjected to the Spirit of Yahuwah—making unified “spirit man.” Those who are Yahuwah-controlled in soul (mind, emotions, will), and in their re-born spirit, even though the powers of mind-control are in operation (using technology, drugs, or simply thought-power by fallen angels) will be able to shake off those powerful influences because of their knowledge of the Word, discernment of spirits, and empowerment by the Spirit as in Ephesians 6:10-18. Luke 10:19 contains promises for those who know their Elohim and obey Him. Few will be able to stand against the powers Satan. But, they can stand because they are empowered by Yahuwah’s Spirit, redeemed by the blood of the Lamb, and love not their lives even to death. (Revelation 12:11) Those with the mark of the Beast will not be able to repent, for their DNA will have been changed and they will be no longer fully human. The making of hybrids is a big goal of the Pentagon and militaries worldwide – the dehumanizing of humans. (Revelation 9:20-21 and Revelation 16) The Jesuit controlled Illuminati is a master of using “Quiet Wars and Silent Weapons” to manipulate thinking of masses of people. Read my article “Quiet Wars and Silent Weapons”/Mikvah of the Great Adventure. This is how advertising works, but on a much more subtle nature. The Nazis perfected these mind control, mind programming, techniques, and have practiced them on the American people, and the world’s people to a lesser degree. Chemical factories in Maryland began experimenting with ways to use chemicals in mind control, and to kill, as early as 1920. Nazis perfected many of these techniques in the 1930s. The nature of the fallen ones in its extreme--Narcissism--can be seen today in the workplace, in governments, in churches, public schools, Universities, banking, corporations, world economics, etc. It has permeated all facets of world society. We are seeing this nature as a norm in most people of earth today. Matthew 7:13-14, “the few” are extremely few! The nature of Narcissism is associated with the “Jezebel” spirit - the whore of Babylon in Revelation 17, the wicked woman of Zechariah 5:5-11, the whore of Proverbs 7. It is a global spirit that is taking over earth. From the Planned Parenthood 100th anniversary website: “In 1916 America's 1st Birth Control Clinic was opened.” They are very proud that Margaret Sanger was their founder. Following Darwin’s beliefs about selective breeding of superior humans, Sanger was a believer in Eugenics, and created Planned Parenthood. She was a strong believer in abortion, to cut down on the births of “undesirable people groups.” In the late 1800s, i.e. 1896/1897, the return of select pre-flood fallen angels and Nephilim began giving man what they gave man before the Flood – technologies to be used for warfare, for death and destruction, for trans-humanism, for opening portals to their dimension, for mind control, and for eliminating inferior species of humans. These fallen ones gave man the information that their species survived the Flood by living in underground caverns. Thus the strong desire of Nazis, Jesuits, Communists, and later Americans, who all teamed up to return pre-Flood gods to power, to restore the “Golden Age” of Atlantis, became a religious driving passion. It is part of the reason for “globalizing” of mankind. The Beast, anti-messiah, would be the returned Nimrod, who “became a mighty one.” Nazis were given advanced technology, even of space flight, through séances beginning in the early 1920s. Thus, Nazism (socialism) was based on the input of fallen angels and their Genesis 6:2-4 offspring hybrids—Nephilim and Rephaim. The Nazis perfected much technology from input by the fallen ones. From 1945-around 1990, select Nazi scientist and doctors were brought into America to share their secrets learned from the fallen ones, and, like American scientists before that, they used the American people as experimental animals, just like they used the Jews and political prisoners in the concentration camps of Germany. The U.S. military, especially the Army and Air Force, were the chief ones who selected and protected hundreds of Nazi criminal German scientists and doctors. As early as 1920, U.S. chemists were using animals as well as American soldiers as experimental animals to test chemicals of warfare and mind control. Thousands of U.S. soldiers were used through the years, to this day, in the same type of hideous experiments that the Nazis used in Germany on the Jews. The Vietnam War’s “Agent Orange” is a better known example, as well as the CIA’s use of LSD on soldiers and civilians. [I highly recommend Linda Hunt’s book Secret Agenda for documentation on how Americans and Nazis used American soldiers, and the American people in general, for heinous experiments on their minds and bodies, and how the U.S. military protected Nazis who did heinous experiments using Jews in concentration camps. Also, to get an overview of the relationship between Nazis and America, I highly recommend Jim Marrs’ book The Rise of the Fourth Reich.] Even as early as the early 1920, U.S. chemists working for the U.S. military, did horrible experiments on America soldiers, to test chemical and biological weapons. How could