MENNE Tax & Accounting


1099 Contractor, Self Employed, Sole-Proprietor, Schedule C

Name business is listed under: ____________________________________________ EIN: _______________________________

___________ Gross receipts or Total sales

___________ Refunds, Bad Debt

___________ Beginning Inventory

___________ End of the Year Inventory

___________ Cost of goods, product purchased

___________ Advertising

___________ Insurance (rider for products)

___________ Car and truck Expenses

___________ Fuel receipts or total mileage for work related

___________ Business Insurance

___________ Self Employed Health insurance

___________ Interest paid on loans and credit cards for business

___________ Bank charges/Credit Card Fees/ Square/ Paypal fees

___________ Legal and Accounting fees

___________ Rent or lease of equipment

___________ Rent - booths rentals)

___________ Repairs and Maintenance, including shear sharpening

___________ Office Expenses

___________ Postage and Freight

___________ Dues, Subscription and Publications

___________ Mobile, Internet, software

___________ Travel, conventions, seminars

___________ Misc (Please, List a description on back of form)

___________ Travel ____________ Meals

___________ Professional Development/Education/Training Workshops

List all assets purchased during the year with a description, amount and date of purchase.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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