PO BOX 2381 July 21 – 22, 2007

MORGANTOWN, WV 26502-2381

HELPLINE: 304-344-4442



CHAIR: David H. RSD/RD: Cooper B..






PI: Shayne M. H&I: Chip D.

LITERATURE: vacant FINANCE: vacant

P&A: Rick S.



ALT: Chris S. ALT: Dave S.

NANA: Allen L. METRO: Rocco A

ALT: vacant ALT:

MANA: Candie B. GTO: Myra H.

ALT: vacant ALT: vacant

FANA: Karl K SCURA: Robert S.

ALT: ALT: vacant

|Attendance April 2007 |

|David H |Wes R |Jerry A |Shayne M |

|Kay M |Myra H |Allen L |Chip D |

|Candie B |Mike P |Chris G |Rick S |

|Barbara W |Rocco A |Robert S | |

|Rick W |Bert J |Karl K | |

|Chip D |Marc R | | |

|Chris S |Angela M | | |

Address List for ASRs, Officers, and Subcommittee Chairs


Bert J. Treasurer

Candie B. Phoneline Chair/MANA ASR

Cooper B. RD

Chip D. H&I Chair / APPY ASR

Chris S. ASR Alt. NCWV

David H. Chair



Kay M. Secretary


Rick S. Vice Chair

Rick W. RD ALT

Rocco A. Metro ASR


Shayne M. PI Chair

Wes R Convention Chair


July 21 – 22, 2007

David H. opened with a moment of silence followed by the Serenity Prayer

The 12 Traditions and the 12 Concepts were read


Secretary’s Report-

Kay M. read the April 2007 minutes. A motion to not accept the minutes was made by Rocco A, and seconded by Allen L.

|Motion: 01.07/07 |From: Metro |

|That the minutes not be accepted due to the violation of policy as hard copies of minutes were not presented |

|Intent: to follow policy of the MRSCNA |

|Result: 5 in favor; 1 against; 1 abstention |

Order of the day was suspended due to not accepting the minutes. No motion that was tabled in April 2007 can be acted on this weekend.

Treasurer's Report – see appendix 1

RD Report - Submitted by Cooper, read by Candie

Greetings fellow mountaineers,

Well, there is precious little to report. World Service continues to grind a long. It will be interesting to see what actually shows up for approval. I know it’s only July, but it’s not too early to start thinking about C.A.R. workshops I have a suggestion. Since the C.A.R. is available in late Nov., perhaps the areas could obtain copies so we could review the CAR at the January RSC meeting. This way Rick and I could take our concerns and questions to MARLCNA, and hopefully we would have better input for our C.A.R. workshop(s). Also, we need to decide how we want to our workshop(s) – where, how many, etc. I would prefer to do one for everybody, but please advise. See you in October.

In loving service,


RDA Report – 2006-2008 Fellowship Issue Discussions

Broke into two small groups. Chris S reported on questions 1 and 2. Barbara reported on questions 3 & 4 of Who is Missing from Meetings and Why Questions.

see appendix 2

Old Business

Slate of Nominations for the 2007 – 2008 year:

From April RSC From July RSC

Rick S - Chair Rick S - Chair

Shayne M - V Chair Vacant - V Chair

Kay M - Secretary Candie B - Secretary

Bert J – Treasurer Bert J - Treasurer

Robert O - Treasurer II Vacent. - Treasurer II

Elections were postponed to the October 2007 meeting due to the areas not having copies of the service resumes of the nominees. Nominations were reopened, and all service resumes have to be in to the Chair before the August 21st mailing to be included on the slate of nominations in October.

Kay M. and Shayne M. removed their names from the slate of nominations. Robert O’s resume was sent in error; he does not have the willingness to serve as Treasurer II at this time. We received a resume from Candie B for Secretary. Nominations are needed for Treasurer II and Vice Chair

or any other office.

