By-Laws of the Physician Assistants in Orthopaedic Surgery

By-Laws of the Physician Assistants In Orthopaedic SurgeryARTICLE 1: TITLEThe name of the organization shall be Physician Assistants in Orthopaedic Surgery, or the acronym “PAOS” and may be referred herein as “PAOS or “THE ASSOCIATION.”ARTICLE II: PURPOSESThe purposes of the PAOS shall be:To establish CME (Continuing Medical Education) that is pertinent to the Physician Assistants employed in an orthopaedic setting.To serve as the official organization of Physician Assistants practicing in the field of orthopaedics.To establish a liaison with other professional orthopaedic groups such as the AAOS, Osteopathic Orthopaedic Societies, and National Athletic Trainers Associations etc.To provide assistance and advice to the AAPA or other physician assistant organizations as it relates to the physician assistant in orthopaedic. To provide assistance and advice as it relates to the physician assistant in the orthopaedic setting.To provide a forum for discussion of topics that affect and are relevant to the physician assistant who is employed in an orthopaedic setting.To promote the physician assistant profession and the physician assistant for employment in an orthopaedic or related setting.ARTICLE III: MEMBERSHIPMembers must be a Physician Assistant employed or previously employed in or associated with an orthopaedic practice. Fifty percent of the membership must be members of the AAPA. Applications and rosters will be maintained by the secretary of the organization and/or management services. Dues will be collected and recorded by the business manager of the organization and reported to the treasurer. The management organization for the PAOS may act as the custodian of membership information, applications and rosters. Membership shall not be denied because of sex, color, creed, race, religion, and ethnicity or disability.Members of the PAOS shall consist of the following categories:FELLOW: Physician Assistants who have graduated from a CAHEA OR APPROVED UNDER RESTRUCTURE TO CAAHEP approved PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT/ASSOCIATE program or Surgical Assistant/Associate program and have successfully passed the certification examination administered by the NATIONAL COMMISSION FOR CERTIFICATION OF PHYSICIAN ASSISTANTS (NCCPA), and are current members of the AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PHYSICIAN ASSISTANTS (AAPA). Members may hold office, and will be full voting members of the association.International Fellow: Physician Assistants who have graduated from a created international Physician Assistant/Associate program. Members may not hold office, but will be full voting members of the association. ASSOCIATE: Physician Assistants who have graduated from a CAHEA OR APPROVED UNDER RESTRUCTURE TO CAAHEP approved PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT/ASSOCIATE Program or Surgical Assistant/Associate program but are not a member of the AAPA and/or PAs who were initially NCCPA certified, but have not maintained NCCPA certification. Members may not hold office, but will be full voting members of the association.AFFILIATE: Person(s) formally recognized as a physician or an Orthopaedic Surgeon. Members may not hold office and will not be voting members of the association. STUDENT:A full-time student enrolled in a CAAHEP approved Physician Assistant/Associate or Surgical Assistant/Associate program. Members may not hold office and will not be voting members of the association.All references to CAHEA shall be reflected in the future by CAHEA OR APPROVED UNDER RESTRUCTURE TO CAAHEP.ARTICLE IV: ELECTIONSThe Nominating Committee will identify suitable candidates for election to the Board of Directors. Any Fellow member in good standing with the PAOS and the AAPA, at the time of nomination application, will be considered suitable to serve in an elected position of the PAOS. These candidates will comprise the names placed on a ballot sent forth to the Fellow membership. Officers shall be elected by a simple majority of ballots of the voting membership. Elections shall be announced, in written form or electronic media, to the membership at least thirty days prior to their occurrence. Ballots may be sent by U.S. mail, electronic mail or delivered in person to the membership. The Nomination period will be from January 1 thru February 15 of the election year. All applications must be received by the nomination committee by midnight EST February 15th. The election of officers will then occur from March1 to March 31. The elected officers will take office on July 1 of the election year. The following positions will be elected in and begin their terms in Odd Years: President Elect, Northeast Regional Director, Southeast Regional Director, South Central Regional Director and Secretary. The following positions will be elected in and begin their terms in even years: Vice President, Treasurer, Northwest Regional Director, Southwest Regional Director and North Central Regional Director. In the event of extenuating circumstances, the BOD may alter the election calendar so as to maintain the integrity of the PAOS until such time an election of new officers can be held. Should any officer be unable to fulfill his/her term, the Nominating committee shall recommend a replacement to the BOD for review and final approval. This replacement officer may complete the term previously vacated and then be eligible for election to a full term position. Officers may be impeached by a simple majority vote by the Executive Committee. 