
People of North Carolina,

Rodney-Dale; Class, CASE # 12 REV 05184

Private Attorney General

P.O. Box 435 Date Filed 6/14/2012

High Shoals, North Carolina 28077

(704) 742 3123

Petitioner(s) / Plaintiff(s)

Vs Administrative Law Judge

Beecher R. Gray






128 West Main Avenue

P.O. Box 1578

Gastonia, N.C. 28053



“The people of the State do not yield their sovereignty to the agencies which serve them. The people, in delegating authority, do not give their public servants the right to decide what is good for the people to know and what is not good for them to know. The people insist on remaining informed so that they may retain control over the instruments they have created.” (CALIFORNIA GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 11120 et seq.)

“the government is but an agency to the state,” -- “the state being the sovereign people.” State ex rel. University of Minnesota v. Chase, 175 Minn. 259, 220 N.W. 951 (1928)


1. Plaintiffs: The People of North Carolina and Rodney-Dale; Class as a Private Attorney General by Congressional Mandate. 2. Defendants: LINDA MILLSAPS doing business as a professional tax collector for the NC Department Of Revenue; LUKE SISK doing business as a professional tax collector for the TAX COLLECTOR, GASTON COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR.


I, Rodney-Dale; Class, come now as a Private Attorney General (hereinafter PAG) on behalf of the People of North Carolina, the State, as well as for myself as I am also an injured party in this instant matter.

The violation(s) to be discussed are the following: State and County taxes falling under the issues below.

I. Color of law violation(s).

II. Congressional policies under the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, specifically, section 16 of this Act, and Public Law 1, 48 stat, C1.

III. Public Law 40, stat 411, and Public Law 10, ch 48, 48 stat, 112

IV. The Attorney General's Manual on the Administrative Procedure Act (1947), Administrative Procedure Act of 1946, 60 stat, 237 and the North Carolina Attorney General's Manual based on that 1947 Act and more particularly on Rule 4.

V. NC Governor's Highway Safety Program (GHSP) to comply with U.S.C. 23, section 402 and 23 CFR, PART 1250—POLITICAL SUBDIVISION PARTICIPATION IN STATE HIGHWAY SAFETY PROGRAMS. This part establishes guidelines for the States to assure their meeting the requirements for 40 percent political subdivision participation in State highway safety programs under 23 U.S.C. 402(b)(1)(C).

VI. The People and this PAG are the real injured parties as all vehicles and properties are, by decree of administrative policy, registered to THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. This now, also, comes down to a labor/management issue as the People have not been paid as “state employees” for their misapplied requirements by the state for the People to be required to have Driver's Licenses, to have Vehicle Tags registered, and to register their land and property, etc.

Tax Issue(s)

There are a number of issues on tax collection that need to be addressed dealing with the collection of taxes: What taxes are being collected ?

The main issue is: why have the Defendants NOT paid these taxes ? The Defendants are doing business as professionals in the law and in doing business as tax collectors and should have full knowledge of the State of Emergency of 1933 and the 1863 Lieber Code (putting the States' in a subservient position to the U.S. Government) and should know that ALL property is required by the 1933 State of Emergency to be registered to either the U.S. Government or to each States' Government. This means that the Defendants have the “fiduciary duty” to comply with those Congressional Acts. If this issue needs the People's or this PAG's approval, then this OAH is required to give the People of North Carolina and this PAG written judicial authorization for the People to give such approval to this issue: the Defendant's payment of the taxes, if these Defendants, are doing business in their professional capacity, can not do their job.

The 1913 Federal Reserve Act, section 16, and USC Title 12, section 411 clearly shows that the United States holds ALL “obligations,” and as each State is a shareholder in this “obligation,” the States hold the “obligation” and those, in turn, who hold Public Office are required to pay the “public debt” in the name of the People. The Defendants, as mentioned, being the professionals that they are and having full knowledge of the law(s) and being aware that each State (along with the Federal Government) lay claim to the People's value through the live birth “NAME” under the Birth Certificate and the Cestui Que Trust. These local and State Public Officials hold a sacred duty in a Trustee position until a Court authorizes, by a Court ORDER, and gives the People the ability to approve such compliance and such transactions of these Public Officials on behalf of the People.

