NASA Turning Goals Into Reality Conference

NASA Turning Goals Into Reality Conference

Innovation in Aerospace Transportation

Current Schedule of Events as of March 14, 2001

(Speakers have accepted, unless otherwise noted.)

May 15, 2001: Library of Congress 6:00 – 10:00 pm

Jefferson Building

6:00 pm – 7:30 pm Opening Reception & Registration Great Hall

7:30 pm – 8:15 pm Reception Program

8:15pm – 10:00 pm Continue reception, registration.

May 16, 2001: Ronald Reagan International Trade Center

7:00 am – 8:00 am Registration

Continental Breakfast Amphitheater


8:00 am – 8:15 am Welcome: NASA Administrator Amphitheater

8:15 am – 8:30 am State of the Enterprise:  NASA AA for

Aerospace Technology

8:30 am – 9:30 am “Beltway Perspective” Panel

9:30 am – 9:45 am Q & A Session

9:45 am – 10:00 am Mid Morning Break

10:00 am – 11:00 am Concurrent Sessions Locations

Revolutionize Aviation Amphitheater

Moderator: George Donahue, George Mason Univ.

Advanced Space Transportation Hemisphere

Moderator: James Asker, Aviation Weekly

Pioneer Technology Innovation Polaris

Moderator: William Ballhaus, The Aerospace Corp.

Commercialize Technology Horizon

Moderator: Mac O’Neil, Lockheed Martin (invited)

11:00 am – 11:10 am Transition to next Session

11:10 am – 12:10 pm Repeat of Concurrent Sessions

12:15 pm - 1:30 pm Lunch Atrium


12:45 pm – 1:30 pm Michael Overdorf, CEO, Innosight Atrium


1:30 pm – 6:30 pm Exhibits Atrium Hall

3:30 pm Afternoon Break

Tour of exhibits for local schools (1:00 – 3:00 pm)

Special presentation for Students (3:00 – 4:00 pm)

Evening, May 16: National Air and Space Museum 7:00-10:30 pm

7:00 pm – 8:15 pm Reception

8:15 pm – 9:30 pm Awards Program NASM Langley Theater

Welcome: Gen. Dailey, Director NASM

Introduction: NASA AA Aerospace Technology

Student Presentation: Middle School Student, Incline Academy

Student Presentation: Student, Wooddale High School

Keynote Presentation: Fred Smith, President FedEx (Invited)

Awards Presentation: NASA Administrator

9:30 pm – 10:30 pm Reception continues, coffee & dessert

May 17, 2001: Ronald Reagan International Trade Center

7:00 am – 7:50 am Registration

Continental Breakfast Atrium Ballroom

8:00 am – 8:10 am NASA AA, Aerospace Technology Atrium Ballroom

8:10 am – 8:50 am Innovation in Aerospace Technology Panel

Michael Overdorf, Innosight

Allen Hammond, World Resources Institute

Alan Mullaly, The Boeing Company (Invited)

Jim Coyne, President, Nat’l Air Transportation Assoc. (invited)

8:50 am – 9:20 am Questions and Answers

9:20 am – 9:30 am Workshop Overview

9:30 am – 10:45 am Breakout Sessions for Workshops

I: Innovation in Partnerships Polaris A

II: Transforming the Aviation System Polaris B

III: Highway to Space Meridian D&E

IV:Energizing University Partnerships Hemisphere A

V: Aerospace in the Dotcom Era Hemisphere B

VI: Aerospace Vehicles for the 21st Century Meridian C

10:45 am – 11:05 am Mid-Morning Break and Transition Back to Workshops

11:05 am – 12:20 am Repeat of Concurrent Workshops

12:20 pm – 12:30 pm Transition to Lunch

12:30 pm - 2:00 pm Lunch Atrium Ballroom

1:15 pm – 2:00 pm Dr. Allen Hammond, World Resources Institute

2:00 pm – 4:00 pm Exhibits Atrium Hall

TGIR Award Winners at Exhibits

Dr. Robert T. McCall, lecture & art signing

3:45 pm – 4:00 pm Summary Plenary, Conference Close Atrium Hall

NASA AA Aerospace Technology


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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