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WkTopic: Essential QuestionSkill/StrategyAnchor Text/GenrePaired Selection/GenreVocab StrategiesPhonicsSpellingGrammarReadAloud Ideas Writing1EducationHow is learning at school different from learning at home?Story structureAnalyze illustationsSummarizeA Fine, Fine SchoolHumorous FictionOne-Room SchoolhousesInformational TextContext cluesShort vowelsa, e,i, o, uWords with the VCCV patternShort vowelsSimple sentencesNarrative Writing:DescriptiveParagraphTrait:Word Choice2The Court SystemWhy are courts an important part of our government?ConclusionsAuthor’s word choiceInfer/predictThe Trial of Cardigan JonesFantasyYou Be the JuryInformational TextDictionary/GlossaryLong vowels a, e, i, o, uWords with the VCe patternVCe spellingsKinds of sentencesNarrative Writing:DialogueTrait:Ideas3VolunteersWhy is volunteering good for a community and its people?Understanding charactersStory messageAnalyze/evaluateDestiny’s GiftRealistic FictionKids Making a DifferenceInformationalTextAntonymsCommon vowel pairs ai, ay, ee, eaLong a and Long e spellingsCom-pound sentencesNarrative Writing:PersonalParagraphTrait:Voice4EngineeringWhy is everyone’s role on a project important?Compare and contrastStory structureInfer/predictPop’s BridgeHistorical FictionBridgesInformational TextWord Families with same base wordLong o spelled oa and owLong o spellingsCommon and proper nounsNarrative Writing:Prewrite aPersonalNarrativeTrait: Ideas5SportsWhat are the traits of a hero?Cause and effectLiteral and nonliteral meaningsVisualizeRoberte Clemente:Pride of the Pittsburgh PiratesBiographyBaseball PoemsPoetryPrefix mis-Long i spelled i, ie, ighLong i spellingsPlural nouns with –s and –es Narrative Writing:Draft aPersonalNarrativeTrait:SentenceFluencyWkTopic: Essential QuestionSkill/StrategyAnchor Text/GenrePaired Selection/GenreVocab StrategiesPhonicsSpellingGrammarRead Aloud Ideas Writing6MammalsWhat makes bats interesting and useful?Sequence of eventsDomain-specific vocabularyAsking questionsBat Loves the NightNarrative NonfictionA Bat is BornPoetrySuffixes -able, -ibleWords with the VCV patternShort and long vowel wordsWhat is a verb?Opinion Writing:Response ParagraphTraits:Ideas7Visual ArtsHow do pictures help to tell a story?Text and graphic featuresSequence of eventsAnalyze/EvaluateWhat Do Illustrators Do? Informational TextJack Draws a BeanstalkTraditional TaleSynonymsThree-letter clusters(scr, spr, str, thr)Three-letter clustersVerb tensesOpinion Writing:Opinion ParagraphTraits: Organization8TraditionsWhat do traditional tales tell readers about life?ConclusionsLiteral and nonliteral meaningsInfer/PredictThe Harvest BirdsFolktaleThe TreasureFolktaleContext cluesSilent letters kn, wrUnexpec-ted consonant spellingsUsing commasOpinion Writing:Response ParagraphTraits: Word Choice9Performance ArtsHow is a live performance different from other kinds of entertainment?Cause and effectAnalyze illustrationsMonitor/clarifyKamishibai ManRealistic FictionThe True Story of Kamishibai Informational TextDictionary/GlossaryVowel Diphthongsow and ouVowel sounds in townAbstract nounsOpinion Writing:Prewrite a Response toLiterature ParagraphTraits: Organization10InventionsWhat important traits must an inventor have?Main ideas and detailsSequence of eventsSummarizeYoung Thomas EdisonBiographyMoving PicturesInformational TextShades of meaningWords with au, aw, al, and oVowel sound in talkPronoun and antece-dentsOpinion Writing:Draft a Response toLiterature ParagraphTraits:organizationWkTopic: Essential QuestionSkill/StrategyAnchor