Americans do such horrible, unthinkable, things to their own people? The demonic spirits of that erase the conscience, like Narcissism, are at the root of it. Narcissism is the root nature of Satan himself, his fallen angels, and their hybrid offspring--the Nephilim (demons seeking a body to work thorough)--the powers of darkness ruling earth. It is the nature of the coming Apollyon, the man of sin, the Beast of Revelation 13, the 4th Beast of Daniel 7, and the False Prophet that promotes him. Narcissism is the “spirit of the Medes,” – Isaiah 13:15-18 - no compassion, no mercy, no repentance, no caring for the lives of the innocent. They have no conscience telling them they are doing wrong. No, these brilliant minds are not human in nature, for their spirit and soul are controlled by demonic forces living within them. There is no basic good human nature to be found in them, as Brandon Smith describes above. Such a man who was a psychopathic Narcissist, and still is, is Barack Hussein Obama. In 2009, he displayed supernatural power to cause people to literally worship him, to consider him our messiah, to acknowledge him worldwide as a god. People obeyed him and feared him, all at the same time. He eliminated all who stood in his way. He has not changed. He had, and still has, the power to control people’s minds through his supernatural psy-op abilities. He still thinks he’s president and from his fortress two miles from the White House, his Organization for Action (OFA), using men like billionaire George Soros, is growing worldwide. As a side-note, teenage George Soros was a Nazi helper that rounded up Jews and took them to trains where they were taken to concentration camps. Obama is a supreme Globalist. The globalists want world government, but they also want the eradication of 7 billion people, with only a few left to be slaves of a master race of gods in a “Golden Age.” Of course, the narcissists believe they are gods, empowered by the gods of old. A lot of the foundational teachings of the restoring of the Golden Age came from Madam Blavatsky’s book The Secret Destiny, which greatly influenced Hitler, the Nazis, and all like them since. Her book and her teachings in general became the foundation of “the New Age Movement.” In the late 1800s, she founded Theosophy. In 2009 and 2012, Dr. Sam Vaknin, world authority on Narcissism, was interviewed on Israel’s Arutz Sheva () by Tamar Yonah. I listened to those interviews and took careful notes. His bottom line was that Obama was highly dangerous – a psychopathic narcissist. Vaknin said that if the American people, Congress, the Supreme Court, or anyone else, ever crossed him, they’d be dead shortly afterwards. I can think of one Supreme Court Judge who was murdered because he stood against policies of Obama. Here are my notes and comments by Dr. Vaknin from the 2009 interview: “Vaknin mentions that The Economist says Obama is not doing anything to stop the personality cult that has grown around him. He says Obama is not touching reality--he thinks he can do as he wills and has all power. As Vaknin has done much research watching Obama’s characteristics, he makes the assessment that Obama is a “psychopathic narcissist”. He lives in a fantasy world that he can do what he wants, and is above the law. He believes he is supreme. He thinks he has a cosmic messianic vision. He thinks he is the messiah. Vaknin says regarding his use of “I, my, myself” – “Obama uses this in speeches 70% of the time … he thinks everything around him is an extension of himself – everything is a stage to enact his role, and only his role. He pretends to be modest, but it is false. He is hiding behind a mask. Obama’s youthful image, his language—he refuses to grow up.” “In describing classic `traumatic abusive childhood’ symptoms, Vaknin shares common things to explain the root of his problem—he was abused mentally and emotionally. He has low self-esteem. He had a lot of changes in his life with little security. Obama has a false image of himself. It is “a type of multiple personality”--a true personality which is immature and a false personality that serves them. Narcissists project a false personality. Obama thinks of himself as omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient—god like. Obama is showing frightening signs—flip-flops on his views and ideals. He is unstable. Narcissists live in a fantasy world. Obama is taking on a wide array of problems simultaneously – thinking he can solve everything. He has an over estimate of his own powers and capabilities. He pushes his power. He thinks he is omnipotent – that no one can stand against him. He is an actor on a theater stage. He thinks he is the star, and should be adored with adulations. This is why he identifies with Hollywood so much. He is dangerous in that if he’s crossed he is unstable … unpredictable. Vaknin says: “He is liable to inflict serious damage on the American people.” Narcissists erupt when faced with problems—they implode and then explode – they regard everyone as being an enemy if they are attacked – when they go down, they pull everyone with them – they are self-destructive. He has created a personality cult around himself, which is a type of religion. He