As of this date NO Court has been willing to give such authorization to the People to pay the Public Debt “with their value,” but has allowed Public Officials, like the Defendants LUKE SISK & LINDA MILLSAPS, to embezzle such public debt and not pay the TAX on it and then charge the People of North Carolina and this PAG to pay what can not be “paid.”

The further issue is the paying of the public debt which Public Officials and professionals (?) like the Defendants, LUKE SISK & LINDA MILLSAPS, have not done. As the Defendants hold the ability and “obligation” to pay such taxes on the Public Debt and Have Not, this makes this an administrative problem and issue !

I. Color of Law

“Color of law” defined: The appearance of a legal right.

The act of a state officer, regardless of whether or not the act is within the limits of his or her authority, is considered an act under color of law if the officer purports to be conducting himself or herself in the course of official duties.

“Actions by state officers and employees, even if unauthorized or in excess of authority, can be actions under "color of law."" Stringer v. Dilger, 1963, Ca. 10 Colo., 313 F.2d 536 (Civil law).

This PAG points out that all statutory law in North Carolina is color of law as all allegations against the general population of North Carolina are made by departments and/or agencies doing business as and operating as professional tax collectors for NORTH CAROLINA. Those who make such allegations hold positions under the Governor's Office doing business as and operating as professionals as Public Officials and are employed by the Executive Branch of government.

Now, if the NC Attorney General's Office's argument, is again, that the North Carolina Department of Revenue and Gaston County Department of Revenue are also private contractors / private entities, as they have done in three prior Administrative Hearings, then these Departments lack standing and are operating under Color of law. Is the NC Attorney General's Office going to finally claim, and come clean, and admit that somebody actually works for North Carolina the State, as these public officials are doing business as and are operating as professionals under Color of law due to the 1933 bankruptcy P.L 1, 48 stat, C1, and the Administrative Procedure Act of 1946, 60 stat 237 ?

All allegations made by any “private” officials as private contractors / private entities and/or as public officials under the Executive Branch are merely “administrative” allegations as there are no real injured parties to their allegations. All allegations deal with “internal” public policy violation(s) and are not actual crimes that apply to the People.

II. Congressional policies under the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 especially section 16 of this Act; Public Law 1, 48 stat, C1; and Public Law 40, stat 411

This issue clearly falls under the 1913 Federal Reserve Act, section 16, and the 1933 Bankruptcy of the United States as found in Public Law 1, 48 stat C1. You can not tax the People when this Public Law (1, 48 stat, C1) has made the States' Government Administration / Departments / Agencies as positions to hold Trustee fiduciary duties over all property as stated in the statements below.

a) Congress has declared that Federal Reserve Notes are not money but a mere promise to pay and that the People's signatures are collateral and any such notes, bills, sureties or instruments, can be taken to the Federal Reserve Bank or to the United State Treasury and exchanged for “lawful money” to settle the debt issue. See 1913 Federal Reserve Act, section 16.

b) The Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH) as well as both North Carolina's Dept. of Rev. and the Tax Rev. Dept. of Gaston County employees, being the skilled professionals and most ALL having a law degree, should know that the above statement is a fact in law.

c) Neither the OAH nor, as well as, both the North Carolina Dept. of Rev. and the Tax Rev. Dept. of Gaston County employees can deny that the Federal Reserve Note still exists today under the 1913 Federal Reserve Act, section 16, and the 1933 Bankruptcy of the United States as found in Public Law 1, 48 stat, C1.

d) The mere fact that the Federal Reserve Note is alive, and well, and in use, and all property is registered in the name the STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA or in the name of the other STATES is the proof that the 1933 bankruptcy still exists as of today.

e) This OAH, as well as both the North Carolina Dept. of Rev. and the Tax Rev. Dept. of Gaston County employees, should know that the responsibility for the taxes clearly falls back on you, in your fiduciary duty as Trustees of North Carolina State, on behalf of the People of the State as well as for this PAG.

f) Both the North Carolina Dept. of Rev. and the Tax Rev. Dept. of Gaston County employees have breached their trusted fiduciary duties of/to the North Carolina State as well as to the People of North Carolina.

III. Public Law 40, stat 411, and Public Law 10, ch 48, 48 stat, 112

All allegations made by any as private contractors, private entities and/or public officials under the Executive Branch, are merely administrative allegations as there are no real injured parties to their allegations. All allegations deal only with internal public policy violations and not actual crimes that the People could/would commit.

