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Contact: Jill Fritzo

PH: 212 373 - 6120

EMAIL: Jill.Fritzo@


For immediate release


An Exclusive Team of Experts Offers Insights to Metaphysics

New York, NY - March 16, 2009 – Internationally renowned psychic medium John Edward has announced the launch of his new website: John Edward’s InfiniteQuest. Due to launch June 12, 2009, John Edward’s InfiniteQuest website is designed as a ‘one-stop’ portal of Internet resources for the soul.

Featuring exclusive articles, streaming media, and daily offerings from the biggest names in metaphysics, John Edward’s InfiniteQuest website offers something for everyone; from the average daily-horoscope reader, to those on a deeper quest for knowledge.

“My goal in creating InfiniteQuest is to provide a destination for all things metaphysical,” said InfiniteQuest Founder John Edward. “A network that will grow organically and universally for all those who choose to evolve....”

John Edward, along with InfiniteQuest co-founder Astrologer and Author Alan Oken, has gathered a handful of colleagues well-versed in Astrology & Numerology, Psychic Development & Intuition, Afterlife & Mediumship, Tarot, Meditation, Health, Reincarnation and Philosophy. Their daily divinations, instructions and inspiration are culled from a broad array of knowledge and experience and are offered on multiple tiers of participation and interaction:

• Visitors to John Edward’s InfiniteQuest have access to personal Horoscopes and Numerology, including a Free Mini Natal Chart and Universal Daily Number.

• InfiniteQuest Members have access to exclusive videos of interviews, lectures, and psychic readings. Webinars and classes will be offered to higher-tiered members.

John Edward’s InfiniteQuest website is designed to become a customizable homepage, with options for news and weather, as well as comprehensive listings of Infinite Quest events custom-tailored to your spiritual and geographical needs.

More About John Edward

John Edward is an Internationally acclaimed psychic medium, lecturer and author of the critically acclaimed New York Times best sellers One Last Time; What if God Were the Sun; Crossing Over: The Stories Behind the Stories, After Life: Answers from the Other Side; Final Beginnings and his most recent, Practical Praying: Using the Rosary to Enhance Your Life.

With his breakthrough television series Crossing Over, John captivated audiences with his down-to-earth approach to metaphysics -- and earned him a vast and loyal following worldwide.

John's broad appeal has led to international tours of Australia, New Zealand, England, Ireland, Wales, Canada and Scotland. In the media he has made frequent and popular appearances on everything from CNN's Larry King Live to Oprah and Will and Grace. John Edward has been featured in articles in The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, The Washington Post, Newsday, People, Entertainment Weekly and the Associated Press.



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