There was a request from the NANA Area to the MRSCNA Chair

|To temporarily suspend the order of the day |

|Intent: for an Area to present a motion that is pertinent to a motion being voted on in old business. |

|Result: Granted by Chair |

|Motion: NO. 02.07/07 |From: NANA |

|The motion reads as follows: | |

|That motion 01-05-07 By Region from Metro Area | |

|Motion: that the MRSCNA Convention Subcommittee incorporate and become a separate entity from MRSCNA as described in World Convention Guidelines | |

|Intent: To consider other options for doing service for NA. For more responsible management of funds to be used to further our primary purpose and | |

|protect MRSCNA from liability in the spirit of concepts 3 and 11. | |

|Result: Tabled to the groups | |

|Be ruled out of order because_______________________________________ | |

|1. It violates tradition 9 because creates a separate entity outside of group oversight. It will not be directly responsible to those they | |

|serve._____________________________ | |

|2. It quotes as its intent service material that is no longer a part of our service structure i.e. World Convention | |

|Guidelines.__________________________________________ | |

|3. In fact it violates the third concept because it does not define each task we want accomplished, and the kind of authority we are delegating to | |

|those who will fulfill the task. And Our services must remain directly accountable to those they serve.________ | |

|Intent: To maintain the MRSCNA convention committee within the NA service structure.___ | |

|Result: 5 in favor; 2 against; 1 abstention | |

|Motion: 03.04/07 |from: Metro |

|That MRSCNA Convention subcommittee incorporate and become a separate entity from MRSCNA as described in world convention guidelines. |

|Intent:. To consider other options for doing service for NA. For more responsible management of funds to be used to further our primary purpose |

|and protect MRSCNA from liability – in the spirit of concepts 3 & 11. |

|Result: Referred to New Business; RSC tabled back to areas. |


Chair’s note: Due to the minutes not being accepted; motion 03.04/07 could not have been voted on at this time anyway. Also, if an Area so chooses, a replacement motion can be reintroduced at the next RSC. The “order of the day” was resumed after this spirited exchange.

A letter was read from a new meeting/member in Mill Creek WV. They will be contacted by two MRSCNA members.

see appendix 3


GTO- 7/21/07

All is going well in the area. We now have a Friday 7pm meeting. Dave C. has stepped down as ASR and I was elected to come as the ASR for this time. We had elections of officers

Chair – Richard S. Secretary – Chuck S. H&I – Robbie C.

Vice Chair – Jill S. ASR – Activities – Ann C.

Treasure – Myra H. ASR alt – Debbie H.

Treasure II – Ann C. P.I. Chair – Chris G.

P.I. cont. to have addicts coming to meetings from the flyer day. We are contacting a cable (channel) to get meetings listed (on television)

H&I is cont to go into Parc West, River Park & Western Regional Jail on the female side

Activities – We have a picnic on August 11th and I have flyers here today. We are planning a Halloween Dance in Oct. but no date at this time we will send flyers ASAP.

We do have a donation at this time (of) $73.00

In Loving Service, Myra H.


Southern Coalfields Unlimited Recovery Area Report to the

Mountaineer Regional Service Conference In July 2007

On July 22nd the Alive & Free group of NA will be celebrating their 1-year of carrying the message of recovery to the still suffering addict. All of our meetings carry the message but sometimes we have to pay attention.

We have a donation to the region that isn’t much but we do not have a convention 2 times a year to pay our expenses.

We are wondering why we need a Phone line workshop every year. We have members that have had a workshop, just not lately, that want to carry the pager but haven’t had a workshop in awhile.

We need to leave the Convention registration alone. It works.

We do not need a convention corporation. It works.

We might need a convention CD recording chairperson to handle the speaker recordings after we buy more equipment.

We still feel that we do not need an insurance policy to cover all the groups in the region.

We think that all regional moneys not being used should be in the treasury.

