Who Are We Becoming?

Social 20-1Perspectives On NationalismTo what extent should we embrace nationalism?-18807418424000 2794093306100RELATED ISSUE 1:Relationships among Nationalism, Nation and IdentityTo what extent should nation be the foundation of identity?NAME: __________________________________________________________SOCIAL 20-1 Introduction:What Defines a People? What is Nationalism as described in the video? What Defines a People? Give descriptions and provide examples?Why do some nations fight? Give examples.Why do some nations cooperate? Give examples?Is the promotion of one’s nation a good idea? Yes or No: explain. Give a reason. (Beware of Language)What is socially unacceptable today about the video?From your understanding of what nationalism is at this point, what conflicts can be recognized from the video clip? What are the conflicts between people identified by the video?What issues create conflict among people?Canada__________________:___________________:Activity:You and your group are to choose who you are as a national group. Create 8 we are-because statements that would describe your national identity. Your national identity can be any group by which you and your group members can associate. (Brainstorm with class)Identify who you are? _________________________________________I am……Because…….SOCIAL STUDIES 20-1CHAPTER 1 – UNDERSTANDINGS OF NATION & NATIONALISMTotal /27Molson Canadian created an ad campaign called “I Am Canadian”, meant to spark patriotism and nationalistic feelings. It was very effective as it addressed many stereotypes of Canadians. Stereotypes are often viewed as a negative _________________ of a certain group of peoples. (1)In your own words, describe the difference between “points of view” and “perspectives”. (2)What is a Nation? Explain the relationship between the terms “nation” and “country”. Provide an example of a nation that is NOT defined as a country. (3)What is a Nation-State? Explain the relationship between the terms “nation-state” and “country”. Provide an example of a nation-state. (3)Describe how the terms “nation” and “nation-state” are related. Explain where Canada fits in, in regards to these two terms. (3)Over the course of history, many conflicts have arisen as a result of people’s different understandings of the term “nation”. Fiji is one such example. Describe the major issues surrounding the idea of “nation” in Fiji. (2)Often in Social Studies, we analyze different case studies to assist us in understanding different terms and concepts. Within these case studies, we often encounter different personal stories to help illustrate different points. As effective as these personal stories may be, we, as critical thinkers are required to keep one central concept in mind; bias. We need to realize that many of these stories/sources may contain bias, and also when we are called to respond to critical issues, that we must eliminate our own bias. Explain what the term, “bias” means. (1)What does the term, “nationalism” mean? Provide an example that demonstrates the POSITIVE effects of nationalism. Provide an example that demonstrates the NEGATIVE effects of nationalism. (3)Provide 7 key elements that can “inspire senses of nationalism among members of a nation.” (7)______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Describe the relationship between the terms “patriotism” and “nationalism”. (2)SOCIAL STUDIES 20-1CHAPTER 2 – HOW IS NATIONALISM EXPRESSED?Different people and nations can choose to express their nationalism in a wide variety of ways. Provide 6 examples of ways that people or nations choose to express their nationalism. (6 marks)__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Individuals and groups are able to express their nationalism both consciously and subconsciously. What is the motivation behind individuals and groups desiring to express their nationalism? (2 marks)Individuals of Ukrainian decent span across the globe. This is very evident in Canada, and more specifically, Alberta. Provide 4 specific examples that demonstrate Ukrainian nationalism and a strong attachment to the ‘homeland’.(4 marks)________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Although there is no official Métis nation-state anywhere in the world, the Métis are a nation with a strong and proud history in Canada. In the song, Proud to be Métis reads the chorus:“We are proud to be Métis,Watch a nation rise again;Nevermore forgotten people,We’re the true Canadian.”Using these lyrics, describe how nationalism is a key factor in the Métis people “rising again”. (2 marks)A major factor that has shaped understanding of Métis identity is shared historical experiences. Explain why these shared historical experiences have played such a key role in helping a diverse nation such as the Métis foster a sense of nationalism. Also, provide a specific historical event/figure that has helped shape the collective identity of the Métis as a distinct nation. (3 marks)Provide 4 specific examples of ways in which Métis people today demonstrate nationalism. (4 marks)a) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Although many Acadians were forcibly removed from their homes and deported to many different places in the world today during “Le Grand Derangement,” this event is regarded as an important aspect of Acadian nationalism. Explain why this is the case. (2 marks)Provide 4 examples of ways that nationalism is demonstrated by Acadian people today. (4 marks)________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Explain why it is more difficult for Canadian nationalism to be demonstrated that that displayed by the Ukrainians, Métis, and Acadians. (2 marks)Explain how acts of citizenship such as voting, paying taxes, obeying laws, serving in the armed forces, respecting the rights of others