Naval Junior Reserve Officer’s Training Corps Unit

Naval Junior Reserve Officer’s Training Corps Unit

Annapolis High School

2700 Riva Road

Annapolis, Maryland 21401

(410) 224-2606 // annapolis.njrotc@

Revised August 2014

Naval Science 1 Course Syllabus

Teacher: MGySgt Inscoe e-mail: linscoe@

Planning periods: A Day: 1A, 2A Time: 0717 - 1030

B Day: 1B, 2B Time: 0717 - 1030

Course Overview:

Naval Science 1 is the first of a three or four year Naval Science program. The NJROTC program emphasizes each person’s responsibilities in American society. The program includes classroom instruction, physical fitness, military drill, wearing the uniform, practicing military customs and courtesies, and leadership training. This course supplements courses in science, social studies, history, physical education, the IB program, and the MYP objectives.

Course Objectives:

This course is intended to help cadets:

form habits of self discipline, orderliness, precision, and respect for proper authority

history and background of the NJROTC

learn and practice leadership skills

discuss citizenship

discuss the foundation of our government

wear the NJROTC uniform in a correct manner

background of Naval Aviation

describe the general organization of the Navy and Navy ships

discuss the opportunities for personal development in the military services

explain the importance of mathematics and sciences as building blocks to any

technological career field

learn the NJROTC rates and ranks

learn military customs, courtesies and etiquette

learn and practice military drill

learn and practice forming for inspection

discuss the national and organizational flag

discuss the importance of health education

learn and practice physical fitness

discuss the importance of first aid

discuss and practice orienteering

discuss and learn the chain of command

discuss and learn the orders to the sentry

Goals and Objectives Achieved by:

• Providing students, through flexible curriculum, a more comprehensive education.

• Providing leadership training and opportunities to apply that knowledge by participation in activities.

• Providing students an opportunity to relate historical events to current world affairs.

• Provide opportunities to develop positive character traits and a sense of responsibility.

Topics to Be Covered

1. The NJROTC Program

2. Introduction to Leadership

3. Introduction to Citizenship

4. Foundations of our Government

5. Navy Ships

6. Military Time

7. NJROTC Uniform Regulations

8. NJROTC & Navy Rates/Ranks

9. Military Customs, Courtesies, Etiquette, and Ceremonies

10. Personnel Inspection

11. Health Education

12. Introduction to military Customs and Courtesies

13. Physical Fitness & Exercise

14. Introduction to First Aid

15. Introduction to the Orders to the Sentry

16. Orienteering


Students will be informally assessed throughout each unit, and formally assessed at the end of each unit. Assessments will be in the following forms: Quizzes – given through the Classroom Performance System, Tests – Written and/or given through the Classroom Performance System, or practical application-demonstrated through performance of a given task.

Required Materials For Class:

Each cadet is required to come prepared each class day. Specifically, each cadet shall bring their NJROTC Cadet Reference Manual, Unit Handbook, dedicated NJROTC notebook, pen (with black/dark blue ink) and pencils (number 2 lead), and blank lined notebook paper. A preparation quiz is given randomly to insure Cadets are prepared. Cadets who fail to come to class prepared will receive a poor quiz grade. Ex: Paper 25 pts., Writing Utensil 25 pts., Cadet Reference Manual 25 pts., and Cadet Handbook 25 pts. For a total of 100 pts.

Textbooks and Resources

Naval Science 1 Text Book, the Cadet Reference Manual, and the Cadet Field Manual. Text books are issued to cadets when required. Replacement cost for NS1 text book is $26.00 $5.00 for the Cadet Field Manual and Cadet Reference Manual.

Grading and Classroom policies:


A (89.5-100%) - Outstanding level of achievement

B (80-89%) - High level of achievement

C (70-79%) - Satisfactory level of achievement

D (60-69%) - Low level of achievement

E (59% -50)- Failure

0 – If student does not attempt the work

Grades will be assessed in the following weighted categories:

40%--Academic Assessments, tests and quizzes of class subjects

30%--Aptitude, assessment of understanding course objectives, homework, and projects

30%--Military- assessments of military drill, uniform inspections, etc.

Minimum: A minimum grade of 50% will be given for all assignments or assessments for which the student made a good faith effort, as determined by the teacher. If a student does no work on an assignment or assessment, the teacher shall assign a grade of zero.

Approximate expectations for assignments and assessments:

Classwork- every academic day

Major Unit Tests- once per unit (every two-three weeks)

Homework- as required

Each assignment is graded and weighed equally with the exception of midterm grades (30% of second grading period) and final exams (20% of overall semester grades.) For calculating the semester grade, the grading periods are graded 40% with the final exam at 20%.

All tests are compiled from the classroom subjects, military knowledge, and drill and ceremonies.

