Latin American Organizations/Foundations focused on ...


Organization: ABONG (Brazilian Association of Nongovernmental Organizations) (Brazil)

Description from website (.br):

“With a current membership of 251 associations, the Brazilian Association of Nongovernmental Organizations was founded in 1991 to collectively represent the interests of Brazilian NGOs. ABONG promotes communication and connections among NGOs dedicated to strengthening democracy and civil rights. Members organizations work in the areas of regional development, human rights, public policy, agricultural issues, urban issues, and environmental and ecological issues. Site contains contact information for each of eight regional ABONG centers. Access is provided to online articles, laws, and other documents related to NGOs, as well as a database of projects and publications of member associations. Also offers numerous links to governmental, international, and national organizations whose work impacts the NGOs.”



Organization: International Peace Agency (IPAZ) (Brazil)

Description from website (.br):

“Ipaz is an agency that promotes the local development, strengthening and giving visibility to the organizations through communication and mobilizations of its actors. It gives courses, makes researches, develops projects and events and produces graphic and audiovisual materials. Everything is intended for the social organizations, their communities and regions where they are inserted.

IPAZis a social mobilization and non-profit communication agency, founded in 2003 by more than 70 communication professionals (journalists, researches, film makers, advertising executives, video makers, photographers, etc.), whose mission is to promote the local development through communication, mobilization and articulation of its social actors, in order to build a society more participatory, just, free and happy.”

Contact: Contact through website


Organization: Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) (Regional)

Description from website ():

“The IDB, established in 1959 to support the process of economic and social development in Latin America and the Caribbean is the main source of multilateral financing in the region. El Grupo BID ofrece soluciones para afrontar los retos del desarrollo a través de alianzas con gobiernos, empresas y organizaciones de la sociedad civil, para servir a sus clientes que abarcan desde gobiernos centrales a alcaldías y empresas. The IDB Group provides solutions to meet the challenges of development through partnerships with governments, businesses and civil society organizations, to serve clients ranging from central governments to municipalities and businesses.”

Contact: mifcontact@


Organization: National Association of Non Governmental Oriented Development (ANONG) (Uruguay)

Description from website (.uy):

“The National Association of Non Governmental Oriented Development (ANONG), founded in September 1992, is a civil non-profit which encompasses 90 NGOs throughout the country. Dichas organizaciones están dedicadas a actividades en diversas áreas: agro, ciencias sociales, comunicación, consumidores, cultura, derechos humanos, drogas, economía, educación, infancia, integración regional, juventud, medio ambiente, mujer, promoción social, Pymes, salud, sindicalismo, tercera edad, violencia, vivienda y voluntariado. These organizations are engaged in activities in various areas: agriculture, social sciences, communications, consumer, culture, human rights, drugs, economics, education, children, regional integration, youth, environment, women, social promotion, SMEs, health, labor , elderly, violence, housing, and volunteerism.”



Organization: Fundacion Cisneros (Venezuela)

Description from website ():

“The Fundación Cisneros is a private philanthropic organization committed to the future of Latin America. Founded by Patty and Gustavo Cisneros, in association with the Cisneros Group of Companies, the Fundación Cisneros supports innovative programs that focus on Latin American issues in the areas of education, culture, health, and the environment.”

Contact: info@fundacion.


Organization: Foundation Romi (Brazil)

Description from website (.br):

“Founded in 1957 in Santa Barbara d'Oeste, São Paulo, the couple Américo Emílio Romi Romi Gelli and Olympia, the Romi Foundation is to promote the development of education and culture as part of transforming society.

Taking as the sponsor Industries Romi SA Foundation to plan and operate their own projects in a perspective of medium and long term but with a focus on results and the concern to influence public policy, developing technology for other social institutions.”

Contact: Contact through website


Organization: Odebrecht Foundation (Brazil)

Description from website (.br):

“Created in 1965, the Odebrecht Foundation is a private, non-profit organization supported by the Odebrecht Group. Since 1988, the Foundation has been fulfilling its mission of contributing to promote youths’ education for life, aiming at their development as responsible, aware, productive, participatory and concerned citizens.”

Contact: fundacao@


Organization: Fundacion Terpel (Columbia)

Description from website ():

“Terpel Foundation was created in 2004 as a Corporate Social Responsibility of the Organization Terpel to contribute to improvement of education in citizenship in Colombia, through the development of educational projects aimed at strengthening the skills, knowledge and attitudes of citizens, making active use of the city.”

Contact: fundacion@


Organization: Euroamerica Fundacion (Spain)

Description from website ():

“The Euroamérica Foundation is an independent organization. Its overriding objective is to stimulate cooperation and understanding between European and Latin American institutions, companies and personalities so as to foster relations between the two areas, primarily from the private sector. The Euroamérica Foundation wishes to reinforce the excellent opportunities to be had in both directions.”