Text/GenrePaired Selection/GenreVocab StrategiesPhonicsSpellingGrammarRead Aloud IdeasWriting11InventionsHow do inventions help athletes?Sequence of eventsText and graphic featuresAsking questionsTechnology Wins the GameInformational TextScience for Sports FansInformational TextSuffixes –less, -ful,-ousVowel diph-thongsoi, oyVowel sound in joyMore plural nounsInformative Writing:Cause and EffectParagraphTrait: Word Choice12AgricultureWhy is it important to grow food crops?ThemePoint of viewVisualize Tops and BottomsTrickster TaleGoodness Grows in GardensInformational TextIdioms Homo-phonesWords ending in -er and -leHomo-phonesWritingquota- tionsInformative Writing:Compare and ContrastParagraphTrait: Word Choice13American Indian HistoryWhy are stories from different cultures important?Compare and contrastStory messageAnalyze/evaluateYonder Mountain:A Cherokee LegendLegendThe Trail of TearsInformational TextHomophones and homographsContrac-tions with n’t, ‘d, ‘veContrac-tions Subject-verb agree-mentInformative Writing:InformativeParagraphTrait: Organization14People and AnimalsWhat are some benefits of dogs interacting with people?Author’s purposePoint of viewSummarizeAero and Officer MikeInformational TextKids and Critters: A Nature NewsletterInformational TextPrefixes in- and im-Words with ar, or, oreVowel + /r/ soundsPronoun verb agree-mentInformative Writing:Prewrite an Explanatory EssayTrait: Ideas15CookingWhy are safety rules important?Understanding charactersFormal and informal languageInfer/predictThe Extra-Good SundayHumorous FictionImagine a RecipeInformational TextUsing a thesaurusWords wih er, ir, ur, orVowel + /r/ sound in nurseVerb tensesInformative Writing:Draft an Explanatory EssayTrait: VoiceWkTopic: Essential QuestionSkill/StrategyAnchor Text/GenrePaired Selection/GenreVocab StrategiesPhonicsSpellingGrammarRead Aloud IdeasWriting16ConservationWhy is it important to take care of our environment?Story structureThemeMonitor/ClarifyJudy Moody Saves the World!Humorous FictionMy Smelly PetHumorous FictionContext cluesWords with air, ear, areVowel + /r/ sounds in air and fearWhat are adjec-tives and articles?Opinion Writing:Persuasive LetterTrait:Ideas17FossilsWhat can fossils tell us about the past?ConclusionsPoint of viewVisualizeThe Alberto-saurus Mystery: Philip Currie’s Hunt in the BadlandsInforma-tional TextFinding Fossils for FunInformational TextSuffix -lyWords with /j/ and /s/Words with /j/ and /s/Adjec-tives that com-pareOpinion Writing:Opinion ParagraphTrait:Voice18TreesWhat are some differences among types of treesText and graphic featuresDomain-specific vocabularyAsking questionsA Tree is GrowingInformational TextStopping by Woods on a Snowy EveningPoetryWord rootsWords with /k/and /kw/Spelling the /k/ and /kw/ soundsUsing the verb be and helping verbsOpinion Writing:Problem and SolutionParagraphTrait:Word Choice19Social RelationshipsHow do members of a community help each other?Story structureStory messageSummarizeTwo Bear CubsMyth/PlayWhose Land Is It?Informational TextPrefixes pre-, re-, biVowel sounds in spoon and woodVowel sounds in spoon and woodMore irregular verbsOpinion Writing:Prewrite a persuasive essayTrait:Ideas20ClimateWhat are the coldest places on Earth like?Main ideas and detailsLiteral and nonliteral meaningsInfer/predictLife on the IceInformational TextThe Raven: An Inuit MythMythDictionary/GlossaryCompound wordsCom-pound wordsWhat is an adverb?Opinion Writing:Draft a Persuasive EssayTrait:OrganizationWkTopic: Essential QuestionSkill/StrategyAnchor Text/GenrePaired Selection/GenreVocab