1. The issue is the collection of taxes on a new or renewed license plate that is “registered” to the STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA / North Carolina State by and through the Tag Agency of each county in North Carolina State.

a) This OAH has Ruled, in Case # 10 DOT 7047 on 1/17/11 and Case # 11 CVS 1559 on 9/15/11, that this PAG brought before this OAH has ruled that the Gaston County Tag Agency was a private contractor and not part of the administration of this North Carolina State.

b) The North Carolina Dept. of Rev. and the Tax Rev. Dept. of Gaston County are collecting taxes for a “private contracting business” that has no State standing as an agency under North Carolina State according to Case # 10 DOT 7047 on 1/17/11 and Case # 11 CVS 1559 on 9/15/11.

c) This PAG also points out that all vehicles are registered by and through both the NC Department of Transportation and the local Tag Agency as required by NC State legislation under "Title 20 § 20-1. Division of Motor Vehicles established. The Division of Motor Vehicles of the Department of Transportation is established. This Chapter sets out the powers and duties of the Division.", BUT as these Departments/Agencies were declared to be "Private Contractors” by this Court (OAH), then ALL vehicles that are registered to these private entities / private contractors means that these private entities / private contractors would now become liable and responsible for the taxes on ALL vehicles registered with/to them and NOT to the (presumed owner) driver.

d) The North Carolina Dept. of Rev. and the Tax Rev. Dept. of Gaston County are, therefore, taxing the wrong parties as it clearly shows that ALL vehicles are registered, by a registration and a license plate by and through these private entities / private contractors.

e) This PAG also points out that both Department of Transportation and the Tag Agency took and received the Manufacturer's Statements of Origin / Manufacturer's Certificates of Origin of all vehicles, trailers, etc. in this North Carolina State and put these items into STATE/State “ownership” status.

f) This PAG also points out that it is the Law in this State that all Manufacturer's Statements of Origin / Manufacturer's Certificates of Origin for all vehicles, trailers, etc. be turned over to these private contractors for ownership.

g) If you (OAH) can prove this PAG wrong, please do so.

2. A second issue: both the North Carolina Dept, of Rev. and the Tax Rev. Dept. of Gaston County are collecting taxes on property (land and real estate) that, again, is registered to NORTH CAROLINA / North Carolina at the local County Deed Offices.

a) When the people of North Carolina State and this PAG bought their homes the bank, through the lawyers, required registration of this property to the State and left the People as mere tenants / renters.

b) The proof is in the Warranty Deed as the People are listed as tenants to the property and NOT the owner. "Article 4. Registration and Effect. § 43-13. Manner of registration."

c) Therefore, both the North Carolina Dept. of Rev. and the Tax Rev. Dept. of Gaston County are collecting taxes from the wrong parties as the STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA holds the title to all properties and not either North Carolina State nor the People. "Article 4. Registration and Effect. § 43-13. Manner of registration."

IV. Administrative Procedure Act of 1946, 60 stat, 237, and the North Carolina Attorney's Manual Administrative Procedures of 1947, Rule 4

1. This PAG also points out in your own administrative procedures, that all public officials that operate or hold fiduciary public duties as Trustees under any or all three branches of government (executive, judicial, or legislative) in this Nation are required by their oaths, and their professional liability to State offices are also required to come in compliance with the laws of the land, whether it be international law, federal law, state codes, color of law or administrative policy.

2. The NC Attorney General's Office, the North Carolina Department of Revenue and Gaston County Department of Revenue, doing business as and being skilled professionals in the matter of law, cannot claim lack of knowledge of administrative procedures and of not understanding the 1933 bankruptcy, the effects of the 1913 Federal Reserve Act, section 16, and Public Law 1, 48 stat, C1and the Federal Reserve Note being in effect today.

3. The Attorney General's Office the North Carolina Department of Revenue and the Gaston County Department of Revenue, doing business as and being a skilled professionals in the matter of law have full knowledge that the STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA under both of these congressional public laws hold ownership of all property as Trustees to the bankruptcy and are required to take full responsibility to turn in all notes, bills, sureties or instruments, into the Treasury Department of the United States, in the city of Washington, District of Columbia, or at any Federal Reserve bank. "The said notes shall be obligations of the United States and shall be receivable by all national and member banks and Federal reserve banks and for all taxes, customs, and other public dues. They shall be redeemed in lawful money on demand at the Treasury Department of the United States, in the city of Washington, District of Columbia, or at any Federal Reserve bank."

