Oregon National Guard Association - ORNGA

Oregon National Guard Association

Board Meeting Minutes

Monday, August 6, 2012


BG Todd Plimpton COL (Ret) Roberta Janssen

Maj Gen (Ret) Dan O'Hollaren LTC Tom Wirth

Capt Christopher Jenkins LTC Lance Englet

Col Mike Stencel Col Rick Wedan

CW5 Terry Swartwout LTC (Ret) Marc Snook

LTC Fritz McReynolds Capt Andrea Sutton

MAJ Sharel Pond COL Kelly Smothers

CPT Thanh Vo

1. Welcome by the President – BG Plimpton welcomed members to the meeting.

2. Minute Approval: Meeting was called to order and July 9, 2012 minutes were approved with minor administrative corrections. A motion to accept the minutes was made by CW5 Swartwout and seconded by LTC McReynolds. Motion passed.

3. Financial Update: Responding to the Board's request from last Board meeting, the Treasurer showed a “variance” column on the budget sheet.

For next meeting the Executive Director will show an income and expense flow throughout the year.

The Executive Director contacted Rosenbaum Financial LLC to see if there would be a safe investment where we could start a reserve account. The information showed that it would not be prudent to put money into such an investment because of the low rate of return as well as the cost to make such an investment. The Board asked that the Executive Director look at US Bank and USAA. The motion was made to accept the financial report by CW5 Swartwout and seconded by LTC McReynolds. Motion passed.

4. NGAUS Conference:

a. Task Forces: An IPR is scheduled for August 13 with the Adjutant General. Task Force assignments will be discussed and people will be notified of their assigned Task Force.

b. Company Grade Officer Attendees: There are 22 Company Grade officers attending the NGAUS Conference. We will take about $8,000 and help defray their expenses for the conference.

Those put on orders for NGAUS professional development need to have $165 registration fee put on the orders.

c. All lodging for OR attendees goes through the Executive Director. Those going to other lodging need to let the Ex Dir know so she can still get them registered.

d. Shirts: LTC McReynolds ordered the shirts for the conference. The ORNGA logo will be put on them.

e. Elections: We will be supporting Brig Gen Bill Burks of NV for Chairman of the Board, MG Deborah Ashenhurst of Ohio for Vice Chair - Army, Maj Gen Dunbar of Wisconsin for Vice Chair - Air, 1LT Timmons of Oregon for Company Grade -Army. Area VI: Supporting - MG Rees for TAG Rep, COL (R) Jardine, Jr. for Army Rep, Maj Gen (R) O'Hollaren for Air Rep, LT Timmons for Co Grade Army Rep and CW5 Swartwout for WO Rep.

7. Old Business:

a. The golf event with our Corporate Partners is cancelled for 2012. We will get a committee together for 2013 and make this a first class event.

b. Website update: After discussion it was decided to have a small group get together at 1700 before the next Board meeting to see what we actually want on our website. This will allow us to talk with Chris Martin about the website update.

c. Just a reminder that we need Conflict of Interest Statements. For those of you who have not signed one yet, please print it off and email it back to the Executive Director. This was a recommendation from our Tax people.

8. New Business:

a. Maj Gen O’Hollaren’s gave a report from the July NGAUS meeting.

b. COL Janssen indicated that BG Plimpton gave $150 out of the President’s Fund for the Warrant Officer challenge for the Legion de Lafayette. The Warrant Officers are getting together to make a donation to the Education Foundation at NGAUS.

9. Next Meeting: The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September 6th at the ARC starting at 5:30 PM.

Meeting was adjourned at 6:55 PM.

Continuing Issues from July 9 Board meeting:

Maj Gen O’Hollaren requested a copy of the report on investments from the Oregon National Guard Association Education Fund committee. COL Janssen indicated she will get a copy.

LTC Wirth asked about the annual 990 as to whether it is available yet. COL Janssen indicated the 2011 has not been completed yet by our Tax Preparer’s office. We have an extension until August to get it done. As soon as she gets it she will make it available to the Board.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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