We have been doing ok carrying the message in our groups but our meeting attendance is down. It seems to happen every summer. We are looking forward to our campout and the flier is available on the web page. The web page is in good shape and works for us. As with anything, it needs to remain updated.

We have not done anything with PI or H&I. We have not had the pager so we cannot comment on that.

As always, grateful to give back what was so freely given to me, Robert S. some way, some how.

Southern Coalfields Unlimited Area Of Narcotics Anonymous

July 21, 2007



Greetings from the Mountain Area,

Our meeting attendance is about the same 10-15 attending some same faces and some new faces. The Lewisburg Group has a donation of $100. for the MRSCNA.

We are happy to report that with help from the Freedom Area meetings are going into thr Anthony Correctional Center. The Mountain Area appreciates the help carrying the message into Anthony. Their willingness and support has sparked an interest in our own area to get more involved in H&I.

Our 16th Annual Fellowship in the Forest Campout at Lake Sherwood was a major success. This year was the first year in the past four years that we took in enough 7th tradition to cover the campout costs. A major THANK YOU to Allen for speaking at our campout and THANK YOU to Rocco for helping to “keep it real”.

Thanks for letting me serve, Candie B., MANA ASR


Greetings From NANA

We are doing well. We have newcomers coming regularly. Our 12 Step Campout was a huge success. We’d like to thank everyone for attending and sharing their experience with the steps. We are still doing Tiger H. Morton Juvenile Correction Center. We have also officially committed to carrying the message to the men in West Regional Jail. We hope to see you all next week at our Annual Picnic at the Hurricane Wave Pool, Shelter #4, Candie B. will be sharing her experience strength and hope. We have no additional needs at this time.

Grateful to Serve,

Allen L.


ASR Report to Regional for Appalachian Foothills Area

July 21, 2007

Hello Family,

On July 14, we conducted an H & I workshop at 2:00pm at St. Luke’s Lutheran Church in Marietta, Ohio. On this day we formed a committee. The committee decided that its efforts would be focused on bringing an introductory meeting of NA to the Care Unit at Marietta Memorial Hospital.

Mac from Cambridge will be contacting Noble Co. jails to bring a meeting into that facility. Chip D. is going to schedule an orientation as soon as he is cleared at the Washington Co. jail to bring the message into the facility.

The Freedom Day Blast, which was on July 1, in Marietta at Lookout Park was well attended with approximately 35 addicts as well as friends and family for this 22 year celebration. We had a great meeting outside under the trees and Richard K. from Youngstown, OH shared his message.

At this time our Area is well attended and growing. We need no assistance, but please feel free to visit us anytime.

Respectfully submitted in loving service,

Chip D.


NCWVASCNA Area Report July 21, 2007.

Greetings from the North Central Area. Meetings are going strong, new ones are opening and some have changed locations. We have given out many white key tags and colored ones too. We have celebrated 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 18, 19, and a 20 year. Another 20 and a 26 will be coming soon so come celebrate with us.

We are happy to have Braxton and Gilmer counties join our area. The meetings have been added to the website and will be added to list.

We are doing 3 H&I meetings. 1 at Pruntytown, 1 at Fairmont General and 1at MFCC. We are still hoping to expand.

Area elections are in July and most positions will be filled.

We have no phone line report because we did not have the pager this quarter.

A couple of picnics were held in July 1 in Sutton and 1 on Fairmont. Both were great. The areas annual picnic will be on Aug. 4th at Valley Falls State Park. A speaker from Wheeling will be there. After the picnic another speaker from Wheeling will be at Saturday night meeting in Morgantown to help us celebrate 26 years of recovery in our area.

To sum this all up, recovery is happening here and meetings are growing. So come and recover with us in the spiritual Mecca.

In love and service Jerry A.