and defending one’s own rights may be seen as expressions of Canadian nationalism. (3 marks)SOCIAL STUDIES 20-1CHAPTER 3: CAUSES OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTIONAnswer each of the following questions based on the Causes of the French Revolution Reading Booklet.Fully explain the concept of Absolute Monarchy. (1)How did absolutism tend to limit attempts at reform? Explain. (2)Fully explain how foreign wars contributed to the insurmountable French debt. Who was France at war with? (3)Fully explain the role of the intendant in the French administrative system. (2)What were the parlements? (2)How did the parlements contribute to the absolute power of the monarchy? (2)How did the parlements contribute to the system of privilege which existed in France? (2)Name and describe the three states that existed in the Old Regime in France. (3)1st:2nd:3rd:Fully explain who were the Bourgeoisie. (2) How did the Bourgeoisie acquire their wealth? (1) What sources of income did the Roman Catholic Church possess? Explain. (3) Who was the King of France? ________________________________________ (1)Explain the “free gift” required of the Church by the King? (2) Make a list of privileges enjoyed by the nobility of France and fully assess the impact that these privileges on the peasants. (5)List of PrivilegesImpact of the PeasantsWhat three groups made up the 3rd Estate and fully describe each group? (3)1.2. 3.List the taxes imposed on the peasant. (3) Evaluate the justice of the peasant tax load in relationship to the second estate. (3) How is the tax system different in Canada today? Explain. (3)Fully explain why the practice of purchasing noble status was considered detrimental (most important) to the French economy. (3) What was the Estates General? (2) For what purpose did Louis XVI call the Estates General? (2) What was the ultimate result of the Estates General? (2) What were the cahiers? (1) Name three demands which were voiced in the cahiers? (3)1)2)3)Fully explain the difference between the traditional “vote by bloc” and the desired “vote by head” in the Estates General? (5)Vote by BlocVote by HeadFully explain why was the “vote by head” so important to the third estate? (1) What was the Tennis Court Oath? (1) Fully explain the significance of the Tennis Court Oath? (1) Why did the Paris mob attack the Bastille? (2) Fully explain the significance of this attack? (3) For what reason do you think historians would consider this a critical event in the origin of the French Revolution? Fully explain your ideas. (5)SOCIAL STUDIES 20-1CHAPTER 3: FRENCH REVOLUTION QUESTIONSAnswer each of the following questions based on the timeline reading bookletBriefly outline what happened during the events of July, 1789. (2)Fully explain how absolute power of the king was destroyed by the events of July, 1789. (3)Describe the Great Fear and what created it. (4)Define Great Fear:Conditions which created it?Why was feudalism abolished? (1)What was the Declaration of the Right of Man and why was it significant? (4)Define Declaration of the Rights of Man:Explain the significance:What was the effect of bread shortages during the initial stages of the Revolution? (3)Describe each of the following in the space provided. (3)Women’s march on Versailles5 October 1789Result of women’s meeting with Louis XVISignificance of the royal family’s move to ParisFully explain the economic difficulties, which existed in France during the first few months of the revolution. (2)Describe the terms of the Civil Constitution of the Clergy and the clergy’s reaction. (2)Terms of Civil Constitution of the ClergyReaction by the Clergy Fully describe the new administration structure in France. (1) Describe the reforms made to the judicial system. (2)Fully outline and describe Louis XVI’s reaction to the reforms instituted by France’s new revolutionary government. (5) Fully describe each of the following. (6)Royal Family Attempted EscapeSignificance of escape on the Royal FamilySignificance of the escape on the future political system. Outline the terms of the Constitution of 1791. (2) Outline and describe each of the following. (3)Origins of theJacobin ClubPhilosophy of theJacobin ClubRole the Jacobins played in the evolution of politics in FranceExplain the origins of our modern understandings of each of the following. (4)Political LeftPolitical RightDescribe the difference of opinion voiced by the Girondins and the Jacobins regarding the fate of the king and describe the final result. (5)Opinion of the JacobinsOpinion of the GirondinsThe final result of the debate:Describe the Committee of Public Safety and what purpose it served. (3) Define/Describe?Purpose?What social and cultural changes were implemented by the Jacobins? (2)Social ChangesCultural ChangesFully explain and answer each of the following in the space provided. (8)Terms of the Constitution of 1795Difference of constitution and the Declaration of the Rights of ManReason for the difference to be includedStructure of government the constitution established. What problems did France face during the period of the Directory? (2)SOCIAL STUDIES 20-1CHAPTER 3: ALL ABOUT NAPOLEONAnswer each of the following questions based on the Napoleon bookletIn what ways did Napoleon reform the education system in France? (3 marks)Which aspects of Napoleon’s education system did not change? (2 marks)In what ways were the governments of King Louis XVI and Napoleon different? (3 marks)In what ways were the governments of King Louis XVI and Napoleon similar? (2 marks)How did Napoleon try to restrict individual rights and freedoms? (3 marks)Why do you think Napoleon felt it so important to control the press? (2 marks)How did Napoleon try to control religion in France? (3 marks)What was the appeal of Napoleon to:The peasants? (2 marks)The