Web Resources For US History Studies and Exit Level TAKS

Web Resources For US History Studies and Exit Level TAKS


← American Mile Markers:

← Animated Atlas: Growth of a Nation:

← Atlapedia Online:

← Atlas: United States:

← CIA World FactBook:

← Color Landform Atlas of the United States:

← Culture Maps in American Studies:

← Geo-Generations:

← GeoBee Challenge:

← Geography IQ: Map of North America:

← Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names:

← Hargrett Library Rare Map Collection:

← Historical Atlas of the 20th Century:

← Lizzie’s Morning:

← National Geographic Map Machine:

← National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration:

← Outline Maps:

← Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection:

← Topography of the World Game:

← USGS Geography Information:

← VirtualGlobe:

The American Revolution

← The American Revolution:

← Colonial Hall: Biographies of America’s Founding Fathers:

Declaring Independence: Drafting the Documents:

← From Revolution to Reconstruction:

← George Washington:

← George Washington: A National Treasure:

← History of the Declaration of Independence:

← The History Place:

← Images of the American Revolution:

← The Papers of George Washington:

← People of the American Revolution Biographies:

← Rediscovering George Washington:

The Constitution and the Bill of Rights

← Ben’s Guide: Grades 9-12:

← A Century of Lawmaking for a New Nation:

← Delegates to the Constitutional Convention:

← E.thePeople:

← The Federalist Papers:

← FindLaw: Cases and Codes: Supreme Court Opinions:

← FirstGov:

← Founders’ Constitution:

← House of Representatives:

← Other Historical American Documents:

← Oyez U.S. Supreme Court Multimedia:

← Reform Party USA:

← Schoolhouse Rock Site:

← U.S. Legislative Branch:

← U.S. Senate:

← Write Your Representative:

The Civil War and Reconstruction

← Abraham Lincoln Historical Digitization Project:

← Abraham Lincoln Online:

← Abraham Lincoln Papers:

← American Civil War Homepage:

← The Civil War:

← The Civil War Home Page:

← Civil War Leaders:

← Civil War News Home Page:

← CivilWar Smithsonian:

← Crisis at Fort Sumter:

← The Emancipation Proclamation:

← The Gettysburg Address:

← Gilder Lehrman Center for the Study of Slavery, Resistance, and Abolition:

← The History Place:

← Letters, Telegrams, and Photographs Illustrating Factors that Affected the Civil War:

← Mathew Brady Portraits:

← Outline of the Civil War:

← Petition of Amelia Bloomer Regarding Suffrage in the West:

← The Red Badge of Courage:

← Selected Civil War Photographs:

← Slavery Images:

Westward Movement and Immigration

← Adeline Hornbek and the Homestead Act:

← Affidavit and Flyers from the Chinese Boycott Case:

← American Immigrant Wall of Honor:

← American Verse Project: Carl Sandburg, Prairie:

← The American Old West:

← The American West, 1865-1900:

← Buffalo Soldiers and Indian Wars:

← California, First Person Narratives:

← Crossing the Plains, 1865:

← Death of the Dream:

← Eyewitness to the Old West:

← Farming the Land:

← Fight No More Forever:

← Freedom: Yearing to Breathe Free:

← Frontier House:

← The Homestead Act of 1862:

← How the Other Half Lives: Studies Among the Tenements of New York by Jacob A. Riis:

← Letters of a Woman Homesteader:

← Maps of Indian Territory, the Dawes Act, and Will Rogers’ Enrollment Case File:

← Massacre at Wound Knee, 1890:

← Myth of the Melting Pot:

← National American Indian Heritage Historic Places:

← NativeWeb:

← Naturalization Records:

← The New Americans:

← The Northern Great Plains, 1880-1920:

← Panoramic Maps Collection: 1847-1929:

← Railroad Maps Collection:

← Settling the Land:

← SnapShots: Immigration at the Turn of the 20th Century:

← Tenement Museum:

← The West and Pioneers:

← Westward Expansion History Resources:


← Alexander Graham Bell’s Patent for the Telephone and Thomas Edison’s Patent for the Electric Lamp:


← American History Sweatshop Exhibition:

← American Industrialization Outline:

← American on the Move:

← Andrew Carnegie Timelline:

← Andrew Carnegie: The Gospel of Wealth, 1889:

← Bridging the Urban Landscape: Andrew Carnegie: A Tribute -

← Early Adventures with the Automobile:

← Edison and the Light Bulb:

← Flights of Inspiration:

← Frank Lloyd Wright:

← George Eastman: The Wizard of Photography:

← Gilded Age Documents:

← Gilded Age Timeline:

← Henry Ford:

← Henry Ford Museum:

← How Stuff Works:

← The Industrial Revolution:

← Inventions Index:

← John D. Rockefeller and Standard Oil Company:

