Chapter 3: Federalism Reading Comprehension Quiz - Bob Alley

Chapter 3: Federalism

Reading Comprehension Quiz

Multiple Choice Questions

1) Under the Constitution, both the national and state governments A) are totally autonomous. B) do not share any powers. C) are accountable to the people. D) can regulate interstate commerce. E) are able to establish local governments.

2) A system of government where the local and regional governments derive all authority from a strong national government is known as a A) unitary system. B) federal system. C) confederate system. D) monarchy. E) presidential system.

3) The enumerated powers of the national government are found in A) the Declaration of Independence. B) the Preamble. C) Article I of the Constitution. D) Article III of the Constitution. E) Article VII of the Constitution.

4) In situations of conflict between state and national law, national law prevails due to A) federalism. B) the supremacy clause. C) the Tenth Amendment. D) judicial interpretation. E) the Bill of Rights.

5) The Tenth Amendment provides for A) states' reserve or police powers. B) states' implied powers. C) concurrent state and federal powers. D) enumerated federal powers. E) taking private property for public purposes.

6) A law declaring an a citizen or group of citizens guilty without a judicial trial is called A) an equity law. B) an ex post facto law. C) a writ of mandamus. D) an ex officio law. E) a bill of attainder.

7) The clause of the Constitution that ensures that judicial decrees and contracts made in one state will be binding and enforceable in another is called the ________ clause. A) privileges and immunities B) full faith and credit C) equal protection D) supremacy E) elastic

8) "The power to tax is the power to destroy" comes from A) Alexander Hamilton's essay in The Federalist Papers. B) Thomas Paine's The Crisis. C) John Marshall's opinion in McCulloch v. Maryland. D) John Marshall's opinion in Gibbons v. Ogden. E) James Madison's essay in The Federalist Papers.

9) The belief that the national government should not exceed its enumerated powers and that all other powers should be reserved to the states or the people is known as A) the full faith and credit doctrine. B) the doctrine of implied powers. C) confederalism. D) dual federalism. E) the unitary political system.

10) Frustrated by the U.S. Supreme Court's opposition to many New Deal programs, President Franklin D. Roosevelt proposed A) impeaching the entire Supreme Court. B) reducing the pay of sitting Supreme Court justices. C) increasing the number of justices from nine to thirteen. D) packing Congress with his friends. E) reducing the number of justices from nine to seven.

11) Cooperative federalism has been likened to a ____ cake. A) layer B) marble C) red velvet D) sheet E) pound

12) Categorical grants A) were most used during the Reagan administration. B) allocate federal dollars by a precise formula. C) have few restrictions or limitations. D) were commonplace during the era of New Federalism. E) were not used until after the 1960s.

13) The No Child Left Behind Act is an example of A) a block grant. B) returning power to the states as specified in the Contract with America. C) a funded mandate. D) preemption. E) a categorical grant.

14) The Supreme Court under Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr., appears to be deciding federalism cases A) similar to the Rehnquist Court. B) in strong favor of the states. C) without a strong inclination toward either federal or state rights. D) in favor of the powers of the federal government. E) following the trends of New Federalism.

15) In The Price of Federalism, political scientist Paul E. Peterson considered how governments should best divide policymaking responsibility, focusing mainly on _______ policies. A) redistributive and developmental B) constructive and international C) state and local D) international and regulatory E) environmental and health care

True/False Questions

1) The necessary and proper clause is the root of Congress's implied powers.

2) Setting the time, place, and manner of elections is a concurrent power.

3) Congress has attempted to make exceptions to the full faith and credit clause.

4) The Supreme Court ruled that the due process clause of the Fifth Amendment did not apply to the states in Barron v. Baltimore.

5) McCulloch v. Maryland effectively reduced the power of the states.

6) The Sixteenth Amendment granted states greater power over taxation.

7) The Supreme Court generally was supportive of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's early attempts to deal with the Great Depression.

8) President Lyndon B. Johnson's Great Society program altered the fragile balance between state and federal power.

9) Block grants are federal monies given to the states with few strings attached.

10) According to political scientist Paul E. Peterson, developmental programs are best left to state governments.

11) President George W. Bush promoted progressive federalism.

Chapter 3: Federalism

Reading Comprehension Quiz

Multiple Choice Questions

1) Under the Constitution, both the national and state governments A) are totally autonomous. B) do not share any powers. C) are accountable to the people. D) can regulate interstate commerce. E) are able to establish local governments. Answer: C Reference: LO 3.1, pgs. 93-98 Skill: Understanding

2) A system of government where the local and regional governments derive all authority from a strong national government is known as a A) unitary system. B) federal system. C) confederate system. D) monarchy. E) presidential system. Answer: A Reference: LO 3.1, pgs. 93-98 Skill: Understanding

3) The enumerated powers of the national government are found in A) the Declaration of Independence. B) the Preamble. C) Article I of the Constitution. D) Article III of the Constitution. E) Article VII of the Constitution. Answer: C Reference: LO 3.1, pgs. 93-98 Skill: Understanding


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