Chapter 1 Resources (Thinking Geographically)Good Prezi on what Geography is: POWERPOINT 6*How India Became America (article – New York Times)*The Lives of the People Who Make Our Clothes: this is an interactive documentary that deals with the garment industry in Bangladesh, globalization, industry, and the new international division of labor:*The Hidden Cost of Buying on the Cheap (Globalization – Factory collapse in Bangladesh)*The Afterlife of American Clothes (note - this could also be used for Ch. 11 – Industry)*The War Next Door: Why Mexico’s Drug Violence is America’s Problem Too:*The Girls Next Door (Sex-Trafficking and Globalization, NY Times): Walmart is Changing China:’s Opens in Vietnam, Brining Big Mac to Fans of Banh Mi (good for concept of ‘glocalization’) Yoga Won the West Becomes a Magnet for U.S. Fast-Food Chains: of Regions POWERPOINT 3Invisible Borders that Define American Culture (perceptual regions) is Europe? (very long and historical article – take bits and pieces of it) States are in the South? – a great graphic halfway down regarding perceptual regions: POWERPOINT 4*“Stan” by Your Land (great 3 min video on the central Asian “Stan” counties, and why they all end in this phrase) Maps POWERPOINT 5*How Twitter Proves that Place Matters: Who Get Driven Everywhere Don’t Know Where They’re Going: Decline and Sense of Place: A great 6 minute video about the decline of a coal-mining community in West Virginia, the out migration it caused, and people’s sense of place: Sudan: The Newest Country (Infographic): POWERPOINT 2*Do Maps Create or Represent Reality? (Great article on distortions)*Where the Hell is Matt? (Video) I’ve used this on first day, or for summer assignment –it’s funny and entertaining video of a guy who travels the world and dances with locals:*The West Wing: Why Are We Changing Maps? (Video) – this is great to show after the lesson on type of map projections Maps That Explain the World: some interesting maps that show different phenomena and distributions – not all of them pertain to APHG, but look at those that do: Maps That Explain Europe Mental Maps, We’re Lost (article) Great Thematic Maps: Years of National Geographic Maps – the Science of Where of Human Environment Interactions*Should Britain Remain at the Center of World Maps? (Infographic)*You Have No Idea How Big Africa Really Is: (Visual and brief article) Map that shows Crimea differently in Russia: This shows perceptual regions Resources (for review/study purposes):A Brief History of Time Zones (Interactive Globe): from Around the World (Pictures): World of Data (great visual of diffusion of technology and how technology impacts time-space compression): 2 Resources (Population/Demography)General – POWERPOINT 1*National Geographic: 7 Billion (article)*7 Billion: National Geographic Magazine (Video)*7 Billion: Are You Typical? – National Geographic Magazine (Video) the Global Population Boom Really Began (article) by Latitude and Longitude (good images) Policies: (focus on China’s One Child Policy/Myanmar) – POWERPOINT 6*Do It For Denmark (if you have a grade mature enough, this is a funny YouTube propaganda piece that encourages Danes to have more sex to increase the population)*China's village of the bachelors: no wives in sight in remote settlement:*China’s One Child Policy (INFOGRAPHIC):’s Brutal One Child Policy (Op-Ed, NY Times):’s Population - Only and Lonely: China Ages, Birthrate Policy May Prove Difficult to Reverse: in China Can Now Have a Second Child, but Say No Region in Myanmar Limits Births of Muslims: to Multiply, Iranian Couples are Dubious Population (CBR, CDR, IMR, etc.)