← The Life of Henry Ford:

← Read All About the Gilded Age Through WWI:

← The Richest Man in the World: Andrew Carnegie:

← Rise of Industrial America:

← Thomas A. Edison and the Menlo Park Laboratory:

← Time 100: Henry Ford:

← Vanderbilt Mansion National Historic Site: Monument to the Gilded Age:

← WayBack - Technology 1900:

← The Wright Brothers:

← The Wright Brothers – First Flight, 1903:

Growth and Reform

← Analyzing a Thomas Nast Cartoon:

← Cartoons for United States History: Thomas Nast, The Gilded Age and Progressivism:

← Child Labor in America:

← Child Labour Activity:

← Children at Work: 1908-1912:

← The Evolution of the Conservative Movement:

← The Jungle:

← Populism and Progressivism Timeline:

← Twenty Years at Hull House:

← United States Labor and Industrial History Audio Archive:

Imperialism and Expansion

← The American Experience: Theodore Roosevelt:

← Imperialism Timeline:

← Online Bookshelves: War with Spain:

← Platt Amendment, 1901:

← Rough Riders Storm San Juan Hill, 1898:

← The Spanish-American War in Motion Pictures:

← Theodore Roosevelt: Icon of the American Century:


← Kellog-Briand Pact 1928:

← Neutrality Act of August 31, 1935:

← Neutrality Act of February 29, 1936:

← Neville Chamberlain, Peace in Our Time:

← The Perilous Flight – Isolationism:

World War I

← Assassination of an Archduke:

← Combat Photography, 1918-1971:

← Eyewitness to World War I:

← The First Lusitania Note to Germany:

← President Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points:

← SnapShots - World War I:

← Strict Accountability: President Wilson’s First Warning to the Germans:

← Woodrow Wilson: Peace Without Victory:

← Woodrow Wilson: A Portrait:

← Woodrow Wilson, War Message to Congress:

← The World War I Document Archive:

← World War I Timeline:

← World War I – Trenches on the Web:

The 1920s

← Al Capone:

← By Popular Demand: “Votes for Women” Suffrage Pictures, 1850-1920:

← Committee on Women’s Suffrage:

← Eleanor Roosevelt: Battle for Suffrage, 1848-1920:

← Freedom: Depression and War:

← Harlem:

← Jazz: A Film by Ken Burns:

← National Women’s History Project:

← Not for Ourselves Alone: The Story of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony:

← Old Time Radio:

← Progressive Reform: Votes for Women:

← Prohibition:

← Radio History Archive:

← Scopes Trial Home Page:

← SnapShots – America in the 1920s:

← Variety Stage:

← Votes for Women: Timeline: Women and Social Movements in the United States, 1775-2000:

← Women and Social Movements in the United States, 1775-2000:

← Working for Freedom:

The Great Depression

← American Life Histories: Manuscripts from the Federal Writers’ Project, 1936-1940:

← Documenting America, America from the Great Depression to World War II:

← Dorothea Lange Photos:

← FDR Presidential Library and Museum:

← Franklin D. Roosevelt, The Four Freedoms Address to Congress:

← New Deal Network:

← New Deal Network Photo Gallery:

← Riding the Rails:

← SnapShots – America in the 1930s:

← Surviving the Dust Bowl:

← Voices from the Dust Bowl:


← Hitler Receives an Ultimatum, 1939:

World War II

← A More Perfect Union: Japanese Americans and the U.S. Constitution:

← African-Americans in WWII:

← After the Day of Infamy:

← American Involvement in World War II:

← The Atomic Age:

← Attack at Pearl Harbor, 1941 – The Japanese View:

← Auschwitz Tattooing:

← Battle of the Bulge:

← D-Day:

← Eyewitness to World War II:

← First Lady of the World: Eleanor Roosevelt at Val-Kill:

← Fly Girls:

← German Propaganda Archive:

← I Survived the 20th Century Holocaust:

← Iwo Jima:

← Japanese American Exhibit and Access Project:

← July 1942: United We Stand:

← Liberty Ships and Victory Ships, America’s Lifeline in War:

← Life Interrupted:

← A More Perfect Union: Japanese Americans and the U.S. Constitution:

← National D-Day Museum:

← National WWII Memorial:

← Newseum War Stories: World War II:

← The Nuremberg War Crimes Trials:

← Pearl Harbor - The day:

← Produce For Victory: Posters on the American Home Front:

← Radio History: 1941:

← Remembering Pearl Harbor:

← Resources Listing for WWII:

← A Teacher’s Guide to the Holocaust:

← Time 100: Eleanor Roosevelt:

← Time 100: Rosa Parks:

← Today in History: December 7:

← Voices of World War II:

← U.S. Troops in Action:

← United States Holocaust Memorial Museum:

← What Did You Do In The War, Grandma?

