Loudoun County Public Schools

Narrative Structure (Parts of a Story)- In your own words, define these terms. Plot: – the sequence of events in a literary work.4410075666750 Parts of the PlotExpositionInitiating event Rising actionClimaxFalling actionResolutionHow do you decide which part of the plot is the Initiating Event?It is the start of the conflict. It is when the problem is first introduced. How do you decide which part of the plot is the Climax?It is the most exciting point in the story. It is either the story will end well for the character or poorly. Character: a person, animal, or creature who takes part in the action of a literary work. Types of CharactersMain Characters:_ Main characters are the most important in the story, poem or play. Protagonist – the main character of most important character in a story. This character often changes in some important way as a result of the story’s events.Antagonist – the character who opposes (goes against) the main character.Minor Characters: Minor characters may take part in the actions, but are not the center of attentionCharacter Personality Dynamic changes.Static stays the same.Example: If a character inherits a million dollars from a rich aunt in a story, this may or may not result in the sort of change in his personality or values or in his general outlook on life that would make him a dynamic character. He might remain the same cheerful, humble, easy-going, out-going guy before he got the money. Or he might remain the same bitter, resentful, suspicious, selfish person he had always been. Or he might continue to be the same smug, arrogant snob he's already exhibited himself to be. In any of these cases, we'd have an instance of static character. Of course such a drastic change in one's situation might motivate a change in one's outlook on life. And if -- but only if -- it results in this sort of change, we have a dynamic character. How do you decide if a character is dynamic or static? You have to see if the character’s personality or thoughts on life change. It needs to be a change within such as going from a mean person who is greedy to someone who shares. ConflictDefinition: a struggle between opposing forces. Characters in conflict for the basis of the story, novel, poem, or play. There are two kinds of conflict: internal (character against self) and external (character against another individual or nature). A story may have both.Types of ConflictInternal:when a character has an inner struggle that cannot been seen such as a decision Character vs. selfExample: Do I study for my test or go to a movie? External:_when a character has a struggle with a force outside of themselves that they cannot control. Character vs. character Example: The two dogs fight over a bone. Character vs. nature Example: The captain must survive the ocean’s storm. Character vs. Society Example: The mermaid wants to marry a human even though it is forbidden in mermaid law. Theme: the main idea or point of the story. It is also the overall message. Stories can have more than one theme. How to Find the Theme-The author will directly tell the reader; in this case it is usually in the last paragraph the passage-The reader uses clues from the story and looks at the conflict in the story and what the character learned from their experience. 48768006924675Common Themes in Literature-Treat others the way you would like to be treated. -_slow and steady wins the race -_love conquers all Setting: _the time and place of a story Example: present day in Sterling, VASetting helps create the mood , which means how the author makes you feel. Wailing Wellby Kelly Hashway“I dare you! Unless you’re too scared!” Eric said.Charlie couldn’t pass up a dare. She was the toughest kid in the fifth grade. She wasn’t going to let a little thing like fear ruin her reputation.50768251552575“No problem.” Charlie shoved her hands in her pockets before anyone could notice they were shaking. So what if there was a kid-hungry troll living in the well on the abandoned lot? She could take a quick peek and run before it climbed up to eat her—right? She pushed through the crowd of kids and marched to the abandoned lot. Her palms were sweaty. No one went near the “Wailing Well.” A stray cat had jumped on the edge of it and something pulled it into the well. It happened so fast that no one saw what did it. But now a horrible wailing came from the well. Wailing came from the well and Charlie froze. Charlie was scared, but she wouldn’t admit it, especially to Eric. “You’re the one that’s scared. Why else would you dare people to look in the well? You’re too chicken to do it yourself!” “Am not!” Eric walked over to Charlie. He gulped, and for the first time, Charlie realized he wasn’t so tough. He put on a good show, but he was all talk. She wondered if he thought the same about her.Charlie grabbed Eric’s sleeve and charged at the well. Something hairy moved inside. Yellow eyes glowed up at her. The wailing was replaced by a scratching sound, like nails on rock. The creature was climbing up to get them!Eric screamed and ran. Charlie squinted at the creature. She cranked the bucket, lowering it into the well. She heard a soft thump and cranked the bucket back up. Charlie pulled a gray kitten out of the bucket. “The cat didn’t get pulled into the well. It fell. It got hurt, too. That’s why it was wailing.”“What are you going to do with it?” Alyson asked.“I’ll bring it to the vet,” Charlie said. “I’ll put up some fliers, and if no one claims it, I’ll keep it.” She scratched the top of the kitten’s head and it purred.”I’ll even name it Troll.”Exposition- Present, near a well Rising Action- Charlie realizes Eric is scared too and grabs his sleeve. Climax- Charlie and Eric approach the well and see something looking up at them. Falling Action- Eric screams and runs, but Charlie cranks the bucket up. Resolution- Charlie agrees to keep the kitten. Who is the protagonist? _Charlie Who is the antagonist? _Eric What is the main conflict of the story? Charlie is scared to approach the well, but wants to prove herself. Is the conflict external or internal? Internal What is a theme from the story? Face your fears. Resolution Falling Action ClimaxRising ActionInitiating EventExposition Label the Plot Structure. ................

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