| |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|1 |The plot is thoroughly developed. |Plot is adequately developed. |The plot is minimally |The story lacks a developed plot |

|Organization: |The story is interesting and |The story has a clear |developed. The story does not |line. It is missing either a |

| |logically organized: there is |beginning, middle and end. |have a clear beginning, middle,|beginning or an end. The |

| |clear exposition, rising action |The story is arranged in |and end. The sequence of |relationship between the events is |

| |and climax. The story has a clear|logical order. |events is sometimes confusing |often confusing. |

| |resolution or surprise ending. | |and may be hard to follow. | |

|2 |The setting is clearly described |The setting is clearly |The setting is identified but |The setting may be vague or hard to |

|Elements of Story: |through vivid sensory language. |identified with some sensory |not clearly described. It has |identify. |

|Setting | |language. |minimal sensory language. | |

|3 |Major characters are well |Major and minor characters are|Characters are minimally |Main characters are lacking |

|Elements of Story: |developed through dialogue, |somewhat developed through |developed. They are described |development. They are described |

|Characters |actions, and thoughts. Main |dialogue, actions, and |rather than established through|rather than established. They lack |

| |characters change or grow during |thoughts. Main characters |dialogue, actions and thoughts.|individuality and do not change |

| |the story. |change or grow during the |They show little growth or |throughout the story. |

| | |story. |change during the story. | |

|4 |All dialogue sounds realistic and |Most dialogue sounds realistic|Some dialogue sounds realistic |Dialogue may be nonexistent, or it |

|Elements of Story: |advances the plot. It exhibits |and advances the plot. It may|and may have some elements of |may all sound alike. No elements of |

|Dialogue |dialect and a distinct voice. |exhibit dialect and a distinct|dialect and voice. It advances|dialect and voice are present. It |

| | |voice. |the plot minimally. |does not advance the plot. |

|5 |The conflict is clearly |The conflict is established, |The conflict is minimally |The conflict is vague and hard to |

|Elements of Story: |established, developed and |developed, and resolved after |established and resolved, but |identify. It may not be resolved in |

|Conflict |resolved after a gripping climax. |a climax. |lacks development. |a logical way. |

|6 |The rising action builds intense |The rising action builds |The rising action builds |The suspense in the rising action is |

|Elements of Story: |suspense, which thoroughly |suspense, and adequately |suspense, but minimally |lacking or missing. |

|Suspense |provides growing tension, anxiety,|provides growing tension, |provides growing tension, | |

| |fear and/or wonder. |anxiety, fear and/or wonder. |anxiety, fear and/or wonder. | |

|7 |Maintains a consistent point of |The point of view is clear, |The point of view is often |The point of view is inconsistent. |

|Elements of Story: |view. |but may be inconsistent in |inconsistent. | |

|The point of view is | |some places. | | |

|consistent. | | | | |

|8 |Uses carefully chosen transitions |Uses transitions to help the |Uses few transitions. |Uses no transitions. |

|Elements of Story: |to help the reader along. |reader along. | | |

|Transitions | | | | |

|9 |There are few or no errors in |There are some errors in |There are many errors in |There are numerous errors in grammar,|

|Written Oral English |grammar, usage, mechanics, or |grammar, usage, mechanics, or |grammar, usage, mechanics, or |usage, mechanics, or spelling that |

|Language Conventions |spelling. Dialogue is punctuated |spelling. Dialogue may have |spelling. These sometimes make |interferes with the meaning of the |

|Grammar, Usage, Mechanics, |and formatted correctly. |minor errors in punctuation |the story hard to understand. |story. Dialogue may not be |

|Spelling | |and format. |Dialogue is punctuated and |distinguishable from narrative, or |

| | | |formatted inconsistently. |may lack correct punctuation such as |

| | | | |quotation marks or end punctuation. |

YOUR SCORE: __________/36 Divide your score by 9 = Your Rubric Score is ___________


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