Greetings from the FANA Area of Narcotics Anonymous,

Our meeting attendance is sustained, our gratitude is high. We currently have lost one meeting the recovering followers and added one meeting to the Area. New Attitudes from Pineville, which they meet on Thursday at 7:00. Dropped one added one so that leaves us with 28 meetings in our area held by 8 different home groups. They would appreciate some support and more love. We attempted to have an H&I workshop on July 27th however we were unable to finalize the details and had to cancel. It’s in the works to reschedule in Sept. More will be revealed in the near future. We had our area service meeting June 23 followed by a cook out attending was high a good time was had by all. We would like to thank the support from other areas and Cooper for speaking.

At this time we are planning a 7th tradition workshop. More will be revealed on the time and date. With that being said we have a $50.00 donation to give to region at this time. (Karl, FANA ASR)


Metro Valley Area Report

I am happy to report that the Metro Valley Area is going throw a growth spurt as we have new GSRs for several home groups and all area positions are filled. We had an area picnic in ________ with a large attendance of 60+ and just to share the same picnic had an attendance of less than 20, 2 years ago. WOW! Our area has meetings going on and recovery happening. Many newcomers (are) coming hungry for recovery. Our area has asked me to share their conscience on the minutes and resumes, as we believe that elections shouldn’t occur until resumes are provided to ASR’s as per policy!

Grateful To Serve!

Rocco A, ASR


Hospitals and Institutions – Chip D.

H and I Report from Regional for Conventions’ Ad-hoc Committee

July 21 2007

Report from H and I chair:

These are the questions/ concerns that we came up with at our last meeting:

How can we best carry the message of recovery (in)to Regional Jails?

1. What are the difficulties MRSNA is having with Correctional Facilities?

2. How are these facilities in conflict with the Traditions?

3. What can we do to reach out to the addicts?

4. Are we representing NA when we are not consistent, responsible and committed?

Can I have some Areas contact me when they find the need for literature?

Have we made directories available and/ or are we leaving meeting schedules?

Chris G. shared the letter he received from Randy Mann concerning that NA policies be respected in the facilities. see appendix 4

Scott from the FANA area needs some help with his H&I.

After some discussion it was agreed upon that autonomy rules in Region.

Respectfully submitted,

Chip D.

P.S. Randy Mann called with request of an H&I meeting in Tygart Valley Regional Jail in Randolph County. Also an interest of having a mobile H&I committee was found at the ad-hoc meeting.

H&I Report from AFASCNA

At our last area meeting on July 14 an H&I committee was formed. The focus on hospitals will be our first order of business.

Metro Valley H&I Report

Metro Valley has form(ed) H&I meetings at this time. S.C.R.J. Charleston, Work release, Barturn Place, and Highland has. Metro Valley has no needs from Regional H&I sub comm. at this time.

Chris G.

Metro Valley ASR alt.

Public Information – Shayne M, Chair


1. The meeting schedule has been kept up to date both the web page and Capitol Paging. I’m passing out copies of the master list to all the ASR`s so use that for all your changes and return it to me or email me at ______by Aug. 3rd with them. After that I can’t promise they will get in the new ones. The two downloads are update as of today. Also thanks to all to sent me their flyers to post on the page. Remember this is a team effort and I need you to keep the page current.

2. I have created a new version of the meeting list for the web page. I have it on my web site at _____________. I emailed the link to everyone on my contact list for them to look at. This version lists the meeting by city and state. The reasoning is that newcomers may not know about NA service areas and know what Area they are in. Also by doing away with the map we can get away from the thinking that the MRSCNA is all of West Virginia. The groups in Ohio sometimes feel left out and not equal. So I’m presenting the following options for everyone’s input. Pleas give this some thought and talk about it in your Areas`s for next RSC. 

a. Replace the current page with the new one?

b. Keep the old one and add a new page with the new one. This gives addict the chose of using the old or the new?

c. Use the map from the current page and info from the new one?

d. Keep it the way it is with no changes?

e. Something else that I haven’t thought of?