4. This PAG also points out that the North Carolina Department of Revenue and Gaston County Department of Revenue administration have failed in their administrative duties to clear up these issues of taxes by not taxing the proper parties. (STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA)

5. This PAG also points out that under the North Carolina Attorney's Manual Administrative Procedures of 1947, Rule 4, that these errors can be addressed and remedied so that all of the counties can be placed back in the black in their county financial statements.

6. This PAG also points out that the bankruptcy of 1933 is the job of those under any department or agency of the executive branch of government to function as the bookkeepers of all economic statements for the North Carolina State.

V. The Governor's Highway Safety Program U.S.C. 23, section 402 and

23 CFR, PART 1250—POLITICAL SUBDIVISION PARTICIPATION IN STATE HIGHWAY SAFETY PROGRAMS (This part establishes guidelines for the States to assure their meeting of the requirements for 40 percent political subdivisions participation in State highway safety programs under 23 U.S.C. 402 (b)(1)(C).

NCDOT: Governor's Highway Safety Program (GHSP) programs/ghsp/.)

1.This PAG also points out this is a federal program under which all vehicles are registered in North Carolina State as well as all other 49 States and the District of Columbia.

2. The North Carolina Department of Revenue and Gaston County Department of Revenue are charging taxes on all vehicles that carry a license plate that comes under this federal program.

3. The counties in North Carolina and ALL political subdivision are entitled to 40% of this federal funding to aid their economies.

4. The North Carolina Department of Revenue and Gaston County Department of Revenue have been charging taxes on the population of North Carolina under this pretext as all vehicles come under The Division of Motor Vehicles of the Department of Transportation.

5. However, this OAH has created a conflict in law and a conflict in administrative procedures by and through the STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Attorney General's Office in the following rulings: 1/17/2011 Case # 10 DOT 7047 and 9 /15/2011 Case # 11 CVS 1559.

6. This PAG also points out that it is the People of North Carolina's Subdivisions that are being harmed by this action and as this a federal program under the Governor's offices, and that taxes are based on license and registration this now has become a National concern as well as a State concern as the People are not receiving that 40% as required by National/Federal administrative policies. 7. The Administrative Procedure Act of 1946, 60 stat 237, and the North Carolina Attorney's Manual Administrative Procedures of 1947, Rule 4 can now address this error by those who have breached their fiduciary duties even though they should be skilled professionals in this State as they have supposedly met the State requirement to hold such positions.

VI. The People and this PAG are the real injured parties as all vehicles and properties are decreed by administrative policy to be registered by and to NORTH CAROLINA.

This now come down to a labor/management issue as this PAG has already pointed out that the People have not been paid under the provisions of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, specifically section 16 of this Act; Public Law 1, 48 stat, C1; Public Law 40, stat 411; and Public Law 10, ch 48, 48 stat, 112.

"The officers of the law, in the execution of process, are required to know the requirements of the law, and if they mistake them, whether through ignorance or design, and anyone is harmed by their error, they must respond in damages." Rogers v. The Marshall, 68 U.S. (1 Wall.) 644

This PAG now gets to the point of this issue. This OAH Court, the Attorney General's Offices and those who hold positions under the North Carolina Department of Revenue and the Gaston County Department of Revenue administration, and other similar public entities, that they and you are aware and have a full knowledge as they are educated in the laws and can not claim lack of knowledge of the 1913 Federal Reserve Act, or Public Law 1, 48 stat, C1, and because of this, you are all aware (or should be), being lawyers, attorneys, or judges, that there is No means of paying taxes when the People have Not been paid.

This now brings us to the next issue as ALL properties are registered to the STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA as the owner or as a third party, the STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA has failed to compensate the People North Carolina or this PAG for the use of all property listed to the STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA under the State of Emergency clause (P.L. 1, 48 stat, C1, and the 1913 Federal Reserve Act, specifically section 16.