Contact: fundacion@


Organization: Group Vidanta Foundation (Mexico)

Description from website ():

“Our main purposes are:

- Generar y difundir conocimientos sobre los factores que dan cuenta de la brecha en materia de desarrollo político, económico y social que separa a América Latina de los estándares de crecimiento económico y bienestar que caracterizan a los países desarrollados.Generate and disseminate knowledge about the factors that account for the gap in political, economic and social gap in Latin America, the standards of welfare and economic growth that characterize the developed countries.

- Promote studies on intra-Latin American relations and on strategies to link Latin America with the rest of the world.

- Actively influence the formulation of public policies that help strengthen democracy, promote economic and social development and reduce social inequalities in Latin America.”

Contact: contacto@


Organization: The Esquel Group (Regional)

Description from website ():

“The Esquel Group (EG), a private non-profit organization established in 1984. It is a member of the Grupo Esquel network, with entities in Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador, Honduras and Uruguay. It promotes policies and programs for social equity and sustainable development with special emphasis in democratic citizenship and strengthening of civil society.”



Organization: Palmares Cultural Foundation (Brazil)

Description from website ():

“Palmares Cultural Foundation (FCP) is a public agency, created by the Law number 7668 (August 22, 1988) and located in Brasilia, Federal District. Subordinated to the Ministry of Culture (MinC), the foundation has the mission to formulate, promote, and execute programs and projects in a national level, in the aim to recognize, preserve and foster values and practices derived from the participation of African cultures in the formation of the Brazilian society, and in order to support the inclusion of Afro Brazilians in a context of a plurality of cultures, assuring them the equality of rights and opportunities and the implementation of the other MinC policies.”



Organization: Viva Rio (Brazil)

Description from website (.br/english):

“Viva Rio is a non-governmental organization, headquartered in Rio de Janeiro. Its main goal is to promote a culture of peace and social development through field work, research and formulation of public policies.

The NGO was founded in December 1993 by representatives from different sectors of civil society. It was a response to the growing violence in Rio de Janeiro. Viva Rio has developed and strengthened a wide range of successful activities and strategies.

Viva Rio works on three different levels – Community Actions, International Human Safety and Communication.”



Organization: FUNAI (National Indian Foundation) (Brazil)

Description from website (.br):

“FUNAI, the National Indian Foundation, is the Brazilian government body that establishes and carries out policies relating to indigenous peoples.

FUNAI is responsible for mapping out and protecting lands traditionally inhabited and used by these communities.

It is charged with preventing invasions of indigenous territories by outsiders.”

Contact: deuscreide@ .br


Organization: A Fundação Alexandre de Gusmão (FUNAG) (Brazil)

Description from website ():

“Linked to the Foreign Office, Funag is a public foundation with its headquarters in Brasilia and responsible for promoting research and co-operation in the area of international relations. For this, amongst other work, it promotes cultural and educational activities and carries out studies and research on international relations; it publicizes Brazilian foreign policy in general terms and contributes towards the formation in Brazil of public opinion that is sensitive to the problems of international relationships.

Funag carries on its activities by means of its own organizations - the Institute for Research in International Relations with offices in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and a nucleus of support in Recife - and establishes partnerships with universities, research centres and national and international financing bodies with the aim of publishing books and holding seminars, conferences, talks and exhibitions on subjects related to international relations and Brazilian foreign policy. Its main objective is to stimulate national academic consideration of matters concerning Brazilian diplomacy whilst contributing in parallel to the creation of public awareness in relation to the major contemporary international issues.”



Organization: Fundación Kine, Cultural and Educational (Argentina)

Description from website (.ar):

“Is a nongovernmental organization founded in 2003 in Argentina to promote social inclusion, culture and education of children, adolescents and young people using the audiovisual language as expressive tool.

Objetivos Objectives

- Posicionar la cultura como motor de las estrategias de desarrollo, dando cuenta de su contribución al fortalecimiento social e individual de niños, niñas, adolescentes y jóvenes. - Place the culture as an engine of development strategies, taking into account its contribution to individual and social empowerment of children, adolescents and youth.

- Contribuir al desarrollo de experiencias de aprendizaje que promuevan la expresión de sus propios puntos de vista, con libertad, autonomía y capacidad de decisión, estimulando la creatividad, la diversidad expresiva y el pensamiento crítico. - Contribute to the development of learning experiences that promote the expression of their views with freedom, autonomy and decision making, stimulate creativity, diversity of expression and critical thinking.

- Sensibilizar en valores humanos y en el ejercicio de una ciudadanía socialmente responsable. - Raising awareness on human values and the pursuit of a socially responsible citizenship.”