Nobility? (2 marks)Read all of the quotes mentioning Napoleon in the reading booklet. What do these extracts tell us about Napoleon’s attitude towards:His role as Emperor? (2 marks)Women? (2 marks)The media? (2 marks)The lower classes? (2 marks)What are ways in which Napoleon improved France’s cities and towns? (5 marks)Explain how Napoleon’s reign shaped understandings of France as a nation. (5 marks)SOCIAL STUDIES 20-1CHAPTER 4 – NATIONALISM AND COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESSPersonal Reflection: How would each of the three following people’s sense of nationalism change depending on where they live? Use some geographical examples or Canadian Symbols. (4)Define: Collective Consciousness. Provide an example of this found in your school. (2)Historians have long debated about when Canada officially became a ‘nation’. Write down four (4) examples of these events. (4)What does the word ‘Canada’ even mean? Where did our country’s name originate? (1)Name at least three (3) national symbols for our countries that have been around for many years. Hint: Think about national companies NOT just hockey. (3)Many Canadians believe that a defining moment in our national identity was when THIS particular battle was on. What was the battle called? Explain the details of our Victory. (2)Name three (3) guaranteed freedom’s we have as Canadian citizens. (3)Personal Reflection: Is Canada Day an expression of nationalism by the Canadian government or by the people of Canada? Are Canada Day celebrations accurate in their depiction of our Country? Explain. (2)Why do the Quebecois people have their own sense of nationalism? What were some of the reforms introduced by the Quiet Revolution? Name four (4).Who were the FLQ? What did they do in 1970? (2)Prime Minister Trudeau (Old) has been said to save the Francophone isolation. Identify some major actions when he took when in office. (3) Explain the process of the Quebec Referendum. How close were the results of the 1995 Referendum? What would have happened if the results went in the opposite direction? (3)Is First Nation Nationalism considered in the collective Canadian Identity? What are some First Nation Symbols that are recognized in the lives of all Canadians? (2)Consider the events of the American Revolution and the American Civil War identify major elements of these historical moments that have contributed to American Nationalism. (3)All too often there is mention of the “American Dream”. What is the American Dream? Name a character from any movie has lived the “American Dream”. What did he/she have to do to achieve this? (2)SOCIAL STUDIES 20-1CHAPTER 5: EXPLORING LOYALTIES Examine the diagram on Page 98. Based on the information, how would you define “contending loyalties”? (1 mark)List two examples of a situation that might arise in which you experience contending loyalties. List one example from the text and one example from your personal life. (2 marks)CONTENDING NATIONALIST LOYALTIES IN CANADARead the quote from former Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau about his views. Explain what this quotation reveals about Trudeau’s views on reconciling Canadian loyalties with contending nationalist loyalties. (2 marks)Provide 4 examples of loyalties that French Canadians may have. (2 marks)Explain the following regarding Bill 63, Bill 22, and Bill 101: (9 marks)When was it passed?What did it involve? What were its goals?Long and short term resultsBill 63Bill 22Bill 101Explain the following regarding the Action democratique du Quebec:What is it? (1 mark)When and why it first got seats in Quebec? (1 mark)What are some of the parties’ ideas on Quebec nationalism? (2 marks)Explain how the conscription crisis of 1917 brought French Canadians’ loyalties into contention with their loyalties to Canada. (2 marks)CONTENDING LOYALTIES OF ABORIGINAL CANADIANSWhat was the Meech Lake Accord and what was its goal regarding Quebec? (2 marks)Explain who Elijah Harper is and why he was against the accord? (2 marks)Read the article, Labrador Inuit delay vote on uranium mining, and then explain how Inuit loyalties to their land, culture and way of life have come into contention with their loyalties to Canada. (2 marks)NON-NATIONALIST LOYALTIESMany people feel loyalties towards such things as _________________, region, _________________, and _____________________ that are not necessarily part of their sense of nationalism towards a nation. Sometimes these feelings of ______________________ can contend with each other or with feelings of loyalty toward a nation. (2 marks)Provide an example of one, which applies to the question above. (1 mark)How were the Hutterites challenged when their loyalty to a religious belief came into contention with nation-state (Province of Alberta) loyalty? How did the Hutterites respond to this challenge? (2 marks)Under what circumstances might loyalty to a regional relationship (Atlantic Canada), be in contention with nation-state loyalty? Using the example from the textbook, what challenges does Catherine face as she adopts Alberta in the short or long term? (2 marks)GLOBAL LOYALTIESWhat is Internationalism? (1 mark)What is the result of nations being “equal” and the belief in cooperating for the benefit and well-being of mankind? Explain. (2 marks)Read Page 116 and briefly explain the goals of each of the organizations listed below: (4 marks)OrganizationGoalsOxfam InternationalDoctors Without Borders (Medicines Sans Frontiers)GreenpeaceWorld Wildlife Fund (WWF)What is environmentalism? (1 mark)Read the 2 case study articles on Pages 118-120 regarding stakeholders and loyalties, and fill in the corresponding charts below: (4)StakeholdersLoyalty to what/who?StakeholdersLoyalty to what/who? ................

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