Second Grade Writing Rubric – Narrative

Second Grade Writing Rubric ? Narrative



4 Maintains a focus One clear topic/

on a single

experience is well

topic/experience. supported with many,

varied details that help

the reader picture what


3 Maintains a focus One clear topic/

on a single

experience is supported

topic/experience. with details that help the

One or two events reader picture what

and details may not happened.

relate to the topic/


2 Many events and Many more details are

details do not relate needed to help the

to the topic/

reader picture what



Organization The beginning catches the readers' interest. All events are in a sequential order with a well defined ending.

The beginning, middle, and end are clear. All events are in a sequential order with an ending.

The beginning, middle or ending is missing or disorganized which may interfere with the meaning.

Style Uses a variety of sentences and exact word choices to clearly express feelings about the topic.

Uses some variety of sentences and word choices. Some feeling is evident.

Limited variety of sentences. Feelings are often unclear.

Conventions All sentences are complete with very few (0-3) or no mistakes in spelling, punctuation, or grammar.

Most sentences are complete with some (4-7) mistakes in spelling, punctuation, or grammar.

Some sentences are incomplete. Writing has repeated mistakes in spelling, punctuation, or grammar.

1 Writing has little or no focus on a single topic/ experience.

Almost no details which make it difficult for the reader to understand what happened.

The beginning, middle or ending is missing or disorganized. Events are told out of order, interfering with the meaning.

No variety of sentences. Not clear how the writer feels about the experience.

Many sentences are incomplete. Writing has many mistakes in spelling, punctuation, or grammar making it difficult to read.

Student Name: _________________________________________________ Date: ________________________


20-17 16-13 12-8 7-1



Advanced Proficient

Basic Below Basic Off Prompt ?Non Scorable

All off prompt compositions should be reviewed under just the conventions domain.

Off prompt conventions score (1-4) _____________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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