3. In talking about changes to the web page I realized that we only have the helpline number on the home page. So what about placing the number on other pages with the “if you need to talk to a member call etc.”  

4. Someone asked if I would make a printable meeting schedule with the meetings listed by city and state. I have attached a copy for your input. You will see that this has some problems as in space. If we go down this path we will need to design a new format. My thinking we are looking at a booklet of some sort.

These changes are I’m hoping will make out services more newcomer friendly. If any of you have any new ideas let me know. Feel free to summit them to me or the committee.

      That’s all for now. S.M.

During the sub-committee the areas reported on what was going on their. We shared a few ideas and moved on.

      Meeting schedule was updated and one group wanted the length of their meeting removed.

      We then talked about the new meeting format and will bring back more info at the next region. I will make a map as the current page and see if that suits everyone better.

      We will add the help line to all the pages asap.

      The printable schedule ay city got no support as that will be put away for now.

      It was pointed out that the convention page had a live link to Cedar Lakes so that has been removed. 

      The old motion to have NAWS make custom psa`s was carried over till next time again.

      I Shayne M. was elected chair pending ASR approval at the next Region.

                                    In Service

Shayne M Chair

Phone Line – Candie B., Chair

Phone Line Chair Report 7.21.07

New Business - I have been a busy bee this last quarter with cleaning up the old phone line training material. The workshop material was retyped and updated. I have a copy of the old and the new copy to show all of the changes that I have made to get approval from the body. The only change that was made that needs fixing is the part pertaining to calling cards. I will make the changes that were discussed verbally Saturday July 21.

Old Business - Last time we had a problem with some ASRs not being present to represent their area. We discussed phone line policy regarding ASR attendance. Two subjects sparked this discussion:

- One pager partner had a problem with their pager partner using the pager and 800# inappropriately. The ASR of the alleged offensive pager was not present to question or hold responsible.

- An area went unrepresented and their information was needed to update information. They were not present to question or clear up outdated information.

The first problem mentioned above was cleared up and happened to be a misunderstanding that could have been taken care of a lot faster if the ASR had been present during the subcommittee meeting.

The second problem will hopefully be fixed by next quarter.

Last quarter an ASR requested a change in the partner to share pagers. Geographically the change made more since. METRO – SCURNA and GTO – NANA was changed to METRO – NANA and GTO – SCURNA. I have contacted capital radio and tested both pagers to make sure that the changes were made.

I sent Capital Paging a typed protocol of how we would like our calls to be answered and handled. I have checked on them from timer to time through out the quarter and found that they answer correctly majority of the time. I would ask that we practice patience with them for they are only minimum wage workers and are in a high turn over rate. Over all they do a good job.

They mailed me a copy of the call log for one day for us to go over, unfortunately we ran out of steam to go over it this quarter. I will have next quarter if any one is interested in looking it over.

Again it is important that all ASRs be present to represent their area.

Next quarter I need all information from all areas regarding volunteer phone numbers, and training dates for each one. The list will be cleaned up anyone that I don’t have information on last training will be removed from the phone list. For policy states that all volunteers have to attend, at least, one phone line training with in one calendar year.

We discussed why this policy was so important during the subcommittee meeting, reasons for;

1. New ways to handle the call may be implemented,

2. To get experienced members in with inexperienced members to share experience, strength, hope, and how taking calls have been an asset to their recovery,

3. Workshops are a way for members to recommit. And by not attending a workshop within the calendar year allows a member to uncomment just a freely.

If any area needs training material please contact the phone line chair by cell phone or have the pager paged.

If any one has any problems or is unsure of how a call was handled please contact the phone line chair. I t is far easier to clean up a mess right after it happens, rather than three months later after it is dated and resentment have grown out of control.

Thanks to everyone who has chosen to carry the message to the still suffering addict by carrying the pager and everyone who is on the phone line list to help take calls also. Together WE CAN Candie B.