Case Law Showing That The STATE/State Is Considered A Third Party

Appellate Court of Illinois, NO. 5-97-0108:

“Marriage is a civil contract to which there are three parties-the husband, the wife and the state.“

Van Koten v. Van Koten. 154 N.E. 146.


“…When two people decide to get married, they are required to first procure a license from the State. If they have children of this marriage, they are required by the State to submit their children to certain things, such as school attendance and vaccinations. Furthermore, if at some time in the future the couple decides the marriage is not working, they must petition the State for a divorce. Marriage is a three-party contract between the man, the woman, and the State“

Linneman v. Linneman, 1 Ill. App. 2d 48, 50, 116 N.E.2d 182, 183 (1953), citing Van Koten v. Van Koten, 323 Ill. 323, 326, 154 N.E. 146 (1926).

“The State represents the public interest in the institution of marriage.”

Linneman, 1 Ill. App. 2d at 50, 116 N.E.2d at 183 (1953).


“This public interest is what allows the State to intervene in certain situations to protect the interests of members of The State is like a silent partner in the family who is not active the family. in the everyday running of the family but becomes active and exercises its power and authority only when necessary to protect some important interest of family life.”

“The state has a wide range of power for limiting parental freedom and authority in things affecting the child’s welfare… In fact, the entire familial relationship involves the State.”

Ex parte Wright, 225 Ala. 220, 222, 142 So. 672, 674 (1932). See also Fletcher v. Preston, 226 Ala. 665, 148 So. 137 (1933); and Striplin v. Ware, 36 Ala. 87 (1860).

“In other words, the state is the father and mother of the child and the natural parents are not entitled to custody, except upon the state’s beneficent recognition that natural parents presumably will be the best of its citizens to delegate its custodial powers… ‘The law devolves the custody of infant children upon their parents, not so much upon the ground of natural right in the latter, as because the interests of the children, and the good of the public, will, as a general rule, be thereby promoted.’ “

The STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA dictates, under administrative policy, of ownership over all the People's property and as the STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, being considered a Trustee, has failed to pay THE TAXES the People of North Carolina or this PAG for the tax benefits. The People represent the credit line, the collateral is the "People" signatures, this PAG now points out that the People of this North Carolina State are the actual credit line under the bankruptcy of 1933. This State is required to compensate the People for the use of all properties and that includes the use of our children. The State is required to compensate both natural parents as the State claims a partnership under the State of Emergency clause.

Now we come to an example of case law that states you can not tax vehicles or private property; the STATE / State can not collect taxes on “private” property.

“A vehicle not used for commercial activity is a “consumer goods”, is NOT a type of vehicle required to be registered and “use tax” paid of which the tab is evidence of receipt of the tax.” Bank of Boston vs Jones, 4 UCC Rep. Serv. 1021, 236 A2d 484. And,

“It is held that a tax upon common carriers by motor vehicles is based upon a reasonable classification, and does not involve any unconstitutional discrimination, although it does not apply to private vehicles, or those used by the owner in his own business, and not for hire.”Desser v. Wichita, (1915) 96 Kan. 820; Iowa Motor Vehicle Asso. v. Railroad Comrs., 75 A.L.R. 22.

"As general rule men have natural right to do anything which their inclinations may suggest, if it be not evil in itself, and in no way impairs the rights of others." In Re Newman (1858), 9 C. 502.

"... That subjecting petitioners' property to the use of the public as common carriers constitutes a taking of the same, admits of no controversy. 'Whenever a law deprives the owner of the beneficial use and free enjoyment of his property, or imposes restraints upon such use and enjoyment that materially affect its value, without legal process or compensation, it deprives him of his property within the meaning of the constitution. ... It is not necessary, in order to render the statute obnoxious to the restraints of the constitution, that it must in terms or effect authorize the actual physical taking of the property or the thing itself, so long as it affects its free use and enjoyment, or the power of disposition at the will of the owner.'” Forster v. Scott, 136 N. Y. 577, [18 L. R. A. 543, 32 N. E. 976]; Monongahela Nav. Co. v. United States, 148 U. S. 312, 336, [37 L. Ed. 463, 13 Sup. Ct. Rep. 622].