Students are required to learn and be able to recite subjects of military knowledge. Examples are the cadet chain of command, general orders of the sentry, and the Sailor’s Creed.

Students are given a uniform and military knowledge inspection once a week. This is a grade that is equivalent to any test given.

Students are required to dress or change into appropriate physical training clothes (gym clothes) on physical training days.

Students are given participation grades for classroom activities, inspection days, and physical training.

The students weekly schedule is usually made up of the below. The schedule can be changed for any commitment, but notice is given in advance.

DAY 1 Classroom Academics

DAY 2 Uniform Inspection Drill and Ceremonies

DAY 3 Physical Training

Late Work:

Please endeavor to turn all work in when due. If you have a reason that the work must be late please meet with me. Assignments will be dropped ten grade points for each day that the work is late without a valid excuse.


Cadets shall have ONE additional chance to improve their score on a major test or assessment. The grade can be improved with a written assignment on the subject no less than one full page. The assignment will be graded and the assessment will be improved as per the grade of the paper. No set grade as the quality of the paper will determine the grade. Any paper received meeting a 70% will increase the assessment to a 70%.

In general, uniform inspection grades and general military knowledge are final and not eligible for retake, however both are tested multiple times during a marking period. Likewise daily military bearing grades are not eligible for retake. An excused absence on uniform inspection day can be made up for a grade on either the next PT (physical training) or academic class day.


This course is designed to teach leadership and personal responsibility,


• It is the Annapolis High School expectation that all students will be on time. The policies for the tardy table will be followed.

Teams and Activities:

This program also has many opportunities outside of the traditional classroom.

• This year we plan to have the following active teams: Drill Team, Color Guard, Orienteering Team, Athletic Team, Academic Team and Air Rifle Team. The instructors will discuss team practice and competition schedules with the cadets in class. In order to participate with one of these teams a cadet must have a current sports participation physical and parental permission.

• We will also have several field trips and other activities for the students to enhance classroom learning and enjoy the camaraderie of the NJROTC unit. These include unit dinners, award ceremonies, and a Navy Ball (dinner dance) in late winter/ early spring.

• An activity calendar is posted on the unit website and cadets are encouraged to review the site often.

Mandatory Events:

The following events are on the unit calendar and are mandatory for all cadets. These events are being announced in plenty of time, so cadets are expected to arrange their schedules accordingly:

• Date TBD, Homecoming Parade, Place TBD

• March 18, 2015 07:00, Annual Inspection and Awards Ceremony

• March 17, 2015 4th Period Annual Inspection Rehearsal

• TBD, Change of Command and Awards Ceremony

Parent Notification:

Parents will be notified at least three weeks prior to the end of a marking period if a student is currently earning a failing grade. At any time, parents may check parentconnect. to see their student’s grade. Please contact the guidance office if you do not already have a login. Naval Science Department general requirements and grading policies are found in the Annapolis NJROTC Cadet Handbook, which is issued to each cadet on the first day of class, and is available on the unit website.

Academic Integrity

In order to promote the pursuit of academic excellence and learning, Anne Arundel County Public Schools expects its students to conform to specific standards of academic integrity. Academic integrity is an integral part of promoting self-respect, trust, student achievement, and positive relationships among all stakeholders in our school community. Academic integrity means exhibiting honesty in all academic exercises and assignments. Academic dishonesty refers to any form of misconduct that occurs in relation to all formal academic exercises.

Cell Phone and Hat Expectations:


Behavioral Expectations:

Annapolis High School students, staff, and visitors will make a pledge and commitment to their school and its mission. In doing so, students show respect for themselves, learning, others, and property.


• Be prepared

• Use appropriate school language

• Have respect for yourself

• Try your best!

• Have a “Can Do” Attitude!


• Listen when others are talking

• Participate in class activities

• Use language appropriate for school

• Avoid conflict in class

• Offer and accept constructive criticism


• Come to class daily and on time

• Bring all required materials

• Participate in class

• Study for tests and quizzes by doing practice problems

• Ask for help when needed

• Follow instructions and stay on task

• Complete all assignments on time


• Keep an organized notebook complete with quality notes

• Keep your space clean

• Stay in your seat and keep the desk clean

Lawrence Inscoe

MGySgt, USMC (ret)


Please sign below to indicate that you have read and understood the course syllabus for NAVAL SCIENCE 1.

Student (print name): __________________________________________________________

Student signature: __________________________________________________________

Parent/guardian (print name): __________________________________________________________

Parent/guardian signature: __________________________________________________________

Parent/guardian daytime phone number: ________________________________________________

Parent/guardiani e-mail: ________________________________________________

If applicable, please include a second parent/guardian’s contact information:


Phone number: ___________________________

Email: ___________________________________

Is there any particular information that would be helpful for me to know as we begin the year to support your student’s success this semester?

Do you have any questions or comments?



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