12-2 Personal Narrative/College Essay Rubric

Name _____________________ Personal Narrative/College Essay Rubric

Formatting: 1-2 pages, double spaced?     _____out of 5 pts.

Proper MLA heading?                             _____out of 3 pts.

Creative title?                                        _____out of 2 pts.

Focused on a single, specific incident?      _____out of 5 pts.

Incorporated “memorability factor”?        _____out of 5 pts.

Submitted rough draft with the final?       (automatic 10% deduction)

|Criteria |Clarity & Organization |Focus & Content |Creativity |Insight |Style |Grammar & Mechanics |

| |Well organized, logical, and |Skillfully and thoroughly uses |Interesting, witty storyline |Shows elevated level of insight |Sophisticated variety of |Demonstrates a high level of |

|Advanced |clearly articulated; connects |sensory details, dialogue, |that has that extra special |in terms of personal experience |sentences; rich word choice |proficiency in grammar and |

| |ideas smoothly |anecdotes, interior monologue, |somethingϑ |and how this will translate into| |mechanics |

|(5) | |or other writing devices. | |life skills in regard to | | |

| | |Effectively addresses audience | |personal character, growth, | | |

| | |and uses appropriate tone | |reflection, and possibility | | |

| |Organized, logical, and clearly |Occasionally uses sensory |Interesting storyline |Shows high level of insight in |Variety of sentences; effective |Demonstrates proficiency in |

|Approaching |articulated; transitions often |details, dialogue, anecdotes, | |terms of personal experience and|word choice |grammar and mechanics |

|Advanced |connect ideas smoothly |interior monologue, or other | |how this will translate into | | |

| | |writing devices. | |life skills in regard to | | |

|(4) | |Demonstrates a general sense of | |personal character, growth, | | |

| | |audience and uses appropriate | |reflection, and possibility | | |

| | |tone | | | | |

| |Mainly organized, logical, and |Uses some sensory details, |Storyline ranges from |Shows adequate level of insight |Some variety of sentences; |Usually demonstrates proficiency|

|Proficient |clearly articulate; transitions |dialogue, anecdotes, interior |interesting to common throughout|in terms of personal experience |appropriate word choice |in grammar and mechanics |

| |used to connect ideas |monologue, or other writing |the piece |and how this will translate into| | |

|(3) | |devices. | |life skills in regard to | | |

| | |Demonstrates a general sense of | |personal character, growth, | | |

| | |audience and uses appropriate | |reflection, and possibility | | |

| | |tone | | | | |

| |Lacks organization, logic, and |Limited use of sensory details |Idea is cliché without anything |Shows minimal level of insight |Mostly simple sentences; simple |Inconsistently demonstrates |

|Basic |clarity; transitions seldom used|Demonstrates little sense of |added to set it apart from the | |word choice |proficiency in grammar and |

| |to connect ideas |audience and tone |typical storyline or idea | | |mechanics |

|(2) | | | | | | |

| |Not organized or clear; |Does not use sensory details |Idea is a copy of another work |Shows lack of insight throughout|Only simple sentences; |Grammar and mechanics are |

|Below Basic |transitions are not used to |Inappropriate sense of audience |or is not a creative writing |paper; inability to |inappropriate word choice |deficient |

| |connect ideas |and tone |piece/personal essay |perceive/interpret | | |

|(1) | | | | | | |


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