considers himself a saint, a god, who demands ever-increasing worship. Narcissists have a low frustration level – they lash out if not obeyed and worshipped. Narcissists get alliances that promote themselves—then they get rid of their allies who help them get power, once they reach their pinnacle – like Julius Caesar did. The narcissist acts out to get what he wants, but when he reaches his goals, if things don’t turn out the way he wants, he gets into a “frustration aggression cycle.” Vankin says that it is a “malignant cancerous disorder”. He says narcissism can be controlled through counseling help – but it cannot be eliminated – “a narcissist never changes.” My note: Narcissism has all the characteristic of Satan and his fallen angels. It is true--a demonized person cannot change. The insane psychopathic narcissism syndrome is highly dangerous because he is demonically controlled. Obama, like all narcissist, are like a puppet on a string, but the puppeteer is no human being, he is an emissary of Satan himself. A demonized person can put on a mask and fool a lot of people, but to be free they have to be delivered by the power of Yahuweh! Yes, Narcissists have multiple personalities for sure! Vaknin says that in watching Obama’s body language, his gestures, mannerisms, and hypnotic speeches all are characteristic of a dangerous narcissist. Narcissists never compromise--they never give in. They cannot relate to anyone else. Vaknin says: “If Israel resists Obama’s dictates he will turn into Israel’s mortal enemy. If Israel does what Obama says, he will pretend to be Israel’s friend.” But, even a slight disagreement with Obama would cast Israel in the role of an enemy – to be taken down. [My note: Obama pressured Israel to give up more land for peace] Narcissist lean towards certain professions that draw them attention: The medical profession, religious leadership, and leaders in money-power and politics. Narcissists are highly manipulative, but they can be highly manipulated, too. So Politics is a field that feeds Narcissism. Narcissists have a public personality. They keep a polished fa?ade. “They feel they are infallible -- They think they are divine. It is a firm conviction. The false self really believes they are god.” Like a child, they invent another person that is everything that the real child is not. Thus, a narcissist is a shell, an apparition, a non-entity. They live in a fantasy world that they think is real. Democracy allows a narcissist to rise to power democratically, because the narcissist can project himself as anything he wants, and manipulate the majority. Vaknin says: Narcissism is a kind of idolatry--a religion. In other words, he makes himself a religion--the god of a religion … Vaknin warns the United States that this man is dangerous!” Notes on the interview of Dr. Sam Vaknin with Tamar Yonah in 2011 on : “Dr.?Sam Vaknin is an Israeli who is an expert on?Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). He authored the book "Malignant Self-love: Narcissism Revisited " - a book that many dub the 'Bible' of books on narcissism. Having studied over a thousand hours of video tape of U.S. President Barack Hussein Obama II, Vaknin believes that Obama suffers from NPD which could be extremely dangerous for a man who resides in the White House.? In the interview Vaknin described the dangers of having a?narcissist as the president. Vaknin listed the?characteristics?of someone suffering from NPD as believing himself to be: ?a) One who knows it all and cannot be told what to do, b) Someone who believes himself to be?omnipotent, c) One who believes he has a divine mission, and d) One who is immune from punishment, consequences and the law. Obama’s Narcissism on a global level: Notes and quotes from Tamar Yonah’s July 19, 2011 interview with Dr. Sam Vaknin: “Personality of Obama: He shows typical signs of extreme narcissism—pathological narcissism. Narcissism is a mental health disorder 1) grandiose – false self—omnipotent self. Thinks he requires special treatment 2) lack of empathy – cannot relate to others--they do not know what it means to be fully human – they regard others as things to be used for their own selfish agendas. They can’t see others as having human emotions. They have “Magical thinking”. It is an incredibly dangerous mental health disorder – renders the patient not fully human. The patient has “artificial intelligence … they don’t understand what it means to be human”. Love, compassion, empathy, caring for others--these are unknown. He is not fully human in his mind, emotions – he can’t relate to other normal humans. “More alien than human” – “more artificial than organic”. “They are great actors. They can imitate emotions. They know how to flatter others” to get them to do what they want. Vaknin says: `Michelle Obama shares some of the attributes of Barack’ – both narcissists. They act together. They cover for each other. “He is a one-star universe in himself.” He’s closed to any input from anyone else. He worships himself. He believes he is omnipotent. He sees himself as god.” [I insert a comment: In 2011, for example, Obama ordered nations. He ordered wars to start and wars to cease. He tells national leaders to get out of office. He over rides Congress, the Supreme Court, the Constitution, the UN, NATO commanders, and any other authority that gets in his way. He ordered the Egyptian President Mubarak out of office in 2011, following the CIA’s fake demonstrations in Cairo using actors.] Vaknin continues: His attitude is: If I can do it, I should do it--I am god. `He believes he has a divine mission. He is god and so must change the world in his own image, to bring peace to the world’. `He thinks he is immune to the consequences of judgment. He believes he is above the law, and is the law, and therefore cannot be judged for his actions.’ ” I insert here that he is a globalist, working with Nazi, Communist, and Jesuit Globalists to bring forth the world government, the new world order, the Golden Age of pre-flood “greatness” under the gods of old, “the men of renown.” He believes he is a chosen one to bring them back. He may feel like Nimrod incarnate, friend of fallen angels. Steve Quayle calls him “the entity,” meaning a non-human. Whether his biology is human or not, with a dead spirit in him, he is like one who is not human. Most all of the major world’s leaders are “entities,” some shape shifting Nephilim, some so given over to Satan they are totally possessed, some are literal hybrids, children of the fallen ones restored to this world, some mind-controlled--used as “Manchurian Candidates” by the CIA and other such groups. Isaiah 13:1-3 Septuagint says that Yahuwah will bring giants to do His will in our day. Read the newly revised article “America’s Secret Destiny”/Mikvah of Preparation, and learn why America was even created as a nation. Obama still feels he is anointed to bring this destiny to pass. He is an arch-type of Hitler, and he knows it. He may even be a clone, for the obvious scars on the back of his head very well could mean he’s had brain surgery, or a brain implant. Whatever he is, we’ve known since he first began running for President, an unknown, a man not even an American citizen, that he was “different.” I did lots of reporting between 2009 and 2015 on Mr. Obama. We know Dr. Vaknin is right-on when describing Obama. This is also a spirit that is invading and taking over the nature of most of the people of earth now, even “believers.” Check your own nature and see if it is Yahuwah’s nature, or if another nature is attempting to control you. Russ Dizdar’s manual on deliverance from demons is right-on: Dispelling Darkness. He makes it simple, just like Messiah did. Obama copied Hitler all too easily. In my updated article “It’s All About Worship,” (2013) I go into detail regarding how Obama received worship. I was in Jerusalem when Obama came to Israel in 2013. He was received with great admiration. Like Obama, the Third Reich hid in America, all the while using America as their breeding ground for the Fourth Reich – the world government – the 7th Reich/empire transformed into the 8th Empire of the Beast. (Revelation 17:9-11) It was planned that way from a long time ago! It’s just history – no conspiracy theories! The Nazis came on the world stage and their scientist and doctors were given far-advanced technology by the fallen angels, even in pre-Nazis days in Germany. America desperately craved what they knew and took them into America, a great many of them war criminals, with Narcissistic natures, and the blood of many on their hands. But, the Army and Air Force protected them under Operation Paperclip and Operation Special Interest, for their “invaluable” knowledge of how to kill, destroy, mind control and mind-program human beings. The Nazis came in with their narcissistic spirits, their demonic spirits, their sadism and cruelty, their uncaring for the American people, most of whom were/are of the House of Ya’cob, and so from America’s exporting of this knowledge, the spirits have gone forth into all the world. The Fourth Reich, the world empire of the Globalists under a fiendish Narcissistic ruler is about to surface for all to see. The lie was that this Reich/Empire and its Nazis were destroyed and Hitler committed suicide, and poof, it was all gone. What a deception fostered on the world! After about 10 months now of my studying, which is still ongoing, through massive amounts of personal experience, research, and reading on the Nazi regime, and the nature of Hitler, I have solved my mystery, found answers for all my questions of 51 years as to the nature of evil that I lived with and experienced. So I now know how evil thinks, how it operates, its goals, and how it manipulates human beings to submit to anything it says. I know how the demonic world is manipulating mankind for its total ruination, and the ruination of all of creation, to return it to a Genesis 1:2 state of darkness. I’ve learned how, from the 1920s, but especially from 1945, have slowly taken over America and the world, using the U.S. government, intelligence agencies, Universities, Defense Contractors, corporations, the military, the space program, the pharmaceutical industry, chemical warfare industry, TV and movies, technology of all types that control the mind, economic world power through their uniting with the Jesuits, and satanic occult religion of the “Master race,” to