INDIA. THE MODI FACTOR Asia Centre, in charge of the In ...



edited by Ugo Tramballi and Nicola Missaglia introduction by Paolo Magri

India the Modi Factor

Edited by Ugo Tramballi and Nicola Missaglia

? 2018 Ledizioni LediPublishing Via Alamanni, 11 ? 20141 Milano ? Italy

India. The Modi Factor Edited by Ugo Tramballi and Nicola Missaglia First edition: February 2018

The opinions expressed herein are strictly personal and do not necessarily reflect the position of ISPI

Print ISBN 9788867057061 ePub ISBN 9788867057085 Pdf ISBN 9788867057177 DOI 10.14672/67057061

ISPI. Via Clerici, 5 20121, Milano

Catalogue and reprints information:

Table of Contents

Introduction..................................................................... 7 Paolo Magri 1. Economic Reforms and Double-Digit Growth

Bidisha Ganguly.............................................................13 2. Delhi vs States. Balancing and Speeding

Decision-Making in India.............................................37 Gautam Chikermane 3. "Unity in Diversity" or a Hindutva India?.....................59 Nicola Missaglia 4. Confronting BRICS: The Indian Dilemma.................. 89 Geethanjali Nataraj, Garima Sahdev 5. Modi's World. Vision of a "Potential Superpower"........ 115 Ugo Tramballi Policy Recommendations for the EU................................ 135 The Authors......................................................................141


When in 2014 Narendra Modi's Bharatiya Janata Party stormed to victory in India's general election, it was the first time since 1984 that a single party had won an absolute majority in the country. With no exception, commentators and analysts were sure that a historical moment had just taken place in the "world's largest democracy". Wherever one would look for news about India, reports and op-eds announcing "The Modi era begins", "Modi's moment", or a long-expected "Change in India" were likely to pop up.

Today, Modi is serving his fourth year in office and is already preparing for the next general election in 2019, which he will probably win again. And still, most of the talk and news about India today is connected with heated, enthusiastic or inquiring considerations about its energetic Prime Minister. Like four years ago, whenever there is debate about India, it is still Modi who catches the headlines ? both in India and abroad.

But this volume is not only about Narendra Modi, the man who promised to "reform, perform, transform" his country, by boosting economic development and ultimately winning back India's place among the world's superpowers. Rather, this book is about India and Modi or, as it were, India in the "age" of Modi. And this is why taking a closer look at the Modi "factor", appears to be a necessary ? whilst not sufficient ? condition to understand many of the ambitions, challenges and contradictions India is currently going through.

Modi's India is back to the global front stage for several reasons. Since 2014 the Indian government has worked hard to accomplish major economic and fiscal reforms, such as the recent Goods and Services Tax, for example, or an overhaul of


India. The Modi Factor

bankruptcy law. "Radical" measures to tackle corruption have also been introduced, like the sudden demonetisation pulling 86% of India's cash out of circulation overnight. Modi himself has spent a great deal of effort to promote his "India brand" around the globe ? most lately in Davos ? and boost bilateral partnerships, while still defending a "rules-based globalisation" against the threats of protectionism. Foreign investment into India has soared, and the IMF's latest outlook for India's economy looks more optimistic than many would have thought: with a 7.4% growth rate, India will even overtake China this year.

At the same time, an upsurge in communal tensions and concerns about Hindu nationalism keep triggering debate across Asia and beyond. Minorities and human rights groups, not only in India, have questioned Modi's true commitment to secularism. They warn that intolerance is on the rise in India, stirred up by the government's acquiescence to the excesses of militant Hindus.

Is Modi's India really the dynamic, investor-friendly country he keeps marketing around the world? Is he more of a reformer or a Hindu nationalist? What progress has India made so far? Is India's Prime Minister finally transforming this "reluctant superpower" into an actual global leader, able to compete with China?

All of the answers to these questions are still disputed, and even analysts are divided. For some of these questions, more time is required to provide a credible response. What is sure, however, is that India's heavy weight both on the regional and on the global stage cannot be overlooked anymore.

First of all, by the European Union. The EU is a natural partner for India: not only in terms of size and complexity, but also ? and even more importantly ? on the basis of the "principles and values of democracy, freedom, rule of law and respect of human rights" both share, to put it in the words Modi and the Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni employed during a recent summit. In fact, India and Europe share sound ? actually growing ? economic, commercial and cultural relations, as well as common security interests. It is also worth remembering


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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