/Population Pyramids/ Age-Sex Ratios POWERPOINT 2*The New America (great graphics, article, and videos on changing U.S. Demographics)*The Problems of a Graying Population (article) Mortality Rates (Infographic) American: Every City, Every Block: a project undertaken by the New York Times and based on the 2010 Census data information – it attempt to map the demographic information of every block in the United States. You can enter any zip code and see demographics. Baby (New York Times)’s Birthrate Rises as Population Control Policies Vanish: Islamic World’s Quiet Revolution:’s Population Surge (Video from the New York Times):'s&st=cseGetting On: The Consequences of an Ageing Population (The Economist – on China): News From Africa (Infant Mortality Rates): Shrinking Countries: (Declining Birthrates) Brothers: India’s Skewed Sex Ratio: Tested by Rapid Population Growth: People Are a Larger Part of U.S. Population: Infant Mortality Rates Among Blacks: Babies – For Better or Worse? (room for debate on New York Times –different writes arguing) Theory & Critiques- POWERPOINT 5*The Coming Storm: Population in Bangladesh *More People, Please (offers some arguments as to why more people are better, not worse, for planet – refutes some Malthusian theory)’s Population: Miracle or Malthus? Their Way Out of a Population Crisis (Africa) World at 7 Billion: Billion: Health Threats – POWERPOINT 7After Years of Decline, Polio Cases in Afghanistan Triple in a Year:*To Be Poor and Sick in India*Hospital Confronts Childbirth Deaths in Mumbai Slum *This could be used in chapter 13 – Urbanization also Website & Video Links (for review/study purposes)7 Billion and Me: You can enter some information about your birth and find out how many people were born before you in the history of the world, and from what region’s Population Density: Past, Present, and Future: 7 Billion ( – Great Photographs with descriptions): Pyramids of the Whole World: 1950-2050 Population Density (Great Cartograms): and the U.S.: 9 billion – great graphics and information about farming and population: in Population Growth (moving population pyramids of several countries) 3 Resources (Migration)*God Grew Tired of Us (This is a must! Great documentary about the lost boys of the Sudan as they struggle to come to the United States – covers so many themes including: voluntary/forced migration, cultural differences, etc.) :*Ghosts of the Displaced (Article, New York Times):*China’s Great Uprooting: Moving 250 Million into Cities (video and article) *you could also use this in Chapter 13 - Urbanization*Take a Train to Little Guyana (ethnic enclaves in New York – ARTICLE AND SHORT VIDEO):*Marseilles’ Melting Pot (National Geographic Article) the Migration of 20th Century Jews (Images – New York Times slideshow) Life in Israel (New York Times) Kosher in Nigeria – a Tiny but Fervent Minority (Jews of Nigeria): Immigrant Advantage (New York Times) for Identity in Britain Bit of Switzerland in Wisconsin (New York Times) Tell the Story of Portuguese in France: South Sudan to Yale: U.S. Immigrants’ Children Seek American Dream Abroad: Town on Migrants’ Route Cares for the Living and the Dead a Pageant, a Borough’s New Face: Grapples With Adapting to Minority Needs Egypt, the Lure of Leaving American Migration PatternsTwo Countries, No Home (Article and Video) first time since Depression, More Mexicans Leave US than Enter Lives for Mexicans Cut Allure of Going North It Yourself Deportation (Mexico)’ New Path Reshaping Latin America North by Drug Wars, but United in Exile Migration PatternsJapan's youth turn to rural areas seeking a slower life Migrations – POWERPOINT 1The Children of the Drug Wars – A Refugee Crisis, Not an Immigration Crisis Diasporas, Playing with the Past (New York Times Lens Blog – good pics). Reports Steady Rise of Refugees: Refugees, a Frustrating Feeling of Permanence: Refugee Camps, a Better Way: Refugees From Haiti Linger, Dominicans’ Good Will Fades: Tripoli, a Temporary Home for the Displaced (VIDEO – New York Times): the Uprooted put Down Roots: Video & Website Links (for review/study purposes):Haitian Invasion in North Carolina: Flee Syrian Violence in Turkey (Pictures): Refugees – The Big Picture (Great Pictures): Migration