Organization: Fundación PROEIB Andes (Bolivia)

Description from website (fundacion.):

“The Foundation for Education in Contexts of multilingualism and multiculturalism (FUNPROEIB ANDES) is an international civil organization, based in Bolivia, which was newly created socio-implemented projects that benefit, consistent with its system of goals and objectives, primarily to indigenous peoples and organizations.

Our mission is to help improve the quality of life of indigenous peoples through education that is socially relevant and culturally and linguistically relevant. Para lograrlo apostamos por una educación intercultural bilingüe de calidad que atraviese los distintos niveles y modalidades de los sistemas educativos de América Latina. To achieve this we focus on intercultural bilingual education quality across the different levels and types of education systems in Latin America.”

Contact: fundacion@


Organization: Fundación de Expresión Intercultural, Educativa y Ambiental – FUNDAEXPRESIÓN (Columbia)

Description from website ():

“FUNDAEXPRESIÓN is a Colombian non-profit organisation founded in 1999 to promote participatory educational and investigation work within local communities. Its aims are to empower marginalised groups of society towards achieving improved living conditions, social organisation and conservation of their environmental and cultural heritage. FUNDAEXPRESIÓN has been recognised at regional and national level for its innovative work with peasant farmers, indigenous communities, micro-enterprises, school teachers, youth and women groups.”



Organization: Fundación Pachamama (Ecuador)

Description from website (.ec):

“Fundación Pachamama, through its accompanying political, technical and financial support to the peoples and nationalities Amazon tries to respond to the real needs and interests of them. Apoya propuestas políticas innovadoras que promueven nuevos modelos de desarrollo en la Amazonía y la Región Andina con énfasis en el reconocimiento y respeto para los derechos colectivos de los Pueblos Indígenas y los derechos de la naturaleza. Supports innovative policy proposals that promote new patterns of development in Amazonia and the Andean region with emphasis on recognition and respect for collective rights of indigenous peoples and the rights of nature.”



Organization: Konex Foundation (Argentina)

Description from website (.ar):

“...Section 2: The purposes of the Foundation shall be: to promote; stimulate; support, and/ or participate in any manner possible in cultural, educational, intellectual, artistic, social, philanthropic, scientific or sports initiatives, works and enterprises, in their most relevant aspects.”

Contact: info@


Organization: Fundacion Judaica (Argentina)

Description from website (.ar)

“To coordinate educational, religious and social development activities among the various Jewish community institutions working with us, acting and interacting with Argentine society, in a dialogue of interchange and growth.”



Organization: United Chile Foundation (Chile)

Description from website ():

“United Chile Foundation was founded in 1998 as a forum for meeting, discussion and dissemination of those values that are essential for national coexistence, over and above any political or religious position, and beyond all divisions of the past or present. Diversity is one of the key values for social coexistence, but it must be lived on the basis of a set of principles and values that are rooted in our cultural and social being, it is important to share and promote in order to progress not only from an economic standpoint but also from the human point of view. Otherwise, instead of forming a diverse society, which will be a fragmented society.”



Organization: Fundación Intercultural NOR SUD (Bolivia)

Description from website ():

“Fundación Intercultural NOR SUD is a non-governmental, non-profit, free of all partisan politics and religion. Se constituyó en Bolivia el 2 de febrero de 1992, a partir del primer movimiento de mujeres indígenas quechuas en sus primeros años como grupo intercomunal de base indígena. Bolivia was established in the February 2, 1992, from the first movement of indigenous Quechua women in their early years as a group-based inter-indigenous. En el año 1995 se consolida una alianza entre mujeres indígenas, ambientalistas, y profesionales de diversas ramas técnicas y se constituye como una ONG para así poder tener un mayor acceso y representación en la sociedad civil, buscando un ideal que responda a la justicia social, la conservación de la biodiversidad, la libertad, la autodeterminación, y la equidad de género, de raza y de supervivencia cultural.

In 1995 consolidated an alliance between women, environmentalists, professionals from various disciplines and techniques and is established as an NGO in order to have greater access and representation in civil society, seeking an ideal that is responsive to social justice, biodiversity conservation, freedom, self, and gender equity, racial and cultural survival.”

Contact: norsud@


Foundation: Avina Foundation (Regional)

Description from website ():


To contribute to sustainable development in Latin America by encouraging productive alliances based on trust among social and business leaders and by brokering consensus around agendas for action.


We seek a prosperous, integrated, and democratic Latin America, inspired in its diversity, built in solidarity by its citizens, and known globally for its own model of sustainable and inclusive development. We want to be recognized as an effective and innovative organization that contributes to the sustainable development of Latin America.”

Contact: comunicaciones@


Latin America-based Foundations

Focused on Intercultural Efforts/Cultural Diversity


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