1.Officers will take office on July 1 of the appropriate election year. A conference call will be made after the elections and prior to taking office to welcome the new members of the board, brief newly elected officers on BOD business and establish responsibilities.2.Members of the Executive Committee and BOD holding multiple positions within the organization are entitled to only one vote on the BOD. 3.Elected positions (President, President-Elect, Immediate Past President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, 6 Regional directors) have a vote; Appointed positions (CME chairperson, Webmaster) do not have a vote. These positions comprise the Board of Directors (BOD).ARTICLE V: OFFICERSOfficers of the PAOS: President, President-elect, past-president, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Regional Directors (6 positions – Northeast, Southeast, North Central, South Central, Northwest and Southwest). These officers will comprise the voting BOD of the PAOS.All officers shall serve a period of two years, except the President-Elect, which will be for six (6) years (President-Elect, President, and Immediate Past President), and can be re-elected. The PAOS Executive Committee will consist of the President, President-Elect, Past-President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. The Board of Directors will consist of voting members: President, President-Elect, Past-President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and the 6 Regional Directors; and non-voting members: the CME chairperson and the Webmaster. The Executive Committee may appoint additional members to the board as deemed necessaryThe President will be chairman of the Executive committee and will serve as the Chair of the BOD. The president will preside at all meetings of the PAOS. The President will represent the PAOS to other organizations. He/she may designate a representative to serve in his/her absence. The President will coordinate other officers and Committee Chairs. Should the President be unable to complete his term, the Executive Committee would then elevate the president-elect to the position of president. The vice president would then be eligible to serve as previous past-president upon completion of their term.The Vice President shall assist the President or the officers in all functions as directed. The Vice President will serve as the Chief Delegate to the AAPA House of Delegates and serve to represent PAOS to the delegation and report pertinent information to the Executive Committee. The Vice-President could serve as the President in the event of the absence or disability of the President. The Vice-President will serve on the Nominating committee. The Vice-President shall attend the annual CME meeting and all BOD meetings and/or conference calls.The Secretary shall record or designate a recorder for the minutes of meetings, update the By-Laws periodically as directed BOD, and provide other appropriate information services as needed. The secretary will be available to assist other officers in their administrative duties. The Secretary will serve as Chair to the Membership Committee. Secretary shall attend the annual CME meeting and all BOD meetings and/or conference calls.The Treasurer will maintain all financial records and disburse funds as directed by the BOD. They will be responsible for collecting and maintaining the documents required by the accountant to complete the annual tax filing. They will order periodic audits to assure the organization is in compliance with IRS laws. They will maintain the necessary information to fulfill our 503 (c) 3 not-for-profit status. The Treasurer will provide an annual report to the BOD outlining details of PAOS expenditures and assets for the previous fiscal year. He/She will also be responsible for management of the 501(c) 3 Susan Lindahl Memorial Scholarship Fund. The Treasurer shall attend the annual CME meeting and all BOD meetings and/or conference calls.The Board of Directors will be comprised of the Executive Committee plus the 6 Regional directors. The Regional Directors (6) shall represent the six regions outlined by the PAOS Executive Committee (Northeast, Southeast, North Central, South Central, and Northwest and Southwest. They will function as general membership representatives/officers to the BOD and may be appointed or elected as chairperson of one or more committees. They may also assist the other officers in the organization as needed or delegated. Each Regional Director shall be responsible for maintaining memberships in their region and contacting past members about membership renewal. Regional Directors will coordinate membership information with the Membership Chair. Each Regional Director shall attend the annual CME meeting and all BOD meetings and/or conference calls. Non-voting members of the BOD are the CME chairperson and the Website Chairperson. The BOD shall nominate a member of PAOS to serve as the AAPA Liaison to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) for a period of two (2) years. The BOD may recommend the