Literacy Planning Sheet

Literacy Planning Sheet Overview of the unit

|Week beg |Genre |Key text |Cross-curricular link |Teacher |Yr group |

|01/03/13 |Play Script |Igniting Writing |Themed: Ancient Greece |S.G. |5 |

|Session |VCOPT |Framework Objectives for this unit |Key Vocabulary |Ongoing Evaluations |

|1 | |Write a play script based on an Ancient Greek philosopher. | | |

| | |To compare narrative writing to a play script. | | |

| | |To read a number of play scripts. | | |

| | |To identify and use the features of a play script. | | |

| | |To identify the characteristics of your Ancient Greek philosopher and base the storyline | | |

| | |of your play script on him | | |

| | |To follow the Story mountain when writing a play as a class (5 Scenes). | | |

| | |To follow the story mountain (5 scenes), play script features, and assignment when writing| | |

| | |your own play script. | | |

| | |Write a good copy of your play script on a scroll (make your own scroll) | | |

| | |Act out your play script | | |

|2 | | | | |

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|3 | | | | |

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|4 | | | | |

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|5 | | | | |

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|Session |L.O and S.C, |Main teaching points including key questions, modelling, mini |Differentiated group activities – indicate guided group each day (teacher) |Assessment/ |

| | |plenaries, speaking and listening activities | |Plenary |

| |*Allocation of Adults | | | |

|#1 |LO: To begin to understand the features and layout of|*English Groups |HAP/MAP/LAP |Self-assessment |

|Fri 1 March |play writing. |As a class complete slides 1 to 10 on Igniting writing Play scripts. |Chn to write one thing they have learnt about play scripts on their white | |

| | |Chn to use their whiteboards to respond to questions and provide |boards, class share and construct the features of a play script from these | |

| | |input. |ideas? * Add to this the following day | |

|Monday |Finish typing Greek Myths and French letters. |9:00 to 9:10: Finishing rough play script | |

|4 March | |9:10 to 9:20: editing Big writes | |

| | |9:20 to 10:15: Chn to finish typing their Greek Myths and French letters | |

| | |***Ensure all chn have the same title for French then they can print: Tout Sur Moi (All About me) | |

| | |*If ch are done: bugclub or indep. reading | |

|#2 |LO: To understand the features and layout of play |*Have chn take their Philosopher information out of their homework book and staple/paste it in the back of their writing book. |Self and peer |

|Tues 2 |writing. |*Remind chn to bring in their favourite book for Monday. |assessment |

|March | | | |

| |**D.G. with Spartans. |As a class complete slides 7 to 10 on igniting Writing, using white boards; discussion and activities with pairs/group. | |

| | |Revisit these from previous lesson: Identify the differences between a narrative piece of work and play script. Identify the features in a play | |

| | |script. | |

| | |(Plays are mostly words spoken by characters. These show character and plot. Directions tell the actors what to do. Descriptions of settings help | |

| | |create the scene. ; Stories are a mixture of narrative and dialogue. ; Both tell reader/audience the same story with same setting and | |

| | |same characters behaving the same way.) | |

| | | | |

| | |Slides: | |

| | |7: Read the first half of scene 1 and discuss how it is set out. Compare ideas with analysis on screen 8. | |

| | |8: Use the ideas to write a class list of rules for layout and presentation. (expectations from list are DI) | |

| | |9: Compare the list with the one on screen 9. | |

| | |10: Turn dialogue to a play script: Children can write short sections of play script using the correct features. *** S.G. with Gods for this | |

| | |activity | |

| | | | |

|#3 |LO: To understand how a play includes details of |As a class complete slides 11 to 14 on igniting Writing, using white boards; discussion and activities with pairs/group. |Self and peer |

|Wed 3 March |plot, character and setting. | |assessment |

| | |11: read the play on screen 11. | |

| |**D.G. with Spartans. |Class activity: One group should act out the play while the rest of the class direct them using the on-screen script. What techniques does the writer| |

| | |use to tell the reader about the elements of a story? How does the writer tell the story? How does the writer make the characters come alive? How | |

| | |does the writer make the setting clear? | |

| | |12: Compare ideas with analysis on screen 12. | |

| | |13: Use the ideas to write a class list of writing techniques for plays. | |

