
Name:_____________________________________ Date:_____________

Narrative Poetry

Narrative Poetry – poetry that tells a story

The definition of narrative poetry is as simple as it seems: poetry that tells a story. Now consider the fact that it is poetry, or verse. What elements define verse? Lines, stanza, rhyming, rhythm and figurative language are all considered characteristics of poetry. (you must incorporate at least two examples of figurative language and at least 2 poetic sound devices)

In simple terms, you task is to write a story in verse that reflects the experience of a victim or survivor of the Holocaust. Use this handout to organize your thoughts.

Who are you going choose for the speaker of the poem? (survivor or victim)

Use the space below to take notes on their life and struggle.

Now remember, a narrative poem tells a story and a story has a plot: exposition, conflict, rising action, climax and resolution. Use the graph below to pre-write your narrative poem.

Okay, you have your speaker and a basic idea of the story you want him/her to tell in the poem. Now consider what poetry is. It has lines, stanzas, rhyme, rhythm and figurative language. Bring your speaker’s experience alive with vivid description (imagery), personification, simile and metaphor. For the most part you will be on your own, however, the graphic organizer below will help you come up with sensory words, imagery.

|Based on what you read about your speaker, what did it… |

|Smell like? | |

| | |

|Look like? | |

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|Sound like? | |

| | |

|Feel like? | |

| | |

|Smell like? | |

| | |

Figurative Language: In Night, Wiesel uses a lot of figurative language that really helps to make his point. What kind of comparisons can you make to enhance what you want to say? Use figurative language to make what you want to say more interesting! Here is space to draft some figurative language:


Night Narrative poem Rubric

Student: __________________________________ Score: _________/100

Your task is to pick a character from Night, and create a narrative poem about him/her. You may pick any character from the story, no matter how big or small his/her role was in Elie’s story. You must use at least 2 poetic sound devices and 2 examples of figurative language. Be sure you understand figurative language and the devices because they will be on your final exam!!

_______ 20 Poem creatively tells a story (with beginning, middle and end) of a character from Night (either a victim or a survivor)

_______ 10 Events mentioned or alluded to in the poem are historically accurate and show what you learned about the Holocaust

________ 20 Creatively uses 2 examples of figurative language

List them here:

1. Type of figurative language: ___________________ Example from your poem: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Type of figurative language: ___________________ Example from your poem: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

________ 20 Creatively uses 2 examples of poetic devices

List them here:

1. Type of poetic sound device: _______________________ Example from your poem: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Type of poetic sound device: _______________________ Example from your poem: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

________ 10 Poem is turned in on time, and shows evidence of effort

________ 10 Prewriting packet is completed and turned in. Rubric is filled out (examples are written in etc.)

________ 10 Student was on task during work time, was never redirected, and was never disruptive. Student never complained about the assignment.




Rising Action




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