← Women Come to the Front:

← Women In Military Service For America Memorial:

← World War II Documents:

← World War II Poster Collection:

← Yad Vashem The Holocaust Martyrs’ and Heroes’ Remembrance Authority:


← American Masters – McCarthyism:

← Hollywood Blacklist:


← HUAC 8-5: The Hiss-Chamber Hearings:

← Joseph McCarthy:

← NPR: Closed-Door McCarthy Transcripts Released:

← Schwarz, You Can Trust the Communists to Be Communists:

The Cold War

← Atomic Archive:

← Berlin and the Two Germanies, 1945-1989:

← Between the Wars: The Red Scare:

← Chris De Witt’s Berlin Wall Website:

← Cold War: Postwar Enstragement:

← The Cuban Missile Crisis:

← The Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962:

← The Cuban Missile Crisis Primary Documents:

← Freedom: Democracy and the Struggles:

← Red Scare (1918-1921):

← Seattle Times Trinity Web:

The Korean War

← Examining the Korean War:

← The Korean War:

← Korean War Project 4:

← Korean War Veterans National Museum and Library:

← KWVA – Korean War Veterans Association:

← Newseum War Stories: Korea:

← Online Bookshelves: Korean War:

← Truman Museum and Library: The Korean War:

The Vietnam Conflict

← Battlefield: Vietnam:

← Documents Relating to the Vietnam War:

← LBJ in the Oval Office: Johnson’s Vietnam Anguish:

← My Virtual Collection Vietnam War Era:

← NARA: Military Resources: Vietnam War:

← Newseum War Stories: Vietnam:

← P.O.V. – Re: Vietnam: Stories Since the War:

← Sixties Project Web Site:

← Tonkin Gulf Incident, 1964:

← The U-2 Incident 1960:

← Veterans Coalition:

← Viet Nam War Overview:

← The Vietnam Center:

← Vietnam: Yesterday and Today:

← Vietnam Veteran’s Memorial Wall Page:

← Vietnam Vets, Vietnam War, History of Vietnam:

← Vietnam War:

← Vietnam War Declassification Project, April 2000:

← Vietnam-Era POW/MIA Database:

← :

← The Wars from Viet Nam:

The Civil Rights Movement

← African-American Odyssey: A Quest for Full Citizenship:

← African American Perspectives:

← After Reconstruction: Problems of African Americans:

← Alabama Archives: Montgomery Bus Boycott:

← American Experience/Vietnam:

← American Visionaries: Frederick Douglass:

← Baseball and Jackie Robinson:

← Black Panthers:

← Booker T. Washington, Up From Slavery:

← Brown v. Board of Education:

← Brown v. Board of Education, Landmark Supreme Court Cases:

← Freedom: A History of US: Let Freedom Ring:

← Freedom: A History of US: We Shall Overcome:

← From Freedom of Choice to Integration:

← LBJ And Equality of Outcome:

← Marian Anderson: A Life in Song:

← Martin Luther King – Biography:

← The Martin Luther King, Jr. Papers Project:

← Montgomery Bus Boycott:

← National Civil Rights Museum:

← Plessy v. Ferguson, Landmark Supreme Court Cases:

← The Seattle Times: Martin Luther King, Jr.:

← Separate Is Not Equal: Brown v. Board of Education:

← Teaching with Historic Places:

← Thurgood Marshall Biography, Brown v. Board of Education:

← W.E.B DuBois, The Souls of Black Folks:

← We Shall Overcome:

The 21st Century

← NOVA Online Why the Towers Fell:

← NPR: The Middle East Conflict:

← Project Vote Smart:

← September 11: Bearing Witness to History:

← The September 11 Digital Archive:

The Past Meets the Present: From the American Revolution to the Present

← HyperHistory Online:


← America’s Library Presents America’s Story:

← American Experience: The Presidents:

← American Treasures of the Library of Congress:

← Avalon Project at Yale Law School: Documents in Law, History and Diplomacy:

← Drawing from Life: Caricatures and Cartoons:

← The Electoral College:

← The Gilder Lehman Institute of American History:

← Graphic Masters:

← Graphic Organizer Index:

← History 102: Image Gallery Civil War to the Present:

← Inside the White House @ :

← Internet Public Library: POTUS (President of the United States):

← JFK Assassination Web Sites:

← Law Focused Education:

← Meet Amazing Americans:

← Mr. President: Profiles of Our Nation’s Leaders:

← National Park Service Ask a Historian:

← The New York Times – Editorials and Opinion:

← Our Documents:

← Presidential Inaugural Addresses:

← Portraits of the Presidents and First Ladies:

← Quiz Hub:

← Time Magazine: Time 100 – People of the Century:

← US Historical Documents:

← Veterans History Project:

← The White House:


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