National honor society application

The National Honor Society

The basic qualifications for acceptance into the National Honor Society are as follows:

➢ Scholarship-- a 4.2 weighted grade point average and a 3.5 unweighted grade point average, cumulative since the ninth grade

➢ Service-- active participation in school and community service (not social) organizations

➢ Leadership-- to hold office in organizations and/or to represent a positive

guiding influence on others.

➢ Character-- good moral constitution and mature behavior befitting a high school student


The National Honor Society requires scholarship in all courses of study undertaken in school. Scholarship is represented by a cumulative 4.2 weighted quality point average and a 3.5 unweighted quality grade point average since the ninth grade. Scholarship is also evidenced by having learned and not only by achieving high grades. Courses of study can be evaluated differently to allow for true scholarly achievement.

Service is required by the National Honor Society in order to encourage true loyalty to and respect for the school and community of which a society member is a part. Service is stressed by the National Honor Society because a person’s real value is often determined by how much he or she is willing to do for others.

The National Honor Society requires leadership in its members because only by developing young leaders today can the future be secure. Leadership involves active participation in positions of importance in other organizations. The National Honor Society expects its leaders to represent positive influence even as followers.

The student of good character upholds principles of morality and ethics, is cooperative, demonstrates high standards of honesty and reliability, shows courtesy, concern, and respect for others, and generally maintains a good and clean lifestyle.


Application Information

• All juniors and seniors who have a cumulative high school GPA of 4.2 or above weighted and of 3.5 or above unweighted may apply for admission to Honor Society.

• Admission is not automatic. In addition to having the required GPA, applicants must demonstrate significant accomplishment and/or participation in the four areas indicated on the application form. Each area is weighted equally in the application process, so it is necessary to have some accomplishments in each area.

• All activities, accomplishments, etc. included in the application must have taken place during high school. Do not include anything that occurred before you were in high school.

• All applications are read anonymously. Your name will be removed and replaced with a number. Please avoid indicating your identity anywhere in the application. Anonymity ensures impartiality and makes the selection process much easier for the committee.

• Any honor code violations if accepted into the National Honor Society, will result in immediate dismissal.

• Information packets will not be accepted unless the following are turned in completed at the same time: ALL forms; ALL appropriate signatures; typed personal statement.

***PLEASE NOTE: Honor Society is a service organization. Membership is a highly sought after honor, but it requires commitment to the ideals of the organization. Your acceptance of membership in Honor Society will indicate your willingness to participate in all National Honor Society activities such as meetings and service projects. Failure to comply with these requirements will result in dismissal from the National Honor Society.***


Mrs. Stencler, Room 444 or Ms. Hudson, Room 417

NO LATER THAN october 4, 2019 (4:00 p.m.)

Taedas Ferentes Chapter of the Honor Society

Student Activity Information Form

Complete all sections. All information can be used by the admissions committee to assist with the selection process. Completion of this form does not guarantee selection.

I. General Information (Please type or print):

Name: ________________________________________________

Year in School (circle one): JR SR

Cumulative High School GPA (will be verified): _______________

II. Leadership activities

List all leadership positions that you have held within the school or community.

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III. Extracurricular Activities:

List all activities in which you have participated in during high school: include clubs, teams, band, chorus etc., and major accomplishments in each.

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IV. Community Service/volunteerism/work experience

List community activities in which you have participated. For example: clubs/groups sponsored outside the school, club/group activities outside of school, Boy or Girl Scouts, volunteer groups, or community art endeavors.

PLEASE NOTE: List only the activities that involve the betterment of your community, not just the club/group itself.

Work experience can be included as one activity for this section.

| | 9 |10 |11 |12 |Est. Total |Description of service |Name & Contact Information for Adult Sponsor* |

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* Please include complete contact information so that we can verify your participation in the above activities if necessary. Without this information, the activity listed will not be considered.

V. Personal Statement: Typed, minimum of 75 words maximum of 250 words

Describe an activity or experience in which your participation made a difference. How did your leadership skills influence the outcome? How do your core values support your academic success and service to others? Give examples.

National Honor Society Application


I understand that completing and submitting this application does not guarantee selection to the Taedes Ferentes Chapter of the National Honor Society. I attest that the information presented here is complete and accurate. If selected, I agree to abide by the standards and guidelines of the chapter, fulfill all of my membership obligations (attend group meetings, participate actively in group service projects) and be held accountable for my actions in school and the community.


Student Signature DATE

PARENT REVIEW AND CONSENT: I have reviewed my son/daughter’s application and affirm that it is correct. I give my consent for my son/daughter to apply for membership in the Taedas Ferentes Chapter of the National Honor Society.


Parent Signature DATE


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