'... Mr. Lewis in his work on Eminent Domain, third edition, section 11, says: 'A law which authorizes the taking of private property without compensation, ... cannot be considered as due process of law in a free government.' Chicago etc, R. R. Co. v. Chicago, 166 U. S. 226, [41 L. Ed. 979, 17 Sup. Ct. Rep. 581]."; Associated etc. Co. v. Railroad Commission (1917) 176 Cal. 518, 528-530.

"The rights of the individual are not derived from governmental agencies, either municipal, state, or federal, or even from the Constitution. They exist inherently in every man, by endowment of the Creator, and are merely reaffirmed in the Constitution, and restricted only to the extent that they have been voluntarily surrendered by the citizenship to the agencies of government. The people's rights are not derived from the government, but the government's authority comes from the people. The Constitution but states again these rights already existing, and when legislative encroachment by the nation, state, or municipality invade these original and permanent rights, it is the duty of the courts to so declare, and to afford the necessary relief. City of Dallas, et al. v. Mitchell, 245 S. W. 944, 945-46 (1922).


Now, if the STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA or the North Carolina State was to have followed the administrative procedures within the spirit of the written law as was mandated under the 1913 Federal Reserve Act, the result of which the Federal Reserve Notes are the currency of the realm, by default, then this PAG would not be here. So, as your State administration has willfully and with intent caused injury and harm upon the People of North Carolina State with willful intent to defraud and has caused damages and injuries without remorse of such grave intent to commit fraud, and as a U.S. Congressional authorized Private Attorney General I now have brought this to the attention of this OAH and administration, and Demand to have it come into compliance under real intent of the law, to wit:

1. Both Tax Departments WILL file all proper forms to discharge the public debt and bring North Carolina and its budget back into the black.

2. The OAH Court WILL enforce the Governor's Highway Safety Program 40% program to fund all subdivisions of this State if the tax department(s) are going to collect taxes on all vehicles and property.

3.The STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA WILL compensate its State residents for the ownership of all property that is registered to the STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA.

4. This OAH Court WILL enforce the Bankruptcy of 1933, and the 1913 Federal Reserve Act as Federal Reserve Notes are being used in the STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA and in North Carolina State.

5. The STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA WILL take full liability for all taxes, car payments, insurance payments, and maintenances which includes fuel on all vehicles registered to it. The People of North Carolina WILL be compensated for their time as care takers of such property. As this property is under the People's care 24 / 7 / 365 days a year and the STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA can either DISCHARGE this public debt in compliance of the 1933 bankruptcy and the 1913 Federal Reserve Act as Federal Reserve Note are being used OR the People WILL be entitled to back wages of $23.50 an hour (24 hours in a day 7 days a week 365 days a year) from the date of each alleged contract with the STATE/State and full hospitalization all under this State's obligation under the 1913 Federal Reserve Act, section 16 and the State of Emergency Clause of P.L.1 48 stat C 1.

6. Now, any other offers or option you wish to address these problems can be done in private for a private settlement.

If the Attorney General's Office fails to address the issues of this alleged of so called private contractor or private entity status when in reality they are “public” officials under this State, I will be forced to take this to judicial review again and then straight in to Washington, DC for violation, under federal funding Fraud under the Highway Safety Act.

I also hold position under the 14th amendment as a bounty hunter to collect public debt for insurrection or rebellion and the over throw of a constitutional form of government . See Title 10 section 333 this OHA court has to come incompliance with UCMJ and Lieber code.

Private Attorney General Seal Rodney-Dale; Class Private Attorney General

C/o P.O. Box 435

High Shoals, North Carolina


Bounty Hunter Seal


NOW COMES Rodney–Dale; Class, as one of the people of North Carolina and on behalf of the People of North Carolina, with this PRE-HEARING STATEMENT(S) to be filed into the Clerk of Courts and to be addressed before the STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS under the Administrative Procedure Act (1946) on this __________ day of _____________ in the year of our Lord, 2012 AD.

Rodney-Dale; Class

Private Attorney General

C/o P.O. Box 435

High Shoals, North Carolina







128 West Main Avenue

P.O. Box 1578

Gastonia, N.C. 28053

LINDA MILLSAPS, CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER N.C. Department of Revenue PO Box 871 Raleigh, NC 27602





128 West Main Avenue

P.O. Box 1578

Gastonia, N.C. 28053

LINDA MILLSAPS, CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER N.C. Department of Revenue PO Box 871 Raleigh, NC 27602









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