Planning For Post Secondary School Scholarships and Awards

Planning For Postsecondary School: Scholarships and AwardsDefinitionsScholarship – A non-repayable sum of money awarded to a student to help finance further education. Most scholarships are based on merit.Bursaries and Grants – A non-repayable sum of money awarded based upon financial need.In-course Award/Scholarship – Awarded to students already enrolled in post-secondary studies.Loan – Awarded as financial assistance that must be repaid. Example OSAPRESP – Registered Education Savings Plan Types of ScholarshipsEntrance Scholarships – based on marks; no application required; offered with admission to programFaculty & Presidential Scholarships – application required; based on specific criteria; some scholarships require a nomination from your schoolHigh School Scholarships and Awards – based upon specific criteria depending upon the award; received at graduation from high schoolOutside Groups – Corporations, Community Groups, Government, Employers of Parents are all interested in donating money to students.How To Prepare Yourself For A ScholarshipA typical recipient of a scholarship has demonstrated right from the beginning of high school, a number of different activities they are involved with in a consistent manner, demonstrating they are well rounded good citizens. High marks are not the only way of earning a scholarship. The general criteria are:Academic Achievement (75% and above)Community Involvement ( well beyond the 40 hours need for a high school diploma)Leadership (councils, athletics, clubs, teams)Good character also plays a role in earning a scholarship or awardThe following chart lists some example of activities that are consideredAcademicsCommunityLeadershipParticipationHonour RollSubject AwardsDECCAMath ContestsScience OlympicsMusic ContestsEssay ContestsAthleticVolunteer WorkFood DrivesCharity WorkTutoringMentor LeaderPrefect HeadsStudent CouncilNewspaper EditorTech Crew HeadTeam CaptainsMusic Council York RegionExecutive RolesMentorsPrefectsStudent Council RepsNewspaper writersAthletic TeamsMusic BandsPlaysYearbookOther School ClubsResourcesMentors at School – Throughout your time at your school you will be in contact with many different staff. Teachers, Guidance Counsellors, Administrators will be involved with you academically and as activity leaders and coaches. Many scholarships require letters of recommendation and therefore high school staff can be very helpful.Print Material – We keep binders full information on scholarship, awards, bursaries. The information in these binders must remain in the Guidance Office but we can gladly copy information upon request. Ask a guidance counsellor for assistance. As well, you will also find scholarship information:Posted on the Scholarship Board in Guidance and on boards outside of the officeCollege and University Calendars on the shelves in the guidance office Web ResourcesOntario universities guide for secondary school students college guide – A free app is available.Scholarships in Canada – YRDSB Guidance Services Secondary School Website of Canada loans and scholarships canlearn.caAssociation of Universities and Colleges of CanadaOntario Student Assistance Program An estimator tool can be used for planningOntario Ministry of Training, Colleges and University (MTCU) Secondary School Guidance Dept. has a Facebook page. Information on upcoming scholarships is posted. Click the LIKE button to receive updates pages/Thornhill-SS-Guidance-DeptOntario School Counsellors Association – provides quick links to appropriate section of each College’s web site of Canada provides information on educational planning, Canada Student Loans and Grants, Student Loan Repayment, Education SavingsFor scholarships and awards in the USA, U S Athletic Scholarships for Canadians canada Student Support Services - The Learning Disabilities Association of Ontario has scholarship and awards information for students IdaoNational Association of Disabled Students (NEADS) neadsLGBTQ Awards Scholarships & Bursaries Getting Prepared – start now – scholarship applications can begin as early as October.Update your resumeMake contact with potential referencesAsk your parents if their employers off scholarshipsAsk your employer if they offer scholarshipsStart investigating the resources that have been provided for youScholarship/ Award TimelinesOctober Direct Application Nomination RequiredLORAN AWARD (direct pool) HORATIO ALGER ONTARIO SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAMontarioscholarshipHarry C. Maynard Classics UNIVERSITY SCHOLARSHIPS AND AWARDS AWARD (sponsored pool) NovemberUNIVERSITY OF TORONTO NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM RBC STUDENTS LEADING CHANGE SCHOLARSHIPS UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO BOOK DecemberQUEENS UNIVERSITY MAJOR ADMISSION AWARDS TD SCHOLARSHIPS FOR COMMUNITY LEADERSHIPscholarship CHINESE PROFESSIONALS ASSOCIATION OF CANADA (CPAC) SCHOLARSHIPS AWARDS AND QUEENS CHANCELLOR’S SCHOLARSHIP January Direct Application Nomination RequiredHERBERT CARNEGIE FUTURE ACES SCHOLARSHIPMENSA CANADA SCHOLARSHIP UNIVERSITY OF GUELPH UNDERGRADUATE ENTERANCE FebruaryTERRY FOX HUMANITARIAN RBC ROYAL BANK SCHOLARSHIPSscholarships.Overview SCHULICH LEADERS SCHOLARSHIPS WESTERN UNIVERSITY NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM MarchTHE WIESENTHAL SCHOLASHIPMARKHAM DISTRICT ENERGY SUSTAINABILITY BURSARYwho-we-are/MILLER THOMSON FOUNDATION HARRISON McCAIN FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP MERIT SCHOLARSHIP FOR April Direct Application Nomination RequiredRYERSON UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT’S NATIONAL AIRD SCHOLARSHIP – For Disabled BENSON KEARLEY IFG COMMUNITY SCHOLARSHIP MayHARRY JEROME SCHOLARSHIPevents-programs/national-scholarships CARLTON UNIVERSTIY PRESTIGE LAURENTIAN UNIVERSITY LEADERSHIP AWARDS ALLIANCE OF JAMAICAN ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONS SCHOLARSHIPMON SHEONG SCHOLARSHIP ................

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