raise up a Fourth Reich – an 8th Empire. (Revelation 17:10-11) “Unit 731: How Leaders of Japan’s WWII Germ Warfare Unit Ended Up Working for the US” - April 23, 2018 – Blacklisted News: “Unit 731, the notorious germ warfare unit of the Imperial Japanese Army that conducted horrific lethal experiments on Chinese civilians and Allied prisoners of war before and during World War II, is back in the news again after the Japanese government?released the names?of more than 3,000 of its former members.” Good article! Japan took on this unmerciful satanic spirit, and used their own people, as well as captured U.S. soldiers, to carry out the heinous experiments that went on in Germany under the Nazis. The Russians also learned these things from Nazis who worked in America, Nazi scientists who gave them warfare and space knowledge. Globalists, narcissists, Satanists, non-humans of all types, hybrids, clones, etc., are united to finish their goal of the destruction of earth, and the elimination of humanity. Like Nimrod, it is the image of Yahuwah they want to eliminate. It is the spirit that will inhabit Apollyon/Abaddon (Revelation 9:11, 11:7, 17:8, II Thessalonians 2:3.) Those with the nature of Yahuwah are the prime targets of their sadism and hate. As their mind control takes over the minds of human being, Messiah’s words are clearer: “You shall be hated by all men for My Name’s Sake.” SCRIPTURES ABOUT THE BEAST – Note his nature!Genesis 3:1-6, 13-15; Daniel 7:19-26; 8:8-14, 22-25; 9:26-27; 11:21, 31-45; 12:11; Isaiah 14:11-18; Joel 3:1-2; Ezekiel 28-29; Matthew 4:9-10, 24:15; II Thessalonians 2, and Revelation 13:1-10, 14:9-11, 15:1-3; 16:2, 10, 13, 17:3-17; 19:19-20 I will continue on with my study of the nature of Nazism, Hitler, the Beast, and those who are becoming like them. I conclude with excerpts from II Peter 2, warnings to the people of Yahuwah: “But there also came to be false prophets among the people, as also among you there shall be false teachers, who shall secretly bring in destructive heresies, and deny the Master who bought them, bringing swift destruction on themselves. And many shall follow their destructive ways, because of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of, and in greed, with fabricated words, they shall use you for gain. From of old their judgment does not linger, and their destruction does not slumber. For if Elohim did not spare the messengers who sinned, but sent them to Tartaros, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be kept for judgment, 5and did not spare the world of old, but preserved Noa?, a proclaimer of righteousness, and seven others, bringing in the flood on the world of the wicked, and having reduced to ashes the cities of Se?om and Amorah condemned them to destruction – having made them an example to those who afterward would live wickedly, and rescued righteous Lot, who was oppressed with the indecent behaviour of the lawless (for day after day that righteous man, dwelling among them, tortured his righteous being by seeing and hearing their lawless works), then ???? knows how to rescue the reverent ones from trial and to keep the unrighteous unto the day of judgment, to be punished, and most of all those walking after the flesh in filthy lust and despising authority – bold, headstrong, speaking evil of esteemed ones, whereas messengers who are greater in strength and power do not bring a slanderous accusation against them before the Master. But these, like natural unreasoning beasts, having been born to be caught and destroyed, blaspheme that which they do not know, shall be destroyed in their destruction, being about to receive the wages of unrighteousness, deeming indulgence in the day of pleasure, spots and blemishes, reveling in their own deceptions while they feast with you, having eyes filled with an adulteress, and unable to cease from sin, enticing unstable beings, having a heart trained in greed, children of a curse, having left the right way they went astray, having followed the way of Bil?am the son of Be?or, who loved the wages of unrighteousness, but he was rebuked for his transgression: a dumb donkey speaking with the voice of a man restrained the madness of the prophet. These are fountains without water, clouds driven by a storm, to whom the blackest darkness is kept forever. For speaking arrogant nonsense, they entice – through the lusts of the flesh, through indecencies – the ones who have indeed escaped from those living in delusion, promising them freedom, though themselves being slaves of corruption – for one is a slave to whatever overcomes him. For if, after they have escaped the defilements of the world through the knowledge of the Master and Saviour ????? Messiah, they are again entangled in them and overcome, the latter end is worse for them than the first. For it would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than having known it, to turn from the set-apart command delivered unto them. For them the proverb has proved true, `A dog returns to his own vomit,’ and, `A washed sow returns to her rolling in the mud.’Stay faithful to the end and be saved!In His love, YedidahMay 21, 2018 ................

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