Convention Subcommittee – Wes R., Vice Chair

Convention Report 7.21.07

WE opened with a moment of silence and the Serenity Prayer. Wes read a letter from Patty G. the Conv. Chair. She was not going to be here.

Wes moved on to elections.

Chair - Wes R. Vice Chair - Allen L.

Registration Chair - Rick S. Registration Vice Chair - Jerry A.

Merchandise Chair – Rocco A. Merchandise Vice Chair – Shayne M.

Refreshment Chair – Karl K. Refreshment Vice Chair – David H.

We moved on to convention chairpersons’ reports.

Merchandise chair reported that we sold all the merchandise except for 80 _____________. He had a few suggestions. He felt we needed smaller size shirts and more hoodies. He also felt that the colors sold well last time and would be ordering the same for the fall convention. He would like to go back to ceramic or glass mugs. He also brought up the issue of 60 missing shirts from the fall 06 convention. I estimated at a cost of $400.00 our cost. It was reported that the previous merchandise chair said he had brought them to the Jan. RSC and left the box in the meeting room. Nobody remembered seeing the box at all. We decided to take no action and moved on. Refreshment Chair reported that all went well and thanked Chris for his work in setting up on Fri. He reported that we ran out of PEPSI product Sat. night late, but it didn’t seem to be a problem. He has an inventory list from Chris of the things he bought for the fall of last year. This will help him with how much money he will be asking for in new business.

Registration Chair reported that all things went well. There was a suggestion to have something in the registration packet such as pens or whatever. This will be discussed further in Oct. The Chair asked for direction on what to do if folks don’t have registration money. It was suggested to simply state the cost of registration and that no body is turned away if they don’t have it. Exp. Members shared that a lot of times those folks still put money in the donation can, they just didn’t have the full registration cost. It was reported that we collected more registration money than we had in the past few years at the spring convention.

We moved on. Shayne has the box and will look through it and let Rick and Jerry know what they need to buy for this fall.

We moved on to Artwork. We had 4 pieces submitted. We chose one that had a circle of people looking from above with the diamond in the middle. We will work on it and get it to Glenns and bring it back in Oct. for review.

We voted on names for the Spring 08 Convention and decided it would be “Expect a Miracle”

We have 5 groups donating Basic Texts. Share the Hope – NC, We do Recover- NC, Hope out the Holler- NANA, Valley Recovery in the Fast Lane – NANA, and Karl’s Group in Beckley. We try and keep 8 books on hand. It was stated that there were 3 left in the Reg. Box. WE can always buy more from Doug at the convention.

We decided to ask Jack to be our DJ at the Sat. dance. He asks for 2 packages in Mountaineer and $100- cash. A total of $282.00

We moved on to speakers. We really need more local speaker resumes submitted. We only had 3 this time. After discussion we remitted everyone of the motion that passed that allowed the alt. From the previous conv. To be a speaker at this next conv. If willing. So with that Venard from Oakhill, WV will be our Fri night speaker. Cooper B. from Lewisburg, WV will be our Sat. night and Michelle G. (from Cinn. Oh) will be our Sun. speaker. Thelma F. from Bluefield WV will be our alt.

We moved on to new business with merchandise. The merchandise chair brought up trghe need to change the times that they are open since there was some objection to them opening ther doors if someone wanted to buy something and it was not the scheduled time. They will bring back suggestions in Oct.

As for merchandise being ordered in the fall it was decided:

164 T-shirts 70 Hoodies

No sleeveless T’s 12 Caps

30 Long sleeve T’s 35 Photos

24 Pocket T’s 144 Mugs

No sweats

The Chair will check on ceramic or glass mugs not to exceed $500-

A motion for 3000- for merchandise was made and passed. The prices for the fall will be

10.00 - T-shirts 12.00 - Long sleeve T’s

10.00 - Pocket T’s 20.00 - Hoodies

12.00 - Photos 5.00 - Mugs

12.00 - Caps 3.00 - CD’s current speakers

2.00 - CD’s past speakers

It was asked that the merchandise chair or vice chair receive the photos when they are delivered. We discussed the walkie-talkies. It seems most folks would rather use their cell phones. A member did say theirs wouldn’t work at Cedar Lakes. So we will need to make (sure) they are at the fall convention with batteries charged.