StrategiesPhonicsSpellingGrammarRead Aloud Ideas Writing21Pioneer LifeWhat was life on the prairie like for the pioneers?Story structurePoint of viewMonitor/clari-fySarah, Plain and TallHistorical FictionWagons of the Old WestInformational TextPrefix non-Base words and –ed, -ingWords with –ed and -ingAdverbs that com-pareNarrative Writing:Fictional Narrative ParagraphTrait: Ideas22Animal MigrationWhy do animals migrate to other places?Compare and contrastAuthor’s word choiceVisualizeThe Journey: Stories of MigrationInformational TextThe Grasshop-per and the AntFableWord rootsSpelling changes: -s, -es -ed, -ingChanging final y to iMaking compar-isonsNarrative Writing:DescriptiveParagraphTrait: Word Choice23Sending MessagesHow can people communicate over long distances?Sequence of eventsFormal and informal languageAnalyze and evaluateThe Journey of Oliver K. WoodmanFantasyMoving the U.S. MailInformational TextSuffixes –er and -estSuffixes –ful, -y, -ous, -ly, -erSuffixes –ful, -y, -ous, -ly, -erPosses-sive nouns and pro-nounsNarrative Writing:DialogueTrait: Voice24VolcanoesWhat changes do volcanoes cause?Author’s purposeAnalyze illustrationsAsking questionsDog-of-the-Sea WavesRealistic FictionThe Land Volcanoes BuiltInformational TextShades of meaningPrefixes un-, pre-re-, bi- Prefixes un-,re-Complex senten-cesNarrative Writing:Prewrite a Fictional NarrativeTrait: Ideas 25MountainsWhy do mountain climbers need to be well prepared?Text and graphic featuresMain ideas and detailsInfer/predictMountains: Surviving on Mt. EverestInformational TextThe Big CleanupPlayAnalogiesSuffixes -less, -ness, -ableSuffixes -less, -ness, Words that com-pareNarrative Writing:Draft a Fictional NarrativeTrait: Word ChoiceWkTopic: Essential QuestionSkill/StrategyAnchor Text/GenrePaired Selections/GenreVocab StrategiesPhonicsSpellingGrammarRead Aloud Ideas Writing26Determina-tionHow does having a goal help people succeed?Main ideas and detailsAnalyze and evaluateThe Foot Race Across AmericaNarrative NonfictionPaca and the Beetle: A Folktale from BrazilFast TrackPoetrySuffix -ionCommon final syllables -tion, -sion,-ureWords with VCCV patternAbbre-viationsInformative Writing:Compare and Contrast ParagraphTrait: Organization27MagnetsHow would your life be different without magnets?Cause and effectSummarizeThe Power of MagnetsExpository NonfictionElectromag-nets and YouPhoto EssayScience Fair Project Poetry MagnetPoetryHomographs and homophonesDouble conso-nantsWords with double conso-nantsContrac-tionsInformative Writing:Problem and Solution ParagraphTrait: Ideas28Being ActiveWhat are some benefits of being physically active?Fact and opinionVisualizeBecoming Anything He Wants to BeBiographyMy Blue Belt DayJournal EntryI Chop, Chop, Chop/Long JumpPoetryWord rootsWords with ough and aughWords with ough and aughCommas in sen-tencesInformative Writing:InstructionsTrait: Word Choice29Doing Your BestWhat can you learn from champions?Understanding charactersMonitor/clarify A New Team of HeroesDramaC-H-A-M-P-I-O-NInformational TextDefenderPoetrySpellboundPoetryPrefixes un-, dis-Words ending in -er, or -leWords ending in -er, or -leWhat is a preposi-tion?Informative Writing:PrewritingResearch ReportTrait: Ideas30Working TogetherHow can children and adults learn from each other?ConclusionsAsking questionsSaving BusterRealistic FictionActing Across GenerationsNews ArticleCompany’s ComingPoetryCompound strategiesSchwa soundWords begin-ning with a- or be-Correct pro-nounsInformative Writing:Research ReportTrait: Organization ................

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