liaison member to the AAOS for consecutive sessions at their discretion. This appointment is subject to AAPA BOD approval.ARTICLE VI: COMMITTEESFollowing the election of officers, the BOD will assist those newly elected or newly appointed officers as outlined in Article V. Additionally, members appointed to committees by the BOD may seek clarification of their respective roles and responsibilities in the Committee Members Policy and Procedure Handbook or established as necessary.The PAOS BOD has established the following Standing Committees: Executive CommitteeNominating CommitteeMembership CommitteeContinuing Medical Education CommitteeEditorial CommitteeOutreach CommitteeStudent Relations CommitteeOrthopedic Surgeon Advisory PanelChairs for these committees will be designated by the BOD. The responsibilities of these committees will be found in the organization’s operating instructions. The Committee Chairs and Committee Members do not have voting privileges unless they are members of the Executive Committee or BOD. The Executive Committee will evaluate the need to add committee chairs to the voting roles as the organization develops. The Nominating Committee will be established to identify potential members to serve as candidates for election as officers and to serve on committees for PAOS. The Nominating Committee will be comprised of the Vice-president and the immediate past-president. The immediate Past-President will serve as chair for this committee. This committee will be comprised of The Vice- President, Immediate Past-President and 3 Regional Directors. The Vice President and Immediate Past-President will serve 2 year terms. The Regional Directors will rotate on this committee. In Even years the Northeast, Southeast and South-central Regional Directors will serve on the nominating Committee. In the Odd years the Northwest, Southwest and North-central Regional Directors will serve on the Nominating committee. The BOD may appoint additional members to the Nominating Committee as needed. IF any member of the nominating committee is up for election, the committee will excuse them from participating in related nominating committee activities.The Membership Committee Chair (PAOS Secretary) will maintain records of membership and direct the renewal of old and establishment of new members. This may be performed by our management services at the direction of the Executive Committee or Membership Chair. The Membership director will provide updates on membership numbers and procurement and retention programs as it related to membership on quarterly/biannually/annual basis. The Continuing Medical Education Committee chairperson will be appointed by the Board of Directors. The CME chair will coordinate a program of appropriate CME to occur on an annual basis for the PAOS organization. The CME chair will coordinate activities and report to the BOD as needed. The Chair will provide regular updates on CME program related matters to the Board of Directors and information to the Treasurer as to assist in the timely payment of PAOS related financial obligations. The CME chairperson will have the ability to recruit and assign committee members as necessary and direct their activities. They will be authorized to engage in financial obligations associated with the CME program after consultation with the BOD.The Editorial Committee Chair will be responsible for the publication of a PAOS newsletter and other publications as established by the BOD on an established schedule. The content of the newsletter and other publications will be decided upon by the Editorial Committee Chair, Editorial sub-committee editors, and committee members with input/oversight by the Executive Committee. The responsibilities of the Editorial Committee Chair and Editorial Committee will be described in the Editorial Committee operating instruction.The Outreach Committee, Student Relations Committee and Orthopedic Surgeon Advisory Panel are newly formed committees and their roles and responsibilities are covered in the PAOS Operating Instructions.ARTICLE VII: DUES AND ASSESSMENTSThe Board of Directors shall establish annual dues, the manner and time of payment. ARTICLE VIII: MEETINGSThe Annual membership meeting will be held at the Annual PAOS CME meeting. The BOD will meet on a quarterly basis either in person or via teleconference as needed. More frequent conference calls may be necessary. These meetings will be initiated by the President or Executive Committee. An agenda and instructions will be sent to each Executive Committee or BOD member as necessary. The meeting minutes will be recorded by the Secretary or their designated representative. The record of our meetings will be maintained by our management service. The quorum for a BOD meeting is 3 members of the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. ARTICLE IX: CONTINGENCIESThe BY-LAWS ARE FOR MODIFICATION AND REVIEW. They are to be expanded upon and modified as seen fit by those persons who become officers of the ORGANIZATION. BY-LAWS are set forth and may be reviewed and/or amended at the discretion of the majority vote of the voting Board of Directors after review and approval of these changes by the Executive Committee.By-Laws amended September 26, 2014 ................

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