College of Education and Human Sciences

COVER PAGE Nebraska Department of Education Rule 24 ReportSchool Psychologist(Content Area)Educator Preparation Content Program ReviewName of institutionUniversity of Nebraska-LincolnDate Submitted3.1.17Contact PersonThomas WandzilakPhone/Fax402-472-8626Emailtwandzilak1@unl.eduFolio type:RegularMiniXAdvanced ProgramProgram(s) Covered by this Folio Press tab in last column to add rowsEndorsement(s)TypeGrade LevelProgram Level List EndorsementsFieldPK-12SpecialistPh.D.Is the endorsement offered at more than one site?YesXNoIf yes, list additional sites where endorsement is offered: Institution Accreditation Status:XNationalXStateIs this a Nationally Accredited Program?XYesNoIf Yes, list Accrediting Organization:CAEPAttach National Letter to Cover SheetSEE LINKS FOR SPA APPROVAL . . . GO TO BOX, TEACHER CERTIFICATION, DOCUMENTS FOLDER, SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGIST – SEE TWO LETTERSCREATE LINKS TO LETTERSNASP Program Approval Board 1NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGISTS4340 EAST WEST HIGHWAY #402BETHESDA, MD 20814301-657-0270/FAX: 301-657-0275NASP PROGRAM APPROVAL BOARDNEW MEXICO STATE UNIVERSITYCOUNSELING & EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGYPO BOX 30001, MSC 3CEPLAS CRUCES, NM 88003575-646-9601/FAX February 2012Dr. Merilee McCurdyUniversity of Nebraska-LincolnDepartment of Educational Psychology234 Teachers College HallLincoln, NE 68588-0345Dear Dr. McCurdy;Enclosed is the report concerning the review of your specialist program by the NationalAssociation of School Psychologists (NASP). If you are in a unit accredited by the NationalCouncil for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE), official transmission of thefindings will be sent via NCATE to your institution.Reviewers with training in the application of the NASP Standards for Training and FieldPlacement Programs in School Psychology evaluated your submission. The materials werecarefully analyzed for evidence of program compliance with NASP standards. The NASPProgram Approval Board then considered the reviewers' evaluations and comments.It was the decision of the Program Approval Board to grant NASP Approval-Full(National Recognition) of your program for the period of January 1, 2012 throughDecember 31, 2016. Congratulations!An official list of NASP-Approved Programs is published on the NASP website. Yourprogram will be included in that list. Candidates who graduate from your program while itholds NASP-approved status are automatically eligible for the National Certificate in SchoolPsychology (NCSP), pending the attainment of a passing score on the Praxis IIExamination in School Psychology and documentation of an internship consistent withNASP standards.NASP Program Approval Board 2Your next submission for NASP approval will be due by the deadline for the fallreview cycle of the year in which your approval expires, although you areencouraged to consider submission for the spring review cycle of that year. A fullsubmission will be required for your next program review using the NASP 2010Standards for Graduate Preparation of School Psychologists and according to theinstructions and deadlines located on the NASP website at next submission for NASP approval will continue to require that you use the NASPonline process. We encourage you to visit our website often to review any updates aboutthe online submission requirements, as well as procedures for program assessment ofcandidates and other program activities that will be needed for an online submission.Additionally we encourage you to visit the NCATE website, which has a library with sampleassessments for all of the NASP required assessments() and select NASP in the drop-down menu nextto SPA. We hope you find this new resource helpful.The NASP Standards for the Graduate Preparation of School Psychologists were adoptedat the 2010 convention and are scheduled for approval by the NCATE SASB. Your nextNASP program review may require that you provide evidence that your program meetsthe 2010 NASP standards. In the next year, we encourage you to check our website oftenfor information concerning the 2010 NASP standards, so that you may begin any neededprogram modifications to meet the 2010 standards.On behalf of the Program Approval Board, and the National Association of SchoolPsychologists, I wish to congratulate you and your colleagues on your efforts to develop astrong program. We hope the information we have provided will be of assistance in yourcontinuing efforts to advance your program. If I can be of any further assistance, pleasedo not hesitate to contact me.Sincerely,Enedina García Vázquez, PhDChair, NASP Program Approval Boardcc: NASP Program Approval BoardNASP Director for Professional Standards August 23, 2016 Edward J. Daly III, BCBA-D, Co-Director, School Psychology Program Professor of Educational (School) Psychology University of Nebraska-Lincoln Educational Psychology 33 Teachers College Lincoln, NE 68588-0345 SUBJECT: State of Nebraska School Psychology Program Approval Thank you for your submission of the letters confirming the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) continuing approval of your doctoral program (through 2021) and the specialist program (through 12/2016). As per your request, this letter will serve as documentation that, as a result of holding NASP recognition, you are also considered as having full Nebraska program approval. This approval is documented in our annual program approval document (link below) which received full Nebraska State Board of Education approval at their August, 2016 meeting. () If you have additional questions regarding this approval, please feel free to contact me (sharon.katt@) or Pat Madsen (pat.madsen@) Sincerely Sharon Katt, Senior Administrator Adult Program Services Nebraska Department of Education ................

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