Patterns (video): Migration Interactive Map: Maps:’s Coming to America? (Graphic): the Movement of 20th Century Jews (NY Times Slideshow): in Brazil (NY Times Slideshow): Maps That Show How America is a Nation of Immigrants note on cultural geography – all of these chapters in Rubenstein (4, 5, 6, and some of 7) are collectively given about 13% of questions on the A.P. exam. I only bring this up in terms of your pacing – these are some of the more interesting, yet underrepresented topics. If you look in the Princeton Review book, what are 4 chapters (almost 100 pages) in Rubenstein text are given about 20 pages in the Review Book! Chapter 4 Resources (Folk & Popular Culture)*The Rise and Fall of Fat in India:*The Puzzle of Identifying as Chinese*Delivering KFC by Tunnel: Not Too Fast But Satisfying (Article, New York Times)*Youth in Iran: Inside and Out (Great article, video, and photos of youth culture in Iran, which is very different from the conservative Islamic cliché we associate with the country)*New York’s Little Italy, Littler by the Year (shifting ethnic neighborhoods) China, ‘Once the Villages Are Gone, the Culture Is Gone’ (article and video – NY Times) Diplomatic Mission for Muslim Hip-Hop Identifying Themselves as Indians’s Semi People (National Geographic) Subway Falafel Sandwich and the Americanization of Ethnic Food: to the City, but Clinging to Native Ways York’s Little Italy, Littler by the Year Italian Heartland, Indians Keep the Cheese Coming: Symbol of Identity Is Subject to Search: Shifting Geography of Black America: Generations Under One Roof: Geography Videos & Websites Links:Ramadan 2012 Begins (Great Photos): (Video – New York Times): the Dust (Video – influence of Hip-Hop culture on other regions of the world outside the U.S.): News – In Pictures - Chinese New Year: News – In Pictures - Focus on Africa: Colors of Holi 2012 (Great Photos): of Southern Space and Place: – The Last Place (Video – Frontline World): Minutes: Christians of the Holy Land (VIDEO 14 minutes) Minutes: Jerusalem – City of David (VIDEO 8 minutes): Different Kind of Prom (NY Times Video): and Geographical History of Santa Claus 5 Resources (Language)General – POWERPOINT 1Beautiful World Language Tree (graphic – better than one in textbook) Maps on Language Language – POWERPOINTS 2 & 3When Did British Americans Loose Their British Accents?*English Language Infographic: Many English Learners in China? Languages & Language Preservation/Dialects – POWERPOINT 4*A Village Invents a Language All Its Own*Enduring Voices (about language preservation and scarcity) – National Geographic *Languages Die, but Not Their Last Words: of Asia’s Most Endangered Languages to my Father in a Dead Dialect (article) California, Saving a Language That Predates Spanish and English Welsh Strive to Keep Their Language (New York Times Article) of English in U.S. (really detailed map) Culture in Danger of Fading Away: and Culture – POWERPOINT 1*Shanghai Is Trying to Untangle the Mangled English of Chinglish Neighborhood That’s Diverse, a Push for Signs to Be Less So: Arizona, Complaints That an Accent Can Hinder a Teacher’s Career: Without English: Only a Few Thrive: Language, Not Quite Spanish, With African Echoes:’s Second Languages, Mapped by Tube Stop Languages in Africa (Map): 6 Resources (Religion)General – POWERPOINT 1*60 Minutes: Christians of the Holy Land: of Faith (Map of U.S. Religious distributions): World Religions (YouTube video – 3 minutes) Geography of the United States: of Faith (Map of U.S. Religious distributions): Big Religion Comparison Chart (graphic that shows info on all the major religions): Architecture of Islam: Real Boundaries of the “Bible Belt” (Map): in God Dips – But Not Everywhere: (graphic): *Behind the Veil: Islam? Look to Central Asia (article) Down the Fanatics: A More Tolerant Islam is Confronting Extremism in the World’s Most Populous Muslim Country (National Geographic) 