A motion for $350.00 for refreshment was made and passed. A motion for $250.00 for registration was made and passed.

We discussed the fall flyer and program. We were short on time so we will be taking topic-meeting suggestions at the Oct. meeting.

The areas need to get the spring 08 convention flyers 90 days prior to the convention for policy. We will have those at the next RSC since Cedar Lakes is now letting us preregister for rooms.

We ask how many each area needed. Mt area needed 25; SCURA needs 30, and the other 6 areas want their 100 allotted. It was suggested that the program be reviewed and approved in a more truly manor. Not to wait so late to get this done. We will add the artwork to the nametags if everything gets approved and bought soon enough.

We will be requesting the line on the flyer that says name badges will be required to attend convention functions. We discussed the lack of time left in the convention and moved on to the CD recordings. The chair reported that Mark R. from the NANA area had been working on making master CDs from our cassette tape speakers. He also had been working on recording and burning a CD of our current speakers. It was discussed that we had a couple of options, One is to hire Mark. Payment being 2 convention packages to record and burn master CDs for our 3 fall speakers. Two to purchase a recorder (50.00) and microphone (26.00) and a ______ top (400.00) to do our own taping. We also had paperwork presents on a piece of equipment (700.00) that will do the entire recording with the microphone that we all ready have. Lots of discussion was made with pros and cons to each one.

A motion: That we buy a direct CD recorder and create a chairperson position thru convention and make CDs for sale. (Intent:) To also be responsible for the equipment not to exceed $750.00

Motion was tabled back to the convention in Oct.

More discussion about what would be done at the next convention. Brought

A motion: For Mark R. to record all 3 speakers at the fall 2007 convention. And provide a master CD. His cost will be 2 convention packages. Intent: To be prudent

Motion passed

Thank you all for your time and work in the committee and at the convention to help addicts celebrate their recovery and raise funds for the RSC, Wes R/ acting Chair J.F.T.

Motion: For $3000.00 for merchandise for the fall 2007 convention.

Motion: For $350.00 for refreshments for the fall 2007 convention.

Motion: For $250.00 for registration for the fall 2007 convention.

These can be put on the motions.

The other two motions are on page 9 (original notes)

Future conventions are on following dates

Fall Nov 2-4, 2007

Spring May 9-11, 2008

Fall Oct 31-Nov2, 2008

Spring May 8-9, 2009

Fall Oct 30-Nov 1, 2009

Literature Subcommittee- (inactive)

Finance Subcommittee- Bert J., Treasurer


Finance Subcommittee

We met with 15 members present the money was discussed

Ending balance from July 1 was 8, 792.60

50. FANA

440. NANA

32. AF

100. Lewisburg Gp.

30. GTO


9,615.92 New Total

400. RD – Expense Treg

36. Walmart PL

8. 00 Chip D. H&I

64. Kay M. arm

9,019.28 New Balance

Projected Expenses for Quarter 3600.00 Convention

1000. PL

400. PI


200.00 Admin.



5,200.00 __________ Do you want me to

3,800 __________ renew CD? Yes

-1000.00 __________

2,800 AV to use - 700 _______for

(1500 in CD) Convention Equipment

(2100 AV)

(1700 to World mot.)

Discussed whether buying more equipment for convention ________ prudent.

Question arose over whether a treasure is bonded. Tr_______ is _____ into this

Love, Bert J.