| | |Compare the list with the one on screen 13. | |

| | |14: Re-read the second part of the start of the narrative. | |

| | |Paired activity: | |

| | |5 minutes to turn the narrative into a play with your partner. | |

| | |3 minutes to act out to ensure all the detail has been included. | |

|#4 |World Book Day |Why is this your favourite book? |Self and peer |

|Thurs 4 March |LO: To analyse and discuss our favourite book and its|What about it makes this book the best? Is everyone’s idea of the best book the same? Why not? |assessment |

| |main character. |How would you have made your book even better (there is always room to improve)? | |

| | |Have you read any other books by this author? Are his/her books similar | |

| | | | |

| | |Analyse the main character/one of the main characters in your book. How do you know this is the main character? | |

| | |What information does the author tell you about him/her? When does the author introduce this information? How does the author introduce this | |

| | |information (dialogue, narrative, introduction paragraph/1st chapter) | |

| | |Could you apply some of your main character’s characteristics to your play script? How? *Remind chn that the main character needs to be based on | |

| | |their philosopher. | |

|#5 |LO: Write the beginning of a scene and use a story mountain. |As a class complete slides 15 to 19 on igniting Writing, using white boards; discussion and activities with pairs/group. |Self assess with checks|

|Fri 5 |**D.G. with Gods. | |based on meeting the LO|

|March | |15-17: Discuss the pictures | |

| |*SPARTANS to get a photocopy of a completed story mountain after |Paired writing on whiteboards: Write a description of the setting and character as if it is the start of a scene. | |

| |(possibly Archie and Maisy A too) |18-19: As a class decide on the structure of the play and drag them in. Discuss the plot ideas. | |

| |*Inform chn that this structure is the structure they MUST follow when |Whole class activity with Teacher: Use the ‘PLANNING YOUR PLAY SCRIPT’ sheet and complete the story mountain by inputting the plot | |

| |writing their own play script. |(events that make up the story) correctly into each scene. | |

| |CLASS TARGET: Do not write too much. If what you are writing does not | | |

| |link exactly to what is going to happen do not include it. Do NOT |Structure of Play= Scene 1: Beginning ; Scene 2: Rising Action ; Scene 3: Climax ; | |

| |include side stories or dialogue. |Scene 4: Falling Action ; Scene 5: Conclusion | |

|#6 |LO: To identify the characteristics of Ancient Greek |10 min: In English groups children share with their group the information they found out about their philosopher. |Self assess with checks|

|Monday 11 |philosophers by reading our research. |10 min: Share main facts about philosophers with the class. As a class decide the characteristics and personality of each philosopher. |based on meeting the LO|

|March | | | |

| |To decide on a main character and the plot. |20 min: As a class begin to plan a play script: | |

| | |Use the ‘PLANNING YOUR PLAY SCRIPT’ Story Mountain to decide/review what needs to happen first? | |

| |**D.G. with Spartans |Decide what philosopher we are going to base our play script on? **This will help when deciding the storyline/plot | |

| | |On whiteboards chn thought shower what the storyline/plot of the story will be. *Needs to be related to the main character’s (philosopher’s) | |

| |*SEN/Spartans and LAP/Gods = same philosopher as |personality. | |

| |Teacher modelled one |Chn share these plots and Teacher records (useful for when chn write theirs). As a class agree on the plot. | |

| | |Chn now decide on their main character/philosopher will be? | |

| | |5. Chn jot down their characters personality (pre-decided by the class based on research) | |

| |**S.G. with Gods when deciding on their own main |6. Chn decide their plot, using the classes ideas as a helpful tool. | |

| |character > > > > > > > | | |

|#7 |LO: |Teacher models how to complete each scene in the Story Mountain, following the completed ‘PLANNING YOUR PLAY SCRIPT’ Story Mountain, and using the |Spartans and Gods |

|Tues 12 | |childrens input. |*Same philosopher as |

|March |**D.G. with Spartans |Chn have their whiteboards to jot ideas down. |Teacher |

| | |Chn then complete their own Story Mountain. | |

| |**S.G. to meet with HAPs | |*Spartans have the same|

| | | |philosopher as the |

| | | |teacher but write their|

| | | |own play together using|

| | | |their own ideas. *Needs|

| | | |to have a very simple |

| | | |plot. |


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