2012 Begins (Great Photos) Symmetry of Iran’s Mosques Islamic School for Girls:*New Pope Shifts Church’s Center of Gravity Away from Europe: of Catholics in Latin America has Dropped 25% Since 1970 (visuals and article) Resources (for study/review)Caves of Faith (National Geographic – good images) and Roti at the Golden Temple (NY Times Video): Enmity Against Sikhs With Art, Talks, and Superhero Garb (New York Times) 7/8 Resources (Ethnicity/Political Geography)ETHNCITY VS. NATIONALITY – CH 7Persian or Iranian? What’s the Difference? (Ethnicity vs. nationality) – CH 8 – POWERPOINT 1 Africa Uncolonized (great article and images) in Santo Domingo (article on Dominican/Haitian relations) KFC by Tunnel, Not Too Fast but Satisfying (article on Gaza strip)’s Blood-Soaked Democracy to Israel Tugs at Arab Citizens Identity Divided Jerusalem, Rail Line for Arabs and Jews Is Among the Fractures (article and video) Sudan: The Newest Country (Infographic): Difference between the United Kingdom, Great Britain and England Explained (VIDEO): an Independent Country (VIDEO): *note – since this article was written, Croatia joined the EU – however you can still use this, as it discusses the pros/cons of joining - POWERPOINT 3As European Union Beckons, Allure Fades for Wary Croatia: & Boundaries – POWERPOINT 5Asia’s Border Disputes (Great Infographic on territorial Disputes) Praise of Borders:*The link below contains a series of articles from the New York Times about various border issues in the world. If you get assigned this, choose a contemporary (modern) issue and present an article of your choosing: the Carolinas Fixed Their Borders Decade After Siege, Sarajevo Still a Divided City: Not-So-Straight Story: Carolinas Work to Clarify Their Borders: to Shape Maps, and Congress, Go to Court: the United States of America: Walled World: High Security Borders Borderline Where Women Bear the Weight (video and article) Geography:Gerrymandering, Pure and Corrupt: Redistricting Gives Minorities a Voice; Cost of Gerrymandering: 9 Resources (Development)GENERAL – POWERPOINT 1*The End of the “Developing” World Human Development Index: Deconstructing Development: Asia doing worst on UN development goals - ADB officials: Economy Propels Brazil to World Stage: and Development:*Development & Gender Resources (these resources deal specifically with development as it relates to role of women in society as an indicator of development – the GEM) – POWERPOINT 2Gendercide: The War on Baby Girls: in Canada? ‘Right to Pee’ Campaign in India: Best and Worst Countries to Be a Woman In: Worst Place to be a Mother: Expectancy and Girls (Infographic and article): Issues in India: – The Shocking Truth (brief statistics about gender): Afghan Policewomen, Sex Abuse is a Job Hazard: Women: A Veiled Rebellion: March by Cairo Women in Protest Over Abuse by Soldiers Geography of Women’s Economic Opportunity: as America’s New Job Creators (INFOGRAPHIC): Invest in Women? (INFOGRAPHIC): Does a Lack of Water Affect Women and Children? (INFOGRAPHIC): Only Takes a Girl (VIDEO): Differences in Development (INFOGRAPHIC): the Gender Gap in Land Rights:’s Stat’s Project (Thematic Maps on Gender Inequality): Development Resources – maps, infographics, etc. (for study/review purposes)Water and Development (Infographic): Half Empty: The Coming Water Wars (Infograhpic): of Those Living in Poverty (Thematic Map): Out of Poverty (INFOGRAPHIC): Work (Pictures – Guatemala City): Gulou (NY Times Video): 10 Resources (Agriculture)Seth Dixon’s Agriculture Page:*Bangladesh’s Rotten-Mango Crisis (article – really good one!)