'Against All Odds - Sermon Outlines. Org

"Against All Odds!"

Acts 5:17-42

INTRO. One of our Country's great patriarchs, Nathan Hale, is famous for saying, “I only regret, that I have but one life to lose for my country.” He was a staunch supporter of liberty at all costs. In fact, his position, finally cost him his life when he was captured by enemy forces during the Revolutionary War.

We, who are saved by God's Grace, should be as fervent in our support of the liberty we have in Christ Jesus. Paul, in his letter to the Churches of Galatia, said, "Stand fast in the Liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage." (Galatians 5:1).

We, before our conversion to Christ, where all under bondage to this world and to the whims and will of Satan. But when we believed, Christ made us free! We no longer serve the flesh, but we strive to serve Christ Jesus!

When we got saved we had a message to proclaim. We wanted the whole world to know about Jesus and what HE had done for us, and what He could do for them, if they would only trust Him!

We see the same thing taking place in the lives of the Apostles. In our text, we see, Peter and the other apostles in Jerusalem, in trouble again for their faith in Christ. But even though the persecution they were facing they were going to proclaim Christ! What about us? Will we carry the Gospel till He comes?

Let's look at Peter and the other Apostles answer to the "religious" people of the day.


(1) They determined to Obey God, No Matter the Consequences

Text: Acts 5:27-33

A. The Command (vv. 27-28).

B. The Confession (vv. 28-33).

Acts 4:19-20

Mark 9:6-9

(2) They suffered For The Cause of Christ Joyfully

Text: Acts 5:40, 41

A. The Persecution from the World (v40).

B. The Praise of the Worthy (v41).

Matthew 5:10-12

(3) They witnessed Daily for Christ, Despite Opposition of Men

Text: Acts 5:42

A. The Daily Witness (v42b)—“And daily…They ceased not to teach

and preach Jesus Christ.”

B. The Dynamic Witness (v42a)—“And daily in the temple, and in

every house…”

Romans 1:16

CLOSING: We, as God's Holy People, should ever proclaim what God has done for us! The example of the Apostles should be an extra incentive for us to witness for Him.

Proverbs 11:30 says, "The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and he that winneth souls is wise." No matter what the odds, we should let the lost know what He has done for us!

But if we lose our vision, people will perish! God help us to lead

the lost to Him!


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