See Appendix 1 for beginning report

P&A Subcommittee Report – Rick S, Chair

P&A Subcommittee Sunday 7/22/07

Rick S. Chair

Chris S. Secretary

Old Business - 1. Discussion re: the liability insurance policy we purchased and what it covers. We know it covers the 4 RSC meetings and both of the conventions. It may also cover ASC meetings and all group meetings (in just WV? or the whole region?) We don’t know. David H. will further investigate and ask the insurance agent to come to our next RSC to explain our policy and answer questions.

2. Concern was expressed about sending a copy of the current policy to areas without knowing for sure what it covers. Others asserted that it is the right of the groups to have a copy of the policy.

Motion passed in committee that a copy of the policy be sent to each ASR. David H. will do this.

New Business - 1. Archivist – Scott is willing to be archivist, but is unable to accept this responsibility at this time. Robert will be archivist (single point of accountability) and Scott can help when able.

2. Area Motions

There was considerable discussion about what should be done with area motions referred to subcommittees. The reader is referring to the section in policy (Regional) concern, this matter. The regional chair requested clarification about this. In addition, what a subcommittee does with a motion is often not reported in it’s minutes. A motion for policy change was passed in committee to resolve this perceived shortcoming: When a motion is referred to subcommittee gives it recommendation to RSC, but the official vote/ discussion is made by ASRs in RSC.

Finally it was clarified that an area may request what be done with a motion, but the body decides.


|Motion:NO.03.07/07 |From: P&A Subcommittee |

|Motion: Make a change in policy under New Area Motions change option 2 to read “refer the motion to subcommittee, where it will be discussed and a |

|recommendation will be made by the subcommittee to the RSC in new business.” |

|Intent:. to clarify existing policy |

|Result: Passed in subcommittee. Tabled Date of reconsideration Oct 2007 |

Chair’s note: the motion to Table was a tie vote by Area’s and the Chair opted to send this back to Areas for approval.

|Motion: NO. 04.07/07 |From: Date 7/22/07 Convention |

|For $3000.00 for merchandise for the fall 2007 convention |

|For $350.00 for refreshments for the fall 2007 convention |

|For $250.00 for registration for the fall 2007 convention |

|Intent: to fund the fall 2007 convention |

|Result: Carried (by consensus) |

|Motion: NO. 05.07/07 |From: Date 2/22/07 Convention |

|Motion: That we buy a direct CD recorder and create a chairperson position through convention sub-committee to record speakers at the convention and|

|make CDs available for sale. To be responsible for the equipment, not to exceed $750.00 |

|Intent: To be more responsible for speaker meeting recording and be more self supporting |

|Result: 4 to 2 Tabled |

|Motion: NO. 06.07/07 |From: Date 2/22/07 Convention |

|Motion: For Marc. R. to record all 3 speakers at the fall 2007 convention and provide a master CD. This cost will be 2 convention packages. Cost |

|approximately $220.00. |

|Intent: To be prudent |

|Result: For: __5____ Against: ___1___ Carried |

|Motion: NO. 07.07/07 |From: Date 2/22/07 MANA ASR |

|MRSCNA donate 1700.00 to the NAWS |

|Intent: to carry the message |

|Result: Carried (by consensus) |


North Central Annual Picnic

Aug. 4th Saturday at Valleys Falls State Park 11:00 to 5:00. Speaker at 4:00 following the picnic at the Saturday meeting in Morgantown, There will be another speaker and a celebration of 26 years of recovery in the North Central Area.

GTO Picnic

August 11, 2007 Noon -? Speaker at 6pm.


OPEN……………………October 6, 2007 12:00 am







• RSC Inventory………………..1:00-1:30 pm


Vote on slate of RSC officers




• H&I

• CONVENTION ………………..3:00 - 5:00 pm

DINNER ………………………………..5:00 – 6:00 pm


• PUBLIC INFORMATION……..6:00 – 7:00 pm

Web site

Meeting schedules


REOPEN……………………Sunday October 7, 2007 / 9:00 am


• P & A

Human Resource








Appendices not included in web version


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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