*Agriculture around the U.S. (Article and Maps – relates to physiological and agricultural densities) Global State of Agriculture (Great Infographic) of a Revolution: Defining the Disruptive Geopolitics of the Global Farms Race Maps that Explain Food in America Simple Maps That Show How American Agriculture Works (MAP RESOURCE)’s What 9,000 Years of Breeding Has Done To Corn, Peaches, and Other Crops (article and pictures): Data Driven Farm (New York Times Video YouTube 5 Minutes) Percent of the Worlds Crop-Land is Near Cities and Land (Infographic) Farming From Above (Satellite Images of Industrial Farming) in Agriculture (YouTube Video – 3:34 minutes) Focuses on Farming (New York Times Images) Vietnam Became a Coffee Giant Afghanistan, Poppy Growing Proves Resilient:*What’s Inside the Bun? now Eats more Meat than We Do: Food Deserts with Green Carts: to Revisit Food Deserts (*this is a response to the article above): Suffers Fallout From Pink Slime: McDonald’s Came Back Bigger Than Ever: Food for All: Livestock Counts: Counting Chickens: Supply Dwindles, Organic Milk Gets Popular: a Fast-Food Nation: Eric Schlosser Reflects on 10 Years Later: and Globalization: The Case of Quinoa Food Has Been No Easy Sell in Appalachia Farm Around the Corner: World Map of Chocolate (Infographic): is My Milk From?:*60 Minutes- The Flavorists: vs. Non-Organic Food:Michael Pollan: Twinkie vs. Carrot Pollan: Supermarket Secrets Pollan: No Free Lunch: Oliver’s Food Revolution: Pink Slime in School Lunches: Restaurant: Back to the Start: Trend Takes Root: Label It – We Have a Right to Know (about GMO’s): 11 Resources (Industry)Hotelling Model Video:*How the Garment Industry Came to Bangladesh: ‘Economic Belt” of China New Capital of Call Centers: 50 largest Ports in the World (Interactive Map): American Sells to the World (Article & Infographic): America (Photographs):'s 'maquiladora' labor system keeps workers in poverty Tobacco in India:’s Census: Lots of Cellphones, Too Few Toilets: Coffee Kick-Start an Economy? Third Industrial Revolution: rethink “Just in Time” parts: Laws in Indiana: a Producer, China is Now a Consumer: End of Cheap China: Children Sleep (PHOTOGRAPHS) Containerization Shaped the Modern World (VIDEO): Conscious Manufacturing (VIDEO): 12/13 Resources (Urban Geography)General:*Scientific Proof that Cities Are Like Nothing Else in Nature*The City Solution (National Geographic):*Dharavi: Mumbai’s Shadow City (Urban Slums):’s Pearl River Delta Overtakes Tokyo as World’s Largest Megacity’s Pop Up City: Dreams (National Geographic): in the New Metropolis: Railroad: The New Silk Road Real Homeless Hotspots: Restrictions, Gaza Finds A Way To Build: Pervades the Suburbs:: The Shrinking City that Isn’t Actually Shrinking: People to Make Space for Cars: Is India Evicting the Wrong Squatters? in suburbia: Why aren’t Americans moving to the?city? Fight to Save One of Latin America's Oldest Neighborhoods: Death of the Fringe Suburb: Grid at 200: Lines That Shaped Manhattan Emerging and Interconnected 'Megapolitan' Regions: (National Geographic):’s Suburban Future:'s disappearing favelas: Inhale: How Many People Can Manhattan Hold? Crisis in American Walking: Walkable Streets Boost the Economy: the Suburban Streets: and Videos (for study/review purposes):Unusual Ways to Avoid Jakarta’s Traffic (VIDEO – 4 minutes): Images of Suburban Sprawl: 1990 vs. 2010 (1 picture): is Affordable Housing? (Interactive map of NYC towns): Doesn’t Stay in Vegas – Sprawl (Video – 37 seconds): Billion Slum Dwellers (Great Photographs): – Then and Now: the City of God (NY Times video on Favelas): History of NYC Subway (animated GIF): Most Colorful Cities in the World: Outdoor Escalator Built in Columbian Shantytown (VIDEO – 42 seconds): Dubai Skyline in the Fog (Photo): Pictures of New York City: Graphic on Dubai’s rapid urbanization, comparing it with Shanghai: pictures on Urban Planning (Morphology) in Mexico city using birds-eye-view pictures: World’s Most Densely Populated Cities: Signs Your Hood is Being Gentrified Urban Change (interactive feature) the Dutch Got Their Cycling Infrastructure: good, short video on how the Netherlands became such a bicycle based culture (VIDEO) ................

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