(visit this page and answer: )

1. In which town does New Year's Parade take place? ________________

2. Name the clock that starts the New Year's Parade. ________________

3. What happens on Bank holiday? ____________________________________

4. When is Boxing day? ________________ or ________________

5. They used Christmas boxes in different ways: a.- to protect ____________, b.- to help the ____________ c.- a present for the ____________ .

6. What animal is a symbol for Chinese New Year? ________________

7. By the Chinese legend, what animal won the race across the river (was the 1st)? ________________

What animal was the last? ________________

8. How many millions of pounds (£) do British spend each year on Valentine's? ________________

9. Some people say the real Valentine lived in Italy, other say it lived in ________________ .

10. What is another name for Shrove Tuesday? ________________

11. What do they put on the top of pancakes? ________________ and ____________ juice.

12. Date of Kissing Friday: ________________ Do they still have that tradition? Yes. / No.

13. Match National days with their countries:

|St. Patrick |Wales |

|St. Andrew |Northern Ireland |

|St. David |Scotland |

|St. George |England |

14. Date of Mother's Day in 2015 in the UK: ________________

15. Complete April Fool's Day rhyme: The First of April, some do ______

Is set apart ________ All Fools Day;

But why the _________ call it so

Nor I, nor they themselves do ________ .

16. Write the whole name of the Queen Elizabeth II. _______________________

17. Does a queen normally have a surname? Yes. / No. What surname did she use? ________________

18. A queen doesn't need a passport or a ________________ .

19. What do they eat on Easter Day? Boiled eggs, roasted ___________, traditional Easter ___________ and ___________ cake.

20. The Roman celebrated May Day as festival of Flora. Who was Flora? __________________________

21. What do they decorate on Well Dressing? _____________, _____________ and other ___________ sources with pictures made of growing things.

22. On what river is Henley Royal Regatta? ________________ When is it this year? ________________

23. The Fringe Festival is the largest festival of _________ in the world. When is it this year? __________

24. Europe's biggest carnival Notting Hill is in ________________ .

25. Every year they have a Harvest Festival in schools and ________________ .

26. Halloween can be a Celtic festival of the ________________ .

27. What is All Saints' Day in your country called? ________________

28. On ______________ Night, Guy Fawkes wanted to blow up the ________________ .

29. On Christmas Eve children leave ________________ and ________________ for Father Christmas

and ________________ for the reindeer.

30. Christmas songs are called ________________.


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